Include (another) file when executing .exe from Process.Start -

I have the following code that when executed with a button(example), will Start the program rkill.exe. However when rkill.exe starts (cmdline interface), it requires the file lpt$vpn.709. How can I include this file when calling rkillProcess.Start() ?
Code- This works, but need to include lpt$vpn.709 ?
Dim rkillProcess As New Process
rkillProcess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Tools\McAffee\rkill\rkill.exe"
rkillProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
Of course rkill.exe runs fine if I double click it from its directory with lpt$vpn.709 included in directory. However for my programs purpose I need rkill.exeto be launched with a button event. This is why I need to include lpt$vpn.709 in order for rkill to run.

Thanks Mark!
This works:
syscleanProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Tools\TrendMicro\sysclean\"
syscleanProcess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Tools\TrendMicro\sysclean\sysclean"


What is the difference between Program and Argument directories when calling .exe using Shell in VBA?

My latest attempt to solve my problems when calling a .exe with an input argument from Excel-VBA uses this script:
Sub RunProgram()
Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir "\\path\folder1\folder2\"
End Sub
Public Sub StartExeWithArgument()
Dim strProgramName As String
Dim strArgument As String
strProgramName = "program.exe "
strArgument = "datafile.gdp"
Call Shell("""" & strProgramName & """ """ & strArgument & """", vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
The path I set as the working directory is the working directory of the .exe program, and the location of the input file datafile.gdp. However, this current script calls the .exe without loading the argument file and the calculations the .exe is supposed to run do not occur. Instead the .exe launches to its main page as though I clicked a desktop shortcut to start a new project. When loaded correctly, the .gdp file should cause the calculation to initiate and run in the background without ever appearing to the user.
If I change the path of the input file to:
strArgument = "\\path\folder1\folder2\datafile.gdp"
But keep everything else the same, the .exe launches and calculates automatically, but wants to write files in the following duplicated directory, (all prefixed with the name of the input file):
If I create the file path for it to operate in everything operates as it should, BUT the path is actually 6 folders deep in reality and this is all being duplicated, meaning the files are too deep to be backed up on our system. So I need to launch the program and have it operating without this duplication of the directory. It works fine when not launched from this VBA script, and worked fine before the .exe was updated by an external company.
Why can the Call Shell command find the .exe without a path, but I
need to provide a path for the argument?
strArgument = ... requires a path to find the argument file, despite the file being in the current directory, providing the path seems to pass a duplicated path to the .exe causing it to crash if I don't create the folders representing the duplicated directory so it can operate within them. Is there something very basic I am missing regarding directories?
My previous up-voted but unanswered question here provides more context.

Setting Directories and the If Len(Dir(... statement in VBA

I have a file exists under this path:
It is an input to an external program being called from vba in this manner:
Sub RunProgram()
Dim wsh As Object
SetCurrentDirectory "\\path\"
ChDir "\\path\folder1\folder2\" 'Set Directory
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
check = CurDir
Statusnum = wsh.Run(Command:="program.exe ""\\path\folder1\folder2\datafile.gdp""", WindowStyle:=1, waitonreturn:=True)
But on the final line, including \path\folder1\folder2\ before the input file name appears to cause the external program to want to write some files into a duplicated directory that doesn't exist, causing an error. It used to work in this format before the .exe was updated by an external company. It now wants to write some files here, all prefixed with the name of my input file:
Hoping to fix this, I changed the final line of the code to this, following some comments on a previous post here on SO:
Statusnum = wsh.Run(Command:="program.exe ""datafile.gdp""", WindowStyle:=1, waitonreturn:=True)
Since the directory is set correctly prior to calling the .exe, I thought removing the path for the input file would solve the issue.
The program now launches, but doesn't appear to load the input file with it and no longer runs calculations automatically in the background as it should. Instead, it launches and the main .exe window pops up to the user as if it had just been launched for setting up a new project, calculations don't occur automatically.
To check which directory the VBA code was try to pull my datafile.gdp from, I created these loops directly before calling the .exe:
If Len(Dir("\\path\folder1\folder2\datafile.gdp")) = 0 Then
FileIsMissing1 = True 'I use Excel-VBA watches to break if true
End If
If Len(Dir("datafile.gdp")) = 0 Then
FileIsMissing2 = True
End If
Bizarrely, neither of these loops causes a break. The file only exists in
Not in the duplicated directory... so why are both of these statements satisfied? Does entering the directory make no difference even when the current directory has been set? The current directory seems to be impacting the line:
Statusnum = wsh.Run(Command:="program.exe ""\\path\folder1\folder2\datafile.gdp""", WindowStyle:=1, waitonreturn:=True)
But not these if loops, and I'm not sure why.

