How to create a kind of variable Checkbox in vba excel - vba

I have the next excel sheet with many checkboxs.
The problem is when I am coding I have to do some functions with Valor1 and Valor2 depending of if the checkbox is activate.
Well I have the code.
Option Explicit
Sub Casilladeverificación1_Haga_clic_en()
If CheckBox1.Value Then
Call fucntion1
'Works for the first row, but for the second row int shoul be check CheckBox12 ,a next CheckBox23 ...
If CheckBox2.Value Then
Call fucntion1
If CheckBox2.Value Then
Call fucntion3
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value2)
End Sub
But you can notice I dont want to made all the case with all the checkbox, there is a solve for this like checkbox[i]

I would put all of your functions into one big function and the functionality would separated by a Select Case block.
Private Sub functionRouter(checkAction as integer)
Select Case checkAction
Case 1
'Code for function one
Case 2
'Code for function two
End Select
End Sub
You're going to want to loop over all your check boxes. This is going to depend on what checkbox you are using.
Sub test()
Dim chkBox As CheckBox
Dim chkBox2 As OLEObject
For Each chkBox In Sheets("Sheet1").CheckBoxes
Debug.Print chkBox.Caption
Next chkBox
For Each chkBox2 In Sheets("Sheet1").OLEObjects
If TypeName(chkBox2.Object) = "CheckBox" Then
Debug.Print chkBox2.Object.Value
End If
Next chkBox2
You could do a few different things with all of your checkboxes. You could use the tagproperty (you would need to set all of them, but this allows for duplicates). Then call functionRouter(chkBox.tag) Or you could parse something from the name functionRouter Right(, 1)

You can iterate checkboxes on worksheet by using this loop:
For Each chk In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
MsgBox chk.Name
It won't work if you use ActiveX controls though.


Command button in a userform to delete multiple rows depending on selection in listbox

I am currently working on a userform which has a "Clear Process" command button. The idea is that my userform has a listbox which will list all of the current processes.
From here the user will select which process(es) he/she would like to clear from the worksheet (delete all rows relating to the process).
Embedded in the code I have used the word "Lisa" as a point of reference for the previous userform to know which cell the Process Name should be, using the offset function.
I would like to be able to use the word "Lisa" once the process to be deleted has been identified by the user. This would always be the row where "Lisa" is found and 19 rows below.
I have started some code but when trying to find "Lisa" depending on the selection made by the user I came across an issue.
Private Sub ClearButton_Click()
Dim findvalue As Range
Dim cDelete As VbMsgBoxResult
'hold in memory
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'check for values
If Emp1.Value = "" Or Emp2.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "There are no processes to delete"
Exit Sub
End If
'confirm process should be deleted
cDelete = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this process?", vbYesNo)
If cDelete = vbYes Then
'find the process to be deleted
'''''''set findvalue =
'''''''delete entire process
End If
End Sub
Hopefully this is enough information, any help would be greatly appreciated :)
If you use Named ranges for your processes, which seems to be almost mandatory in your case, then you can do the following:
Sub DeleteNamedRange(rngName As String)
End Sub
Invoke the Sub this way:
Call DeleteNamedRange("Lisa")
Something as small as this one would set a range to a found value and delete it:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim findValue As Range
Set findValue = Selection.Find("Lisa")
End Sub
As a good practice, you may check whether the findValue is not nothing before deleting. Thus, you avoid an error:
If Not findValue Is Nothing Then
End If
And if you want to make the code even one step further, keep in mind that the default value of the argument After in Find() is the first cell. Thus, Find() always start looking from the second cell. To avoid this, and to start looking from the first cell, it is considered a good practice to pass the After:= argument explicitly:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim findValue As Range
Dim selectedValue As Range
Set selectedValue = ActiveSheet.Range(Selection.Address)
With selectedValue
Set findValue = .Find("Lisa", after:=.Cells(.Cells.Count))
End With
If Not findValue Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
To make the code even more "interesting", one may decide to check whether a range is selected (a shape can be also selected). Thus, the TypeName(Selection) can be used with something like this:
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
MsgBox "Range is not selected!"
Exit Sub
End If
Range.Find MSDN

