What is the correct way to use the timeout manager with the distributor in NServiceBus 3+? - nservicebus

Version pre-3 the recommendation was to run a timeout manager as a standalone process on your cluster, beside the distributor. (As detailed here: http://support.nservicebus.com/customer/portal/articles/965131-deploying-nservicebus-in-a-windows-failover-cluster).
After the inclusion of the timeout manager as a satellite assembly, what is the correct way to use it when scaling out with the distributor?
Should each worker of Service A run with timeout manager enabled or should only the distributor process for service A be configured to run a timeout manager for service A?
If each worker runs it, do they share the same Raven instance for storing the timeouts? (And if so, how do you make sure that two or more workers don't pick up the same expired timeout at the same time?)

Allow me to answer this clearly myself.
After a lot of digging and with help from Andreas Ă–hlund on the NSB team(http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/nservicebus/message/17758), the correct anwer to this question is:
Like Udi Dahan mentioned, by design ONLY the distributor/master node should run a timeout manager in a scale out scenario.
Unfortunately in early versions of NServiceBus 3 this is not implemented as designed.
You have the following 3 issues:
1) Running with the Distributor profile does NOT start a timeout manager.
Start the timeout manager on the distributor yourself by including this code on the distributor:
class DistributorProfileHandler : IHandleProfile<Distributor>
public void ProfileActivated()
If you run the Master profile this is not an issue as a timeout manager is started on the master node for you automatically.
2) Workers running with the Worker profile DO each start a local timeout manager.
This is not as designed and messes up the polling against the timeout store and dispatching of timeouts. All workers poll the timeout store with "give me the imminent timeouts for MASTERNODE". Notice they ask for timeouts of MASTERNODE, not for W1, W2 etc. So several workers can end up fetching the same timeouts from the timeout store concurrently, leading to conflicts against Raven when deleting the timeouts from it.
The dispatching always happens through the LOCAL .timouts/.timeoutsdispatcher queues, while it SHOULD be through the queues of the timeout manager on the MasterNode/Distributor.
Workaround, you'll need to do both:
a) Disable the timeout manager on the workers. Include this code on your workers
class WorkerProfileHandler:IHandleProfile<Worker>
public void ProfileActivated()
b) Reroute NServiceBus on the workers to use the .timeouts queue on the MasterNode/Distributor.
If you don't do this, any call to RequestTimeout or Defer on the worker will die with an exception saying that you have forgotten to configure a timeout manager. Include this in your worker config:
<UnicastBusConfig TimeoutManagerAddress="{endpointname}.Timeouts#{masternode}" />
3) Erroneous "Ready" messages back to the distributor.
Because the timeout manager dispatches the messages directly to the workers input queues without removing an entry from the available workers in the distributor storage queue, the workers send erroneous "Ready" messages back to the distributor after handling a timeout. This happens even if you have fixed 1 and 2, and it makes no difference if the timeout was fetched from a local timeout manager on the worker or on one running on the distributor/MasterNode. The consequence is a build up of an extra entry in the storage queue on the distributor for each timeout handled by a worker.
Use NServiceBus 3.3.15 or later.

In version 3+ we created the concept of a master node which hosts inside it all the satellites like the distributor, timeout manager, gateway, etc.
The master node is very simple to run - you just pass a /master flag to the NServiceBus.Host.exe process and it runs everything for you. So, from a deployment perspective, where you used to deploy the distributor, now you deploy the master node.


Celery 4.3.0 - Send Signal To a Task Without Termination

On a celery service on CENTOS which runs a single task at a time, the termination of a task is simple:
revoke(id, terminate=True, signal='SIGINT')
However while the interrupt signal is being processed, the running task gets revoked. Then a new task - from the queue - starts on the node. This is troublesome. Two task are running at the same time on the node. The signal handling could take up to a minute.
The question is how a signal could be sent to a running task, without actually terminating the task in celery?
Or let's say is there any way to send a signal to a running task?
The assumption is user should be able to send a signal from a remote node. In other words user does not have access to list the running processes of the node.
Any other solution is welcome.
I don't understand your goal.
Are you trying to kill the worker? if so, I guess you are talking about t "Warm shutdown", so you can send the SIGTEERM to the worker's process. The running task will get a chance to finish but no new task will be added.
If you're just interested in revoking a specific task and keep using the same worker, can you share your celery configuration and the worker command? are you sure you're running with concurrency 1 ?

ServiceStack Redis Mq: is eventual consistency an issue?