I cannot load the help.chm file

I am trying to show a help file (help.chm) when pressing F1 button.
The problem is whenever I use this code, everything seems to be working
HelpProvider.HelpNamespace = "C:\Help.chm"
However, when I am trying to use the file that is in my application directory, it will not work
HelpProvider.HelpNamespace = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\Help.chm"
I am not getting any errors while building the application nor when I press F1. BTW this is the rest of my code for HelpProvider
HelpProvider.SetHelpKeyword(Me, Nothing)
HelpProvider.SetHelpNavigator(Me, HelpNavigator.TableOfContents)
HelpProvider.SetShowHelp(Me, True)
HelpProvider.HelpNamespace = Application.StartupPath & "\Help.chm"

the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process in

help me.. i'm new in visual basic....
when i'm running the update it shows the error
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Macky\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Marcelo 2.2.3\Marcelo\bin\Debug\Students\MIC953867.jpg' because it is being used by another process.
my code is this
Public Sub copingfile()
If inFileName = Nothing Then
studpic.Image = Nothing
outFileName = inFileName
pos = inFileName.LastIndexOf(".")
If (pos > 0) Then
outFileName = outFileName.Substring(0, pos)
End If
outFileName += ".jpg"
str = Application.StartupPath & "\Students\"
saveJPEGFile.FileName = str & StudID.Text & ".jpg" '& outFileName
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True) 'the error shows here...
outFileName = saveJPEGFile.FileName()
End If
End Sub
I can save new student information with picture.. but when it comes in updating the picture these codes didn't work......
fil1.Copy(inFileName, saveJPEGFile.FileName, True)
You're attempting overwrite a file that's open or being used. If the file is open in a viewer/editor, then it can't be copied over. Either you opened it manually, or did so through code and it's still "attached" to something running.
If it's not open in a window, try stopping your code and deleting that file manually. If you can, it's pretty obvious something in code is still using it when you get to the line that errored. You'll need to figure out where that file is still being used (Open stream somewhere? Open in VS, itself?), as it doesn't appear to be in the code you provided.
You are going to need to show more code, you are using variables not in your code listing. Plus you do not show the code that originally saves your image.
But here is my guess...are you sure you closed the file when you saved it for the first time? You cannot generally copy to, or from, a file that is open.
(Files can be opened as shared, but I don't think you are doing that).
Post more code if you get a chance.

How to use Process.Start

I'm using process.Start to run Convert.exe. This program's purpose is to convert all files which are in the exe's folder. So when I normally use it, I copy paste a file into the same folder as Convert.exe and then run Convert.exe. Convert.exe will create a new "converted" file in the same folder.
I'm trying to automate this tedious process. A User selects a file which needs to be converted from FolderA, I copy it to the same folder where Convert.exe is and I'm using process.start(Convert.exe) to run it.
Just to be clear, this "Convert.exe" accepts NO arguments.
The problem: "Convert.exe" is not converting the files in its folder. Instead it's converting all the files in FolderA for some weird reason. I don't know why it picked that folder, I never even try to send it as an argument or nothing.
Here's the code I have:
Dim techInfo As New System.IO.FileInfo(itm.strFilePath)
techInfo.CopyTo(ConverterPath & techInfo.Name)
Dim procInfoConvert As New ProcessStartInfo
procInfoConvert.CreateNoWindow = False
procInfoConvert.Arguments = ""
procInfoConvert.FileName = ConverterPath & "Convert.exe"
Dim procConvert As Process = Process.Start(procInfoConvert)
I did a test where I copy pasted a file into the "Convert.exe" folder and then just run this code:
process.start(ConverterPath & "Convert.exe")
The exe returns nothing, same as if there was no files in the folder.
The only thing I can think of is that when process.Start is run, it copies the file to another location and runs it from there.
Any ideas anyone?
Try this:
procInfoConvert.WorkingDirectory = ConverterPath
That'll set the process up to start in the directory it's contained in, instead of the current directory.