VBA with if case for checkbox in excel

I am having an userform where I have 8 Checkboxes in it.
Each checkbox is assigned to an call function called autofilter.
I would like to have an vba,in such a way that more than one Checkbox is used, then it should Display the result of selected Checkbox.
How can I achieve in VBA. I am struck how i should proceed with this Problem.
Expecting an help from Forum.
This is my autofilter program
Sub autofilter()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Result")
wslr = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Set myfilt = ws.Range("A1:AFU" & wslr)
myfilt.autofilter Field:=12, Criteria1:= _
End Sub
similarly, i have them for other Locations as well till autofilter7.
Right now, i have the code working in such a way that, if check box 1 is true it calls autofilter1.
I would like to have a VBA, in such a way that, when i select 1 or more checkboxes, it should call their autofilter function together. How can i achieve this ?
[![I have userform with Checkboxes designed like the command button i have the following code,
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
Call autofilter
End If
similarly, I have it same for other checkboxes.
Difficult to answer without all the exact details, but I think you are looking for something like:
In the command button _Click sub code, you should have this:
Edited : notice Dim i as String at the top.
Dim formControl As Control
Dim i As String
'loop through every control in the userform
For Each formControl In Me.Controls
'Test if the control is a checkbox
If LCase(TypeName(formControl)) = "checkbox" Then
If formControl.Value = True Then
'The below is very crude and you should find a better way of getting parameter from checkbox
'The below also assumes you use ONE filterFunction that takes a parameter
'You need to get the number from the checkbox, so take the number from the name of the checkbox
i = Right(formControl.Name, 1) - 1
'myFilterFunction i (Use this only if you have parameterised your function)
'change i to empty string if it was 0.
i = IIf(i = 0, "", i)
'This calls a function represented by the string
Application.Run "myFilterFunction" & i
End If
End If
Next formControl
At the moment, the away you've describe it, the code should work. Replace the name of the function with the name of your autofilter function....

check if textbox exists vba (using name)

