How to remove certain versions in bzr repository? - bazaar

Say I have 10 versions in bzr repository, and I want to remove the last 2 versions. I tried "bzr revert -r -3", but it just revert the files to the second last version, and the following "bar log" still shows all 10 versions in the repository.

The command to do that is uncommit:
bzr uncommit -r-3
The last two revisions will be removed from the branch.


update the version in package.json without clean git working directory (without a task runner like Gulp)

When running a: npm version prepatch I get the error: "Git working directory not clean." And then a list of files that aren't committed yet.
However, I'd like to do this prerelease to test some stuff locally using a private npm registry. Meaning that I don't have to commit the files just yet using Git.
Is it possible to update the version in package.json without clean git working directory?
From the npm version documentation at
If run in a git repo, it will also create a version commit and tag. This behavior is controlled by git-tag-version (see below), and can be disabled on the command line by running npm --no-git-tag-version version. It will fail if the working directory is not clean, unless the -f or --force flag is set.
I'm not 100% certain whether you just need --no-git-tag-version, or if you'll also need the --force flag.
You can use git stash.
git stash
npm version patch
git stash pop
This will reset your working directory temporarily (remove uncommitted changes). Then you can run npm version {major|minor|patch}. Afterwards, using git stash pop will re-apply your uncommitted changes to your working directory.
Try to commit first
git add . && git commit -am "new version"
and then
npm version patch

Adding files to .gitignore doesn't remove them from "untracked files"?

I recently started using git-svn, and tried to tell Git to ignore any files that the Subversion repo ignores (mostly binaries and object files), by running "git svn show-ignore >> .gitignore"
Then I ran git status, and saw that many of those files that are now on my .gitignore list, are still showing up under "untracked files". Why? What do I need to do to fix this?
Or am I going about this the wrong way? I just want to be able to run "git add ." without it adding in all that junk to the commit.
If you already imported those files in the Git repo, they won't be ignored until you git rm --cached them.
You need to remove those file from the Git index (hence the --cached option), before seeing the .gitignore working.

Restart Git repo Xcode 4.3.2

For different changes I made in my project, I need to restart Git repo and start with a new fresh version with the current project. How can I achieve this?
Many thanks
fire up your terminal:
go to project
cd myPath/MyProject
delete the current repo on your disk - your git repo = RIP
rm -Rf .git
init a new repo
git init
add your project to the new git repo
git add .
git commit -a -m "init Project XY"
check if the repo is o.k
git status
What you want to do is create a new empty branch without any history. That way you start fresh but still have the option to return to your previous content. Inside the git repository, enter these commands:
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/<branchname>
rm .git/index
git clean -fdx
After that you are in the same situation as with an empty repository (i.e. start adding and commiting files) except that the history still exists in your old branches.
Note that all files you don't have in your old version will be permanently removed.

did the git submodule behavior change?

I am using a new red hat os, with git version 1.7.6 (also tried 1.9.2). I also have a debian 6 machine with git 1.7.6. When I create a clone and populate a submodule on the debian machine, the submodule ends up with a .git directory. However, when I perform the same commands on the red hat machine, my submodule ends up with a file named .git, and a new directory under my root repo in .git, named modules. This modules directory appears to contain the contents I would expect to be in .git under the submodule. What is going on???
Yes, it did change in git 1.7.8, to make checking out commits across the introduction of submodules easier.
See near the end of the Updates, above the fixes.

How to update 'git log' after 'git svn fetch' on a bare repo?

I have a bare git-svn repository and did a 'git svn fetch' on it.
Running 'git log' doesn't show the updates. I'm sure there are updates as it displayed the files changed after 'git svn fetch' and 'git svn log' shows them also.
Please note that I purposely made this a bare repo so 'git rebase' will not work.
What is the appropriate command to get the fetched changes?
A git svn fetch adds a new remote branch called remotes/git-svn (as can be seen with git branch -a).
If you make changes to the upstream svn, then run git fetch again, the changes get pulled (actually, fetched) in on this branch, not on master.
So to make git log (and everything else) work ok on the master branch you just need a merge, as you normally would have to do after a fetch (this is what git pull does, a fetch and then a merge).
Since git svn pull does not work, you will have to merge it manually. While on the master branch, run:
git merge remotes/git-svn
This will merge your master branch with the git-svn branch, making everything ok again.
So in the future, run
git svn fetch
git merge remotes/git-svn
and you will be up to date with the upstream repository once again.
Setting the ref of master's head to git-svn head as suggested by vjangus will also make this work, but you shouldn't ever be making changes in a remote branch.
Try git log git-svn - I don't have a bare repo, but I've just run git svn fetch, and standard git log gives me the current (rebased) log, but with the git-svn arg (which is the other branch besides master that is identified by git branch -a in my case) I get the log up to the fetched revision
I found the answer,
git symbolic-ref refs/heads/master refs/remotes/git-svn
Thanks to Steven Walter's comments in