Including a list of related entities in the Elasticsearch index - lucene

Using the elasticsearch module, is it possible to somehow index the results of a related collection, which is lazy-loaded?
I have a model type Book, which has many Authors, which are lazy loaded
If I annotate the list of authors as #ElasticSearchEmbedded, I get the following exception:
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: models.Book.authors, no session or session was closed
If I mark it as ignored, of course everything goes fine. Is there a way to at least get the names of the authors in the Book index?


Entity joining in xml

I have run into a little roadblock in regards to joining mantle entities. I would like to have a single depicting fields from two mantle entities, but am unsuccessful in joining them. Specifically, I have linked a list of party relationships (as contacts) to a single partyId (vendor), with the goal to make a vendor contacts page. However I am unable to link that form-list with the PartyContactMech and ContactMech entities (in order to display email and phone number in the same form-list). More generally, my question is how can one map lists to each other the same way one can map a list to a single object (using entity-find-one and value-field does not work when tried with entity-find)?
There is no need to make a view-entity (join entities) to do that. Simply do a query on the PartyRelationship entity in the main 'actions' part of your screen specifying the toParty (vendor). Then in your Form-List, use 'row-actions' to query the PartyContactMech and so on for each fromPartyId (contact) entry that the previous query returned. Also have a look at the PartyViewEntities file in Mantle USL. There are some helpful view-enties already defined for you there such as PartyToAndRelationship, PartyFromAndRelationship etc. Also note that entity-find-one returns a single "map" (value-field) as it queries on the PK. Whereas entity-find returns a list of maps (list). They are separate query types. If I understand your question correctly.

Sitecore: Programmatically trigger reindexing of related content

In my sitecore instance, I have content for 2 templates, Product and Product Category. The products have a multilist that link to the Product Category as lookups. The Products also have an indexing computed field setup that precomputes some data based on selected Product Categories. So when a user changes a Product, Sitecore's indexing strategy indexes the Product with the computed field.
My issue is, when a user changes the data in the Product Category, I want Sitecore to reindex all of the related products. I'm not sure how to do this. I do not see any hook where I could detect that a Product Category is being indexed, so I could programmatically trigger an index to products
You could achieve using the indexing.getDependencies pipeline. Add a processor to it - your custom class should derive from Sitecore.ContentSearch.Pipelines.GetDependencies.BaseProcessor and override Process(GetDependenciesArgs context).
In this function you can get your IndexedItem and add, based on this information, other items to the Dependencies. These dependencies will be indexed as well. Benefit of this way of working is that the dependent items will be indexed in the same job, instead of calling new jobs to update them.
Just be aware of the performance hit this could cause if badly written as this code will be called on all indexes. Get out of the function as soon as you can if not applicable.
Some known issues about this pipeline can be found on the kb.
One way would be to add a custom OnItemSave handler which will check if the template of the changed item has the ProductCategory template, and will problematically trigger the index update.
To only reindex the changed items, you can pickup the related Products and register them in the HistoryEngine by using the HistoryEngine.RegisterItem method:
Sitecore.Context.Database.Engines.HistoryEngine.RegisterItemSaved(myItem, new ItemChanges(myItem));
Some useful instructions how to create OnItemSave handler can be found here:
You could add or change one of existing index update strategies. (configuration\sitecore\contentSearch\indexConfigurations\indexUpdateStrategies configuration node)
As example you could take
One thing, you need to change
public void Run(EventArgs args, bool rebuildDescendants)
method. args contains changed item reference. All that you need, trigger update of index for related items.
After having custom update strategy you should add it to your index, strategies configuration node.

How to structure REST resource hierarchy?

I'm new to server side web development and recently I've been reading a lot about implementing RESTful API's. One aspect of REST API's that I'm still stuck on is how to go about structuring the URI hierarchy that identifies resources that the client can interact with. Specifically I'm stuck on deciding how detailed to make the hierarchy and what to do in the case of resources being composed of other resource types.
Here's an example that hopefully will show what I mean. Imagine we have a web service that lets users buy products from other users. So in this simple case, there are two top level resources users and products. Here's how I began to structure the URI hierarchy,
For users:
For products:
In both of these cases objects in each hierarchy reference a subset of the objects in the other hierarchy. For example /users/{id}/bought is a list of the products that some user has bought, which is a subset of /products. Also, /products/{id}/seller references the user that sold a specific product.
Since these URI's reference other objects, or subsets of other objects, should the API support things like this: /users/{id}/bought/id/description and /products/{id}/buyer/location? Because if those types of URI's are supported, what's to stop something like this /users/{id}/bought/{id}/buyer/bought/{id}/seller/name, or something equally convoluted? Also, in this case, how would you handle routing since the router in the server would have to interpret URI's of arbitrary length?
The goal is to build convenient resource identifiers, don't try to cross-reference everything. You don't have to repeat your database relations in URL representation :)
Links like /product/{id}/buyer should never exist, because there already is identifier for that resource: /user/{id}
Although it's ok to have /product/{id}/buyers-list because list of buyers is a property of product that does not exist in other contexts.
You should think of it in a CRUD fashion, where each entity supports Create, Read, Update, and Delete (typically using GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP verbs respectively).
This means that your endpoints will typically only go one level deep. For instance
GET /users - Return a list of all users (you may not want to make this publically available)
GET /users/:id - Return the user with that id
POST /users - Create a new user. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want)
PUT /users/:id - Update the user with that id
DELETE /users/:id - Delete the user with that id
Going into more detail, such as /users/:id/about is likely not necessary. While it may work, it may be getting slightly overspecific.
Perhaps in your case you could add in:
GET /users/:id/bought - Array of products that the user bought
GET /users/:id/sold - Array of products that the user sold
where you could return a list of id's (which can be fetched through the products API), or you could populate the Products before sending them back if you wish. If you do choose to populate them, you probably should not then populate users referenced by each product. This will lead to circular includes and is wrong.
And for Products, in your sitation I would use:
GET /products- Return a list of all products
GET /products/:id - Return the products with that id
POST /products- Create a new product. Return a 201 Status Code and the newly created id (if you want)
PUT /products/:id - Update the product with that id
DELETE /products/:id - Delete the product with that id
GET /products/:id/buyers - Array of who bought the product
GET /products/:id/sellers - Array of everyone selling the product

