Nhibernate: Is it possible to throw an exception if Save() is called without beginning a transaction - nhibernate

I was wondering if we can some how extend NHiberate to throw an exception if a piece of code attempted to save an object to a database without beginning a transaction? Since beginning a transaction is a requirement for calling Save() to work properly, I can't see a programmer calling Save() without beginning a transaction in the first place.

Solution is not in the exception throwing. It is about keeping us (developers on the project) aware of what and where we are doing
1) Project shared approach. Firstly, explain to the team how the Architecture of application works. All team members should now, that Unit of Work, or Session per Request patterns are in place.
2) The FlushMode. Secondly, explain the concept of the Session object. ISession. Save() or Update() is far away from SQL execute INSERT or UPDATE. What count is the ISession.Flush(). And (based on the first step) we can decide when that Flush() happens.
I would suggest setting the FlushMode to on Commit or None (with explict call). And then, if a team member would like to Execute any write command - one standard place, one common way (used on the project) will guide hin/her.
The call Session.Flush() should/will/must be wrapped in a transaction.


Multiple Dbset/entity modification with single call to SaveChanges()

I am working on a .NET Core Web API which needs to interact using EF Core 5.0.2 with an Azure SQL database.
I have different repository methods where I am interacting with DbContext to add/edit/delete records for different DbSet.
For example:
Implementation of AddUser is like this,
So in user service method, am calling different repository method sequentially and none of those methods call ourDbContext.SaveChangesAsync() individually. A single call to SaveChanges is present after all the repository methods calls which is acting like a unit of work pattern for all the calls as single transaction.
ActivityRepository.AddActivity("New User got added");
So my question is: if any saving changes to any of the tables/entities fails, will the previous successful tables change will be rolled back?
For example, suppose this operation
was successful and the new user record was added to the User table.
But this was not successful:
ActivityRepository.AddActivity("New User got added");
So no activity record was added to the Activity table.
Will SaveChangesAsync() be able to handle this situation automatically and will roll back User table new changes as well?
If not are we supposed to wrap the above codes with transaction scope? Or what is the recommended way to do it.
Briefly how DbContext's Change Tracker works:
You load entities: ChangeTracker remembers current values of all loaded entities (except you use AsNoTracking())
You have modified loaded entities, delete, add new.
You call SaveChanges: ChangeTracker starts searching which objects are changed since last load by comparing with previous values.
DML SQL is generated and everything saved in one SQL statement or in several statements in Transaction.
So, if you have one DbContext for each repository, you do not need to worry about rollbacking, just do not call SaveChanges(). For sure for restart process, you have to recreate DbContext because it contains not needed state.

Command Pattern clarification

I cannot see any of the command pattern classes e.g. invoker, receiver manifesting in the accepted answer of the following link Long list of if statements in Java. I have gone with the accepted answer to solve my 30+ if/else statements.
I have one repository that I am trying to pass DTOs to save to the database. I want the repository to invoke the correct save method for the DTO so I am checking the instance type at runtime.
Here is the implementation in Repository
private Map<Class<?>, Command> commandMap;
public void setCommandMap(Map<Class<?>, Command> commandMap) {
this.commandMap = commandMap;
and a method that will populate the commandMap
commandMap.put(Address.class, new CommandAddress());
commandMap.put(Animal.class, new CommandAnimal());
commandMap.put(Client.class, new CommandClient());
and finally the method that saves
public void getValue(){
The service class that uses the Repo registers the commandMap.
Does the accepted answer represent a sort of (approximate) implementation of the Command pattern?
It seems like an enum that implements an exec interface will eliminate your if/else problem or turn it into a switch.
It does not look like you need a command patterm.
Gof says:
Use the Command pattern when you want to
parameterize objects by an action to perform, as MenuItem objects did above. You can express such parameterization in a procedural language with a callback function, that is, a function that's registered somewhere to be called at a later point. Commands are an object-oriented replacement for callbacks.
specify, queue, and execute requests at different times. A Command object can have a lifetime independent of the original request. If the receiver of a request can be represented in an address space-independent way, then you can transfer a command object for the request to a different process and fulfill the request there.
support undo. The Command's Execute operation can store state for reversing its effects in the command itself. The Command interface must have an added Unexecute operation that reverses the effects of a previous call to Execute. Executed commands are stored in a history list. Unlimited-level undo and redo is achieved by traversing this list backwards and forwards calling Unexecute and Execute, respectively.
support logging changes so that they can be reapplied in case of a system crash. By augmenting the Command interface with load and store operations, you can keep a persistent log of changes. Recovering from a crash involves reloading logged commands from disk and reexecuting them with the Execute operation.
structure a system around high-level operations built on primitives operations. Such a structure is common in information systems that support transactions. A transaction encapsulates a set of changes to data. The Command pattern offers a way to model transactions. Commands have a common interface, letting you invoke all transactions the same way. The pattern also makes it easy to extend the system with new transactions.
Which of the above do you want to do?

