VB.net creating new AD user account using UserPrincipalEx? - vb.net

I'm having a heck of a time trying to add fields like department and title.
I'm using this to create a user account:
Dim ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "domain.name.pvt", "OU=Users,DC=global,DC=pvt")
Dim usr As UserPrincipal = New UserPrincipal(ctx)
I have no problem creating the account but can't add simple things like Department and Title. I read about using extensions but its in C++ and have no clue on how to do it.
Any help would be great!!! Thanks!

If you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace. Read all about it here:
Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5
MSDN docs on System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
To extend the UserPrincipal class, you don't need much - something like this will suffice (I wrote this in C# originally and just converted it to VB.NET on the 'net - I hope there's no issues with the VB.NET code!)
Imports System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
Namespace ADExtended
<DirectoryRdnPrefix("CN")> _
<DirectoryObjectClass("Person")> _
Public Class UserPrincipalEx
Inherits UserPrincipal
' Inplement the constructor using the base class constructor.
Public Sub New(context As PrincipalContext)
End Sub
' Implement the constructor with initialization parameters.
Public Sub New(context As PrincipalContext, samAccountName As String, password As String, enabled As Boolean)
MyBase.New(context, samAccountName, password, enabled)
End Sub
' Create the "Department" property.
<DirectoryProperty("department")> _
Public Property Department() As String
If ExtensionGet("department").Length <> 1 Then
Return String.Empty
End If
Return DirectCast(ExtensionGet("department")(0), String)
End Get
ExtensionSet("department", value)
End Set
End Property
' Create the "Title" property.
<DirectoryProperty("title")> _
Public Property Title() As String
If ExtensionGet("title").Length <> 1 Then
Return String.Empty
End If
Return DirectCast(ExtensionGet("title")(0), String)
End Get
ExtensionSet("title", value)
End Set
End Property
' Implement the overloaded search method FindByIdentity.
Public Shared Shadows Function FindByIdentity(context As PrincipalContext, identityValue As String) As UserPrincipalEx
Return DirectCast(FindByIdentityWithType(context, GetType(UserPrincipalEx), identityValue), UserPrincipalEx)
End Function
' Implement the overloaded search method FindByIdentity.
Public Shared Shadows Function FindByIdentity(context As PrincipalContext, identityType As IdentityType, identityValue As String) As UserPrincipalEx
Return DirectCast(FindByIdentityWithType(context, GetType(UserPrincipalEx), identityType, identityValue), UserPrincipalEx)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Now, you just use the UserPrincipalEx class:
Dim ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "domain.name.pvt", "OU=Users,DC=global,DC=pvt")
Dim usr As UserPrincipalEx = New UserPrincipalEx(ctx)
usr.Title = "......."
usr.Department = "......."
The new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD!


