ASP.NET Web API - Reading querystring/formdata before each request -

For reasons outlined here I need to review a set values from they querystring or formdata before each request (so I can perform some authentication). The keys are the same each time and should be present in each request, however they will be located in the querystring for GET requests, and in the formdata for POST and others
As this is for authentication purposes, this needs to run before the request; At the moment I am using a MessageHandler.
I can work out whether I should be reading the querystring or formdata based on the method, and when it's a GET I can read the querystring OK using Request.GetQueryNameValuePairs(); however the problem is reading the formdata when it's a POST.
I can get the formdata using Request.Content.ReadAsFormDataAsync(), however formdata can only be read once, and when I read it here it is no longer available for the request (i.e. my controller actions get null models)
What is the most appropriate way to consistently and non-intrusively read querystring and/or formdata from a request before it gets to the request logic?

Regarding your question of which place would be better, in this case i believe the AuthorizationFilters to be better than a message handler, but either way i see that the problem is related to reading the body multiple times.
After doing "Request.Content.ReadAsFormDataAsync()" in your message handler, Can you try doing the following?
Stream requestBufferedStream = Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result;
requestBufferedStream.Position = 0; //resetting to 0 as ReadAsFormDataAsync might have read the entire stream and position would be at the end of the stream causing no bytes to be read during parameter binding and you are seeing null values.
note: The ability of a request's content to be read single time only or multiple times depends on the host's buffer policy. By default, the host's buffer policy is set as always Buffered. In this case, you will be able to reset the position back to 0. However, if you explicitly make the policy to be Streamed, then you cannot reset back to 0.

What about using ActionFilterAtrributes?

this code worked well for me
public HttpResponseMessage AddEditCheck(Check check)
var request= ((System.Web.HttpContextWrapper)Request.Properties.ToList<KeyValuePair<string, object>>().First().Value).Request;
var i = request.Form["txtCheckDate"];
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Ok);


Why is axios returning a different responseURL than the request url?

I am making an Axios GET request from my React Native app to my locally served backend.
The response "config" object shows a "baseURL" of "" and a "url" of "inventory?status=ALL&barcode=127035838".
The response "request" object shows a "_url" of "".
However! the response "responseURL" attribute shows a value of "".
The request from the app is not finding the barcode, returning 204. Making the same request from Postman, I am able to find the barcode with a 200 status. This makes me believe the issue is not on the backend. I switched from Axios to fetch and found the same result.
It is my guess the additional "%1D" on the end of the barcode is the cause of frustration. Why is the rsponseURL different from the request url. Why is axios adding "1%D", and how can I make it stop? Is there something else going on?
My solution:
let uriSN = serialNumber;
uriSN = encodeURIComponent(serialNumber);
uriSN = uriSN.replace('%1D', '');
Encoding the barcode and then stripping it of the "1%D" solves the issue. I do not know if it is the best or complete solution.
%1D is the url-encoded hex for 29 which is an ASCII control character called the "group seperator" so your serialNumber might have this character which is being parsed accordingly (by design) through the encodeURIComponent function. This is known as "GIGO" (garbage in garbage out).

Soundcloud API /stream endpoint giving 401 error

I'm trying to write a react native app which will stream some tracks from Soundcloud. As a test, I've been playing with the API using python, and I'm able to make requests to resolve the url, pull the playlists/tracks, and everything else I need.
With that said, when making a request to the stream_url of any given track, I get a 401 error.
The current url in question is:
I've tried it without the ?client_id..., I have tried replacing the ? with &, I've tried getting another client_id, I've tried it with allow_redirects as both true and false, but nothing seems to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The streamable property of every track is True, so it shouldn't be a permissions issue.
After doing a bit of research, I've found a semi-successful workaround. The /stream endpoint of the API is still not working, but if you change your destination endpoint to, it'll give you an RSS feed that's (mostly) the same as what you'd get by using the tracks or playlists API endpoint.
The link contained therein can be streamed.
Okay, I think I have found a generalized solution that will work for most people. I wish it were easier, but it's the simplest thing I've found yet.
Use API to pull tracks from user. You can use linked_partitioning and the next_href property to gather everything because there's a maximum limit of 200 tracks per call.
Using the data pulled down in the JSON, you can use the permalink_url key to get the same thing you would type into the browser.
Make a request to the permalink_url and access the HTML. You'll need to do some parsing, but the url you'll want will be something to the effect of:
You could probably use a regex to parse this out simply.
Make a request to this url adding ?client_id=... and it'll give you YET ANOTHER url in its return json.
Using the url returned from the previous step, you can link directly to that in the browser, and it'll take you to your track content. I checked on VLC by inputting the link and it streams correctly.
Hopefully this helps some of you out with your developing.
Since I have the same problem, the answer from #Default motivated me to look for a solution. But I did not understand the workaround with the permalink_url in the steps 2 and 3. The easier solution could be:
Fetch for example user track likes using api-v2 endpoint like this:<user_id>/track_likes?client_id=<client_id>
In the response we can finde the needed URL like mentioned from #Default in his answer:
collection: [
track: {
media: {
url: ""
Make request to this URL with client_id as a query param and you get another URL with that you can stream/download the track
Note that the api-v2 is still not public and the request from your client probably will be blocked by CORS.
As mentioned by #user208685 the solution can be a bit simpler by using the SoundCloud API v2:
Obtain the track ID (e.g. using the public API at
Get JSON from
From JSON parse MP3 progressive stream URL
From stream URL get MP3 file URL
Play media from MP3 file URL
Note: This link is only valid for a limited amount of time and can be regenerated by repeating steps 3. to 5.
Example in node (with node-fetch):
const clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
(async () => {
let response = await fetch(`${clientId}`);
const track = await response.json();
const trackId =;
response = await fetch(`${trackId}?client_id=${clientId}`);
const trackV2 = await response.json();
const streamUrl =
transcoding => transcoding.format.protocol === 'progressive'
response = await fetch(`${streamUrl}?client_id=${clientId}`);
const stream = await response.json();
const mp3Url = stream.url;
For a similar solution in Python, check this GitHub issue:

