error related to static linking of glibcxx and glibc - g++

I am am trying to cross-compile an x86 program for alpha using g++. For that, I tried both "-static-libgcc" and "--static" options when linking the object file with libraries to generate the binaries. The cross compilation was successful, however I got the following errors when I ran the binaries on alpha machine:
./word_count: /lib/ version GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ./word_count)
./word_count: /usr/lib/ versionGLIBCXX_3.4.10' not found (required by ./word_
These errors shouldn't happen, since I am using static linking! So, I cannot figure out why I am getting these errors! Any help is appreciated.

You need to link against both, standard C and C++ libraries. (source)


Compiling project that depend on LLVM using CMake on Windows

I'm a *nix user, installing LLVM is easy for me, just download the precompiled file, set LLVM_DIR, and you're done. But I'm having a lot of problems with Windows ...
I downloaded LLVM-<version>-win64.exe from the GitHub release, but I can't find LLVMConfig.cmake file. Then I tried to compile LLVM from the source following this documentation.
When I started compiling my own project, I got this error:
'C:/<...>/Debug/libLLVMSupport.lib', needed by '<...>.exe', missing and no known rule to make it
I guess maybe I'm missing some compile options. but I can't find the documentation for LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS or BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, not even a list of component names.
I tried to add -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON but CMake told me BUILD_SHARED_LIBS option is not supported on Windows.

Link ceres to CGAL to use the smooth_mesh() function

I want to add a smoothing function to my C++ project so I'm trying to use the smooth_mesh() function in the CGAL library. This function requires ceres-solver to work (and glog and Eigen) so I included it in an include folder in my project.
My problem is that when I try to launch a CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::smooth_mesh(), it returns an error (even though everything compiles properly):
Area-based smoothing requires the Ceres Library, which is not available.
The full way I use the function is the following:
There is a very similar question on stack but the given solution did not help me to solve my problem. The answer directed me to use #define CGAL_PMP_USE_CERES_SOLVER but even with that the error is still happening.
It also mentions Cmake but I haven't built my project nor the libraries with CMake because CGAL instructions use vcpkg so I'm guessing that it may be where the problem comes from considering most ceres doc I found use Cmake. But instructions to link ceres and cgal using Cmake are pretty hard to find and/or not very clear (and I'm also very new to Cmake so that's not helping...).
I have tried to add the library manually to my project settings (I'm using Visual Studio on Windows), add some #include linking to ceres in some cgal files but nothing seems to be working.
I'm hoping someone here has run into this problem and managed to solve it.
If you can help me, thank you in advance!

Error in OpenCL kernel compilation

I've included an OpenCL kernel (.cl file) in my OS X framework, and I'm able to reference it from one of my implementation (.m) files.
However, when I compile, I get the following error, related with the kernel:
openclc: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files
This error appears once for every architecture found in the OPENCL_ARCHS build option. I've tried to leave all but one architecture (gpu_64 or gpu_32, tried both), however the error persists.
I went through two examples offered by Apple (Hello World and n-Body simulation, both of which compile and run fine on my system), looking for any special build options, but I failed to find any.
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Added Xcode7 tag, as I am working in Xcode 7 Beta.

LLVM based project lib dependencies for CMake on windows

This has been asked here before but I couldn't find a solution which works for me.
Sample CMakeLists.txt file for LLVM project - This was the original question.
However, there are a couple of issues I am facing when making a project with LLVM.
Platform: Windows 7
Compiler: MingW
1) Firstly, I am using the svn version of llvm which is currently at 3.1. Currently, Binaries for MingW are not present for llvm 3.0 too so I decided to go with the latest itself and build it with mingw. So although the build works fine, I cannot seem to find the llvm-config perl script in the bin folder. I tried searching the entire dir yet I can only find an llvm-config folder and a dependencies file.
2) I tried building llvm for Visual studio 2010 yet that didn't work with cmake so I had to use MingW.
3) Now, this is sequence in which I add libs to CMake -
4) However, adding InitializeNativeTarget(), starts giving me linking errors which I think come because of the dependencies not being in right order.
5) I want to use the llvm_map_components_to_libraries(REQ_LLVM_LIBRARIES jit native) and hence I added this to my CMakeLists.txt
However, this doesn't work. CMake Error at cmake/LLVM-Config.cmake:141 (message):
Library `jit' not found in list of llvm libraries.
Now, the question is really too long but I basically wanted to ask what is the best way to do this in CMake. Could someone post the entire thing (for windows).
Also, is there a way to build it for VS 2010. I tried the instructions on CLang site but those gave me this error in CMake.
" string sub-command REGEX, mode MATCH needs at least 5 arguments total to command."
I really need some help figuring out how to get dependencies to work in llvm and for it to build with VS. I would really appreciate some help.

making conditions for linux and windows when linking libraries

Windows VC++ 2008
linux gcc 4.4.3
I have the following problem. When I compile on windows I need the ws2_32 library. However, when I compile on linux, I don't need to link this.
My CMakeLists.txt
# Link the library
# Add the executable
ADD_EXECUTABLE(clt test_clt)
# Link the executable to the client library
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(clt client ws2_32)
I have tried unsuccessfully to compile under linux. Using the above conditions. However, It always tries to link the ws2_32 and I get a compile error. I think that the conditions aren't working, as it always falls through the WIN32 condition.
many thanks for any suggestions,
Since the WIN32 thing is such a fundamental part of CMake, I'd guess that there is more to this than what you mention.
Are you doing a clean check out of your code, or just copying up a whole directory on Linux? If you have all your CMake build files cached from the Windows build, maybe (just maybe!) something has snuck in there and "detects" itself as WIN32 on Linux?
Are you sure it is that line and not something else that causes the link to the stray Win-library? Maybe try a MESSAGE(STATUS "I am here")line within the IF(WIN32) just to make sure.
Are you sure the error is caused by linking that library? I can see a typo in your script, it should be IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) - you have an extra X on there. Perhaps you are not linking in what you thing you are, and that is why it fails.