EF Core, LINQ Operator '=' in VB.NET

I have the next Code in EF Core 3.1 in language VB.NET
Dim supplierID as string="1545464"
Dim results = (From pa In DC.product.AsNoTracking()
Where pa.supplierID = supplierID
Select pa)
The exception throw is:
The LINQ expression 'DbSet<product>
.Where(p => Operators.CompareString(
Left: p.supplierID,
Right: __$VB$Local_supplierID_0,
TextCompare: False) == 0)' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync().
I found the following solution:
Dim supplierID as string="1545464"
Dim results = (From pa In DC.product.AsNoTracking()
Where pa.supplierID.Equals(supplierID)
Select pa)
Is my solution correct, using .Equals()? In C# language if it works with the operator "=="
I have created a small solution with which you can reproduce the error.
The solution has 4 projects:
Sup.Entities (C#)
Sup.DAL (C#)
Sup.ConsoleApp1 (C#)
Sup.consoleAppVB (VB.NET)
This is the error that occurs in Sup.ConsoleAppVB (VB.NET)
This is the result in Sup.ConsoleApp1 (C#)
Attached solution Download that includes projects and an SQL file to create the database and 1 table with 3 rows.
Please change connectionstring for UseSqlServer("...") in OnConfiguring Context
I just ran into this issue but since I have developed my own LINQ to SQL evaluator before I knew how to solve the problem. VB.NET transforms the = operator for strings into a call to Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.CompareString(). So when the expression tree is evaluated this method must be handled. I suspect the reason for this is because VB handles string comparisons to null ((text = Nothing) = True).
I didn't download your sample but I fixed it in an ASP.NET Core application.
If you were using LINQ, this would be handled inside an ExpressionVisitor but for Entity Framework Core 3.1, I found that you can implement an IMethodCallTranslator.
However, Entity Framework uses SqlExpression expressions so an ISqlExpressionFactory is needed to create them. Fortunately, dependency injection can be used to get an implementation from IServiceCollection.
Public Class VbCompareStringMethodCallTranslator : Implements IMethodCallTranslator
Private mExpressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory
Public Sub New(expressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory)
Me.mExpressionFactory = expressionFactory
End Sub
Public Function Translate(instance As SqlExpression, method As MethodInfo, arguments As IReadOnlyList(Of SqlExpression)) As SqlExpression Implements IMethodCallTranslator.Translate
If method IsNot Nothing Then
If method.Name = "CompareString" AndAlso method.DeclaringType?.Name = "Operators" AndAlso
method.DeclaringType?.Namespace = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices" Then
Dim left = arguments(0)
Dim right = arguments(1)
If method.Name Is NameOf(String.Compare) AndAlso arguments.Count = 2 AndAlso
arguments(0).Type.UnwrapNullableType Is arguments(1).Type.UnwrapNullableType Then
left = arguments(0)
right = arguments(1)
ElseIf method.Name Is NameOf(String.CompareTo) AndAlso arguments.Count = 1 AndAlso
instance IsNot Nothing AndAlso instance.Type.UnwrapNullableType Is arguments(0).Type.UnwrapNullableType Then
left = instance
right = arguments(0)
End If
If left IsNot Nothing AndAlso right IsNot Nothing Then
Return Me.mExpressionFactory.[Case]({New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.Equal(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(0)),
New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.GreaterThan(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(1)),
New CaseWhenClause(Me.mExpressionFactory.LessThan(left, right), Me.mExpressionFactory.Constant(-1))},
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Class
Making use of the following extension method
Public Module SharedTypeExtensions
Public Function UnwrapNullableType(type As Type) As Type
Return If(Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(type), type)
End Function
End Module
You can see that this is the code used by Entity Framework to handle string comparisons here https://github.com/dotnet/efcore/blob/3656e9daa9b81398d8c065a702fd5dca91979f49/src/EFCore.Relational/Query/Internal/ComparisonTranslator.cs
So now this needs to be hooked up and the following plumbing code can be used
Public Class VbMethodCallTranslatorPlugin : Implements IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin
Public Sub New(expressionFactory As ISqlExpressionFactory)
Me.Translators = {New VbCompareStringMethodCallTranslator(expressionFactory)}
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Translators As IEnumerable(Of IMethodCallTranslator) Implements IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin.Translators
End Class
Public Class VbDbContextOptionsExtension : Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension
Public Sub ApplyServices(services As IServiceCollection) Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.ApplyServices
services.AddSingleton(Of IMethodCallTranslatorPlugin, VbMethodCallTranslatorPlugin)
End Sub
