quilt: release and debug versions of series file - quilt

Is there any proper way to apply different series of patches with quilt. I need it for release and debug version of series file. I want to use series.debug or series.release file for debug or for release version of linux kernel accordingly.
Or maybe there is another appropriate way to apply different patches?

I found the answer in quilt man page:
quilt recognizes the following variables:
QUILT_SERIES - The name of the series file, defaulting to "series".
Unless an absolute path is used, the search algorithm
described above applies.


How to convert KDE plasmoid's `metadata.desktop` to `metadata.json` using `desktoptojson`?

I'm writing my first KDE plasmoid using QML. The hello world example uses a metadata.desktop file, while this KDE Plasmoid tutorial talks about a metadata.json instead and says that the metadata.desktop is 'discouraged' now and a desktop file should be converted to json using desktoptojson.
However, when I browse the globally installed plasmoids under /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/ they all have both the metadata.desktop and metadata.json.
First question: So, what is really recommended? Just the metadata.json? Or both?
And, I wasn't able to find the desktoptojson tool. I'm using Linux Mint and the ./kdesrc-build --initial-setup for debian based systems says that it's "This is woefully incomplete and not very useful" ... I read that "most users of this [i.e. desktoptojson] utility will use the CMake macro kservice_desktop_to_json as part of the process of building a plugin.". However, I haven't found the documentation yet how to use this.
Second question: In case one should maintain both files (for whatever reason), should I use desktoptojson to keep them in sync? And if yes, how?
First question: So, what is really recommended? Just the metadata.json? Or both?
In the current source code, most stock KDE applets such as the task manager use metadata.json's and have dropped the metadata.desktop's. It may be that the desktop files you have locally are left over from old versions, the new format was installed but the old one was never deleted.
Second question: In case one should maintain both files (for whatever reason), should I use desktoptojson to keep them in sync? And if yes, how?
The man page on Arch you linked to has all the information. The tool is part of the package kservice. Find the equivalent in the repository for your distribution. Then, to use it
as part of a CMake macro:
add_library(myplugin MODULE ${myplugin_SRCS})
kservice_desktop_to_json(myplugin myplugin.desktop)
directly on the command-line:
desktoptojson -i myplugin.desktop -o myplugin.json

Cmake - Documentation

I use clang, gcc (and also their arm version).
is there somewhere a documentation, where i can see which values the following 2 arguments take:
set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME <value>)
i cannot find any doc, where cmake lists every possible input.
i just see that you have to assign a value to those, but what options do i have?
like system name: Linux is one, how about Windows?
And then what about processors, arm, x86, x86_64 (amd64)...
would be cool if someone knows a good source of documentation.
From the CMake wiki about cross compiling:
Once the system and the compiler are determined by CMake, it loads the
corresponding files in the following order:
Platform/${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}.cmake (optional, but issues a stern
So, for find out all possible values for variable CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME you could check filenames under Modules/Platform and extract the first part of every filename.
As for CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR variable, its only purpose is to include the latter file (of 3 components in the filename). From the same wiki:
This variable is not used very much except for one purpose,
it is used to load a CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME-compiler-CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR.cmake file,
which can be used to modify settings like compiler flags etc. for the target.
You probably only have to set this one if you are using a cross compiler
where every target hardware needs special build settings.

How can I get the used configure commandline options for the installed Qt5

I want to check if Qt5 was compiled with or without some options, regarding supported image formats. I know about the QImageReader supportedImageFormats function but I want to know the configure options.
Is there a way to retrieve the used commandline options of the configure call dynamically?
No, there is not. You could fake it, if you still have the source tree. In qt5/qtbase you find two files: config.summary and config.status. Those contain the info you seek. However, these files are not part of a normal installation.

cmake LibFindMacros set library minimum version number

In Cmake, when using LibFindMacros, is there a way to tell cmake that a library needs to have a minimum version number? The information I've found on http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:How_To_Find_Libraries doesn't say anything about that.
No... No integrated version support in finding libraries with cmake.
My guess is that in most cases each library has its own way of defining its version and therefore it makes it a daunting task to find out what that version really is. On a Linux system, you could try to query the system with a tool such as dpkg or rpm, but those would only give you the version of the installed library, not the one you're about to compile against.
There is an issue talking about that here:
Now, the macros you mentioned have a function to extract a version assuming there is #define <version> <#.#.#> or something of the sort in a header file for that library.
# Extracts a version #define from a version.h file, output stored to <PREFIX>_VERSION.
# Usage: libfind_version_header(Foobar foobar/version.h FOOBAR_VERSION_STR)
# Fourth argument "QUIET" may be used for silently testing different define names.
# This function does nothing if the version variable is already defined.
function (libfind_version_header PREFIX VERSION_H DEFINE_NAME)
So you use this macro, retrieve a #define from a .h file and then compare that value saved in ${PREFIX}_VERSION in your own way. In my libraries, I often have a set of 3 or 4 #define with the major, minor, and release version numbers. That makes it easy to compare. When you get all those numbers together, such as, it makes it harder to compare without specialized code... (again, that makes it really complicated for cmake to support a version comparison scheme.)
Note that the macro expects ${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIR to be set. It looks like libfind_pkg_detect() sets that variable so you need to first detect the location of the library (headers) and then you can gather the version in a header.
Note that there are specialized compare operators you can use to compare two version strings against each other:
The only problem is that it's going to be a cmake version comparison algorithm which may not match the corresponding project algorithm. That means it's limited to just numbers separated by periods. I'm not too sure when these operators were added to cmake.

Assembly Versioning and Dll Versioning in Team City

I want to have these Versions in a format
like this.. {Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{patch}
how to set this in the assembly info patcher in team city?
so that it will automatically increment the versions for each time it builds...
i want some guidance and help in this...?!?
TeamCity can version assemblies for you with the AssemblyInfo Patcher build feature. To take advantage of this:
Create a build parameter called %Major.Minor%. Set this manually to some value, e.g. 1.0.
On the General Settings tab, set the Build number format to %Major.Minor%.%build.vcs.number%.%build.counter%.
On the Build Steps tabe, scroll to the Additional Build Features at the bottom of the page. Add an Assembly Info Patcher build step. It will default to using the %system.build.number%, which you've defined in step 2.
This will result in all of your assemblies being versioned with the %system.build.number%, which includes the Major and Minor version, the VCS revision, and TeamCity's incremental build number.
Using the File Content Replacer build feature suggested by Paul, we eventually ended up with the following versioning scheme in our project:
A little bit complicated to setup but we're happy with the results.
Regarding the question from Emil G about keeping the first numbers of the version from AssemblyInfo, it's currently not possible: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-20475
Would be nice, though.
/Emil Å
It's now possible to be done through the File Content Replacer (available since TeamCity 9.1): https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD9/File+Content+Replacer