Why would the icons in RailsAdmin just stop showing up? - ruby-on-rails-3

I am not sure what I did, but the icons in the menu options don't show up anymore.
There are just squares, like below:
What could have caused this and how do I fix it?

This might be an ugly fix to the problem, but after trying everything is the only thing that worked for me.
Rails admin uses an old version of fontawesome. Download the zip file here: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/3.2.1/assets/font-awesome.zip
Then put the following files into the /public/assets directory of your rails project, from the /font directory in the zip file:
This is of course bypassing the proper rails asset pipeline, but as a workaround until rails admin is fixed will work fine.


VQmod not working for open cart admin

I am having the most frustrating issue with VQmod. I moved my OpenCart store from a Godaddy VPS to Rackspace's Cloud Sites. The move went fine and everything works properly except the VQmod's on the admin panel. None of them load. No errors in the log files, no admin cache files in the cache dir, no php errors.
Things I have tried:
Cleared all cache Changed admin folder to 755
reinstalled VQmod tried both manually and using the installer with fresh index.php files
Removed all XML files and tried to load only one at a time
Cursed loudly at my computer repeatedly.
Please Help! OC version 1.5.6 VQmod 2.5.1
For those that want the solution to this, the issue was that the config.php files were both using relative paths instead of the full paths for OpenCart's various directories. They should always be full paths, or resolved with realpath() in the config.php files themselves
My case was a bit different. I checked the permissions, paths, all the regular stuff that comes to mind first. I even walked step by step through the manual installation guide.
The Opencart copy in question is shared across several environments using git. Long story short, the mods.cache and checked.cache were not added to .gitignore right away, and when I finally did that, I emptied both of them just to make sure Opencart will write new content based on my current environment. Turns out, since mods.cache was empty, Opencart believed there are no mods available.
Solution: delete both vqmod/mods.cache and vqmod/checked.cache.
Update: here are some similar issues:
The vqmod/vqmod/wiki/Troubleshooting guide, as of now, does not make it obvious the files should've been deleted, neither does the vqmod/vqmod/wiki/Installing-vQmod-on-OpenCart, and there doesn't seem to be any way to contirbute. vQmod fails silently, without producing any notifications, warnings, or simply detecting the issue and rebuilding the cache files. I've spent few hours trying to figure out what's wrong.

Phantomjs not render hebrew fonts

I am using PhantomJs 1.9.2 on Centos 6.3 to for automated ui tests. When a test fails,
screenshots are saved to the server.
My problem is that even though the screenshots are saved, they do not contain readable fonts.
So if the website reads like this:
חיים טכנולוגיים
the screenshot of the site will look like this:
So, instead of the actual letters, it renders and saves little boxes.
The system is centos 6.3. Freetype and Fontconfig are also installed.
How could I go about fixing this?
follow these steps:
in /usr/share/fonts/ I added a folder named arial with the arial.ttf for hebrew
I ran fc-cache -vf.
That's it! I did not edit or change fonts.conf or did anything else as suggested in the link.
You should use python code for taking screenshots of website. there are two module which will do whatever you want pyvirtualdisplay & selenium. Install them and write a class to create screenshot and call it with command line with your code.
Best of luck...
I recently had to fix the same problem myself. I ended up doing what's suggested in the this answer. Well, sort of. I skipped some of the steps:
in /usr/share/fonts/ I added a folder named arial with the arial.ttf for hebrew
I ran fc-cache -vf.
That's it! I did not edit or change fonts.conf or did anything else as suggested in the link.
Granted, I still had a little trouble with parts of the page (I'm guessing it was because they were using fonts other than arial), but I ended up not needing them. Hopefully that'll be good enough for you too!

Joomla 3.0: modul.js: $extend is not defined

I upgraded from 1.5.x to 3.0.x. During migration the new pages was setup in a separate directory, so the old one could be used without any downtime. After installing all required modules, templates and reorg of some structures I deleted the old page and moved all file from the subdirectory to the root directory. (In addition I change the configuration, so the subdirectory is no longer referenced.) Every thing went well and the user front end seems to be OK. Within the administration pages I have an major issue:
Any page that requires a modal panel (e.g. defining Images for Banners, defining menu items) throws an Javascript error and the page cannot be used:
Uncaught ReferenceError: $extend is not defined modal.js:368
(anonymous function)
Do you have any hint how this issue can be solved?
Try re-uploading all files in the directory:
If the error persists or other error occur, consider uploading the Joomla core files again.
Please not that file by file FTP uploads are sensible to error. It's generally more safe to upload a zip and to unzip everything on the server (not to mention it's faster).
For those that aren't fixed by just re-uploading /media/system/js, this error can crop up for people who do an extremely far upgrade (like 1.5.x to 3.0.x mentioned by the poster) because "$extend" has been deprecated (and eventually removed) in mootools.
This means that your old extensions may be trying to use code that no longer exists in mootools. If you can find updates for the extension causing the issue, that's probably enough of a fix. If you can't, then it's usually easy enough to fix on your own...
The short fix for this bug is to change $extend to Object.append
Here is some more info about the upgrading mootools in general, which may help with other issues.

