tenant-aware datasource in pentaho BI - pentaho

we have several clients(companies) each of them have separate database i.e companyA has databaseA,CompanyB has databaseB ...etc , so what i want to achieve is, in pentaho user console all of these companies use the same report but with a different datasoruce , for example
CompanyA,CompanyB..etc would have access to a solution-folder called "Reports" this folder has
a list of reports e.g weeklySales_report so i want weeklySales_report to use CompanyA's database when the loged-in user is from companyA and use CompanyB's database when the logged-in user is from companyB,
i tried this but i am getting this error
XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException: Line 67 in XML document from file [C:\pentaho2
biserver-ce\pentaho-solutions\system\pentahoObjects.spring.xml] is invalid; nes
ed exception is org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 67; columnNumber: 50
The value of attribute "value" associated with an element type "property" must
not contain the '<' character.
it is complaining about <property name="datasourceNameFormat" value="<![CDATA[{0}-{1}]]>
any ideas on what cause this error, or is there any other way to do this

I am not sure about your way, but there is simply possibility to have dynamic jndi. You can have jndi in variable in xaction and can use it in xaction for distinguishing target database.
<JNDDDI type="string">
<JNDDDI type="string"/>
<prepared_component type="sql-query"/>
<query><![CDATA[select ...from ...]]></query>
And same thing if you use JasperReport Component.


How can we inject properties into wso2 Micro Integrator and Enterprise Integrator using file.properties?

I want to use the .car file on another server without using integration studio. So I want to be able to change the hostname and port dynamically using a configuration file. My endpoint URL has variables in it {uri.var.x} that's why I can't use $FILE:x to get the complete URL from file.properties.
I have already tried How to read a property injected from file.properties in WSO2 - micro integrator? but it did not work.
You can simply read the Property from the file and assign it to the variable you desire. Then use it in your Endpoint configurations.
<property expression="get-property('file', 'x')" name="uri.var.x"/>
You can store the values in a properties file called file.properties in the MI_HOME/conf folder and it will be loaded automatically. If you are using a different fileName you can pass it to the server startup script like -Dproperties.file.path=/home/dev/dev.properties. Then you can read them through a Property Mediator.
Further, if you want to construct the full URL from multiple properties you can use Xpath functions.
<property expression="concat('https://', get-property('file', 'host'), ':', get-property('file', 'port'))" name="uri.var.x" scope="default" type="STRING" />
If the properties are not picked from the default file, pass the file path like below.
sh micro-integrator.sh -Dproperties.file.path=./conf/file.properties
Update on WSO2 EI
It seems file scope is not supported in EI. But instead, you can read variables from Environment variables with get-property('env', 'NAME_OF_VARIABLE')
<property expression="concat('https://', get-property('env', 'host'), ':', get-property('env', 'port'))" name="uri.var.x" scope="default" type="STRING"/>
If you want to read them from a properties file, you can do something like the below. Assuming you have a properties file like below.
Add the following script to integrator.sh to export the properties as environment variables. You can improve the script as you require.
while read line; do
echo "Exporting $line"
export $line
done < /home/wso2/wso2ei-6.6.0/conf/file.properties
Then in your integration read them as below.
<property expression="concat('https://', get-property('env', 'host'), ':', get-property('env', 'port'))" name="uri.var.x" scope="default" type="STRING"/>
Update 2 on File Scope in Property mediator
As Sanoj mentioned, file scope in the property mediator is only available from MI 4.0 onward vanilla packs. If you have a WSO2 subscription you can get it as an update for both MI and EI.

RTI DDS creating own data types

I am working on a .Net example where I define my own data type using RTI Connext DDS.
Instead of creating the application from the beginning, I got help from the source code of the hello_world_xml_dynamic example in rti_workspace directory. I have made several changes to the USER_QOS_PROFILES.xml file to create my own data type and changes its name to MY_PROFILES.xml
But when I compile the application and run it from the command line, I get the following error:
DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant_from_config_w_paramsI:ERROR: Profile library 'MyParticipantLibrary::PublicationParticipant' not found
! Unable to create DDS domain participant
The line of code that catching the error:
if (this.participant == null)
this.participant = DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.get_instance().
if (this.participant == null)
Console.Error.WriteLine("! Unable to create DDS domain participant");
this is the configuration file MY_PROFILES.xml :
RTI Data Distribution Service Deployment
<dds xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- Qos Library -->
<qos_library name="qosLibrary">
<qos_profile name="DefaultProfile">
<!-- types -->
<struct name="FlightData">
<member name="Latitude" type="double"/>
<member name="Longitude" type="double"/>
<member name="Altitude" type="double"/>
<!-- Domain Library -->
<domain_library name="MyDomainLibrary" >
<domain name="FlightDataDomain" domain_id="0">
<register_type name="FlightDataType"
type_ref="FlightData" />
<topic name="FlightDataTopic"
<topic_qos name="FlightData_qos"
<!-- Participant library -->
<domain_participant_library name="MyParticipantLibrary">
<domain_participant name="PublicationParticipant"
<publisher name="MyPublisher">
<data_writer name="FlightDataWriter"
<domain_participant name="SubscriptionParticipant"
<subscriber name="MySubscriber">
<data_reader name="FlightDataReader"
<datareader_qos name="FlightData_reader_qos"
where am i making a mistake?
Your XML file looks correct. From the 'not found' error message, it seems that you may not have taken the right steps to instruct your application to load that profiles-file MY_PROFILES.xml to actually learn about your desired Participant. You can easily verify that this is the case by introducing an error in your XML file (for example by incorrectly renaming one tag) and rerun your application. If it does not complain about the syntax or schema of the XML, then your file did not get loaded and this hypothesis is correct.
If that turns out to be your problem indeed, then you have several options to fix that. They are listed in the User's Manual section 18.5 How to Load XML-Specified QoS Settings.

