SQL Server - Checkout system for database objects? - sql

I was wondering if anyone knows any 3rd party tools or existing functionality in SQL Server 2008 so that when someone is working on a table or procedure, it is locked out to that individual. I have searched the net extensively and can't seem to find anything relating to this. We are facing a problem where two people may be working on the same stored procedures and whoever executes last gets the code change! This kind of functionality would come in handy. I think that a lock or check in/check out system would be benefit a project, any ideas?
I am already hooked up to Redgate source control, which does not provide this functionality.

Try and have a look at this SO discussion: How do I version my SQL Server database in SVN?
It might not lock things like you want, but it would help to ensure code is recoverable. You could also consider using DDL triggers as some kind of a checking mechanism.

you could try this: http://www.apexsql.com/sql_tools_version.aspx
Alternatively, try this: http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-development/sql-source-control/entrypage/5-minutes?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=unmet_need&utm_campaign=sqlsourcecontrol&gclid=CK_qsPC5prUCFe7MtAodzC8ACA


SQL Server 2017 OPENROWSET with Excel 2016

I am completely baffled by SQL Server and OPENROWSET permissions.
Our team has an AD Group. This group is included in the DEV server's Windows Administrators local group. This same AD group has SysAdmin privilege on the local installation of SQL Server 2017.
Attempting to run the command:
FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Excel 12.0;Database=C:\Work\test.xls;HDR=YES',['sheet1$'])
works for me, but for none of my teammates.
If there is a definitive document on the security requirements for using the OPENROWSET command - I have not found it (and please - don't refer me to learn.microsoft.com - that documentation is not written in any way that I understand).
There are other issues I have found including if I change the name of the sheet in the Excel workbook - the command fails (and yes - I closed the book after making the change).
Finally - some feedback on the use of OPENROWSET - is it generally a good idea? a bad idea? pretty much neutral but be prepared for these kinds of problems?
I hope this question is specific enough to be answered - I have probably spent 20+ hours trying to figure out how to understand how this works so I can make it work and use it consistently.
So honestly troubleshooting security/permissions and errors with SQL Server is probably the most frustrating aspects of my job.
First few questions and thoughts about your dilemma.
Do you really want to be granting your team connected to your db
sysadmin rights? I wouldn't do that period, full-stop.
Will the data be refreshed? If yes, I suggest you ingest this data
into a sql table with a process, perhaps python, ssis, dts package,
powershell, whatever you fancy.
If the data will always be static in that one excel file, I'd suggest perhaps making it act like a linked server for (hopefully) fewer permission issues? Also, it's easier to query that way, from my memory.
In any event, this article (non msdn link) may help? I've done it this way once before and had slightly less of a difficult time, but then again it involves adding a driver (usually) to the sql server. BUT, then I did not have to allow multiple users sysadmin - and I think ANYTHING is better than that.
Sometimes the issue is not with the user running the query, but SQL Server using the account it runs as - to get permissions on the file. This article goes over that aspect as well. I'm not sure that is your issue as you say it works for me but not for thee, but maybe read that portion of the article at least?

How can I see which tables are changed in SQL Server?