Public Sub Validate(options As IDbContextOptions) Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.Validate
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Info As DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Implements IDbContextOptionsExtension.Info
Return New VbDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(Me)
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class VbDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo : Inherits DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo
Public Sub New(extension As IDbContextOptionsExtension)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function GetServiceProviderHashCode() As Long
Return Me.Extension.GetHashCode
End Function
Public Overrides Sub PopulateDebugInfo(<NotNullAttribute> debugInfo As IDictionary(Of String, String))
debugInfo("VB:TranslateMethods") = True.ToString
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property IsDatabaseProvider As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property LogFragment As String
Return "VbMethodSupport=true"
End Get
End Property
End Class
Now this can hooked up using the DbContextOptionsBuilder, but the following extension method will make this easier
Public Module VbDbContextOptionsBuilderExtensions
Public Function AddVbSupport(optionsBuilder As DbContextOptionsBuilder) As DbContextOptionsBuilder
Dim builder = CType(optionsBuilder, IDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure)
Dim extension = If(optionsBuilder.Options.FindExtension(Of VbDbContextOptionsExtension), New VbDbContextOptionsExtension)
Return optionsBuilder
End Function
End Module
Now you can hook this up while setting up your DbContext
services.AddDbContext(Of ApplicationDbContext)(Sub(options)
End Sub)
End Sub)
Additional Info
This appears to be a bug in Entity Framework rather than VB.NET just not being supported. You can find this code in the dotnet efcore repository.
I submitted a bug report here
Vote it up so the devs will fix the issue!
Update 1
Looks like this will be fixed in .NET 5
Update 2
The above solution was causing issues after refreshing the page a bunch of times. I would get an error something to the effect of "more than 20 IService instances have been created"
In order to fix this I just added the expression transform into a different part of the pipeline.
Imports System.Linq.Expressions
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
Imports Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query
Public Class VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory : Implements IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory
Private ReadOnly mDependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies
Private ReadOnly mRelationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies
Public Sub New(dependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, relationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies)
Me.mDependencies = dependencies
Me.mRelationalDependencies = relationalDependencies
End Sub
Public Overridable Function Create(queryCompilationContext As QueryCompilationContext) As QueryTranslationPreprocessor Implements IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory.Create
Return New VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor(Me.mDependencies, Me.mRelationalDependencies, queryCompilationContext)
End Function
End Class
Public Class VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor : Inherits RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessor
Public Sub New(dependencies As QueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, relationalDependencies As RelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorDependencies, queryCompilationContext As QueryCompilationContext)
MyBase.New(dependencies, relationalDependencies, queryCompilationContext)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Process(query As Expression) As Expression
query = New LanguageNormalizingExpressionVisitor().Visit(query)
Return MyBase.Process(query)
End Function
End Class
Public Class LanguageNormalizingExpressionVisitor : Inherits ExpressionVisitor
Protected Overrides Function VisitBinary(node As BinaryExpression) As Expression
Dim methodCall = TryCast(node.Left, MethodCallExpression)
If methodCall IsNot Nothing Then
' Replace calls to comparestring with a binary equals on the operands
If methodCall.Method.Name = "CompareString" AndAlso methodCall.Method.DeclaringType?.Name = "Operators" AndAlso methodCall.Method.DeclaringType?.Namespace = "Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices" Then
Dim left = Me.Visit(methodCall.Arguments(0))
Dim right = Me.Visit(methodCall.Arguments(1))
Return Expression.MakeBinary(node.NodeType, left, right)
End If
End If
Return MyBase.VisitBinary(node)
End Function
End Class
Public Module VbDbContextOptionsBuilderExtensions
Public Function AddVbSupport(optionsBuilder As DbContextOptionsBuilder) As DbContextOptionsBuilder
optionsBuilder.ReplaceService(Of IQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory, VbRelationalQueryTranslationPreprocessorFactory)()
Return optionsBuilder
End Function
End Module