I'm looking at turning a monolith application into a microservice-oriented application and in doing so will need a robust messaging system for interprocesses-communication. The idea is for the microserviceprocesses to be run on a cluster of servers for HA, with requests to be processed to be added on a message queue that all the applications can access. I'm looking at using Redis as both a KV-store for transient data and also as a message broker using the ServiceStack framework for .Net but I worry that the concept of eventual consistency applied by Redis will make processing of the requests unreliable. This is how I understand Redis to function in regards to Mq:
Client 1 posts a request to a queue on node 1
Node 1 will inform all listeners on that queue using pub/sub of the existence of
the request and will also push the requests to node 2 asynchronously.
The listeners on node 1 will pull the request from the node, only 1 of them will obtain it as should be. An update of the removal of the request is sent to node 2 asynchronously but will take some time to arrive.
The initial request is received by node 2 (assuming a bit of a delay in RTT) which will go ahead and inform listeners connected to it using pub/sub. Before the update from node 1 is received regarding the removal of the request from the queue a listener on node 2 may also pull the request. The result being that two listeners ended up processing the same request, which would cause havoc in our system.
Is there anything in Redis or the implementation of ServiceStack Redis Mq that would prevent the scenario described to occur? Or is there something else regarding replication in Redis that I have misunderstood? Or should I abandon the Redis/SS approach for Mq and use something like RabbitMQ instead that I have understood to be ACID-compliant?
It's not possible for the same message to be processed twice in Redis MQ as the message worker pops the message off the Redis List backed MQ and all Redis operations are atomic so no other message worker will have access to the messages that have been removed from the List.
ServiceStack.Redis (which Redis MQ uses) only supports Redis Sentinel for HA which despite Redis supporting multiple replicas they only contain a read only view of the master dataset, so all write operations like List add/remove operations can only happen on the single master instance.
One notable difference from using Redis MQ instead of specific purpose MQ like Rabbit MQ is that Redis doesn't support ACK's, so if the message worker process that pops the message off the MQ crashes then it's message is lost, as opposed to Rabbit MQ where if the stateful connection of an un Ack'd message dies the message is restored by the RabbitMQ server back to the MQ.

If celery worker dies hard, does job get retried?

Is there a way for a celery job to be retried if the server where the worker is running dies? I don't just mean the sub-process that execute the job, but the entire server becomes unavailable.
I tried with RabbitMQ and Redis as brokers. In both cases, if a job is currently being processed, it is entirely forgotten. When a worker restarts, it doesn't even try to reprocess the job, and looking at Rabbit or Redis, their queues are empty. The result backend is also empty.
It looks like the worker grabs the message and assume it will put it back if the subprocess fails, but if the worker dies also, it can't put it back.
(yes, I work in an environment where this happens more than once a year, and I don't want to lose tasks)
In theory, set task_acks_late=True should do the trick. (doc)
With a Redis broker, the task will be redelivered after visibility_timeout, which defaults to one hour. (doc)
With RabbitMQ, the task is redelivered as soon as Rabbit noticed that the worker died.

Weblogic migratable JMS consumer doesn't follow the service to the new managed server if the old server remains running

I have a JMS service targeted at a migratable target (using an Auto-Migrate Exactly-Once policy) in a cluster which consists of 2 managed servers, at any point of time the service is hosted at one of them and the consumer (which is targeted at the cluster) is supposed to receive messages seamlessly no matter where the service is hosted.
When I manually switch the host of the migratable target (clicking migrate), without turning the hosting managed server off, the consumer fails to receive messages sent to the queues, unless I turn off the previous hosting managed server forcing the consumer to the new host.
I can rule out sender problems, I can see the messages in the queue right after them being sent.
I'll be grateful if anyone can advice on how to configure either the consumer or the migratable service to work seamlessly when migration happens.
I think that may just be a misunderstanding of how migration works. The docs state Auto-Migrate Exactly-Once:
indicates that if at least one Managed Server in the candidate list
is running, then the JMS service will be active somewhere in the
cluster if servers should fail or are shut down (either gracefully or
forcibly). For example, a migratable target hosting a path service
should use this option so if its hosting server fails or is shut down,
the path service will automatically migrate to another server and so
will always be active in the cluster. Note that this value can lead to
target grouping. For example, if you have five exactly-once migratable
targets and only one server member is started, then all five
migratable targets will be activated on that server member.
The docs also state:
Manual Service Migration—the manual migration of pinned JTA and
JMS-related services (for example, JMS server, SAF agent, path
service, and custom store) after the host server instance fails
Your server/service has neither failed or shut down, you are forcing it to migrate with a healthy host still running, so it has not met the criteria for migration.
See more here as well.
I have some experience that sounds reminiscent of what you're looking at. There was some WLS-specific capability around recognizing reconfiguration in JMS destinations as part of their clustered server design.
In one case I had to call a WLS-specific method: weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.setExceptionListener(). This was on their implementation of the JMS Session interface. This is analogous to the standard JMS Connection.setExceptionListener().
With this WLS-specific capability, the WLSession.setExceptionListener() callback would occur at a point where the consuming client should tear down and re-establish the connection / session / consumer in reaction to a reconfiguration (migration) that had happened.

Cluster-wide singleton in Websphere Cluster

I need to run a component using Apache Camel (or Spring Integration) under WAS ND 8.0 cluster. They both run some threads on startup, and stop them on shutdown normally. No problem to supply WAS managed threadpool. But that threads must run on single cluster's node at the same time. Moreover it must be high-available i.e. switch to other node when active node falls.
Solution I found - is WAS Partitioning Facility. It requires additional Extended Deployment licenses. Is it the only way, or there is some way to implement this using Network Deployment license only?
Thanks in advance.
I think that there is not a feature that address this interesting requirement.
I can imagine a "trick":
A Timer EJB send a message on a queue (let's say 1 per minute)
Configure a Service Integration Bus (SIB) with High Availability and No Scalability, so the HA Manager ensure that only one messaging engine (ME) is alive.
Create a non-reliable queue for high performances and low resource consumption.
The Activation Spec should be configured to listen only local ME.
A MDB implement the following logic: when the message arrives, it check if the singleton thread is alive, otherwise it start the thread.
Does it make sense?