How to use the Common/StandardStyles in a C# WinRT project? - xaml

I'm working on a WinRT project in C#
I wanted to use things like: {StaticResource EditAppBarButtonStyle}
this is defined in Common/StandardStyles.xaml
but when I try to compile my project I get the error that the resource could not be resolved.
I guess I need to add the Common/StandardStyles.xaml but I dont know how

Solution: I just needed to remove the <!-- ... --> in the Common/StandardStyles.xaml

A few years too late, but maybe helpful to someone else who stumbles on this question from a bing search: For a Windows 8.1 app, that's not how you do it anymore.
Since most people never used most of the styles in StandardStyles.xaml, this file was removed for performance reasons. In Windows 8.1, you use an AppBarButton like
<AppBarButton Icon="Edit" Label="Edit" />
Info taken from this blog post right here


Where can I find the XAML for XamlControlsResources?

We recently updated the styling of our app to use WinUI 2.x and while we generally like the changes we have found areas that look terrible and will require overriding the defaults. I looked for a file that would have the default XAML implementation/definitions associated with the new styles, something similar to what's in the generic.xaml file, but I was not able to find it. I would appreciate someone pointing me to this file, if it exists.
The source code for the WinUI 2 controls and the XAML templates are available on GitHub.
For example, DropDownButton.xaml.

How to bind an event to a command in a Universal App using the MVVM pattern?

I hope somebody can help.
I've spent some time researching the best way to bind an event to a ViewModel command using the MVVM pattern when developing a Universal App. I'm using MVVM Light.
As a test I'm using the SelectionChanged event of a ComboBox.
I've read a few people that have pinched the Behaviours SDK from the Windows 8.1 / WinRT framework and had some success with that. I have also included the Universal App behaviours SDK in my project and tried the following (put together from Windows 8.1 examples but using the UWP SDK).
xmlns:core="using:Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions.Core" />
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding InputQuantities}">
<core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="SelectionChanged">
<core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding SomeComboBoxCommand}" CommandParameter="Foo" />
View Model
public RelayCommand SomeComboBoxCommand {get; set;}
However, the core:InvokeCommandAction isnt part of the Behaviours SDK and i get Invalid Type: expected type is 'Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity.ActionCollection'. I've tried to use an ActionCollection.... but I'm not sure I know what I'm doing with that.
Ive successfully got it to work with compiled bindings and using Laurent's Blog Post:
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding InputQuantities}" SelectionChanged="{x:Bind Vm.SomeComboBoxCommand }" />
View Model
public void SomeComboBoxCommand(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e){//do stuff}
I know this isnt what Laurent is intending to demonstrate here and I think doing this is breaking the decoupling of the view and VM by then having to reference a UI component in my view model to get the selected item. But I've seen references to doing this during my research.
So how can I get this working using The Universal App interaction behaviours, if that's the right way to do it of course?
Update 1.
This is what I attempted to add, believing, incorrectly that I was adding the universal app behaviours SDK. I didn't notice at the time that it was targeting Windows 8.1.
However, my questions still stands: Why wont the InvokeActioncommandwork and why is it throwing the mentioned error? I will look at the other posts as soon as I get to work.
Update 2
After testing this on my works PC (exact same code as above, 1st example and the same behaviours SDK) it works fine and I'm getting the behaviour that I would expect. I need to test again on my home PC to see what has gone wrong. (Thanks to Justin XL for sticking with me)
Update 3
For completeness, after returning home I got the latest version of my project (from being checked in on my works PC) and it now also works on my home PC. I'm not sure what state my Visual Studio was in but it had sufficiently confused me enough to post this question. At least this should serve as a document on how to do what is described in the title. Thanks for all your help.
We seem to be getting this question a lot lately, in several different variants...
I'm not familiar with Universal App but is there any specific reason you're trying to use an event? WPF/Silverlight etc are designed to be data driven, all you need to do is bind the ComboBox's SelectedItem member to a property in your view model and the setter will get called whenever the user selects a new item. Often times you have to do exactly the same processing in response to other parts of your view model changing it (e.g. in Master-Child views) so having that logic in a single place generally makes for a much cleaner architecture.
Check this link: MVVM EventBinding Library ,explains about MVVM EventBinding. This purely decouples the View & View model & pass only the arguements to the command.