How to set http response code in Parse Server cloud function?

A parse server cloud function is defined via
Parse.Cloud.define("hello", function(request, response) {..});
on the response, I can call response.success(X) and response.error(Y), and that sets the http response code and the body of the response.
But how do I define a different code, like created (201)?
And how do I set the headers of the response?
thanks, Tim
You are allowed to return any valid JSON from response.success(). Therefore, you could create an object with fields such as code, message, and value, so you can set the code, give it a string descriptor, and pass back the value you normally would, if there is one. This seems to accomplish what you need, though you will have to keep track of those codes across your platforms. I recommend looking up standard http response codes and make sure you don't overlap with any standards.

CSRF failure in custom mongoose pre-hook (Keystone.js)

using keystone LocalFile type to handle image uploads. similar to the Cloudinary autoCleanup option, I want to be able to delete the uploaded file itself, in addition to the corresponding mongo entry when deleting entries through the admin ui.
in this case, I want to delete an "Album", and it's corresponding album cover.
Album.schema.pre('remove', function(next){
var path = this._original.album_cover.path + "/" + this._original.album_cover.filename
fs.unlink(path, function () {
I get "CSRF failure" when using the fs module. I thought all CSRF protection was handled internally with Keystone.
Anyone know of a better solution to this?
Took a 10 minute break and came back and it seems to be working now. I also found this, which seems to be the explanation.
"Moreover double check your session timeout. In my dev settings the session duration is set to 3 minutes. So, if I end up editing something for more than that time, Keystone will return a CSRF error on save because the new session (generate in the meantime) invalidates the old token."

restsharp accept-encoding disabling compression

In a particular case I need to be able to disable compression in the requst/response.
Using Firefox RestClient I am able to post some xml to a web service and get some response xml successfully with a single header parameter "Accept-Encoding" : " "
which if I do not set this header, the response body would come back compressed with some binary data in the response body(that's why I want to disable gzip in response)
Now using the same header value in my app (using RestSharp in C#), I still get the binary data (gzip) in response.
Can someone please shed some light? Is it supported in RestSharp?
RestSharp does not support disabling compression.
If you look at the source code in Http.Sync.cs line 267 (assuming a sync request, async has the same code duplicated in Http.Async.cs line 424)
webRequest.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.None;
that is, the underlying WebRequest that Restsharp uses to make the http call has the compression options hardcoded. There is an open issue that documents this
The feature (only just) seems to have been added, but stealthily - without a note on the issue's status nor on the changelogs. Possibly as it hasn't been sufficiently tested?
Nevertheless I recently had a need for this functionality and tested it - and it works. Just set the RestClient instance's AutomaticDecompression property to false.
If you intend to keep your RestClient instance long-lived remember to do this before its first use - the setting seems to be 'locked in' after use and cannot change after. In my case I needed to make calls with and without AutomaticDecompression so i simply created two different RestClient instances.
Using RestSharp v106.11.4, I was unable to turn off automatic decompression as Bo Ngoh suggested. I set the AutomaticDecompression on the RestClient instance at the moment it gets instantiated, but still the Accept-Encoding header was added.
The way to set this & disable the decompression is through the ConfigureWebRequest method, which is exposed on the RestClient. Below snippet allowed me to turn off this feature:
var client = new RestClient();
client.ConfigureWebRequest(wr =>
wr.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.None;
Not sure if this relevant anymore, but for maybe future references
RestRequest has IList<DecompressionMethods> AllowedDecompressionMethods, and when creating new RestRequest the list is empty. Only when calling the Execute method it fills with the default values (None, Deflate, and GZip) unless it's not empty
To update the wanted decompression method, simply use the method named AddDecompressionMethod and add the wanted decompression method - and that's that
var client = new RestClient();
var request = new RestRequest(URL, Method.GET, DataFormat.None);
var response = client.Execute(request);
As of RestSharp version 107, the AddDecompressionMethod has been removed and most of the client options has been move to RestClientOptions. Posting here the solution that worked for me, in case anyone needs it.
var options = new RestClientOptions(url)
AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.None
_client = new RestClient(options);