I have a database which I didn't make and now I have to work on that database. I have to insert some information, but some information must be saved in not one table but several tables. I
can use the program which have made the database and insert information with that. While I am doing that, I want to see that which tables are updated. I heard that SQL Server Management Studio has a tool or something which make us see changes.
Do you know something like that? If you don't, how can I see changes on the database's tables? If you don't understand my question, please ask what I mean. Thanks
Edit : Yes absolutely Sql Profiler is what I want but I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and in Express edition, Sql Profiler tool does not exist in Tools menu option. Now I am looking for how to add it.
Edit 2 : Thank you all especially #SchmitzIT for his pictured answer. I upgraded my SQL Server Management Studio from 2008 R2 express edition to 2012 Web Developer Edition. SQL Profiller Trace definitely works.
I agree with #Lmu92. SQL Server Profiler is what you want.
From SQL Server Management Studio, click on the "Tools" menu option, and then select to use "SQL SErver Profiler" to launch the tool. The profier will allow you to see statements executed against the database in real time, along with statistics on these statements (time spent handling the request, as well as stats on the impact of a statement on the server itself).
The statistics can be a real help when you're troubleshooting performance, as it can help you identify long running queries, or queries that have a significant impact on your disk system.
On a busy database, you might end up seeing a lot of information zip by, so the key to figuring out what's happening behind the scenes is to ensure that you implement proper filtering on the events.
To do so, after you connect Profiler to your server, in the "Trace properties" screen, click the "Events Selection" tab:
You probably are good to uncheck the boxes in front of the "Audit" columns, as they are not relevant for your specific issue. However, the important bit on this screen is the "Column filters" button:
This is where you will be able to implement filters that only show you the data you want to see. You can, for instance, add a filter to the "ApplicationName", to ensure you only see events generated by an application with the name you specify. Simply click on the "+" sign next to "Like", and you will be able to fill in an application name in the textbox.
You can choose to add additional filters if you want (like "NTUsername" to filter by AD username, or "LoginName" for an SQL Server user.
Once you are satisfied with the results, click "OK", and you will hopefully start seeing some results. Then you can simply use the app to perform the task you want while the profiler trace runs, and stop it once you are done.
You can then scroll through the collected data to see what exactly it has been doing to your database. Results can also be stored as a table for easy querying.
Hope this helps.
Although you describe in your question what you want, you don't explain why you want it. This would be helpful to properly answer your question.
ExpressProfiler is a free profiler that might meet your needs.
If you're looking to track DDL changes to your database, rather than all queries made against it, you might find SQL Lighthouse useful, once it is released in Beta shortly.
Disclosure: I work for Red Gate.
Do you know something like that? If you don't, how can I see changes
on the database's tables? If you don't understand my question, please
ask what I mean. Thanks
Red gate makes a lot of great tools. You can always make a database comparison. That will require that you make a backup, then doing whatever you want to do, and the compare the two databases, there is a free trial, works perfect to compare which tables has changed (deleted/inserted and modified)
what you might maybe be looking for is "SQL Server Profiler". It's a SQL monitor where you can see all the SQL queries running real time.
Hope that helps you.
As far as I know SQL Profiler tool is not included in the Express edition of SQL Server (only Developer edition contains it). Maybe you can purchase it separately.
If you want you can try this https://sites.google.com/site/sqlprofiler/ free tool for profiling. Maybe it has limitations, but it you can check it.
There are also some profiling tools for integration with Visual studio, and also the ReSharper has InteliTrace (if you are using the tool at all).

Is there a log in SQL Server where I can read what commands have been executed?

I'm using SQL Server 2008 and need to see a list of what commands have been exectued and when. Is this possible? How can I read such log?
Duplicated question (I guess)
Looking for a SQL Transaction Log file viewer
You can use third party software to read transaction logs.
And if you want to audit truncate command try to audit all commands executed on your database.
There are some commercial products which will do this like Apex SQL Log and I think Red Gate might do one too, which give you a nice GUI to do all this but it is possible to do all this without them. That being said, if you only need to do this once then you might get away with juts downloading and using a trial version of one of these products.
This tutorial shows you how to get started extracting information from the log using T-SQL and an undocumented function called fn_dblog. However, the caveat here, as always with undocumented features, is that you should not rely on it in production code in case it disappears without warning, which it may. If you're just using it to investigate something and not using it on a scheduled basis or anything then you'll be fine.
There are quite a few other tutorials out there that use fn_dblog as well, so just have a look on your favourite search engine. It is worth readin up on this function before using it as the information it returns isn't all that straightforward.

how to create a local offline sqlplus database from an sql file?

I'm in a database class and the teacher wants us to connect through ssh to an oracle database setup on a school server and it's been extremely frustrating. She wants us to turn in an sql file that will create all the necessary table, insert tuples, run certain select commands which I've found to be very hard to get an sql file with everything after i get everything right and I haven't found a way to test the sql file against the server and I don't think I have permission to drop tables anyway. Anyway my question is there a way I can take an sql file with create table and insert commands to convert it to something like an access .mba database or something local i can mess around with? and help would be greatly appreciated didn't find much help on google.
You seem to be confusing terminology a bit; SQL*Plus is a client application, and the database is a shared server resource. You want to create schema objects from an SQL file, I think. But anyway...
There's a very useful online resource for experimenting with bits of SQL in various flavours, SQL Fiddle. Technically not 'offline' of course, but I'm taking that to mean off your school's network, not necessarily completely isolated. You can create tables and run your inserts in the schema panel, and then run queries against that. Make sure you pick the right database product from the drop-down menu so you're using syntax that is valid for your class. You'll see a lot of answers here with links to demonstration fiddles.
That's great for a lot of things but if you want something a bit more robust and scalable, and entirely offline, you can install VirtualBox and get a pre-built developer VM image which gives you a ready-to-go Linux environment with a database installed and running. You can run whatever you want against that, you have SQL*Plus and SQL Developer available, and you can connect to the DB from your host machine if you want to. You can create and test your scripts against that, and in a format that will be closer to what you have to hand in than you'd use with SQL Fiddle.
This is much less work than installing the Oracle software yourself and learning how to create and manage the database, which I'm guessing is a bit more advanced than you need at the moment, based purely on the kinds of thing your question suggests you're dong at the moment. I think you'd learn a lot from the installation and build process, but I'd get comfortable with Oracle first, and maybe practice in a VM first as it's so much easier to trash it and start again when you mess something up.
If I wanted 'something local I can mess around with', I would go for a VM image. Mo posted a walkthrough of the VM setup as a comment to a previous similar answer, which you might find helpful.
"Something local I can mess around with" in terms of Oracle Database is Oracle Database 11g Express Edition. It's free and can be downloaded from oracle.com. You certainly can test sql-files run through sqlplus on Oracle Database XE.
To get the MS Access (GUI) feeling, download SQL Developer. It's free.
Best of luck!

