How to verify oauth signature or request? - api

The client is using oauth signing their request and call my server, I know the client's oauth key and secret, then how can I verify the call is from the actual user? should I calculate the signature with all parameters sent along with the request and compare it with the signature within the request? I am using singpost library.
Thank you, any hint will be very helpful!

OK for the future reference - to validate the signature, this is what I did:
Parse all parameters in the incoming request's header and use all these parameters and my own consumer credential to calculate the signature again, then compare with the incoming signature. It's a pain for me since no proper library can do it in a easy way, I have to write it myself...


Webhook needs Authentication

I created a server that accepts post requests from a 3rd party webhook.
The webhook doesn't allow me to use any type of auth when it sends the request.
The only solution I can think of is passing some sort of token as a query parameter in the webhook so when it hits my server I can find the query parameter and do some type of decryption.
Is this a really bad practice? Also, what type of key would I use for this?

Securing a JWT token

In general, JWT has an encoded message with a signature. The signature uses for checking the genuinity of the data. My question is, this signature is for assuring the client about the server, but how server can trust the client? In other words, if a client sends a JWT to the server, how the server can be sure this is the right/authenticated client?
My second question is about JWT's lifetime. I know there is a claim (exp) which can be set to indicate JWT's expiry. But what if the client changes that claim? Should I keep expiry date on the server to make sure the JWT is still valid? Wikipedia says: To validate the session stored in the token is not revoked, token assertions must be checked against a data store. This renders the tokens no longer stateless, undermining the primary advantage of JWTs.
Given a JWT, the server knows that the client is legitimate by verifying that the HMAC of the header and payload is equal to the signature. The server has a secret key that it uses when computing the HMAC, so if someone wanted to create a fake JWT with a proper signature, they would need to have access to this key.
Your second question shares the same idea as the first. If a client wanted to change the expiration of their JWT, they would have to recompute the signature, and to do this successfully, they'd have to know the secret key.
The point of using JWTs is not to store data like the expiration date on the server, all of this data lives inside the token itself, and the integrity of this data is protected by the secret key used to compute the signature.
JSON web token (JWT) can come in two flavours. Typical, the most widely used form is to use JWT with a JSON web signature (JWS). In security world, this provide integrity. Other form is JWT with JSON web encryption (JWE). This form provides both integrity and confidentiality.
So if you have a specific requirement to identify that you get a valid, condifential JWT, then you should adopt JWE based approach. You can read more about this in RFC7516. For encryption, you can use either symmetric or asymmetric keys. Once you receive JWE based JWT, you can validate that it was sent by intended party by successful decryption of the JWT payload.

Authorization request header Vs POST request body for credentials

Which is the right approach to send user credentials from the front end to the backend server?
I see examples where some developers use the authorization headers and some pass the credentials in the POST body.
Credentials usually go to the request body once, when trying log in.
You should receive a token in return, although whether you send this token via HTTP header, request body or as a GET param is up to you ( or the protocol you are implementing ).
It's generally a good practice to use the header, because GET requests shouldn't include request body and passing the token as a GET parameter may not always be an option ( e.g. due to the token appearing in various logs ).
Either way, I would advise you to avoid trying to implement your own protocol and use an existing standard instead.
The only safe method for a website to transfer a password to the server is using HTTPS/SSL. If the connection itself is not encrypted, a ManInTheMiddle can modify or strip away any JavaScript sent to the client. So you cannot rely on client-side hashing.
Moreover always use headers for sending sensitive data like USER-ID, API-KEY, AUTH-TOKENS
You can refer to this stack question also link for more information and this link

proof of API response

Let's say I have access to an https weather API.
Let's say I query its health status on thursday 17/08/2017 23h30 and the API replies OK (simple OK http code).
As a client, I need to prove in the future that the service actually responded me this data.
I'm thinking to asking the API to add a crypto signature of the data sent + timestamp, in order to prove they actually responded OK at that specific time.
Is it overkill? Is there a more simple way of doing it?
A digital signature containing current date/time or even adding a time stamp issued by a third party time stamp authority is an appropriate way to ensure that the content was actually issued on a date
In general, implementing a digital signature system on HTTP requests is not so simple and you have to consider many elements:
What content will you sign: headers, payload, attachments?
Is it binary content or text? Because the algorithms and signature formats will be different
In case of text you must canonicalize the content to avoid encoding problems when you verify the signature on the client side. Also you need to define a signature algorithm to compute the content to sign
Do you also need to sign the attachments when they are sent via streams?. How are you going to handle big files?
How are you going to attach the signature to the https response: special header, additional attribute in the payload?
How is the server going to distribute the signing certificate? You should include it in a truststore on the client
But, if you only want to proof that a service response was OK/FAIL, then the server just need to add a digital signature over the payload (or computed on a concatenation of the headers) but if you want to implement something more complex I suggest you take a look at the Json Web Signature (JWS)

Is this a secure implementation of a basic HMAC authentication system for my REST API?

I'm building a very basic REST API for my site. The only verb I'm using at the moment is GET which simply outputs a list of posts on my site.
For authentication, I have been reading about HMAC and in particular this article:
My question centres around what the 'hashed content' should be. As I am not posting any data to the API, I have just been hashing my public key (with a simple salt) using my private key.
Is this a secure method or should I use a different 'content hash'? The data is not sensitive in any way - this was just a learning exercise.
You will want to consider the "replay attacker". When the attacker captures a packet between your API client and the server, what damage can she do when she replays it later?
In your case, if you only use the API key of the user in the HMAC, then the attacker will be able to impersonate that user when she replay the requests. She can call any API request and just set the HMAC to what she captured, as it will validate.
If none of the parameters of the request are included, the attacker will be able to call the request and specify her own parameters. So it's better if the parameters are also included in the HMAC. It doesn't prevent replay of the request with these specific parameters though.
You can include a timestamp parameter to the request and in the HMAC. The server will recompute the HMAC including the timestamp passed in, and it will also verify that the timestamp is recent enough. As the attacker cannot forge new HMAC out of thin air, she will only be able to use ones with matching timestamps that you will reject based on age.