Error generating service reference in VS 2015

OK, this worked just fine in VS 2013. It's only when I started work anew on the project after my upgrade to 2015 that the problem has showed up.
In a nutshell, I'm unsure how to tell the WCF Proxy Generator to specify a CLR namespace for a property type; apparently this is required now.
Here's my contract:
Friend Interface IService
<OperationContract> Function CheckFiles() As List(Of String)
<OperationContract> Function CreateBackup(AllFiles As List(Of String)) As BackupResult
End Interface
Here's the class being returned:
Public Class BackupResult
Public Property DbService As New DbService
Public Property TmpFolder As System.IO.DirectoryInfo ' <== Problem here '
Public Property Chunks As Integer
End Class
And just for clarity, here's the class for the DbService property (although its only relevance for this question is to show that it doesn't have any System.IO references).
Public Class DbService
Public Property ErrorMessage As String = String.Empty
Public Property HasError As Boolean = False
End Class
My problem is that the proxy generator doesn't seem to be able to see that DirectoryInfo is in the System.IO namespace—it keeps generating it in the service's namespace. (When I comment out the CreateBackup() function, rerun the service and update the reference, the QbBackup.DirectoryInfo class isn't generated. I don't get the warning shown below and everything works—like it did in 2013—but of course without the property I need.)
Here's the generated code:
Namespace QbServer
' ... '
' '
' Other generated code here '
' '
' ... '
' '
' Note the generated DirectoryInfo class and '
' the BackupResult.TmpFolder property of type '
' QbServer.DirectoryInfo, when the namespace '
' should be System.IO instead '
' '
System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", ""),
System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute(Name:="BackupResult", [Namespace]:="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Service"),
Partial Public Class BackupResult
Inherits Object
Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Private extensionDataField As System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject
Private ChunksField As Integer
Private DbServiceField As QbServer.DbService
Private TmpFolderField As QbServer.DirectoryInfo
Public Property ExtensionData() As System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject.ExtensionData
Return Me.extensionDataField
End Get
Me.extensionDataField = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Chunks() As Integer
Return Me.ChunksField
End Get
If (Me.ChunksField.Equals(Value) <> True) Then
Me.ChunksField = Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property DbService() As QbServer.DbService
Return Me.DbServiceField
End Get
If (Object.ReferenceEquals(Me.DbServiceField, Value) <> True) Then
Me.DbServiceField = Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Property TmpFolder() As QbServer.DirectoryInfo
Return Me.TmpFolderField
End Get
If (Object.ReferenceEquals(Me.TmpFolderField, Value) <> True) Then
Me.TmpFolderField = Value
End If
End Set
End Property
Public Event PropertyChanged As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
Protected Sub RaisePropertyChanged(ByVal propertyName As String)
Dim propertyChanged As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler = Me.PropertyChangedEvent
If (Not (propertyChanged) Is Nothing) Then
propertyChanged(Me, New System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))
End If
End Sub
End Class
System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Runtime.Serialization", "")>
Public Class DirectoryInfo
End Class
End Namespace
And here's the warning I'm getting in Visual Studio 2015:
Custom tool warning: Cannot import wsdl:portType
Detail: An exception was thrown while running a WSDL import extension: System.ServiceModel.Description.DataContractSerializerMessageContractImporter
Error: ISerializable type with data contract name 'DirectoryInfo' in namespace 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/System.IO' cannot be imported. The data contract namespace cannot be customized for ISerializable types and the generated namespace 'QbServer' does not match the required CLR namespace 'System.IO'. Check if the required namespace has been mapped to a different data contract namespace and consider mapping it explicitly using the namespaces collection.
XPath to Error Source: //wsdl:definitions[#targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/']/wsdl:portType[#name='IService'] ConsoleTest D:\Dev\Customers\OIT\Active\ConsoleTest\Service References\QbServer\Reference.svcmap 1
This all results in the proxy classes not being generated.
I've been reading this and this, but they seem to pertain to custom namespaces at the service level. I need to know how to tell the generator to recognize the property type as a CLR type and NOT generate a DirectoryInfo class of its own.
The class System.IO.DirectoryInfo is not supported by the DataContractSerializer. Instead you could try using the XmlSerializer, but you'll likely run into other issues.
A simple solution is to add a string property which captures the data needed to recreate the correct objects. You can keep the original property as well, just be sure to mark it with the [NonSerialized] attribute.
Alternatively you can use the OnSerializing and OnDeserializing attributes to ensure that the DirectoryInfo value is stored in the string field and so that the DirectoryInfo is restored after deserialization.
For more information see:

How to declare a global variable with multiple properties?

I want to use a variable that's in the scope of all my project, what's a good way to accomplish this?
public User as (some type)
var (sometype)
var2 (sometype)
If User.name = "ADMIN" Then
otherForm.Caption = User.name
End If
You could create a class that encapsulates all of this data inside of it:
Public Class User
Public Property Name As String
Public Property Age As Integer
Sub New(_Name As String, _age As Integer)
Name = _Name
Age = _age
End Sub
End Class
Then, you'd just declare it, and set the properties:
Dim U as new User("Thomas", 18)
Messagebox.Show(U.Name) ' Will print "Thomas"
I suggest you define a class for such 'global' properties.
For example, you could name it 'ProjectSettings'.
Public Class ProjectSettings
Public Shared CurrentUser as String
Public Shared DateTimeFormat as String
Public Shared Sub Initialize()
'Initialize your members here
End Sub
End Class
From outside, you could access it like this:
But remember, there are heaps of different approaches of how to do this.
In the above case, you could also define the Members as Readonly Properties, making sure nobody accidentally overwrites the values. Or you could define an object 'User' for CurrentUser, if you need to store more data.
It really depends on what you want to achieve with your global properties. It's only important to keep them central so that everybody in your team (including yourself) knows where to find them. Else it can easily lead to unstructured, bad code.
If you are trying to have a "settings" class like some have suggested, you probably want to look at the My.Settings or My.Resources namespaces for VB .Net
You would end up with something like:
If User.name = My.Settings.Admin Then
otherForm.Caption = User.name
End If
Is this what you are trying to do?
Your other option is to use a module or a "Public NotInheritable" class with a private constructor, with public properties or constants. Like this:
Public NotInheritableClass ProjectSettings
Public Const Admin as String = "ADMIN"
Public Const Whatever as Decimal = 3.14D
Private Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
Then you could have:
If User.name = ProjectSettings.Admin Then
otherForm.Caption = User.name
End If
I like these solutions a little better because there is no way that you can instantiate the settings class.
If you just want your User class to be globally accessible (which implies there is only one given User at a time), then you could do something similar with the User class.
EDIT: Your User class would look like:
Public NotInheritableClass User
Public Const Name as String = "Some Name"
Public Property YouCanChangeThisProperty as String = "Change Me"
Private Sub New()
End Sub
End Class
To use it:
User.YouCanChangeThisProperty = "Changed"
MessageBox.Show("User name: " & User.Name & "; the other property is now: " & User.YouCanChangeThisProperty")
This will give you a message box with:
"User name: Some Name; the other property is now: Changed"
You can create New Class named User
Public Class User
Private mstrName As String
Private mdBirth As Date
Public Property Name() As String
Return mstrName
End Get
Set(ByVal vName As String)
mstrName = vName
End Set
End Property
Public Property BirthDate() As Date
Return mdBirth
End Get
Set(ByVal vBirth As Date)
mdBirth = vBirth
End Set
End Property
ReadOnly Property Age() As Integer
Return Now.Year - mdBirth.Year
End Get
End Property
End Class
You can use this class like this :
Dim Name1 as New User
Name1.Name = "ADMIN"
Name1.BirthDate = CDate("February 12, 1969")
Then Check it (by Msgbox or whatever) :
Msgbox(Name1.BirthDate.ToString & " and Now is " & format(Name1.Age) & " years old")