I am using Ms-Access and I created a userform which has a number of Textboxes on it. The boxes are named: Box1, Box2, Box3 ...
I need to loop through all boxes, but I don't know which is the last one. To avoid looping through all userform controls I thought of trying the following:
For i =1 To 20
If Me.Controls("Box" & i).value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
Next i
This errors at Box6, which is the first box not found. Is there a way to capture this error and exit the loop when it happens.
I know I could use On Error but I 'd rather capture this specific instance with code instead.
A Controls collection is a simplified collection of controls (obviously) and share a same order as a placement order of controls.
First of all, even a creatable collection object lacks methods such as Exists or Contains , hence you need a function with error handling to checking/pulling widget from a collection.
Public Function ExistsWidget(ByVal Name As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
ExistsWidget = Not Me.Controls(Name) Is Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
If you really doesnt like "ask forgiveness not permission" option you can pull entire ordered collection of your textboxes (and/or check existance by name in another loop with similar logic).
Public Function PullBoxes() As Collection
Dim Control As MSForms.Control
Set PullBoxes = New Collection
For Each Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf Control Is MSForms.TextBox And _
Left(Control.Name, 3) = "Box" Then
Call PullBoxes.Add(Control)
End If
End Function
Since names of widgets are unique - you can return a Dictionary from that function with (Control.Name, Control) pairs inside and able to check existance of widget by name properly w/o an error suppression.
There's a good guide to Dictionary if it's a new information for you.
Anyway, no matter what object you choose, if user (or code) is unable to create more of thoose textboxes - you can convert this Function above to a Static Property Get or just to a Property Get with Static collection inside, so you iterate over all controls only once (e.g. on UserForm_Initialize event)!
Public Property Get Boxes() As Collection
Static PreservedBoxes As Collection
'There's no loop, but call to PullBoxes to reduce duplicate code in answer
If PreservedBoxes Is Nothing Then _
Set PreservedBoxes = PullBoxes
Set Boxes = PreservedBoxes
End Property
After all, the last created TextBox with name Box* will be:
Public Function LastCreatedBox() As MSForms.TextBox
Dim Boxes As Collection
Set Boxes = PullBoxes
With Boxes
If .Count <> 0 Then _
Set LastCreatedBox = Boxes(.Count)
End With
End Function
I think that now things are clearer to you! Cheers!
Note: All code are definitely a bunch of methods/properties of your form, hence all stuff should be placed inside of form module.
Long story short - you cannot do what you want with VBA.
However, there is a good way to go around it - make a boolean formula, that checks whether the object exists, using the On Error. Thus, your code will not be spoiled with it.
Function ControlExists(ControlName As String, FormCheck As Form) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
ControlExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
Taken from here:
To see the whole code working, check it like this:
Option Explicit
Sub TestMe()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 20
If fnBlnExists("Label" & i, UserForm1) Then
Debug.Print UserForm1.Controls(CStr("Label" & i)).Name & " EXISTS"
Debug.Print "Does Not exist!"
End If
Next i
End Sub
Public Function fnBlnExists(ControlName As String, ByRef FormCheck As UserForm) As Boolean
Dim strTest As String
On Error Resume Next
strTest = FormCheck(ControlName).Name
fnBlnExists = (Err.Number = 0)
End Function
I would suggest testing the existence in another procedure per below: -
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Long
i = 1
Do Until Not BoxExists(i)
If Me.Conrtols("Box" & i).Value = MyCondition Then
'Do stuff
End If
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Function BoxExists(ByVal LngID As Long) As Boolean
Dim Ctrl As Control
On Error GoTo ErrorHandle
Set Ctrl = Me.Controls("BoX" & LngID)
Set Ctrl = Nothing
BoxExists = True
Exit Function
End Function
In the above, BoxExists only returns true if the box does exists.
You have taken an incorrect approach here.
If you want to limit the loop, you can loop only in the section your controls reside e.g. Detail. You can use the ControlType property to limit controls to TextBox.
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Detail.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acTextBox Then
If ctl.Value = MyCondition Then
'do stuff
End If
End If
Next ctl
I believe the loop will be faster than checking if the control name exists through a helper function and an On Error Resume Next.
But this only a personal opinion.