Page Navigation in Windows 8 XAML (without using code behind)

For my windows 8 application i am trying to navigate between pages with out using code behind.
For example, i have one image in my UI without creating tapped event for that image i need to navigate to another page,
<Image Source="ms-appx:///Assets/Logo.png" Width="155" Height="110" Tapped="{ // Navigation method here }"/>
Is it possible to navigate between pages like this...? If possible, how can i get this to work??
XAML is just a declarative language without action part so code behind is an essential part of it.
All interactions work via events and event can be handled in a code behind only. So what you want is not possible with XAML(at least with WinRT XAML).
If you are asking if you can specify the code inside the .xaml file, then no, that is not possible.
If you are asking if you can avoid adding code to the .xaml.cs file, then yes, that is possible. You will still need to specify a method but it can even be done as a simple lambda. You will need to use the Command hooks rather than the Event Hooks, e.g.
<Button Command="{Binding GoConnectionCommand}" ... />
The code for this command is usually defined in the ViewModel as part of the MVVM pattern, and Josh Smith explains it far better than I will.
AlSki mentioned using a ViewModel. Although technically the ViewModel is not part of the "code behind" for the XAML file, it's still code and I believe you were asking for a no code solution.
ixSci is correct that there is no way to do this out of the box without code behind in WinRT XAML.
In full WPF it's possible to do this using a behavior called NavigateToScreenAction. You can read about it here. Unfortunately behaviors don't ship out of the box with WinRT, but they can be added back in by an open source project called WinRtBehaviors.
There is no NavigateToScreenAction behavior for WinRT, but one could be created. There is a good article on creating behaviors with the library here. It will obviously require code to create the behavior, but after it's created you could use it in XAML without any code.
Really, the short answer is it's not possible to navigate without code on WinRT.
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Can't access font resource in Silverlight class library

I have a reasonably large Silveright 3.0 project on the go, and I'm having issues accessing a couple of custom font resources from within one of the assemblies.
I've got a working test solution where I have added a custom font as a resource, and can access it fine from XAML using:
<TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="FontName.ttf#Font Name" />
The test solution consists of the TestProject.Application and the TestProject.Application.Web projects, with all the fun and games obviously in the TestProject.Application project
However, when I try this in my main solution, the fonts refuse to show in the correct type face (instead showing in the default font). There's no difference in the way the font has been added to project between the test solution and the main solution, and the XAML is identical.
However, there is a solution layout difference. In the main solution, as well as having a MainApp.Application and MainApp.Application.Web project, I also have a MainApp.Application.ViewModel project and a MainApp.Application.Views project, and the problem piece of XAML is the in the MainApp.Application.Views project (not the .Application project like the test solution).
I've tried putting the font into either the .Application or .Application.Views project, tried changing the Build Action to Content, Embedded Resource etc, all to no avail.
So, is there an issue accessing font resources from a child assembly that I don't know about, or has anyone successfully done this?
My long term need will be to have the valid custom fonts being stored as resources in a separate .Application.FontLibrary assembly that will be on-demand downloaded and cached, and the XAML controls in the .Application.Views project will need to reference this FontLibrary assembly to get the valid fonts. I've also tried xcreating this separate font library assembly, and I can't seem to get the fonts from the second assembly.
As some additional information, I've also tried the following font referencing approaches:
<TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="/FontName.ttf#Font Name" />
<TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="pack:application,,,/FontName.ttf#Font Name" />
<TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="pack:application,,,/MainApp.Application.Views;/FontName.ttf#Font Name" />
<TextBlock Text="Test" FontFamily="pack:application,,,/MainApp.Application.Views;component/FontName.ttf#Font Name" />
And a few similar variants with different assembly references/sub directories/random semi colons.
And so far nothing works... anyone struck this (and preferably solved it)?
This code works for me:
... FontFamily="/(DLL);Component/(DIR-optional)/(Font_file)#(Font_name)"/> ...

How can I get <asp:menu> working in Safari?

On the safari browser, the standard <asp:Menu> doesn't render well at all. How can this be fixed?
Thanks for the advice, it led me into the following solution;
I created a file named "safari.browser" and placed it in the App_Browsers directory. The content of this file is shown below;
<browser refID="safari1plus">
<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" adapterType="" />
As I understand it, this tells ASP.NET not to use the adaptor it would normally use to render the control content and instead use uplevel rendering.
You can use ControlAdapters to alter the rendering of server controls.
Here's an example:
Though, in my opinion it might be equal amount of work to abandon the menu control for a pure css one (available on many sites).
Oooof - was hoping it would be a simmple case of adding a browserCaps item in web.config with appropriate values or similar...
The best and simplest solution I've found for this problem is to include this bit of code in your page_load event.
if (Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("AppleWebKit") > 0)