Custom Power Shell for SharePoint2010 Development? - sharepoint-2010

Obviously not asking for code but for functionality. What kind of PS scripts have you written and how have they made your life as a SharePoint2010 developer easier?

Deploy Scripts, Retracted solutions if there, waited for it to actually retract. Then deployed new solution.
Wakeup Scripts which run via schedualed tasks, to wake up application pools
Upload Users profile images
Build scripts, build 1000 of sites from List


serve oracle service cloud Customer portal locally?

I am working on customizing the oracle service cloud customer portal, but since OSvC provides only WebDAV to connect to it. It is very time-consuming to edit files and then upload them to WebDAV even for a single word change.
I am looking for a solution to serve it locally make desired changes and then upload the desired code to webDEV.
But after searching the file structure I can not make which framework it uses, I tried to use websites like and WhatRuns but they are also not able to find anything useful.
Although after searching in the file structure, I find some files of CodeIgnitor but the structure is way more different than the CodeIgnitor folder structure.
The short answer is no, you will not be able to run Customer Portal locally. While it is a fork of CodeIgniter from many years ago, there are server-side dependencies that will prevent you from running it in a local sandbox.
That said, it is possible to automate many of the manual tasks of interacting with WebDAV for change testing. If you edit locally, then you can use scripting hooks or event RPA robots to automate some of the manual file movement. Personally I have a flow to edit remotely in my test environment with an editor (like VSCode or Nova) that can connect to a remote server via WebDAV and edit files directly in the development area of a site. Then, when finished, I have a script that pulls down the latest version of all files and then allows me to commit changes to Git for SCM.
Another option is RPA. You can develop a robot that can be run to automate the manual tasks that you face in your workflow. Personally, I think that scripting is a better solution than RPA since you can automate all of the actions via scripting or a shell. But, it's another option to consider.
Another way of "Live editing" the OSvC CP code is to connect to WebDav via a software that supports it like Mountain Duck which uploads your code to OSvC on save.
OR use the better solution Windows Explorer which supports connecting to WebDav and treating it like a network drive, by going on My Computer -> Computer -> Map Network Drive then put click Next then you'll be promoted to login using your OSvC login.

Running integration/e2e tests on top of a Kubernetes stack

I’ve been digging a bit into the way people run integration and e2e tests in the context of Kubernetes and have been quite disappointed by the lack of documentation and feedbacks. I know there are amazing tools such as kind or minikube that allow to run resources locally. But in the context of a CI, and with a bunch of services, it does not seem to be a good fit, for obvious resources reasons. I think there are great opportunities with running tests for:
Validating manifests or helm charts
Validating the well behaving of a component as part of a bigger whole
Validating the global behaviour of a product
The point here is not really about the testing framework but more about the environment on top of which the tests could be run.
Do you share my thought? Have you ever experienced running such kind of tests? Do you have any feedbacks or insights about it?
Thanks a lot
Interesting question and something that I have worked on over the last couple of months for my current employer. Essentially we ship a product as docker images with manifests. When writing e2e tests I want to run the product as close to the customer environment as possible.
Essentially to solve this we have built scripts that interact with our standard cloud provider (GCloud) to create a cluster, deploy the product and then run the tests against it.
For the major cloud providers this is not a difficult tasks but can be time consuming. There are a couple of things that we have learnt the hard way to keep in mind while developing the tests.
Concurrency, this may sound obvious but do think about the number of concurrent builds your CI can run.
Latency from the cloud, don't assume that you will get an instant response to every command that you run in the cloud. Also think about the timeouts. If you bring up a product with lots of pods and services what is the acceptable start up time?
Errors causing build failures, this is an interesting one. We have seen errors in the build due to network errors when communicating with our test deployment. These are nearly always transitive. It is best to avoid these making the build fail.
One thing to look at is GitLab are providing some documentation on how to build and test images in their CI pipeline.
On my side I use travis-ci. I build my container image inside it, then run k8s with kind ( inside travis-CI, and then launch my e2e tests.
Here is some additional information on this blog post:
And the scripts to install kind inside travis-ci in 2 lines: It allows lots of customization on the k8s side (enable psp, change CNI plugin)
Here is an example:
Or I use Github Actions CI, which allows to install kind easily: and provide plenty of features, and free worker nodes for open-source projects.
Here is an example:
Please note that Github action workers may not scale for large build/e2e tests. Travis-CI scales pretty well.
In my understanding, this workflow coud be moved to an on-premise gitlab CI where your application can interact with other services located inside your network.
One interesting thing is that you do not have to maitain a k8s cluster for your CI, kind will do it for you!

How to convert to a full browser-based web development environment?

