Is there an Ektron Scheduler? - ektron

I need to have a process or widget that every five minutes will check to see if there are any xlf files in the localization folder, and if any exist, will import them into Ektron. Is there a way within Ektron to have something scheduled.

I don't think there is any scheduler program inside Ektron.
To schedule a task you could look at using one of the following:
Command line programs called by Task Scheduler
Alternatively, you could look at using an Ektron plugin, which will get fired when certain Ektron events occur (e.g. content published). However, in my experience plugins/extensions are poorly supported and documented.

You can try creating a Windows service to perform the scheduling.
Details on the localization API and how localization performed can be found at:
root\Workarea\controls\content\localization_uc.ascx.cs in your Ektron site.

I'd recommend trying something similar to what Ken McAndrew did for an alias scheduler. Details here: Manual Alias Scheduler


How to create a Logic/Script for a Data Extension?

I always implement scripts into a Cloudpage or directly into a newsletter but I never created a script which will run by her own in a special interval. Would that be possible? Maybe every night?
There is a script activity that is available that allows you to do that. However, it's for Server-Side JavaScript opposed to AMPscript. Once you save the script in the script activity you can then add it to an automation just like any other activity and execute it at the required intervals.
The feature isn't typically on by default so you will likely need to request it to be enabled by support. You should then see it listed as an option with the other activities.

How to easily 'interval' login a website and check its content whether has changed?

This is a bit high-level solution based question: I have a website, and what I need to do is login->navigate->click category->check whether the specific content has come; every 10 mins.
There are quite a few third-party services, but they only checking the website uptime, which is not what I need.
Currently, I am thinking of silly way: create a selenium UI test, and run it every 10 mins, which seems pretty complex.
Feels like need some tool, so that I can run some extra js on a particular web to test my functionality. Any good solution for this? even some js framework, or even third-party payable service that I can direct make use of?
The best way to do this is :
Create a selenium test - Single main method that does all the steps.
Export it as a runnable jar
Schedule the .jar execution using windows scheduler.
Before scheduling the jar, once just double click the .jar file and see if the steps run smoothly.
Alternately you can try using vbscript (.vbs) file also.

How to replay nServiceBus message

Is it possible to replay all failed messages through nServiceBus without using ServiceControl/ServicePulse?
I'm using NServiceBus.Host.exe to host our endpoints. Our ServiceControl/ServicePulse database became corrupt. I was able to recreate it, but now I a few failed messages in our SQL database which are not visible through the ServicePulse.
Will this help?
Take a look at the
For people who want the functionality that this tool previously
provided please take one of the following actions
Return to source queue via either ServiceInsight or ServicePulse.
Return to source queue using custom scripting or code. This has the
added benefit enabling possible performance and usability
optimizations since, as the business owner, you have more context as
to how your error queue should be managed. For example using this
approach it is trivial for you to choose to batch multiple sends
inside the same Transaction. Manually return to source queue via any
of the MSMQ management tools. If you still want to use
MsmqReturnToSourceQueue.exe feel free to use the code inside this
repository to compile a copy.
You can look at the link provided to build your own script (to mach SQL) and trip the error message wrapper so you can push the stripped message back to the SQL queue.
Does this help?
If not please contact support at particular dot net and we will be glad to help :-)
There is nothing built into the Particular stack that I know of that will take care of this.
When I have ran into issues like this before I will usually setup a console application to send some commands into the endpoint and then setup a custom handler in the endpoint to fix the data inconsistencies. This allows you to test the "fix" in a dev/uat environment and then you have an automated solution for production to fix the problem.

Counting how many script in SSIS have been completed

In SSIS package i have multiple scripts running within a job. At any given time i want to read how many scripts have been executed eg, 5/10 (50%) have been completed. Please tell how can i achieve that?
Currently there is no such functionality provided by SSIS to track progress of package execution.
It seems you need to write your own custom utility/application to implement same or use third party one.
There are few ways to do -
Using a switch called /Reporting or /Rep of DTEXEC at the command-line . For example:
DTEXEC /F ssisexample.dtsx /Rep P > progress.txt
2.Implement package logging or customize it.
3 . Implement Event handler on required executable. You can also use OnPipelineRowsSent log of Data Flow Task.
If you want to write your own application then below thread will provide nice starting point.
How do you code the Package Execution Progress window in C#
In my experience, we are using another software to monitor the jobs that are running.
You can also try to create your own application that runs on the background that checks that status of your jobs, through checking the logs.

how to schedule a task in MVC4 C#?

I wanna create a notification system on my website?(something like stack-overflow)
How can we schedule a task for mailing the notification for users on each 24 hours?
Can we use MVC4 or we should use windows service ?
My Experience with using FluentScheduler in 3 month within a MVC4 App .
FluentScheduler is easy to config and using but it doesn't run tasks any time. Sometimes run and sometimes doesn't run.
I think the best way for scheduling is Windows Service to ensure running a task at the specific time.
Found this to be an awesome scheduler, FluentScheduler
// Schedule an ITask to run at an interval
You need a .Net Job Scheduler. Here is a good one:
You can use ATrigger scheduling service. A .Net library is also available to create scheduled tasks without overhead. Errors log, Analytics, Tasks Listings and more benefits.
Disclaimer: I was among the ATrigger team. It's a freeware and I have not any commercial purpose.
maybe you wanna use a scheduled task. Doing this in a MVC is a bad idea (mixing responsabilities) and building a windows service looks like an overkill to me (because is something doesn't need to run all the time).
I use scheduled task of windows.
I have build a little app than enter a record in the bd, then access the website with this recordId(Guid) as a parameter.
In mvc i check if the id exist, if it exist i run tasks then delete the record in the db, if not i ignore it.
this way im able to add schedule with a param. without updating the app each time i need a new scheduled task. i just add a new task like
"myapp.exe /MyNewTaskName"
hope this help someone ;-)
First of all;
Add Nuget package Install-Package FluentScheduler
Add your registry class that inherit Registry and some code
// Schedule a simple task to run at a specific time
Schedule(() => System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("This is from service " + DateTime.Now.Second+"\n"))
Register that registry class in Application_Start of Global.asax.cs
with TaskManager
TaskManager.Initialize(new Test());
There is also a built-in option, QueueBackgroundWorkItem. It was added in .Net 4.5.2 and here is a guide on how to use it in MVC.
In addition to previously mentioned FluentScheduler you also have HangFire. And if you plan on deploying to Azure there's a handful of different services for this.