How to concatenate 2 values in mule? - mule

Can someone please let me know how to concatenate multiple values in mule?
Something like,

I assume you are using Mule 3.3.x or above. If so you can use Mule Expression Language(MEL).
One example using MEL is:
#['Hello' + 'World']
Or MEL also allows you to use standard Java method invocation:
#[message.payload.concat(' Another String')]
Cheat sheet on MEL
MULE 4 Update
For Mule 4. Dataweave 2.0 is the main expression language:
Simple concat:
#['Hello' ++ ' World']

Other alternative is to use Mule Design plugin :
Drop an "Append String" operation as many times as you need.
This operation takes the message payload of the previous step and concats a specified string to it.
Not sure about performance details, but it will be surely more easy to maintain.
Append to String - MuleSoft

you can declare a string buffer using expression component
<expression-component doc:name="Expression"><![CDATA[StringBuffer sb = new
and then append use append on string buffer any where in the flow.
flowVars.stBuffer.append("string to append")
Once done use #[flowVars.stBuffer] to access the concatenated string

If you want to add two different values received through payload in the mule flow then we can use concat() method.
For example below we have received values through arraylist where i am adding two diffrent fields i.e. FirstName and the LastName -
concat(#[payload[0].'firstname']," " #[payload[0].'lastname']


if else statement mule 3

I want to set a variable based on the output in Mule 3.
For example the check I want to do is if there is any payload
I want to set the var value to this ${} else
In Mule 4 it can be done in multiple ways but in Mule 3 seems little tricky. Anyone an Idea?
In Mule 3 DataWeave you can use when/otherwise instead of Mule 4 if/else. To access the properties use the p() function. Depending on the exact payload and the condition you need you may need to tweak the expression for the condition.
p('http.path.two') when (payload != null) otherwise p('')

mule3 to mule 4 expression to dataweave 2.0

I'm new to migrating the mule 3 apps to mule 4 I have done almost conversion but one expression stopped my flow and not able to achieve the logic for it if anyone has an idea regarding the expression to transform please help me
I have tried up to my knowledge on the above code but still I'm getting problem
In Mule 3 the expression language is MEL. In Mule 4 it is DataWeave 2.0. You can't just translate directly. MEL is an imperative scripting language, similar to a subset of Java and it is easy to call Java methods. DataWeave 2.0 is a functional language. Furthermore Mule 4 operations (example: a , , etc) can only return one value, which can be assigned to the payload or to one variable.
For your snippet I'll assume that maindata is a map. You can use two set-variable to assign each variable:
<set-variable variableName="temporary" value="#[ if( namesOf(vars.maindata) contains payload.idCaseNumber ) [] else vars.temporary ++ **previousdata** ]" />
I don't know exactly what do you use for previousdata.
To update the variable maindata it is probably a good match for the update operator, in a separate or Transform operation, with the same condition than for vars.temporary.
I'll assume vars.maindata is a map, which DataWeave will consider an object, and each element is a list. As an example of doing an 'upsert' operation with a dynamic selector:
%dw 2.0
output application/java
var temporary=[5]
var maindata={ a:[1,2,3,4] }
var myKey="a"
maindata update {
case data at ."$(myKey)"! -> if (data != null) data ++ temporary else temporary
You could replace in above script the DataWeave var temporary with the expression from my example above, and the other DataWeave variables with the Mule variables ( or payload. If you change in above example myKey to have value "b" you will see that key being added.

how to use mel expression on salesforce result to extract single value

I'm new to salesforce using mule. I want to retrieve value and assign it to a flowVar from the result set returned by the Salesforce query. I tried using payload.HeadCount, payload['HeadCount'] and payload[0].HeadCount none of them are worked.
Any help would be appreciated.
Salesforce returns org.mule.streaming.ConsumerIterator as a payload which in turn implements java.util.iterator, so, either you can use next() operation followed by the field name(in your case HeadCount) or convert the payload into java.util.ArrayList and set it as payload using #[org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils.toList(payload)] and then iterate the payload same as java.
In short, you can try with the below MEL
#[payload.hasNext() ? "something else"]

Mule: how to send Array parameter to DB Update

I have a PG table with a field of type char(10)[].
I need to update a record in the table with values from a Mule flow.
So, i did something like this:
flowVars.test=['aaa', 'bbb',ccc'];
Then, I'm trying to submit an update statement like this:
update tab1 set fld1=#[flowVars.test]
it's failing with the error:
Cannot cast an instance of java.util.ArrayList to type Types.ARRAY
My understanding is that SQL array should be used in this scenario but I can't figure out how to get an instance of such an array in a flow and how to work with it in MEL.
Can someone please advise?
Thank you,
There are many sources that suggest to use the Connection#createArrayOf(). But I don't know how to use it in the Database connector.
However, for this purpose I will do this solution:
Convert the ArrayList to a String. It should be formed as: {value1, value2, ...}
Change the Database Query Type from Parameterized into Dynamic
Update the SQL Query become: update tab1 set fld1 = '#[flowVars.test]'. The additional single quote is required for this query type.
Finally, by using the following configuration I can update field of type character(10)[]:
<expression-transformer expression="#[flowVars.test = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'].toString().replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}')]" doc:name="Expression"/>
<db:update config-ref="Postgre_Database_Configuration" doc:name="Database">
<db:dynamic-query><![CDATA[update tab1 set fld1 = '#[flowVars.test]']]></db:dynamic-query>
Ok, I've found an answer in MuleSoft doc.
Starting from version 3.6 DB connector supports custom types and allows defining mapping between SQL arrays and structures and custom user classes.
It's documented here .

How to Extract the value of resultSet returned from JDBC response (Via MEL) Mule ESB

I have JDBC where I'm calling the stored Procedure, It is returning the response as below, But I'm pretty not sure how to extract the value of result set
Please find the response from DB
{updateCount1=4,resultSet1=[{XML_F5RYI-11YTR=<Customers><Customer1>John<Customer1><Customer2>Ganesh<Customer2><Customers>}],resultSet2[{SequenceNumber=94}],updateCount2=1, updateCount3=4}
I have used the this expression #[message.payload.get(0)], It has return the ResultSet as below, But not exactly value required. I need to take the xml value of XML_F5RYI-11YTR.
Also tried like below
#[message.payload.get(0).XML_F5RYI-11YTR] but getting error , not able to extract the xml.
Could you please suggest how can I extract the xml from the ResultSet1
In most cases, the way you did it should work. I think what is happening here is that the hyphen in the column name is interpreted by the MEL parser as a subtraction. So you could change yours to this syntax, and it should work:
Also you can omit "message", as payload is resolvable directly:
You could use array bracket syntax to access the first row in the result set, instead of the get method:
Finally, you might want to do something for each row returned from the database. If you use a collection-splitter or a for-each, your payload will be the map that represents the row, instead of a list of maps representing the whole result set:
<collection-splitter />
<logger message="#[payload['XML_F5RYI-11YTR']]" />
To access the result set in the payload shown in the question, you would need to access it like so:
The database connector gives you a list of maps. The map keys will be the name of the columns. Therefore if you want to get updateCount1, you can use something like this:
Thump rule - you database connector gives you list of map, not sure what format does it is carry, if you want XML_F5RYI.. value then do the below
[message.payload.get(0)] convert it to json or map from which #[message.payload.get("XML_F5RYI-11YTR")]