Coldfusion ORM Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-02289: sequence does not exist

I have a ColdFusion ORM application that uses an oracle sequence as the generator for the primary key field. I have verified that I can access the sequence as the user that ColdFusion is connected to the database as in SQL navigator.
My problem is I am getting the following error when I attempt to saveEntity() on any object
Root cause :java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
I have tried the syntax below with and without the akc. prefix. I do have the akc schema defined in the CFC
<cfproperty name="KEY_BREED_PAGE" fieldtype="id" generator="sequence" params="{sequence='akc.seq_breed_page_display'}" />
<cfproperty name="KEY_BREED_PAGE" fieldtype="id" generator="sequence" sequence="akc.seq_breed_page_display" />
Any ideas on what I can do to resolve this? The ORM works fine when updating but fails on every attempt to create a new record.
I had a similar when I didn't have the schema. The only difference between your example and mine is that I have the column attribute set.
<cfproperty name="KEY_BREED_PAGE" fieldtype="id" column="KEY_BREED_PAGE" generator="sequence" sequence="akc.seq_breed_page_display" />

REST - allow GET resource/ to output different versions

For simplicity, say I have a resource users. The HTTP call GET users/ returns a list of links to concrete users:
<link rel='user' href='/users/user/1/'/>
<link rel='user' href='/users/user/2/'/>
<link rel='user' href='/users/user/3/'/>
The result representation is described in a specific media type:
In our frontends, we want to display a table with all users. This means we need to be able to fetch user information to display, such as the name, gender, friends, ... I would like to avoid that we need a separate request for each user (GET /users/user/x/) to retrieve this information. In addition, some frontends will only display the name, while other frontends will display the name and his/her friends. And so on.
In essence, we are still returning users, but with extentions depending on what the frontend needs.
Which option would you choose? Why?
(1) Make GET users/ customizable via parameters such that the customizations are listed. Depending on the customizations , different media types might be returned, since the syntax of one version/combination might be very different than one of another version/combination:
GET users/ -> application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users/?fields=name,gender -> application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users/?fields=name,gender,friends -> application/vnd.company.UsersWithFriends+xml
(2) Different resources are created to distinguish different between media types. Parameters are still used for basic customizations covered by the media type. This gives:
GET users?fields=name -> application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users?fields=name,gender -> application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users_with_friends?fields=gender -> application/vnd.company.UsersWithFriends+xml
(3) The same as (1), but instead of parameters, the desired media type is set by the client in the Accept header. Customizable fields covered by the media type are still set via parameters:
GET users/?fields=name ACCEPT application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users/?fields=name,gender ACCEPT application/vnd.company.Users+xml
GET users/?fields=name,gender ACCEPT application/vnd.company.UsersWithFriends+xml
(4) Something else?
To answer my own question, I think that:
Solution (1) is very very wrong. The media type must not be dependant on parameters.
Solution (2) and (3) are more or less equal and up to preferences. I prefer (3) since this would not introduce an explosion of resources to be introduced. In addition, in essence we are still returning users. The only difference is the amount of information, reflected by different media types, that is returned. So one might argue that there is no real need to introduce new resources as done in (2).
Do you agree? What do you think?
(3) is surely the best using strict Media Type, but would require specific HTTP Request client and won't be accessible through basic URL open library or browser.
Why not using solution 1 with another extra parameter : names "expect" or "as".
This would be the same as ACCEPT solution but won't need very custom client library to forge the request.
However you'll have to parse the parameter to provide correct output (the (3) would also have this requirement for parsing the ACCEPT)
Personally, I'm not a fan of using query string parameters to allow clients to pick the data elements they wish to include in a representation. I find it makes it hard to optimize the server and it pollutes the cache with many overlapping variants. Also, you really shouldn't try and use conneg to select between representations that contain different sets of data. Conneg is really just for selecting the serialization format.
With the Hal media type you can approach this problem a bit differently. Consider a service with a root representation that looks like:
<resource rel="self"
<link rel="us:users" name="users" href="http://example.org/users">
<link rel="us:userswithfriends" href="http://example.org/userswithfriends">
When you use hal, instead of using the media type documentation to describe your application domain, you can use link relations. In this case, the us:users link points to a document that contains a list of users. I know the namespace stuff looks a bit wierd, but it is not really being used as an XML namespace, just as way of making a Compact URI (CURIE). When you invent your own rel values, they need to be specified in the form of a URI to try and ensure uniqueness.
The list of users would look something like:
<resource rel="self"
<resource rel="us:user" name="1" href="/user/1">
<resource rel="us:user" name="2" href="/user/2">
and 'us:userswithfriends' points to a different resource that contains the list of users with each user containing a list of friends.
<resource rel="self"
<resource rel="us:user" name="1" href="/user/1">
<resource rel="us:friend" name="1" href="/user/10">
<resource rel="us:friend" name="2" href="/user/74">
<resource rel="user" name="2" href="/user/2">
<resource rel="us:friend" name="1" href="/user/14">
<resource rel="us:friend" name="2" href="/user/33">
With hal it is the documentation of your rels (us:users, us:friend) that decribes what data elements are allowed to exist in the resource element. You are free to embed all of the data of the resource, or more likely just a subset of the data. If the client wants to access a completely representation of the embedded resource then it can follow the provided link.

in struts where can we find the property_name of <bean:write name="name" property="property_name" />

I am new to struts and i am viewing an example of struts project and it has a table in which it has various number of data and to obtain that data from the data base it uses the code in the place of field to gain the data from database but i didn't see the name main_actvt_name which is the property anywhere.where can i find that in the action or in the form or in the jsp file.Guys help me out