I would like to build web software, using only a browser. I'm looking for a third party service that offers me (perhaps a subset of):
Obviously a code editor with intellisense and extensibility
A way to run console commands
To run npm scripts, webpack, gulp that will build my code
To ssh to other computers
To be able to even run my server-side code in a dev environment
node app.js, dotnet run, maybe even apache + php
Ideally I'd be able to have a database in that environment
So, is there a service that will allow web developers to operate completely within a browser?
I imagine it being like a VPS, but with a great web interface that lets you manage installed packages and a custom built text editor that doesn't stink, and a button to open a new bash session, or open existing bash sessions.
I'm looking for recommendations from those who have actually used the service they are recommending, not just people who googled one of the million "Cloud IDE's" or browser based text editors, which offer no other functionality.
In an ideal sense, I'd be able to work on projects with complex development environments, from any phone, any computer, or even an iPad with a keyboard, simply by signing into a website and choosing the project.
You are looking for
Check it out it does everything you asked for.

Test harness for lab setup

We are new to test automation, and finally we finally automated our setup (black box testing). A brief overview of our setup:
Each setup consists of 2 linux PCs and 1 windows PC - the PCs communicate to one another via an embedded board.
Before we used to manually run test cases from the linux machine - this would require both typing in the Linux machine and also some operations in the windows PC. Now instead we have written a C wrapper from which you can trigger any number of test cases and thanks to AutoIT the windows PC operations are now automated as well.
Now we have multiple such setups - I want to have a central test controller that,
Given a set of test cases (and the corresponding executable to be run on the embedded board) can distribute and trigger it in parallel across setups
During overnight tests it can keep track of which test cases have been executed and which ones are pending
Quarantine test cases
Continuous integration - we use CVS
etc etc
Basically a powerful test harness software running on a PC - this PC is connected to all the setups using a router.
Any suggestions from open source (free) projects for such a software, more than having all the features mentioned above, i want something that does most of it, I can code and add additional functionalities as need
I tried browsing online and seem to find some but they all seem to be for testing websites, not sure if it would suit my use case. Would really appreciate inputs in this regard.
ok i am going to ignore most of the stuff that you described which looks like you have automated already, and correct me if i am wrong but i think you are looking for is controller for all these automated jobs.
I would say that Jenkins CI is the ideal solution for you.
In jenkins everything is controlled by a master machine, this machine then in turn controls slaves (being your other pcs or linux machines) via java. so this gives you overview of the system.
you can then create jobs and ristrict where they can run, these jos can pretty much do anything. Including taking parameters for what to run, you can also create matrix configuration jobs which allow for one setup to be run simlutansily on however many slaves you need.
You can set this process or timer, or trigger , build externaly or internaly or etc etc ...
Also I am pretty sure Jenkins has some dedicated plugins for working with CVS some of which are built into the OOTB setup.
Jenkins is the way to go here .

How do I publish php source code to a local web server in rational team concert?

I'll be using RTC in the near future here at work. My question is: where does it put the files the team members will be working on? I understand that each programmer will work on the projects files and they will push the changes to the main repository. We have a local web server where we test our work (php). So, do we have to configure RTC to publish the files to the web server? or the RTC server must be installed in the webserver so it can save the files?
We use Rational Team Concert almost exactly as you describe, and it works brilliantly. My small team of web developers collaborates on website source code and delivers it to two different streams depending on its readiness: production-stream and staging-stream. Then we have defined two builds that check out the source code, move some things around, and push the files to the web servers via SCP. So, with a few clicks we kick off a staging build, watch it finish in about two minutes and everyone can see the changes on the staging server. When the code is ready for prime-time, the change sets are delivered to production-stream and the production build is kicked off, which is configured to copy the files to the production web server.
But even before a staging or production build is run, any of us can simply configure a local web server in RTC using the Eclipse PDE and Web Tools add-ons and see the site running in localhost as we develop.
All our work is done within Rational Team Concert, from planning, to bug tracking, to source control, to builds. It's very well-suited for website management.
Your understanding is correct - you work on files locally, and they get uploaded on to the server when you checkin. Bear in mind that checkin in RTC terms really means back-up your files to the server, it is a Deliver command that shares the files with others (it is worth a quick look at the articles on that explains how SCM works).
One way to pubish to your php server is to make that part of a build, or a build in its own right (which RTC also handles - in conjunction with your favourite build tool). The build would copy the files to the php server. The advantage of doing this as a build is you will know exactly what versions of your files are being copied, and you will be able to reproduce this copy at any point in the future.
You do not need to install the RTC server on the php server.
You can also try posting on the forums on if you have questions on RTC.
Hope that helps.
Another alternative would be to use the command line interface to accept all changes into a workspace and run that with a cron job.
To handle discarded change sets, you'd probably want to use something like:
scm workspace replace-components <workspace-name> stream <uuid-of-stream> --all
after you had initially loaded the workspace on your web server.