How do I set platform-wide data conversion behavior in EclipseLink? - eclipselink

We are finding issues (and reporting them) in EclipseLink's InformixPlatform class--the class responsible for adapting the Informix database to the requirements of the EclipseLink innards.
We have a couple of type conversion issues. For example, Informix supports two opaque literals (t and f--not the characters, but actual literals) as native boolean values. It appears that perhaps EclipseLink is trying to use SMALLINT instead as the database type.
Short of a lot of procedural code inside a SessionCustomizer, I cannot find a good place to correct or improve such global conversion behavior.
Where is the best place to register this global take-a-value-from-the-database-and-convert-it-to-a-Java-object behavior? Other questions seem to indicate that this is impossible, but I find that very hard to believe.

Build your own conversion manager class (extend org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager).
and override the method convertObjectToBoolean().
To enable the usage of your own conversion manager instance in eclipselink, use a SessionCustomizer and invoke session.getPlatform().setConversionManager()
However, when looking at the source code of this method it seems that the support of the t and f literals is already implemented (at least in eclipselink 2.3.3). But maybe there's a bug?
It's may be worth debugging this method while your application is running to really see what's going on there.


What is the modern replacement to obsolete FORM subroutine in ABAP?

The ABAP documentation lists three kinds of modularization structures:
Methods. Problem: methods don't accept parameters.
Function modules. Problem: FMs belong to function groups and can be called from other programs. Apparently they are meant to be reused across the system.
Forms. Problem: are marked as "obsolete".
Is there a newer structure that replaces the obsolete FORM structure, that is:
Local to our program.
Accepts parameters.
Doesn't require ABAP Objects syntax ?
Methods. Problem: methods don't accept parameters.
I am not sure how you came to that conclusion, because methods support parameters very well. The only limitation compared to FORMs is that they don't support TABLES parameters to take a TABLE WITH HEADER LINE. But they support CHANGING parameters with internal tables, which covers any case where you don't actually need the header-line. And in the rare case that you are indeed forced to deal with a TABLE WITH HEADER LINE and the method actually needs the header-line (I pity you), you can pass the header-line as a separate parameter.
You declare a method with parameters like this:
EXPORTING es_last_message TYPE bapiret2
CHANGING ct_all_messages TYPE bapiret2_t.
And you call it either like that:
main->foo( IMPORTING iv_bar = 1
EXPORTING es_last_message = t_messages
CHANGING ct_all_messages = t_messages[] ).
or with the more classic syntax like that:
CALL METHOD main->foo
IMPORTING iv_bar = 1
EXPORTING es_last_message = t_messages
CHANGING ct_all_messages = t_messages[].
Function modules. Problem: FMs belong to function groups and can be called from other programs. Apparently they are meant to be reused across the system.
Yes, function modules are supposed to be global while FORM's are supposed to be local (supposed to: You can actually call a FORM in another program with PERFORM formname IN PROGRAM programname).
But classes can be local or global, depending on how you created them. A global class can be used by any program in the system. So function groups can be substituted by global classes in most cases.
The one use-case where function modules can not be substituted by methods of classes is for RFC-enabled function modules. RFC is the Remote Function Call protocol which allows external systems to execute a function module in another system via network. However, if you do need some other system to communicate with your SAP system, then you might want to consider to use webservices instead, which can be implemented with pure ABAP-OO. And they also offer much better interoperability with non-SAP systems because they don't require a proprietary protocol.
Is there a newer structure that replaces the obsolete FORM structure, that [...] Doesn't require ABAP Objects syntax ?
Here is where you got a problem. ABAP Objects syntax is the way we are supposed to program ABAP now. There is currently a pretty hard push to forget all the non-OO ways to write ABAP and fully embrace the ABAP-OO styles of writing code. With every new release, more classic syntax which can be substituted by ABAP-OO syntax gets declared obsolete.
However, so far SAP follows the philosophy of 100% backward compatibility. While they might try their best to compel people to not use certain obsolete language constructs (including adding scary-sounding warnings to the syntax check), they very rarely actually remove any language features. They hardly can, because they themselves got tons of legacy code which uses them and which would be far too expensive and risky to rewrite. The only case I can think of when they actually removed language features was when they introduced Unicode which made certain direct assignments between now incompatible types syntactically illegal.
You are having some wrong information there. Don't know what system version are you in, but this info could help you out:
Methods: They actually accept parameters (should be crazy if they wouldn't). In fact, they accept IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING and RETURNING parameters.
Forms: Indeed they are obsolete, but in my opinion there is no risk in using then, almost every standard component relies in programs made out of FORMS. FORMS are a core concept in ABAP programming. They are the "function" or "def" of many other languages. They accept USING, CHANGING and TABLES parameters.

Why is VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN only defined in Vulkan 1.2.131?

VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN was part of Vulkan 1.0. However, it was only first defined in Vulkan-Header 1.2.13 (see history).
Is there a particular reason for this?
VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN was added so you have some specific code to return if your driver (or perhaps layer) encounter some inconsistency and panic. Previously VK_ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED_EXT was often used for the case.
Either way, returning VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN is in of itself a part of undefined behavior, and is not allowed as part of conformant behavior. So it is not compatibility breaking change to introduce the code.

Does the ABI persist any more error information than an HRESULT?

While porting a regular C++ class to a Windows Runtime class, I hit a fairly significant road block. My C++ class reports certain error conditions by throwing custom error objects. This allows clients to conveniently filter on exceptions, documented in the public interface.
I cannot seem to find a reliable way to pass enough information across the ABI to replicate the same fidelity1 using the Windows Runtime. Under the assumption, that an HRESULT is the only generalized error reporting information, I have evaluated the following options:
The 'obvious' choice: Map the exception condition to any of the predefined HRESULT values. While this technically works (presumably), there is no way at the call site to distinguish between errors originating from the implementation, and errors originating from callees of the implementation.
Invent custom HRESULTs. If this layout still applies to the Windows Runtime, I could easily set the Customer bit and go crazy with my 27 bits worth of error code representation. This works, until someone else does the same. I'm not aware of any way to attribute an HRESULT to an interface, which would solve this ambiguity.
Even if either of the above could be made to work as intended, throwing hresult_errors as prescribed, the call site would still be at the mercy of the language projection. While C# seemingly allows to pass any System.Exception(-derived) error object across the ABI, and have them re-thrown at the call site, C++/WinRT only supports some 14 distinct exception types (see throw_hresult).
With neither of these options allowing for sufficiently complete error information to cross the ABI, it seems that an HRESULT simply may not be enough. Does the Windows Runtime have any provisioning to allow for additional (arbitrary) error information to cross the ABI?
1 I'm not strictly interested in passing actual C++ exceptions across. Instead, I'm looking for a way to allow clients to uniquely identify documented error conditions, in a natural way. Passing custom Windows Runtime error types would be fine.
There are a few options here. Our general API guidance for Windows Runtime APIs that have well-defined, expected failure modes is that failure information should be part of the normal parameters and return value. We would normally create a TryDoSomething API in this situation and provide extended error information via either a return or out parameter. This works best for us due to the fact that there's no consistent way to map exceptions across all languages. This is a topic we hope to revisit more in xlang in the future.
HRESULTs are usable with a caveat. HRESULT values can be a nuisance in anything but C++, where you need to redefine them locally because you can't just use the header. They will generate exceptions in most languages, so if this is common, you'll be creating debugger noise for your components' clients.
The last option allows you to transit a language-specific exception stored in a COM object across the ABI boundary (and up the COM logical stack, including across marshalled calls). In practice it will only be usable by C++ code compiled with the same compiler, settings, and type definitions as the component itself. E.g. passing it from a component compiled with VC to a component compiled with Clang could potentially lead to memory corruption.
Assuming I haven't scared you off, you'll want to look at RoOriginateLanguageException. It allows you to wrap the exception in a COM object and store it with other winrt error data in the TLS. We use this in projections to enable exceptions thrown within a callback to propagate to the outer code using the same projection in a controlled way that unwinds safely through other code potentially written using other languages or tools. This is how the support in C# and other languages is implemented.

keep around a piece of context built during compile-time for later use in runtime?

I'm aware this might be a broad question (there's no specific code for you to look at), but I'm hoping I'd get some insights as to what to do, or how to approach the problem.
To keep things simple, suppose the compiler that I'm writing performs these three steps:
parse (and bind all variables)
Also the language that I'm building the compiler for wants to support late-analysis/late-binding (ie., it has a function that takes a String, which is to be compiled and executed as a piece of source-code during runtime).
Now during parse-phase, I have a piece of context that I need to keep around till run-time for the sole benefit of the aforementioned function (because it needs to parse and typecheck its argument in that context).
So the question, how should I do this? What do other compilers do?
Should I just serialise the context object to disk (codegen for it) and resurrect it during run-time or something?
Yes, you'll need to emit the type information (or other context, you weren't very specific) in your object/executable files, so that your eval can read it at runtime. You might look at Java's .class file format for inspiration; Java doesn't have eval as such, but you can dynamically spin new bytecode at runtime that must be linked in a type-safe manner. David Conrad's comment is spot-on: this information can also be used to implement reflection, if your language has such a feature.
That's as much as I can help you without more specifics.

constant pool patching

I was looking through the OpenJDK class file parser source and I came across something I've never heard of - Constant Pool Patching. What is this? I've read the JVM specification before but it didn't mention anything like this, and searching on Google failed to turn anything up.
To put it simply, the patching procedure replaces constant pool entries at class parse time in order to handle JSR-229, which implements invokedynamic. It is used to rewrite UTF-8, class, and value (float, int, etc.) entries when loading anonymous classes.
For a primer on how invokedynamic is implemented, see