Conditional Trigger and Insert to a remote SQL Server Database server - sql

How can I set up a conditional trigger to be fired when a particular condition is met after an update or insert and then insert some of the inserted values into another table located on another SQL Server database on SQL Server 2005?

Read here about creating triggers. In your case it will be a normal data manipulation language (DML) event trigger.
In order to insert data to a remote server you need to configure a linked server. You have a few tools for that: you can either use SQL via sp_addlinkedserver, or you can use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). In latter case you will be able to do it via GUI. See this article for the instructions.
Once you configure the linked server, you can access its tables directly from SQL (In the example below a linked server SRVR002\ACCTG is used):
SELECT name FROM [SRVR002\ACCTG].master.sys.databases


SQL Server update two different server by trigger

I have two SQL Server
1st -
2nd -
Both having the different database with different names and fields.
My application will update in the 1st server.
Can I actually configure the 1st server that once it received update query, it will update in 2nd server as well?
I want to insert data from 1st server to 2nd server by using trigger. when my Application insert data in a table in 1st server database a trigger will fire (insert trigger). and it pass the data in 2nd server by its user id and password.
How I write the script of this trigger?
Solved here: Selecting data from two different servers in SQL Server
You can use sp_addlinkedserver or Linked Servers approach.
Using sp_addlinkedserver would be something like this once you have set up the linked server:

select values ​from database to another with sql server

Hello I have to pass a select from a database that is on an ip address to another (identical) database that is on a completely different IP, below the query how to pass to make the switch?
Sql Code:
/*Insert into database with same name into same table addres::*/
Insert into
/* select from database address:*/
SELECT IdUtente,Longitudine,Latitudine,Stato,DataCreazione
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura
where DataCreazione>'2019-01-08 18:37:28.773'
Linked Server/ OpenQuery is the way to achieve this. have a look on this.
including parameters in OPENQUERY
If the data that's being imported isn't large and this won't be a reoccurring task a linked server would probably be the better option. Creating one through the SSMS GUI is easier if you haven't done this before, but an example of creating one using the SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER stored procedure through T-SQL is below. If your account doesn't have access to the other server the SP_ADDLINKEDSRVLOGIN stored procedure will need to be used to configure the linked server with an account that has the appropriate permissions on the source server, as well as database and any referenced objects. While using the linked server syntax (4 part name) is simpler and easier to read, I'd strongly recommend doing the insert with OPENQUERY instead if only one linked server will be used. This will execute the SQL on the source server, applying any filters there and only return the necessary rows, whereas the linked server syntax will return all the rows before performing the filtering. You can read more about the differences between the two here. You indicated the database name is the same on both servers, and this assumes the same for the table and schema names as well. Make sure to update these accordingly if they differ.
If a large volume of the data will imported or if this will be a regular process creating an SSIS package and setting this to run as a SQL Agent job will be the better approach. If you choose to go this route there are a number of things to consider, but the links below will help you get started. SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is where the packages can be developed. While not necessary, executing the packages from the SSIS Catalog, SSISDB, will be much more beneficial than just the using the file system. Either an OLE DB or SQL Server Destination can be used since the table that's being loaded to is on SQL Server, however a SQL Server Destination can only be used on a local database.
Linked Server:
--Create linked server
--SQL product name and SQLNCLI11 provider for SQL Server
EXEC [MASTER].DBO.SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER #server = N'MyLinkedServer', #srvproduct=N'SQL',
#provider=N'SQLNCLI11', #datasrc=N'ServerIPAddress'
--OPENQUERY insert
INSERT INTO Quote.dbo.Marcatura (IdUtente, Longitudine, Latitudine, Stato, DataCreazione)
FROM OPENQUERY(MyLinkedServer, '
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura')
Execute SQL Task
Data Flow Task
OLE DB Source
OLE DB Destination
SQL Server Destination
SQL Server Agent SSIS Packages
SSIS solution
I think this requires a very simple SSIS package to be achieved:
Create two OLEDB Connection manager; one for each server
Add a data flow task
Inside the Data flow task addan OLEDB Source and OLEDB destination
In the OLEDB source ( connection manager) select SQL command as Access mode and use the following command:
SELECT IdUtente,Longitudine,Latitudine,Stato,DataCreazione
FROM Quote.dbo.Marcatura
where DataCreazione >'2019-01-08 18:37:28.773'
Map the source columns to the OLEDB destination ( connection manager)
Helpful links
Extract Data by Using the OLE DB Source
SSIS OLEDB Source to OLE DB Destination example

Generate an "INSERT INTO" script from SQL Server to Postgres

I need to generate a script with the data from one db in sql server to postgres. It seems the "Generate Script" in SQL Management doesn't do ANSI format like INSERT INTO that I need.
How can I do it?
I suggest.
Fire up an instance of Postgres on an accessible device.
Set up a linked server from Microsoft SQL Server to access the postgresql server using the postgres 64 bit odbc driver.
Start writing TSQL to transfer the data.

Update from linked server (mysql) to local sql database.

I am looking for a way to setup a scheduled update from a linked server I created to a local db, I am not familiar with triggers but from what I've read you have to set them up on the originating server, and I only have read access to the mysql Database. Basically all that I am trying to do is make a local copy of two tables from the mysql db. I can manually do so with select into statements, but I would like to have some automation if possible. Any thoughts on how to achieve this? Also I am using SQL server 2008 R2. Thanks!
You have several options to do:
Copy all data from the source table (do not use this if the source table is big)
If you have a column in the source table which can be used to determine which records should be copied, use that (this is mostly an auto updated timestamp column in MySQL)
Set up a trigger to track modifications
To copy, you can set up a Linked Server or you can use SSIS
To use a linked server you can use OPENQUERY()
You can schedule your task with SQL Server Agent

How can I select data in the same query from two different servers and databases from SQL Server Management Studio?

How can I select data in the same query from two different databases that are on two different servers, one DB2 Server and the other a SQL Server?
On your sql server, set up a linked server to the db2 database.
Then write your query on sql server. I suggest that you use openquery for the db2 stuff. If you have to combine the data, populate a sql server temp table with the openquery results and work from there.
The reason I suggest this is performance. I have found that if you use this syntax
select somefields
from server.database.owner.table
where whatever
sql server will bring back the entire table from the linked server and apply the where clause afterwards.
You can set up a linked server
How to create a linked server