Excel - Returning the caption of the selected option button

Probably a silly question with a simple answer but I am a real novice when it comes to userforms.
I have "Frame 3" with 5 different option buttons (Dest1, Dest2, Dest3, Dest4, Dest5) After an option is selected, where is the caption value of the selected option stored? How can I access that with vba.
Thank you,
Here's just some example code you can use. Add your Option Buttons to groups, and then you can go from there. I used groups since you had multiple frames, and you can check based on group, and have multiple groups, and check which one's selected for each group.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim x As Control
' Loop through ALL the controls on the UserForm.
For Each x In Me.Controls
' Check to see if "Option" is in the Name of each control.
If InStr(x.Name, "Option") Then
' Check Group name.
If x.GroupName = "Grp1" Then
' Check the status of the OptionButton.
If x.Value = True Then
MsgBox x.Caption
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
You can also access the option buttons through the frame-ojbect that holds them (if you have other frames and controls you don't want to go through):
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim oCtrl As Control
'***** Try only controls in Frame3
For Each oCtrl In Frame3.Controls
'***** Try only option buttons
If TypeName(oCtrl) = "OptionButton" Then
'***** Which one is checked?
If oCtrl.Value = True Then
'***** What's the caption?
Debug.Print "You have checked option " & oCtrl.Caption
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
The Label Text associated with an Option Button is obtainable by using OptionButton1.Caption
If you are using a loop, just substitute the OptionButton1 with your variable for option buttons and it will pull through the one you need when conditions are met. eg:
For xitem = 1 To 5
xFrm = "OptionButton" & xitem
For Each fItem In Me.Controls
If fItem.Name Like xFrm Then
If fItem.Value Then
k = fitem.Caption
End If
End If
Next fItem
Next xitem
In my case, I wanted the caption of the toggle that was selected in an option group to be passed on to a subform filter. e.g. choosing toggle "black" filters subform to all cars where strColour = "black".
I ended up with this:
Private Sub OptionGroupName_Click()
Dim Caption As String
Caption = OptionGroupName.Controls.Item(OptionGroupName.Value - 1).Caption
Me.SubformName.Form.Filter = "[SubformField] = """ & Caption & """"
Me.SubformName.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Not to dog pile on everyone else's options but I created a function that takes the radio group name and spits out the selected radios coresponding label caption. Was using it in Access not Excel.
Only works provided you name your controls similarly....
i.e. (lblRadioButton1 & optRadioButton1)
Function GetSelectedRadioButtonCaption(ByVal optionGroupName As OptionGroup) As String
Dim oCtrl As Control
Dim oCtrl2 As Control
Dim optionLabelName As String
Dim optionLabelObject As Label
Dim optionButtonObject As OptionButton
For Each oCtrl In optionGroupName.Controls
'***** Try only option buttons
If TypeOf oCtrl Is OptionButton Then
'***** Which one is checked?
Set optionButtonObject = oCtrl
If optionButtonObject.OptionValue = optionGroupName.Value Then
'***** What's the caption?
optionLabelName = Replace(oCtrl.Name, "opt", "lbl")
For Each oCtrl2 In optionGroupName.Controls
If oCtrl2.Name = optionLabelName Then
Set optionLabelObject = oCtrl2
GetSelectedRadioButtonCaption = optionLabelObject.caption
Exit For
End If
End If
If GetSelectedRadioButtonCaption <> "" Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Function

Is there a way to use an input value (textbox) of a userform as a variable for another userform?

Ok so what I am trying to accomplish: I have one userform that asks how many new orders the user needs to process. I set the user input to a variable in this code (not sure if it even does anything).
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
OrderNum.Text = NewOrders
'I changed the textbox name to OrderNum
End Sub
Then when UserForm2 pops up, I want to be able to input more data with more specific information about the orders. So if on Userform1 I entered in 3, I want to have to submit new data into UserForm2 3 different times. I tried using a For - Next loop (below) but it doesn't work. I'm not sure how (or if) I can store variables like that between Userforms.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim lRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Core Info")
OrderNum.Text = NewOrders
lRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
For i = 1 To NewOrders
ws.Cells(lRow, 1).Value = TextBox1.Text
ws.Cells(lRow, 3).Value = TextBox2.Text
Next i
End Sub
The the second userform pops up as it should, but then nothing works after that. Can anyone tell me what I could do to fix this?
Note: I realize that those of the above start with CommandButton1 (default) but they are on different Userforms.
It will be helpful (and is good coding practice) to give your form controls more easily recognizable names, instead of the ambiguous CommandButton1 nomenclature. Revise CommandButton1's name on UserForm1 to Form1_SubmitButton. Then, use this code to handle the form submission.
Sub Form1_SubmitButton_Click()
' a textbox control named OrderNum on UserForm1 has captured the value
'Assign the value from the OrderNum textbox to a named variable in the worksheet
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add "OrderNum", Me.OrderNum.Text
End Sub
Then, in UserForm2 change the name of your command button to something like Form2_SubmitButton and use this code:
Sub Form2_SubmitButton_Click()
Dim orderNum as Long
orderNum = Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Names("OrderNum").Value,"=",vbNullString)
'the rest of your code goes here.
End Sub
So, what we have done above is to create a Name in the worksheet which contains the value you want to use on the several forms. You can always obtain this value by Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Names("OrderNum").Value,"=",vbNullString)
Alternatively, you could use a public variable in your code module.