How to add 1 to Variable with Button Click? - objective-c

I want to add 1 to my variable each time the button is clicked, but instead a 10 digit number appears. What am I doing wrong with the code below?
-(IBAction)recordData:(id)sender {
int randomNumber;
randomNumber = randomNumber + 1;
NSString *myRandomNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i", randomNumber];
NSString *CompleteData = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:DataView.text];
CompleteData = [CompleteData stringByAppendingString: #"\n"];
CompleteData = [CompleteData stringByAppendingString:myRandomNumber];
DataView.text = CompleteData;

int randomNumber
either static or declare it as an instance variable.
What you are currently doing is creating a new varialbe each time when recordData is invoked. Plus you do not initialize it. Local variables are not initialized. Instance variables are initialized with 0/nil. As a result your variable has some random content (as its name suggests anyway :). To that random value you add 1.

Your variable is not initialised: int randomNumber = 0 would fix that.
randomNumber's scope is the recordData: method. You could make it a static variable a suggested by holex, or even better, make it a property of your class.
Have a look at Encapsulating Data in Apple's Objecitve-c Documentation to learn more about iVars and properties.


What is the most efficient way to move NSArray objects to UITextFields?

I have some code where there may or may not be objects in the Array... this is the code I am dealing with:
oServices1.text = CustomServicesArray[0];
oServices2.text = CustomServicesArray[1];
oServices3.text = CustomServicesArray[2];
oServices4.text = CustomServicesArray[3];
oServices5.text = CustomServicesArray[4];
oServices6.text = CustomServicesArray[5];
oServices7.text = CustomServicesArray[6];
oServices8.text = CustomServicesArray[7];
oServices9.text = CustomServicesArray[8];
oServices10.text = CustomServicesArray[9];
oServices11.text = CustomServicesArray[10];
oServices12.text = CustomServicesArray[11];
oServices13.text = CustomServicesArray[12];
oServices14.text = CustomServicesArray[13];
oServices15.text = CustomServicesArray[14];
oServices16.text = CustomServicesArray[15];
oServices17.text = CustomServicesArray[16];
oServices18.text = CustomServicesArray[17];
oServices19.text = CustomServicesArray[18];
oServices20.text = CustomServicesArray[19];
oServices21.text = CustomServicesArray[20];
oServices22.text = CustomServicesArray[21];
oServices23.text = CustomServicesArray[22];
Rather than check each and every array object for nil, is there a way I can take the oServices*xx*.text UIFields and put them into some kind of array so I can just use a loop?
Are you aware of reflexivity? With KVC you could save up much code and time:
for(int i=1; i<=23; i++) {
NSString* key= [NSString stringWithFormat: #"oServices%d"i];
// Remember that variables should start with a lowercase letter
[[self valueForKey: key] setText: customServicesArray[i-1] ];
But if you don't want to bind all these variables in your storyboard/xib file (even this may be too much), just set the tag of each text field in the order that you want (from 1), so that you can get them back using viewWithTag:
// From the UIViewController
for(int i=1; i<=23; i++) { // Consider defining a constant instead of 23
[[self.view viewWithTag: i] setText: customServicesArray[i-1] ];
I consider this last solution better because you avoid binding so many variables.
You can use an OutletCollection to hold oServices and loop on that. Note however that outlet collections are not sorted so you would need to sort them beforehand (on the tag criteria, or location for example).
For ordering see this question.
Set the tag property of the UITextFields to their corresponding ordinal in the array. The default value of tag is 0, so you may need to set the tag property to ordinal + 1 if there are other views in the parent view of your UITextFields. On the parent view of your text fields, you can use the viewWithTag: method to retrieve the appropriate UITextField.

objective c int not declared

I am creating a very simple calculator. To save the first user inputed float, i save it as a string in the addition action as to save it when they click on the addition button. Then later I call upon it again to add it to the second user inputed float. However when i call upon it again it gives the error: Use of undefined identifier num1. The same thing happens with the operation integer. Here is the relevant code:
- (IBAction)addition {
NSString *number1 = total.text;
float num1 = [number1 floatValue];
int operation = 1;
total.text = #"";
- (IBAction)equal {
NSString *number2 = total.text;
float num2 = [number2 floatValue];
if (operation == 1) {
int num3 = num1 + num2;
NSString *znumber1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", num1];
You need to declare num1 as an "instance variable" so it's accessible by both functions (usually declared within your #interface block).
The way you're declaring it only allows for the code within that function's scope to access it.
I would reccomend reading up on variable scope before continuing.
num1 is only in the scope of (IBAction)addition so you can't use it in (IBAction)equal.
num1 is not scoped correctly. It is local to addition. You want to put in the interface in your .m file of your class. That will give a private variable for your implementation. If you put in your .h file you will expose to the rest of your program.

