Find_by_sql and calculated field - ruby-on-rails-3

I am using find my sql, and I want to calculate something in the database and add to my model.
I wil try to simplify the code
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :comments_count
And somewhere else:
#users = User.find_by_sql("select * (select count(*) from comments where as comments_count from Users u"){|u| puts u.comments_count}
Any help?

ActiveRecord will, unfortunately, not just match any selected columns to attributes on the model. However, something like that would probably be fairly easy to put together. First you'd need to overload find_by_sql to something like this -
def self.find_by_sql(sql)
values = connection.select_all(sql)
objects = []
values.each do |row|
objects <<
Then the initialize function for your model can mass assign the schema-based attributes, and then handle assigning your custom attributes. Its not as clean or simple a solution as you were probably hoping for, but it should accomplish the task. And you could probably write the initialize function so that it is fairly generic, in that it can mass assign all the schema-based attributes, and then match leftover keys that were passed in with any attributes that may be present on self.

Ok, i got it.
It has nothing to do with attr_accessor. I had to remove it.
#users = User.find_by_sql("select * (select count(*) from comments where as comments_count from Users u") do |u|
puts u.comments_count if #user.has_attribute?(:comments_count)


Why is Model.associations an Array, but still supports sql queries? [duplicate]

In Rails, I have created a Model that retrieves users from an LDAP database rather than from ActiveRecord. Now I am attempting to integrate my ActiveRecord models with the LDAP-based models, so I am writing methods in my models that emulate some common ActiveRecord methods.
One of the methods I am trying to emulate is one that is normally created by the has_many through relationship on ActiveRecord. In ActiveRecord, this relationship would allow the following:
user = User.first
groups = user.groups # == Array of Groups
groups << Group.create(name: "Test") # How does Rails allow this?
How exactly does Rails allow this? I've tried dynamically assigning methods to the array instance returned by user.groups, but there doesn't seem to be any way to make those methods aware of which user record the array was created from. (So they can assign user_id on the new relationship record.) What am I missing?
Though user.groups appears to be an array of groups, it's actually an entirely separate class -- a Rails internal class that you usually don't know much about called an association proxy. The proxy responds to methods like <<, create, new and so on by proxying requests to the target class and then setting the association appropriately.
If you want similar functionality you'll have to implement your own kind of proxy associations. Doing so will be pretty complicated, but this might get you started.
module LDAP
class Association
attr_accessor :source, :target
def initialize(source, target)
#source = source
#target = target
def <<(obj)
#source.group_ids = [group_ids + obj].flatten.uniq
class User
def groups, Group)
This is not even particularly close to how ActiveRecord implements association proxies. However, this is quite a bit simpler than ActiveRecord's solution and should be enough to duplicate some basic ActiveRecord functionality.
I would go about doing this by peeking into the Rails Source Code, e.g. the code for the
Group.create example above can be found in
def create(attributes = nil, options = {}, &block)
if attributes.is_a?(Array)
attributes.collect { |attr| create(attr, options, &block) }
object = new(attributes, options, &block)

Rails: Is there an efficient way to get all whitelisted attributes with values?

I'm trying to use a model as a template to create a new model. However, I only want to use the attr_accessible attributes from the template model.
Here's what I'm doing now. It works, but it seems too complex.
def copy_attrs_and_errors(other)
self.class.attr_accessible[:default].to_a.each do |attr|
eval("self.#{attr} = other.#{attr}") unless attr.blank?
I'd like to be able to say something as simple as:
self.attributes = other.whitelist_attributes(:default)
it's a little crazy, but you could do something like this in a module or whatever:
def self.from_accessible_attributes(other)
values = other.attributes.values_at(*other.class.accessible_attributes)
attributes = Hash[]

Rails 3, Model Methods / Calculated Attributes

I am dealing with numerous calculations to bring various values within a model to a simple TRUE or FALSE. Problem is, these calculations are pretty intense and not something I want to create a long, hard to follow SQL statement for. I'd rather just have the entire calculation within a method that the model could check for when returning records.
I've tried numerous ways to accomplish this, and when looking up other similar feats, others push newbs like me to SQL which might serve most purposes but will not serve mine as the calculations being done are somewhat external to the model.
class Quality < ActiveRecord::Base
def passed_inspection
[code that calculates based on values in model]
#records = Quality.where('passed_inspection = true')
Did pass inspection?: <%= record.passed_inspection %>
It sounds like the solution to your problem would be to use a Scope with a Class Method to help clean up your model. Essentially you would set up your model like this:
class Quality < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.passed_inspection
# Code that does your calculations
scope :passed, passed_inspection() # This needs to be below the function above
Then you could get this data by calling it like this
#records = Quality.passed
There is a rails cast about this problem if you need any more information: RailsCast #215 Advanced Queries
Edit: Fixed some terrible grammar

ARel mimic includes with find_by_sql

I've got a fairly complex sql query that I'm pretty sure I can't accomplish with ARel (Rails 3.0.10)
Check out the link, but it has a few joins and a where exists clause, and that I'm pretty sure is too complex for ARel.
My problem however is that, before this query was so complex, with ARel I could use includes to add other models that I needed to avoid n+1 issues. Now that I'm using find_by_sql, includes don't work. I still want to be able to fetch these records and attach them to my model instances, the way includes does, but I'm not quite sure how to achieve this.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I haven't tried joining them in the same query yet. I'm just not sure how they would be mapped to objects (ie. if ActiveRecord would properly map them to the proper class)
I know that when using includes ActiveRecord actually makes a second query, then somehow attaches those rows to the corresponding instances from the original query. Can someone instruct me on how I might do this? Or do I need to join in the same query?
Let's pretend that the SQL really can't be reduced to Arel. Not everything can, and we happen to really really want to keep our custom find_by_sql but we also want to use includes.
Then preload_associations is your friend:
(Updated for Rails 3.1)
class Person
def self.custom_query
friends_and_family = find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM people")
# Rails 3.0 and lower use this:
# preload_associations(friends_and_family, [:car, :kids])
# Rails 3.1 and higher use this:, [:car, :kids]).run
Note that the 3.1 method is much better, b/c you can apply the eager-loading at any time. Thus you can fetch the objects in your controller, and then just before rendering, you can check the format and eager-load more associations. That's what happens for me - html doens't need the eager loading, but the .json does.
That help?
I am pretty sure that you can do even the most complex queries with Arel. Maybe you are being over-skeptical about it.
Check these:
Rails 3: Arel for NOT EXISTS?
How to do "where exists" in Arel
#pedrorolo thanks for the heads up on that not exists arel query, helped me achieve what I needed. Here's the final solution (they key is the final .exists on the GroupChallenge query:
class GroupChallenge < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :challenge
def self.challenges_for_contact(contact_id, group_id=nil)
group_challenges = GroupChallenge.arel_table
group_contacts = GroupContact.arel_table
challenges = Challenge.arel_table
groups = Group.arel_table
query = group_challenges.project(1).
query = query.join(groups).on(groups[:id].eq(group_challenges[:group_id])).where(groups[:id].eq(group_id)) if group_id
class Challenge < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.open_for_participant(contact_id, group_id = nil)
joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN challenge_participants as cp ON = cp.challenge_id AND cp.contact_id = #{contact_id.to_i}").
where(['cp.accepted != ? or cp.accepted IS NULL', false]).
where(GroupChallenge.challenges_for_contact(contact_id, group_id).exists.or(table[:open_to_all].eq(true)))

Rails 3 delete all elements of an array

I am trying to delete an array of users but the way I have it it is deleting one by one. Is there a better way to do it?
My code is:
#users ||= User.where("clicks_given - clicks_received < ?", -5).to_a
#users.each do |user|
You can just use Rails' built-in methods. Note that you need to wrap your query in an array (if you're interpolating variables) when using these methods.
To iterate over each one calling destroy (which will run callbacks, etc.):
User.destroy_all(["clicks_given - clicks_received < ?", -5])
Or to just delete these in the database in a single query (no iteration over each item), you can do this, but keep in mind it won't run your callbacks:
User.delete_all(["clicks_given - clicks_received < ?", -5])
You could use the destroy_all method:
User.destroy_all("clicks_given - clicks_received < ?", -5)
I've also used the following before:
It's essentially doing the same thing as your each call, but you can avoid the boiler-plate code.