how to execute oracle procedure in ssis sql execute task? [duplicate] - sql

I'm working with SSIS 2008 and am having a problem calling an Oracle stored procedure that has an output parameter.
I call the stored procedure in SqlPlus like this:
var vresult number;
exec my_stored_procedure(:vresult);
print vresult;
The statements work and I get the output I need. I am trying to do something similar in SSIS, yet I need to do this repeatedly, maybe in a ForEach or a script to update a temporary result set with the result of calling the stored procedure (the stored procedure generates a number, and I need to add that number to each row in a result set which just holds some state information).
I have tried a lot of different approaches and always end up with 'invalid statement' or similar errors.
I have also tried the following approaches:
How to resolve SQL query parameters mapping issues while using Oracle OLE DB provider?
Update a row in oracle using OLEDB command(SSIS)
Oracle variables
The crux of the problem seems to be the stored procedure's output parameter.
I have tried using the the Oracle Provider for OLE DB. Any ideas?

If you are trying to invoke The stored Procedure in Oracle PLSQL this Link is very brief.
If you are Working in Java then. The Statement Object
java.sql.CallableStatement ps;
ps.registerOutParameter(parameterIndex, sqlType);
Similarly .Net or Any Other Platform must will have the same Convictions. Hope so.:)

I came up with a solution that works:
Use the 'declare' and 'end' construct
Combine with 'execute immediate'
Add the 'using' statement to the end of the exec immediate to inject variable
So a script that implements this might look something like this:
myVar number;
myStatement varchar2(50);
myStatement:='exec myProc(:1)';
execute immediate myStatement using output myVar;
Paste this script into an Execute SQL task, set the task's properties and it works!
I'm new to Oracle but it looks like the :1 notation is a place-holder for the variable. You can test this using sqlplus too - just save the code in a file and start sqlplus using the # option on the command line.
The only problem: I can't get value of the variable for use in SSIS, but that's another problem.

check tis post: Run an Oracle package from SQL Server Integration Services

You are almost there. In order to retrieve the value of the output parameter from the Oracle stored procedure in SSIS, here is what worked for me
In the Execute SQL task, paste this in the SQL statement box
vresult number;
In the Parameter Mapping, ensure to map your SSIS variable to this output of your stored procedure by setting the direction to "Output" and parameter name as "0" (if it is the first parameter)
PS: ensure the Oracle output variable datatypes match your SSIS variables


How should I select or display the out variable from a stored procedure call?

I'm writing a pretty basic stored procedure that just takes values from the sample DB2 database and computes the standard deviation. I wrote the procedure itself just fine, and I can call it without error. But I can't figure out how to actually display my result or select it in a statement. Everything I try results in a syntax error and I haven't been able to find anyone doing this specific task in my google searches.
This is the gist of my code (snipped for brevity):
(OUT std_dev real)
--do stuff
SET std_dev = 10; --changed for simplicity
All this runs, but just CALL doesn't create any output. What's the syntax to SELECT the out variable? I can't put a DECLARE before the CALL because it's not in a stored procedure, and PRINT doesn't work either.
(# is my terminal character because I'm using ; in the stored procedure)
Edit: Both the create procedure and call statements are made in the same SQL file, the database is connect to through localhost and I'm using DB2 and developing in IBM Data Studio 4.1.2.
From wherever the CALL is being made, that feature might present a Result Set, despite apparently not presenting the result of an OUT parameter. If so, then the stored procedure perhaps could be revised to return the OUT value [instead, or additionally] as a result set, so that the interface that accepts the CALL statement as input, might present that result-set. Regardless:
In a statement processor [e.g. that is not a GUI, but] for which SELECT query output is presented, the following scripted requests should likely suffice:
create variable my_real real
call SAL_STD_DEV(my_real)
select my_real from sysibm.sysdummy1

Stored procedure weird error in oracle

I am new to the stored procedure in oracle and my simple code wont compile in oracle toad.
Here is my code:
There is a readline under the ALTER, and it says "Found: "ALTER", expecting select or (: BEGIN BASE COSE...) " why is that?
Oracle doesn't allow you to use DDL natively in PL/SQL. To work around this, you can use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to run the DDL as a dynamic query.

Using a PL/SQL stored procedure in Crystal Report command object

I'd like to call a stored procedure from a crystal report command object using an Oracle direct connection. The stored procedure takes a refcursor and some parameters that can be passed from the report, but I'm not sure what the syntax should look like.
For simplicity, feel free to pretend that the stored procedure only takes a refcursor and nothing else. What should the syntax look like? I assume I need to declare the refcursor, call the SP, and then return the cursor.
I'm pretty unfamiliar with this stuff though, and I'm not actually sure how to return the cursor. I figure the first bit would look like:
VARIABLE Cursor refcursor
I'm not sure how to then return the cursor for Crystal Reports to use (2008/2011). I hope this was enough information.
You can't call a stored procedure from a command. You need to add it to the report in the same manner as you add a table (in the database expert). Moreover, the SP needs to be built a certain way to work with CR; specifically, it needs to return a REF CURSOR.

SSIS Stored Procedure Call

I'm trying to call a simple stored procedure which would return a list of names in normal test format, all in a single line. I'm passing it two parameters, but no matter how i setup the call, either within a OLE DB Source Editor, or within an execute SQL task.
There must be something i'm missing with my SQL statement b/c i keep getting an error.
My SQL command text is
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?
The parameters I'm passing are listed exactly as they are declared in the stored procedure, #IDType and #IDNumber, which are mapped to predefined variables.
Every time I try to run it from either task type, I get a
The EXEC SQL construct or statement is not supported.
What is the best way to run a stored procedure within SSIS?
Thank you.
I cannot recreate your issue.
I created a control flow with the proc already in existence.
I have my execute sql task configured as
My parameters tab shows
When I click run, the package goes green.
My initial assumption was that you had signaled that you were using a stored procedure and were erroneously providing the EXEC part. I had done something similar with SSRS but even updating the IsQueryStoredProcedure to True, via Expression, I could not regenerate your error message.
If you are doing something else/different/in addition to what I have shown in the Execute SQL Task, could you amend your question to describe what all functionality the procedure should show.
Did you specify output parameters?
For 2 in / 1 out your SQL code will look like:
EXEC [dbo].[spGetEmployerIdCSV] ?, ?, ? OUTPUT
ResultSet has to be set to none!
I had the same problem.
When you execute the task check the 'Progress' tab; this will give you a 'fully fledged' error details.
In my case I didn't map the parameter which I created in the SQL Task to the actual one in the Stored Procedure.
So, double click the SQL Task, click on Parameter Mapping on the left hand side, then Create the parameters and their respective mappings. Here is a screenshot (in version 2012):
I faced with a similar issue after upgrading to SSDT for VS 2013 (the problem was with lookup element).
Fixed by using this answer:
EXEC ('dbo.MyStoredProcedure')
MyIntegerColumn INT NOT NULL,
MyTextColumn VARCHAR(50) NULL,
MyOtherColumn BIT NULL
use the same command you use to run the stored procedure in MySQL workbench
call ();
USE this command in Execute SQL Task

Sybase - Stored procedure - Store results of a SQL query into an OUTPUT parameter

In a stored procedure, I've to build my own SQL request(because tables names and some properties names are known only at execution time(parameters)).
So Basically I've something like this
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE WITH RESULT SET OFF 'My custom query which select one data'
Usually, I would use the INTO commands, but my parameter is recognized inside the Execute immediate, which seems logic.
(Before you ask: I cannot return this in a result set, the result set is used for another data(and the result of this EXECUTE IMMEDIATE will determine which query I will run(and must be returned)).
How would you approach this problem? I guess it's the same problem on SQL Server-... but I didn't tested on it
You could create a table in compiled Sql and then the dynamic Sql populates it, so that the compiled sql statement after the dynamic part can read the results and update them onto your output params.