set ivars from NSDictionnary

I'm currently working on a project where the user defines some parameters in a NSDictionnary, that I'm using to setup some objects.
For example, you can ask to create a Sound object with parameters param1=xxx, param2=yyy, gain=3.5 ... Then an Enemi object with parameters speed=10, active=YES, name=zzz ...
active = NO;
looping = YES;
soundList = "FINAL_PSS_imoverhere_all";
speed = 100.0;
I then instantiate my classes, and would like to set the ivars automatically from this dictionnary.
I've actually wrote some code to check that this parameter exists, but I'm having trouble in actually setting the parameter value, especially when the parameter is non object (float or bool).
Here's what I'm doing so far :
//aKey is the name of the ivar
for (NSString *aKey in [properties allKeys]){
//create the name of the setter function from the key (parameter -> setParameter)
NSString *setterName = [aKey stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1) withString:[[aKey substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString]];
setterName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%#:",setterName];
SEL setterSelector = NSSelectorFromString(setterName);
//Check if the parameter exists
if ([pge_object respondsToSelector:setterSelector]){
//TODO : automatically set the parameter
[[PSMessagesChecker sharedInstance]logMessage:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Cannot find %# on %#", aKey, [dict objectForKey:#"type"]] inColor:#"red"];
NSLog(#"Cannot find %# on %#", aKey, [dict objectForKey:#"type"]);
As you can see, I don't know what to do once I've found that the parameter exists on the object. I tried to use "performSelector... withObject..., but my problem is that some of the parameters are non-objects (float or bool).
I also tried to get the class of the parameter, by using the setter, but it didn't help.
Did anyone manage to do something like that?
Jack Lawrence's comment is spot on.
What you are looking for is called Key Value Coding, or just KVC.
This fundamental part of Cocoa lets you get and set any instance variable using its name as a String and a new value.
It will automatically handle coercing Objects to primitive values, so you can use it for int and float properties too.
There is also support for validating values and handling unknown properties.
see the docs
your code, without validation, could be written
for( id eachKey in props ) {
[anOb setValue:props[eachKey] forKey:eachKey];
or just
[anOb setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:props];
as Jack said.
For the non-object parameters you have to put them into an object, for example NSNumber or NSValue. You can then add these objects into your dictionary.
For Example:
float f = 0.5;
NSNumber f_obj = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:f];

Pointer that can reference a UITextView or a UITextField

I want to print a form that contains a mixture of UITextFields and UITextViews, doing exactly the same thing with each one regardless of its actual type. To keep the code clean I'd like to assign each item in the views array to the same variable in order to retrieve its printing parameters. I thought I could do this with a variable of type id, but I haven't hit on anything that will compile. The code below doesn't compile but it shows what I want to do. My thanks to anyone who tells me how to do this correctly.
id theField;
//for each field on the page
for (j = offsetToFirstFormField; j < [self.fields count]; j++) {
theField = [self.fields objectAtIndex: j];
printStr = theField.text;
if ([printStr length] > 0) {
theFont = [theField font];
maxSize = CGSizeMake(theField.frame.size.width, theField.frame.size.height);
printStrSize = [printStr sizeWithFont:theFont constrainedToSize:maxSize lineBreakMode:UILineBreakModeClip];
printRect = CGRectMake((theField.frame.origin.x * xScale) + xOffset, (theField.frame.origin.y * yScale) + yOffset, printStrSize.width, printStrSize.height);
[printStr drawInRect:printRect withFont:theFont];
You can't use dot-syntax with id variables. You have to stick with message-sending syntax. For example, you have to change this:
printStr = theField.text;
to this:
printStr = [theField text];
If that doesn't fix it, edit your question and paste in the actual error messages you're getting.
Encapsulate your printable functionality in a protocol. So you will be using id<Printable> rather than id. Your protocol will have methods like getText getFont. Or you can use category to extend the existing classes.

Objective-c: Dynamic Class Names

I'm not sure if I worded the subject correctly. I am looping through an array, within each loop I am trying to instantiate a class, but I want to dynamically create the name. Like so:
int i = 0;
for(NSString* thisdatarow in filedata) {
NSString* thisad = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"ad%d", i];
NSLog(#"%#", thisad);
AdData* thisad = [AdData new];
In the example above I want AdData* thisad... to be named dynamically - "ad1", "ad2", "ad3"...and so on. I get a conflicting type error.
This code also generated an error:
int i = 0;
for(NSString* thisdatarow in filedata) {
AdData* [NSString stringWithFormat:#"ad%d", i] = [AdData new];
Is there a way to do this?
You can't do that in Objective-C.
Use a NSString to AdData map--it'll do basically the same thing!
**edit: To clarify, use an:
NSMutableDictionary *dict;
with keys that are NSString* objects containing the ad names, and values that are the AdData* objects.
[dict setValue:ad1 forKey:#"ad1"];
to set the values, and
[dict valueForKey:#"ad1"];
to get the values. (ignore the obvious memory leaks there with the strings...)
This isn't possible. While Objective-C is very dynamic, it's not that dynamic.
The suggested way to do this would be to create your instances and put them into an array, not assigning them to explicitly named variables.
You can then refer to them individually using their index in the array.
Something like this:
NSMutableArray *ads = [NSMutableArray array];
for(NSString* thisdatarow in filedata) {
AdData* thisad = [[[AdData alloc] init] autorelease];
[ads addObject:thisad];
// get third ad:
AdData *ad = [ads objectAtIndex:2];
Alternatively you could create an NSDictionary, if you really want to refer to them by a name, like this:
NSMutableDictionary *ads = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
int i = 0;
for(NSString* thisdatarow in filedata) {
AdData* thisad = [[[AdData alloc] init] autorelease];
NSString *keyName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"ad%d", i];
[ads setObject:thisad forKey:keyName];
// get third ad
AdData *ad = [ads objectForKey:#"ad2"];
Cant be done Without using a C array, which would look like this:
AdData **ad = malloc(sizeof(AdData) * numberOfAds);
ad[1] = [AdData new];
// etc.
if (ad)
But I don't know how that would work because of how Objective-C classes are stored....
Local variable names are a purely compile-time concept. So you cannot do anything "dynamic" (i.e. at runtime) with it. The compiler is free to rename the variables and add or remove variables as it sees fit.
If you think about it, what is the point of dynamically manipulating local variable names? In order to use the dynamically-named variable again, you must either 1) explicitly refer to the variable name, in which case you have hard-coded the name (not so dynamic), or 2) dynamically construct the name again. If it's (1), then there is only a fixed set of variable names, so dynamic-ness is unnecessary. If it's (2), you're missing the point of local variable names (the whole point of which is so they can be referred to explicitly).