How to allow a related model in Yii to be empty

In my Yii application I have a pretty simple model setup. I've used the gii autogenerated code to create the basic CRUD, while I get the data for my app in place.
So, I have Authors, and Books. A Book belongs_to an Author.
I have a huge list of books already to enter - but as I haven't entered the Authors yet - none of my books will save, as I keep getting "Trying to get property of non-object" when I save without selecting an author- despite not making Author "required".
As I haven't got my list of books organised by author (it's a straight list of titles in a CSV list) this is preventing me saving any Books.
How can I make the Author optional?
Within the 'rules' function of the Book model you should see something like this:
array('...','...','author', 'required'),
All you have to do is delete the 'author' property from the array, so it will no longer be required. Of course this will only work if the 'author' column in the Book table of the DB is marked as not-required.
I hope it helps you, but I'm afraid it won't solve your problem. The error message you're getting, "Trying to get property of non-object", suggests that you have another problem rather than a not-set required property in a submitted form. If it is the case, you may post the BooksController's "create" function and the associated "_form" view in order to determine what's going wrong.
you could import your authors first, but this would probably wouldn't work either since your csv won't have the author_id in it
if i were you i would delete the foreign key (not the author_id field, just the fk) and import my books, then add authors and when done add the foreign key again to ensure data integrity and use it in the future
Yii won't complain if you do that
So the answer was more simple than I realised - I had the wrong relationship. Instead of a "belongs to" I needed a "has one". The has one relationship allows for nulls.

NHibernate: If two calls are made to CreateCriteria, which list is Get<T> going to retrieve the object from?

Under one UnitOfWork (session) I may call CreateCriteria twice. My first call is to populate a grid for data editing. Let's say the data has been edited and flushed (saved) to the database and the grid is still open. After the data is edited, I may call CreateCriteria a second time to retrieve a list of objects that are validated and found in error.
Lets say ObjectA was retrieved by both calls to session.CreateCriteria. It was edited in the grid but found in error within the second list.
The first question would be: Considering first level cache, is ObjectA--that was retrieved from the second call to CreateCriteri--represent the one retrieved from the first call? or, better yet, did NHibernate "detect and reuse" ObjectA from the first call assuming the keys did not change?
To my final point in question: I want to edit ObjectA which was found in error, and let's say it was brought up in a ListBox. Therefore, I want to highlight that object, call session.Get()(key) in order to retrieve it from cache, then bring up a change form to change ObjectA's properties. Which object am I changing? The one from the first call to CreateCriteria or the second call? Are they the same?
Thank you in advance.
Second level cache
Take a look at and
From the former:
The second level cache does not hold
entities, but collections of values
So, with caching setup properly, NHibernate will be able to recreate your object without having to get the actual values from the database. In other words, the object will be created the same as when it wasn't in cache, except that since the values are cached, NHibernate won't actually query the database since it already knows what's in there.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by "validation" and "found in error". Are you validating before insert? Typically my entities are validated before the insert/update and won't actually be inserted/updated if invalid.
Validation aside, what I think you're asking is that if you:
save something
do a flush
retrieve an item (from a new session) with the same key as the one saved in step 1
will you be retrieving the same reference to the object you saved in step 1(?). And the answer is no since NHibernate does not cache the OBJECT but rather the values so it can create a new entity populated with the cached values (instead of actually performing a DB query).
However, does that really matter? If you overload Equals such that equality of 2 entities are based on their ID, then finding the same (not reference equal, but same) item in a grid (or a hash of any kind) should be a snap.
First level cache
I didn't realize you were talking about 1st level cache. 1st level cache works as an identity map and does cache the instance of the object. Therefore, if you do 2 selects from the db based on the same ID, you will retrieve the same instance of the object.