Define String ENUM in VB.Net

I am using Window Application for my project. There is situation where i need to define string enum and using it in my project.
Dim PersonalInfo As String = "Personal Info"
Dim Contanct As String = "Personal Contanct"
Public Enum Test
End Enum
Now i want value of that variable PersonalInfo and Contract as "Personal Info" and "Personal Contanct".
How can i get this value using ENUM? or anyother way to do it.
Thanks in advance...
For non-integer values, Const in a Structure (or Class) can be used instead:
Structure Test
Const PersonalInfo = "Personal Info"
Const Contanct = "Personal Contanct"
End Structure
or in a Module for direct access without the Test. part:
Module Test
Public Const PersonalInfo = "Personal Info"
Public Const Contanct = "Personal Contanct"
End Module
In some cases, the variable name can be used as a value:
Enum Test
End Enum
Dim PersonalInfo As String = Test.Personal_Info.ToString.Replace("_"c, " "c)
' or in Visual Studio 2015 and newer:
Dim Contanct As String = NameOf(Test.Personal_Contanct).Replace("_"c, " "c)
You could just create a new type
''' <completionlist cref="Test"/>
Class Test
Private Key As String
Public Shared ReadOnly Contact As Test = New Test("Personal Contanct")
Public Shared ReadOnly PersonalInfo As Test = New Test("Personal Info")
Private Sub New(key as String)
Me.Key = key
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return Me.Key
End Function
End Class
and when you use it, it kinda looks like an enum:
Sub Main
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(test As Test)
End Sub
Personal Contanct
Personal Info
How about using Tagging. Something like:
Public Enum MyEnum
<StringValue("Personal Contact")>Contact
<StringValue("My PersonalInfo")>PersonalInfo
End Enum
You would have to write the StringValue attribute as:
Public Class StringValueAttribute
Inherits Attribute
Public Property Value As String
Public Sub New(ByVal val As String)
Value = val
End Sub
End Class
To get it out:
Public Function GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(value As String, enumType As Type) As Object
For Each val As [Enum] In [Enum].GetValues(enumType)
Dim fi As FieldInfo = enumType.GetField(val.ToString())
Dim attributes As StringValueAttribute() = DirectCast(fi.GetCustomAttributes(GetType(StringValueAttribute), False), StringValueAttribute())
Dim attr As StringValueAttribute = attributes(0)
If attr.Value = value Then
Return val
End If
Throw New ArgumentException("The value '" & value & "' is not supported.")
End Function
Public Function GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(Of YourEnumType)(value As String) As YourEnumType
Return CType(GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(value, GetType(YourEnumType)), YourEnumType)
End Function
And then a call to get the Enum (using string attribute):
Dim mEnum as MyEnum = GetEnumByStringValueAttribute(Of MyEnum)("Personal Contact")
To get the "Attribute" value out (removed handling 'Nothing' for clarity):
Public Function GetEnumValue(Of YourEnumType)(p As YourEnumType) As String
Return DirectCast(Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(ForValue(p), GetType(StringValueAttribute)), StringValueAttribute).Value
End Function
Private Function ForValue(Of YourEnumType)(p As YourEnumType) As MemberInfo
Return GetType(YourEnumType).GetField([Enum].GetName(GetType(YourEnumType), p))
End Function
And the call to get the string attribute (using Enum):
Dim strValue as String = GetEnumValue(Of MyEnum)(MyEnum.Contact)
How can i get this value using ENUM? or anyother way to do it.
There are three common ways of mapping enum values to strings:
Use a Dictionary(Of YourEnumType, String)
Decorate the enum values with attributes (e.g. DescriptionAttribute) and fetch them with reflection
Use a Switch statement
The first of these options is probably the simplest, in my view.
I know this is an old post put I found a nice solution that worth sharing:
''' <summary>
''' Gives acces to strings paths that are used often in the application
''' </summary>
Public NotInheritable Class Link
Public Const lrAutoSpeed As String = "scVirtualMaster<.lrAutoSpeed>"
Public Const eSimpleStatus As String = "scMachineControl<.eSimpleStatus>"
Public Const xLivebitHMI As String = "scMachineControl<.xLivebitHMI>"
Public Const xChangeCycleActive As String = "scMachineControl<.xChangeCycleActive>"
End Class
'Can be anywhere in you applicaiton:
This prevents unwanted extra coding, it's easy to maintain and I think this minimizes extra processor overhead.
Also visual studio shows the string attributes right after you type "Link"
just like if it is a regular Enum
If all you want to do is display the enums in a list or combo, you can use tagging such as
Private Enum MyEnum
End Enum
Then pull the MyEnum into a string and use Replace (or Regex) to replace the tags: "___" with "...", "__" with "**", "_" with " ", and remove trailing numbers. Then repack it up into an array and dump it into a combobox which will look like:
Select an option...
Review Invoice
Scheduled Meetings
Open Meeting
Cancelled Meetings
Current Meetings
(You can use the numbers to, say, disable a text field for inputting an invoice number or meeting room. In the example, Review Invoice and Open Meeting might be expecting additional input so a text box might be enabled for those selections.)
When you parse the selected combo item, the enumeration will work as expected but you only really need to add a single line of code - the text replacement - to get the combo to look as you wish.
(The explanation is about 10 times as involved as the actual solution!)
This technique from Microsoft - "How to: Determine the String Associated with an Enumeration Value (Visual Basic)" - will be useful in some situations (it didn't help with mine unfortunately though :( ). Microsoft's example:
Public Enum flavorEnum
End Enum
Private Sub TestMethod()
MsgBox("The strings in the flavorEnum are:")
Dim i As String
For Each i In [Enum].GetNames(GetType(flavorEnum))
End Sub

