JS onmousedown limited to left-click - onmousedown

I have built a sort of picture gallery in JS. On given img and p elements, the onmousedown events calls two functions: it loads a new image and a new description (see below)
But, as opposed to what I was thinking, the onmousedow it is triggered by right-click too. I don't like this and I'd love to limite the onmousedown event to the left-click of the mouse.
Is there any way to do this?
Many thanks for your help.
<img style="max-width: 100%; cursor:pointer;" src="../../img/picture1.jpg" alt="text" title="click me"
id="showgallery" onmousedown="changeimg(); changedscrpt()" />
enter code here
<p class="myclass" style="text-align: center;" id="imgdescription">Description</p>

You should move out calls to changeimg() and changedscrpt() to separate method which would evaluate first whether left mouse was pressed, something like that:
onmousedown="checkAndChange(event, this)";
function checkAndChange(e, obj)
if (leftMousePressed(e))
function leftMousePressed(e)
e = e || window.event;
var button = e.which || e.button;
return button == 1;
If the right mouse button will be pressed, JavaScript will not do anything (will not change next image).


XPages - Bootstrap popover

I have an icon, which when you hover, pops up some extra information in a bootstrap popover
This works as expected, however, if I then click on any field on the page, which then does a partial refresh of a div containing the icon, it then loses the hover functionality.
Icon code:
<xp:text escape="false" id="computedField4">
var text = #DbLookup(#DbName(), "LookupKeywordLists", "Info"+compositeData.fieldName, "Members");
return " <i class='fa fa-info-circle' data-container='body' data-toggle='popover' data-trigger='hover' data-placement='right' data-content='"+text+"'></i>"
return compositeData.showInfoIcon;
Script block on the page:
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1">
trigger: 'hover',
title: 'Information'
The script block is currently outside the div that the partial refresh "refreshes" however I tried putting it within the div, which didn't resolve the issue. Any ideas? Thanks
You need to add the popover when the partial refresh occurs. In order to do so you use Dojo to subscribe to the partialrefresh-complete event.
This answer can help you: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49014247/785061.

Polymer 2.0 capture long press on dynamically generated paper-cards

Issue: How to select multiple paper-cards and know which ones is selected on user long press/tap on the card.
I have dynamically generated paper-cards and I render them on the page using template Dom-repeat. At present I have included checkboxes on each paper-card so that the user can select those checkbox associated with the paper-card. That way the user on the screen can select multiple cards on which I can action the next functionality.
I guess the better user experience will be that the user be able to tap or click on the paper-card and be able to hold his finger/mouse for say .5sec and be able to select that card rather than checkbox style selection.
If I am able to get a working code snippet of how a multiple paper-card selection is used then I will be able to provide a better UX for the app.
Current Code Snippet:
(here I am using a paper-icon-button to get the user selected paper-card element).
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemsList}}" as="item">
<paper-card style="float:center; width: 95%" class$="
{{_computeCardColorTran(item.type)}}" data-index$="{{item._id}}">
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:arrow-drop-down" style="color:
grey;" id$="bttn#{{item._id}}" item="[[item]]" on-
<iron-image class="pad"
style="" >
What I wish to have (something like below) -->
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{itemsList}}" as="item">
<paper-card style="float:center; width: 95%" class$="
{{_computeCardColorTran(item.type)}}" data-index$="{{item._id}}"
<paper-icon-button icon="icons:arrow-drop-down" style="color:
grey;" id$="bttn#{{item._id}}" item="[[item]]" on-
<iron-image class="pad"
style="" >
And in script javascript function in dom-module I can extract the paper-card selected
function callFunctionUserPressedForLong(e){
var id = e.model.item._id;
console.log('User pressed for long time on the paper-card = '+ id);
function doSomeDiffAction(e){
var id = e.model.item._id;
console.log('Not a long press event. User taped or clicked paper card button. Do different action e.g. open popup. = '+
You have to use on-down and on-up events from Polymer and watch time diff between these two events yourself.
In example below, on-down and on-up event functions are the same for both components (paper-card and paper-icon-button). Inside the on-down function (_onDown), the current time is saved to variable. Inside on-up method (_onUp) is detection for tap/click on button (if time diff between on-down and on-up is <0.5s and event target is the element with id=bttn#{{item._id}} and long-press somewhere inside paper-card (including paper-icon-button).
_onDown(e) {
this.startTime = Date.now()
_onUp(e) {
let id = e.model.item._id;
//stopPropagation because this is otherwise called twice - from paper-card and from paper-icon-button
let id = "1"
if (Date.now() - this.startTime > 500) {
console.log(`long press somewhere inside paper-card :: id=${id}`);
} else if (e.target.id == `bttn#${id}`) {
console.log(`Not a long press event. User taped or clicked paper card button :: id=${id}`);
<paper-card on-down="_onDown" on-up="_onUp">
<paper-icon-button on-down="_onDown" on-up="_onUp">Tap me</paper-icon-button>