Should you store your SQL Stored Procedures in Source Control?

When developing an application with lots of stored procedures, should you store them in some sort of source versioning system (such as source-safe, TFS, SVN)? If so, why? And is there a convenient front end way to do this with SQL Server Management Studio?
Yes. All code should be stored in source control.
Simply put, code is code and mistakes happen. It's nice to be able to go back and see what changed over time and be able to go back to those changes.
We have to add it manually to a source control system, but you can create addons for the Sql Server the Management System. I haven't ever created one to automatically add it to source control, but I suppose you could. Also, all the code is stored in sql tables, so you could in theory create a process or something to go through the table(s) and retrieve all the code and commit it automatically.
Update: I would always write extra code to check and see if the code exists and if it doesn't create a filler procedure and then the actual script do and alter procedure.
id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[SomeStoredProcedure]') AND
OBJECTPROPERTY(id,N'IsProcedure') = 1)
EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SomeStoredProcedure] AS
SELECT ''SPROC Template'''
ALTER PROCEDURE SomeStoredProcedure
Doing a drop and recreate will remove all the user permissions you have setup for it.
Get your database under version control. Check the series of posts by Scott Allen.
When it comes to version control, the database is often a second or even third-class citizen. From what I've seen, teams that would never think of writing code without version control in a million years-- and rightly so-- can somehow be completely oblivious to the need for version control around the critical databases their applications rely on. I don't know how you can call yourself a software engineer and maintain a straight face when your database isn't under exactly the same rigorous level of source control as the rest of your code. Don't let this happen to you. Get your database under version control.
I recommend that you do store them. You never know when you'll need to rollback, or dig into logic you may have removed..
Here's a good way to easily grab your Stored Procs into files that you can throw into whatever source control you desire..
Stored Procedures to .sql files
Storing stored procedures is a great idea. Its a pain though. Just how do you get all that stuff into subversion? You can manually do it, but then its tedious and you end up not doing it at all.
I use a tool from the subsonic project.
sonic.exe version /server servername /db databasename /out outputdirectory
This command saves everything to 2 text files. One contains database schema, stored procs, user accounts, constraints, and primary keys. The other one contains the data.
Now that you have these two files you can use subversion(cvs,source safe) to move it into source control.
More info for using The Command Line Tool (SubCommander)
Most definitely yes. Then the question becomes how you store them in source control. Do you drop and recreate the stored procedure or just alter, do you add permissions at the end of the script or in a separate script. There was a post on Coding Horror a while back about the topic that I found interesting. Is Your Database Under Version Control?
Sure you should.
In MS SQL 2008, you can do it right from Management Studio.
SQL is code. All code belongs under source code control.
That is all.
A set of SPs is an interface, that is likely to be modified more frequently than structural changes.
And because SPs contain business logic, changes should be stored in version control to track the modifications and adjustments to the logic.
Storing these in version control is a symptom of organizational maturity at a coding level, and is a best practice.
Most definitely.
You should.
To my knowledge, no such tool exists to automate this process. At least, five years ago, when I was considering building one, there didn't seem to be any competition.
We store our procs in Subversion, all your SQL Code including DDL should be in some kind of source control repository
SPs and table schemas for that matter are all assets that should be under version control. In a perfect world the DB would be built from scripts, including the test data, as part of your CI process. Even if that's not the case, having a DB/developer is a good model to follow. In that way new ideas can be tried out in a local sandbox without impacting everyone, once the change is tested it can be checked in.
Management Studio can be linked to source control, although I don't have experience of doing this. We've always tracked our SP/schema as files. Management studio can automatically generate change scripts, which are very useful, as table drop/recreate can be too heavy handed for any table that has data.
SQL procs also surely need the same security/benefits of version control as the rest of the code in the project.
As others have said, yes they should be.
I don't know of an easy way to do this with SQL Server Management Studio, but if you also use Visual Studio, database projects are a great way to manage this.
There are methods in SMO to generate scripts if you prefer to code your own scripting tool.
If you're not using asset management alongside source control, then I say throw everything in source control. Images, word documents, the whole shebang. Can't lose it, can always reverse any changes to it and if any machine goes down - nothing is lost.