Cannot delete from sql using #Transactional with Spring and Hibernate

I have #Transactional set up correctly, however with the following method "success" is returned but the record is not deleted from the table:
public void deleteLimXrefHvo(LimitXrefHvo limitXrefHvo){
I tried with the method getTableId annotated with #Transactional as well and that does not solve the problem. I've also called getTableId and stored the return value in a variable before passing it into delete() and that did not work, either.
The only thing that works that I've tried is to add getSession().flush(); after the delete transaction. If I have #Transactional set up, then I shouldn't need to flush after. What am I missing?
The session may live longer than a single transaction. This seems to be the case here. From the JSR-220 5.6:
A container-managed persistence context may be defined to have either
a lifetime that is scoped to a single transaction or an extended
lifetime that spans multiple transactions, depending on the
PersistenceContextType that is specified when its EntityManager is
created. This specification refers to such persistence contexts as
transaction-scoped persistence contexts and extended persistence
contexts respectively.
I know you said 'Spring' and not Java EE container but I believe it boils down to the same behavior.
This is to say that session-scope is not equal transaction-scope. For your specific problem you may check:
Is ´deleteLimXrefHvo()´ called from another #Transactional method (hint: what about transaction propagation)?
What flush mode does the transaction have (manual?)?
Investigate your logs, in particular I would set the logging level to DEBUG on your transaction manager to see exactly what it's doing.
it was getTableId that was causing the problem. getTableId calls its own getSession(), and because of that, I have to flush(). there is no getting around it. makes sense, though.

Monorail, nhibernate and session-per-request pattern

I need some insights and thoughts about a refactoring I'm about to do to our web-app.
We initially used the session-per-request pattern with NHibernate and ActiveRecord by using the On_BeginRequest / On_EndRequest in the HttpApplication to create and dispose the session. Later on, we realized that any DB-related exceptions got thrown outside of our monorail-context, meaning that our rescues didn't kick in. As another sideeffect, we didn't have the option to fully skip creation of NHibernate sessions in any action, which in some cases would be desirable.
So we rewrote it to create sessions in Initialize() / Contextualize() in our base controller, and disposed them in the Dispose() of our base controller. We also Rollback the session in our rescue controller to prevent any half written changes to the DB. So far, so good. The reason for doing it in the Dispose() is because we want it to live through the view-rendering, because of lazy-loading reasons aswell as viewcomponents that needs to get a session (we could switch to units-of-work for the viewcomponents, but they don't seem to have a Dispose()...)
However, I'm experiencing some deadlock issues where we have started transacations in the DB that isn't getting rollbacked nor committed and I can't get my head around it, mostly because of the mess we've made with this approach...
So I found this article: http://hackingon.net/post/NHibernate-Session-Per-Request-with-ASPNET-MVC.aspx
And I thought, "Filters, we can use that in MonoRail too!", because it can kick in on BeforeAction and AfterRendering.
My questions then are:
What happens if an Exception occurs in the filter?
Will AfterRendering fire even if an Exception occurs in the action or the rendering?
Would you recommend this approach, if not, what are your suggestion instead?
Any pointers are very much appreciated!
You need an application error handler to care of exception handling.
Attach a debugger and find out.
Probably not (even though it is my article). It doesn't work with RenderAction. Best to use an IoC container to control the lifetime of connections.

How to ensure that NHibernate is inside a transaction when saving, updating or deleting?

I'd like to ensure, that when I'm persisting any data to the database, using Fluent NHibernate, the operations are executed inside a transaction. Is there any way of checking that a transaction is active via an interceptor? Or any other eventing mechanism?
More specifically, I'm using the System.Transaction.TransactionScope for transaction management, and just want to stop myself from not using it.
If you had one place in your code that built your session, you could start the transaction there and fix the problem at a stroke.
I haven't tried this, but I think you could create a listener implementing IFlushEventListener. Something like:
public void OnFlush(FlushEvent #event)
if (!#event.Session.Transaction.IsActive)
throw new Exception("Flushing session without an active transaction!");
It's not clear to me (and Google didn't help) exactly when OnFlush is called. There also may be an implicit transaction that could set IsActive to true.
If you had been using Spring.Net for your transaction handling, you could use an anonymous inner object to ensure that your DAOs/ServiceLayer Objects are always exposed with a TransactionAdvice around their service methods.
See the spring documentation for an example.
To what end? NHProf will give you warnings if you're not executing inside a transaction. Generally you should be developing with this tool open anyway...