Is there a "Rails Way" include a jQuery plugin in the Asset Pipeline?

Many jQuery plugins have the following directory structures:
/<plugin name>
The CSS files usually have relative links to the images in them. What I want to do is include these plugins in the Rails Way under the Asset Pipeline, and hopefully that doesn't involve having to renamed the file references to remove the relative links. Is there such a Rails Way?
Could it also be that it's overkill to include an already-minified jQuery plugin in the Asset Pipeline?
You should try to add your assets to the load path which is the recommended way, as far as I know. If the application you're running has the assets-pipeline activated, it should find your assets after expanding the path in your application.rb
config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("plugins/plugin_name/assets/")
Not shure, if this is what you asked for but if not, you should check: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html#asset-organization
Remeber to restart your server
I had the same issue and also tried to find "the Rails way" to do this. And this is what I ended up with at the end of the day:
As Rob already mentioned:
vendor/assets is for assets that are owned by outside entities, such as code for JavaScript plugins and CSS frameworks.
Source: 2.1 Asset Organization
Lets take a practical example: using the jquery_datepicker gem (Note: we had to use a workaround because of this issue: bundle pack does not work with git sources).
1) Installing the gem (pretty straighforward):
cd vendor/gems
git clone https://github.com/albertopq/jquery_datepicker.git
2) Add this to your Gemfile
gem 'jquery_datepicker', :path => 'vendor/gems/jquery_datepicker'
3) Install a jquery-ui theme
From ThemeRoller select a theme, check Datepicker and Slider
and the jQUery version
Download and extract the content of the package
CSS/images from the css/theme-name folder move them:
jquery-ui-1.8.xx.custom.css to app/vendor/stylesheets/
the images folder to app/vendor/images/ (yes, move the entire folder images so you end up with something like this app/vendor/images/images/ui-icons_256x240.png
i18n from the development-bundle/ui/i18n folder (optional) move them to:
Create a folder i18n under app/vendor/javascripts/
move jquery.ui.datepicker-xx.js to this folder app/vendor/javascripts/i18n/
make sure the i18n folder is loaded so include in application.js
//= require_directory ./i18n
vendor/assets is loaded automatically AFAIK so you don't have to include the path in the asset pipeline.
I'd like to see how others are approaching this, it's a very good question.
I think the reason you haven't received an answer is because it's kind of unclear what you're asking. Are you asking if it's overkill to put your plugins in the asset pipeline? Are you asking if you have to rename file references?
I always put all my jquery plugins in my asset pipeline. Overkill or not, there all in one place and they only get compiled once so even if compiling them takes longer, it doesn't affect my app.

Rails 3.1 serving images from vendor/assets/images

I am trying to put some external images (used by a jQuery plugin) to vendor/assets/images in my Rails 3.1 app. Problem is that when I try something like:
<%= image_tag "ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png" %>
I get an error:
No route matches [GET] "/assets/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png"
I checked my Rails.application.config.assets.paths and it list these dirs:
As you can see /vendor/assets/images is listed there. If I put my image to app/assets/images everything works.
I thought that new asset pipeline was supposed to go through all assets dirs and serve requested file wherever it finds it.
Does anyone knows what's the problem here?
I had to restart my rails server after creating the vendor/assets/images directory. Before this, I was seeing the same error as you ("No route matches [GET]").
My guess is that the rails server does not check these directories if they did not exist when it was first started. When you open a rails console to diagnose the issue, you get a new instance of rails which knows about the directory, which only adds to the confusion.
If you are using a jQuery UI Theme Roller theme then the problem might be that in the jquery-ui css file the images are referenced within a sub folder 'images'.
I.e. you either have to put your images in a folder './app/assets/images/images' or you have to edit the jquery-ui css file and remove the 'images/' folder prefix.
The asset pipeline is described in this rails guide by Ryan Bigg (draft status at the moment).
http://ryanbigg.com/guides/asset_pipeline.html and http://ryanbigg.com/2011/06/sprocket-asset-tags-internals/ for the references.
According to this, your example should work.
Assets can be placed inside an application in one of three locations: app/assets, lib/assets or vendor/assets.
app/assets is for assets that are owned by the application, such as custom images, javascript files or stylesheets.
lib/assets is for your own libraries’ code that doesn’t really fit into the scope of the application or those libraries which are shared across applications.
vendor/assets is for assets that are owned by outside entities, such as code for JavaScript plugins.
Any subdirectory that exists within these three locations will be added to the search path for Sprockets (visible by calling Rails.application.config.assets.paths in a console). When an asset is requested, these paths will be looked through to see if they contain an asset matching the name specified. Once an asset has been found, it’s processed by Sprockets and then served up.
I have tested with an example in my app and the same syntax as yours works. Maybe you have a typo in the name of your asset.
For Martin: search path for Sprockets is visible by calling Rails.application.config.assets.paths in a console.
Maybe you should create another folder in /assets/images. You make a name 'images' and then you just copy all jquery-ui image and paste on folder 'images' that you create before. Hopefully this will help you.