Waiting for element to appear on static button in TestCafe

I have a strange behavior of TestCafe on my site. I have two checkboxes on a site and a button that brings me to the next step as soon as I click on it. When the page load, de button is visible and does not get manipulated at any time.
Here is the markup of the button:
<button id="confirmation-submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right hidden-xs">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-flag"></span>
order now
Here is what my code looks like (the relevant part for this problem):
const submitOrderBtn = Selector('button[type="submit"].btn-success');
//const submitOrderBtn = Selector('#confirmation-submit');
test('complete order', async t =>{
await t
In chrome it shows me this picture:
The output of the command line is this:
The button is visible the whole time and even when I look over the site with the developer tools, the button is there and it has the id (confirmation-submit) that I want to be clicked.
How can I get around this problem? On other pages, I can use the .click function without any problems.
As #Andrey Belym mentioned in his comment, TestCafe will consider element visibile if its width or height have a non-zero value and it is not hided using CSS properties like display: hidden and visibility: none.
You can check it in Computed CSS Properties in DevTools. In your case, #confirmation-button might be an invisible button hidden somewhere in an actual visible element.
Also, you can try to resize browser window using resizeWindow action. It may help if your layout is adaptive or it is a scrolling issue.
As a workaround you could try to click on the button parent container:
const submitOrderBtn = Selector('#confirmation-submit');
const confirmSelector = submitOrderBtn.parent();
test('complete order', async t =>{
await t
if this does not work for the immediate parent, you could try to fetch the first parent div like this:
const submitOrderBtn = Selector('#confirmation-submit');
const confirmSelector = submitOrderBtn.parent('div');
test('complete order', async t =>{
await t
<button data-se-id="confirmation-submit" type="submit" class="btn btn-success pull-right hidden-xs">
order now
and in test add like this : for click specified element :
const submitOrderBtn =Selector('[data-se-id="confirmation-submit"]')
test('complete order', async t =>{
await t

JSXGraph onmouseenter

Hello i try to mouseenter a JSXGraph DIV but if you move the mouse 1mm it will re enter the div and the js start automaticle new. thats bad.
I found out there are EVENT HANDLER with mouseover but i dont understand how i use it for the full div. there are only examples for a point. I tryed to put an other div over the "box" DIV but it didnt help, the div is everytime over the other.
Example code that dosent work well:
<div id="box" class="jxgbox" style="width:400px; height:400px;" onmouseenter="functionx()"></div>
JSXGraph does not capture the mouseenter event. The following code will print enter to the console whenever the mouse pointer enters the div element:
<div id="box" class="jxgbox"
style="width:400px; height:400px;"
<script type="text/javascript">
var board = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box', {
axis: true,
boundingbox: [-0.5,2.5,2.5,-0.5]});
var enter = function() {

WIndows 8 Metro List View Event Listener

I am trying to create a simple HTML Metro App for Windows 8. I want to display a list view, and based on the clicked item display different content on the screen. It sounds trivial, right?
But it doesn't work! Here is my code:
<div id="frameListViewTemplate" data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template">
<img data-win-bind="src: picture" class="thumbnail" />
<div id="basicListView" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.ListView"
data-win-options="{itemDataSource : DataExample.itemList.dataSource, itemTemplate: select('#frameListViewTemplate'),onselectionchanged : handler}">
Than in the defult.js
var myListView = document.getElementById("basicListView").winControl;
myListView.addEventListener("selectionchanged", handler);
And the handler:
function handler() {
console.log("Inside the handler : ");
handler.supportedForProcessing = true;
So the handler is never called. My questions are: How can I add an event listener and its handler to the listview control.
How can I recognize which element on the list view was clicked.
The listview is displayed properly in my app.
Thank you for help,
To get the item that is "clicked", you need to use itemInvoked. Selection changed would happen when the user cross slides on the item to select it, rather than taping/clicking to "invoke" it.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211827.aspx has some basic details.