Selenium: How to get plain text from html source? - selenium

i'm going to rewrite all my tests project, by replacing Selenium by HtmlUnit because i'm not able to get plain text in selenium as i can do with htmlunit using "HtmlPage:asText" method. Getting plain text can help me to verify easily the content of a page, without paying attention of the presence or not of the tags.
For example a plain text like this " One, two three" may correspond to many html source:
<p>One, two three</p>
or <table> <tr><td>One1</td><td>two</td><td>three</td> </tr></table>
or <div><span>One, </span> <span>two, </span> <span>three, </span> </div>
By using HtmlUnit i can write functional test without paying attention of how the actual content will be represented in the html format.

This will give you only plain text in page
String pageSource=driver.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText();
Below logic will gives you entire page source.


Using Selenium with Java on Salesforce Lightning / Javascript problems

We had Selenium tests running on Sales Force non Lightning. Now I am converting to Lightning. There is a chain of menus to go through. I have successfully navigated to a certain menu, but now I have run into a problem. This is not the standard question about new element names. Here is the question. This is a small piece of what the page looks like (see below).
When using inspect with Chrome I can find the elements. This is what it looks like (a small cross section corresponding to above). The SPAN tag has the label ("Original Agreement") and the DIV below it will contain the box for the input value.
<div class="slds-form-element__control" data-aura-rendered-by="228:1224;a">
<div data-aura-rendered-by="1108:0" class="uiInput forceSearchInputLookupDesktop uiInput--default" data-aura-class="uiInput forceSearchInputLookupDesktop uiInput--default">
<label class="label inputLabel uiLabel-left form-element__label uiLabel" for="157:1224;a" data-aura-rendered-by="1103:0" data-aura-class="uiLabel">
<span class="" data-aura-rendered-by="1104:0">Original Agreement</span>
<!--render facet: 1106:0--><!--render facet: 1107:0--></label>
<div data-aura-rendered-by="161:1224;a"><div class="contentWrapper slds-box--border" data-aura-rendered-by="162:1224;a">
However, Selenium can not find the elements (though inspect does). When I did a "View Page Source instead of an
inspect, almost the entire thing is in JavaScript like this:
function rewriteAndInjectCss(linkEl, source, varLookup) {
var css = rewriteCssVars(source, varLookup);
injectStyles(linkEl, css);
but a lot more. Almost all functions, with maybe only a couple elements.
In the past when I have seen something similar there is often an iframe to switch to to get the elements. But there is no iframe to switch to. So I am stuck how to get these. Can anyone shed some light?
OK. Found it. I needed to do a driver.switchTo().defaultContent()

How to get fully qualified url with selenium on a link without any href attribute?

I would like to retrieve url from a link on an html page.
unfortunately, html code does not contain any href attribute (I suppose it is managed by some javascript code)
Here is html code :
<p class="ng-scope">
<a class="documentLink ng-binding" data-document-id="21928499">Electronic document</a>
I tried to do it with getattribute() function :
By linkPodPopover = new ByXpath("//div[#class='popover-content']//a[contains(.,'Electronic document')]");
but it returns an empty String...
I also tried with this code but also without success :
Do you see another way ?
I did not find any answer on the internet.
And I tried to explore every javascript attribute of the DOM element of my link without finding URL.
Finally, I came across this problem by using browserstack functionnalities :
It allows to click on the download link, then the browser download it. then using Javascript, I can check if file is well downloaded, and if size and md5 are correct. –

How to click on checkbox on webpage using selenium vba

I have a query,how to click on checkbox on webpage using selenium vba.
Below is the screen shot where i want to click
Below is the html code.
<span name="locSpans[]" value="Nerul" style="display:block">
<input type="checkbox" name="locArr[]" value="8897" onclick="enableDisableLocality(); showSelectedLoc();">Nerul
<input type="hidden" name="locArrVal[]" disabled="disabled" value="Nerul">
FindElementByCss is generally faster unless using IE, and then it depends which version of IE and what type of traversal is required.
Repeated tests have proven FindElementByCss to be more performant than FindElementByXPath (Note: that if there is a unique id present then selecting by id is always the first choice!)
In benchmarked tests Chrome and FireFox saw faster matching using CSS consistently across different traversal paths. They are optimized with CSS in mind and using CSS selectors is advocated as selenium best practice. IE was more variable with most instances of XPath being slightly more performant, but there being some clear paths that favoured CSS selection. Long XPath selectors will be costly and prone to breakage. Later versions of IE saw more variability. Opera12 browser came in with mixed results.
I would use a CSS selector:
So, for a simple selection based on likely unique attribute, I would go with an attribute CSS selector of [value='8897'] to target the value attribute. The [] means attribute selector. So value attribute with value of 8897.
If you want to be more selective you can throw in an additional attribute selector, as follows, to target the type attribute.
When should I use XPath then?
Older IE versions for sure.
Any requirement for walking up the DOM would point to XPath usage.
XPath has some great additional locator strategies for hard to find elements, but that is not necessary AFAIK here. You can see some of the additional considerations here.
You can use xpath below to get checkbox, it means: find input with type="checkbox" and parent SPAN with text "Nerul".
driver.FindElementByXPath("//input[ancestor::span[normalize-space(.)='Nerul'] and #type='checkbox']").Click
Try this if not go for CSS Selector Option
bot.Wait 1000

Populate the field in the HTML based on the text beside it using selenium

I am newbie to Selenium and trying to explore it. I am trying to populate the field in the HTML based on the text beside it.
For example in the below image, If I have to enter "Jack" as the First name in the text box, I must be able to search the HTML file for the text "First name:" and populate the text field beside it.
HTML Code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
First name:
<input type="text" name="firstname" >
Last name:
<input type="text" name="lastname" >
I understand it is possible if "First name:" is a label, we can use
selenium.type("css=label:contains(\"First name:\")+input", "Jack");
But the tricky part it is not necessary a label it can be any form such as
<h1>,<b>,<p> or even without any tags.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
Well, it sounds like you need to open up the html and take a look at what you're working with.
A good tool to use is Firebug plugin for Firefox browser, which allows you to easily select web elements and inspect them.
With Firebug, all you would need to do is right click the element you wish to inspect, and than click "Inspect with Firebug". Firebug will then highlight and point out the exact location of the web element within the HTML, allowing you to know what tag it may fall under.
Other than that, you could post the HTML of those fields and get some starting pointers on how you should write them into your tests.

Selenium object identification

I am using Selenium webdriver to test my application & i am facing difficulties in identifiying button on the same. the code snippet is like :
<input type="submit" onclick="return sign(this);" value="Login">
and its xpath is :
Which object property to use and how?
You should not use that XPath.
I would hazard a guess that you used some sort of tool, whether it's Firebug or IDE, to generate that XPath. Stop that now!
XPath is fine to use, and can be used here, just not relying on the tools to generate it for you! That XPath is destined for failure!
You will need to provide more HTML, specifically around that button.
However, you should just be able to use something as simple as:
You can use the xpath, if that is really stable. I found that it is much easier to define id tags in the html elements and the use a locator. Alternatively you can use css selectors, depending on the "uniqueness" of your button something like this could work: