Can i use SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 without Visual Studio - sql

Can i use SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 without Visual Studio. I install SQL Server Compact Edition but can't find where i create database.
Please guide me i have to install sql server on client computer for runing my project without visual studio.

Here (link), you have a huge list of tools (commercial and free) for SQL CE.


Creating SSIS packages using express editions

In production I have SQL Server 2008 R2. I want to create DTSX/SSIS packages but when I go to the Microsoft Express site ( ) I'm not sure which studio will work.
Will "Express 2013 for Windows Desktop" work for my case? I already have "Express 2012 for Web" and SQL Server 2008 Management Studio installed locally so will that interfere?
You will need the relevant version of SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools). According to this page, if the latest version doesn't work, these older versions might:

Error in installation of SQL Server 2008 Management Studio

I have installed SQL Server 2008 Express on my machine but I can't find the Management Studio.
I downloaded two versions of SQL Server Management Studio, 2008 and R2
This is the result
I don't know what is exactly the problem, on my machine I have VS2008, VS2010 and VS2012 express for web.
I googled about this topic and i installed the SP1 package.
I had SQL Server 2005 with its management tool and it worked very well, but now I need to change to the 2008's version, I don't know if I made an error when I uninstalled one of them.
So :
What is the reason of this error?
How can i fix this problem?

SQL Server Setup Error in Visual studio 2010

i have installed sql sever 2012 with SSDT.
When i am using SSDT and creating package.It gives error:
Microsoft Visual Studio is unable to load this document:
To Design Integration Services packages in sql Server Data Tools (SSDT),SSDT Has to be installed by one of these edition of sql server 2012:Standard,Enterprise,Developer,or Evaluation.
I am using Sql server 2012 Enterprise Edition.
SSDT also installed on my machine.
I dont know y rhis error is occured???.
Please anybody help me
Refer all the discussion in following link
As well go through this step by step approach:
Hope its helpful.

Cannot install SQL Server 2008 : Previous release of VS 2008 error

I had Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition installed in my computer. When i installed this VS 2008 version, SQL Server 2005 was also automatically installed. I just had to install SQL Management Studio
Because i want to install SQL Server 2008. I un-installed SQL Server 2005 and tried to install SQL Server 2008. But in the "Installation Rules" section in the installing setup, it prompts a message saying "Previous Release of VS 2008 Failed" (see the image below)
When I google it, i came to Microsoft Support where they say the VS Version i have must be Service Pack 1 and must be a release version (not beta version). Now I'm confused with it.
What should I do?
How do I find the Service Pack Version of VS 2008
How do I find if the version is a release or a beta one
I recently installed VS 2010 C# Express and Web Developer 2010 Express. Without going to SQL Server 2008 can I work with VS 2010 with SQL Server 2005?
How do I find the Service Pack Version of VS 2008?
There are service packs for Visual Studio 2008 express that are different to the VS2008 standard / prof etc service packs.
How do I find if the version is a release or a beta one? No idea.
I recently installed VS 2010 C# Express and Web Developer 2010 Express. Without going to SQL Server 2008 can I work with VS 2010 with SQL Server 2005?
Yes you can work with SQL 2005 with both of those to the best of my knowledge.
You can try uninstalling all instances of visual studio and then installing sql 2008 but that would be a last resort i would think. Trying the vs2008 express service packs would be my first step.
See this and for a more detailed answer see this
I also had this issue and when I visited Microsoft site, then I found this solution and it worked.

Why SQL Server Express 2008 install requires Visual Studio 2008 in checklist?

When installing SQL Server Express Edition 2008, checklist says
"Previous version of Visual Studio 2008"
and asked me to upgrade to sp1. Unfortunately sp1 for some reason refuses to install on my brand new pc (Windows 7).
So why can't I just bypass this ? Why would SQL Server Express needs VS2008 to install that's insane.
SQL Server install used to be as easy as 123, now it has become a nightmare like installing Oracle.
Will I have to go back to Windows XP ?
Because Sql Server Management Studio is built upon the Visual Studio standalone Shell.
You will find that if you choose not to install the SSMS this requirement will vanish, but this is probably not what you want to do.
Normally you won't need Visual Studio 2008 in order to install SQL Server. This can be caused by some previous versions that you had installed, beside the SSMS problem. Take a look here for required actions before installing SQL Server 2008.
I have to agree that SQL Server 2008 install is probably the worst SQL install ever.
Having said that, 2008 R2 is out now, perhaps the new management studio is built on VS2010? Alternatively, don't install Management studio and use something else like VS2008, or VS2010 express to access the database.