What did VB replace the function "Set" with?

I've found several aspx codes for forms which include the use of a "Set" function. When I try them out on the hosting server, I get an error message that "Set is no longer supported". Anyone know what replaced the "Set" command?
More specifically, how do I change this:
Dim mail
Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mail.To = EmailTo
mail.From = EmailFrom
mail.Subject = Subject
mail.Body = Body
to be VB.NET compatible?
If you mean the VB6 syntax
Set obj = new Object
then you can simply remove the Set
obj = new Object()
Set is a keyword in VB6, with the intrudction of VB.NET the keyword, as used in this context, was removed.
Formerly, Set was used to indicate that an object reference was being assigned (Let was the default). Because default properties no longer are supported unless they accept parameters, these statements have been removed.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim person As New Person("Peter")
Dim people As New People()
'Use the default property, provided we have a parameter'
Dim p = people("Peter")
End Sub
End Module
Public Class People
Private _people As New Dictionary(Of String, Person)
Public Sub Add(ByVal person As Person)
_people.Add(person.Name, person)
End Sub
Default Public ReadOnly Property Person(ByVal name As String) As Person
Return _people(name)
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Class Person
Private _name As String
Public Sub New(ByVal name As String)
_name = name
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Return _name
End Get
End Property
End Class
Some things to remember for .Net:
NEVER use Server.CreateObject() in .Net code. Ever.
NEVER Dim a variable without giving it an explicit type. Except for new Option Infer linq types
NEVER use the Set keyword. Except when defining a property.
In fact, in .Net you can get rid probably of the CDONTS dependancy entirely, as .Net has a built-in mail support:
Dim smtp As New System.Net.SmtpClient()
Dim message As New System.Net.MailMessage(EmailFrom, EmailTo, Subject, Body)