How to get all GPS coordinates between start and end points on a route for Google Maps? - gps

Is there a way online that I can use to get all the gps points on a route between two points on a Google Map? i.e, if I give starting point and destination point, I need to get all the GPS points on that particular route.

Everybody wants that, except the owner of that data. (TomTom/TeleAtlas via Google).
Normally you can't get that via an official api. There is or was a private web service from Google that sends the route compressed and decoded.
But legally you cannot get that data.
If you want such vector data (the coordinates) then you have to use OpenStreetMap via an Api like RouteMe.


How to plot store points on a map (react native)

I have been working on an app and I am using MapView from react-native-maps. I wanted to know how I could put points on the map based on the store's address? I do not have too much of a clue of how to convert an address into a log and lat. I would assume that the store owner would type in their address and that address would convert to long and lat? I do know that it would entail MapView.Marker. If someone can provide me with a youtube video, give me some advice or a link where I can read up on the logic of this! I plan to have multiple stores. I do know that this would probably include a database however, I am trying to achieve a working BETA version.
Here is an idea! When you open the app you are greeted with multiple bird scooters where the user can walk to. I wanted to provide the same effect rather when you open the app all the stores within a certain radius are there for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you in advance!
To convert an address to lat/long coordinates you need to use a geocoding service. Here is an example if you use Google Maps:

Getting map locations from custom google maps

It's a general question for any programming language that can use google maps api...
Is there a way i can get specific locations provided by web sites that use google maps with their own location marks or location info.
For example yellow pages will offer locations that you won't get if you search for it simply from the official google maps web site.
What if also this website doesn't provide API to parse data from?
For further example , a web site may have a map having all locations of restaurants in Canada for instance so i want to get the same information in this map to import it in my map inside my application.
The sites you are referring to have the address and geocode information in their own database. They send you the data in response to your request and render it on the map in your browser using the client-side script API that google map provides.
If that's the case and the site didn't provide a public data service, then no, you can't get those data using the normal way.

I wanted to integrate the geo fencing with google maps API v2, so how can i?

I am new to google maps, my requirement is to create the virtual boundaries on google maps API V2 using geo fencing. I wanted to make an alert when the virtual boundaries are crossed.
So how can i get this done or any useful information regarding it?
Thanks in advance!!
The way how we implemented that is that we created background service which wakes up periodically (every 5 mins for instance) and checks you current location.
Tricky point here is to avoid using GPS data to save battery, but use network location data instead.
As far as I know, there is no native way to create geofencing like in iOS

Get Coordinates for given Location

OK, here's what I want to implement and I need your ideas :
Input a geo location by name/address/etc (e.g. London, Oxford Street 20)
Get the point's longitude/latitude
My Questions :
How would you go about that?
Is using Google Maps API (that's what I first thought of) my only solution?
It'd be better if the service used CAN be freely integrated in a commercial app - so any idea is welcome... :-)
What you are trying to do is basically geocoding. Major map providers like Google, Bing and Yahoo (and many more) all offer some form of Geocoding API for you to take advantage of. Check out the following quick links:
Google Maps Geocoding API
Bing Locations API
Yahoo! Maps Web Services (Geocoding API)
Edit: (just saw the objective-c tag)
Note that these are non-native solutions. However, the provided APIs are typically REST-based (with output as xml/json), it shouldn't be hard for you to consume these services to grab the gecoded lat-long that you want from within your app.
There is a built in API for that.
For iOS 5 and newer you can use CLGeocoder and for older version you will need to use some extern libraries.
Just call
- (void)geocodeAddressString:(NSString *)addressString completionHandler:(CLGeocodeCompletionHandler)completionHandler
where you want to get the location. It runs async and in the completionHandler you will get an array of all possible placemarks for your address where the first one is the most accurate. As apple says:
For most geocoding requests, this array should contain only one
entry. However, forward-geocoding requests may return multiple
placemark objects in situations where the specified address could not
be resolved to a single location.
Off topic:
Am I the only one whos first thoughts about Oxford was "What does he mean with this weird Hex value?"

How do I use the Google Maps API GPS sensor?

All I've been able to find is how to specify the sensor parameter:
But nowhere does it say how to actually USE it. Isn't the whole point to be able to get the user's current lat/long coordinates through the device GPS, or am I mistaken?
That sensor parameter is only there to indicate to Google that you are using a GPS sensor to determine the user's location.
Unless using the W3C Geolocation API in browsers that support it, it remains your responsibility to get the latitude and longitude from your GPS device to the user's browser.