ActiveRecord how to correctly exclude records with conditions correctly? - ruby-on-rails-3

Why does below not work?
Try to exclude all the is_reply = 1 values from the query but can't figure out how to.
I tried several combinations but all fail.
All records with is_reply = 1 still get returned with this below query, I think need to sub the or part but how?
#messages = Message.all(:conditions => ['is_reply = ? AND recipient_id
= ? OR user_id = ?', 0,,] )

You probably want to use parenthesis() and group your conditions together
['is_reply = ? AND (recipient_id = ? OR user_id = ?)', 0,,]


Rails 5 - How to use postgresql query?

In rails 5, I am using pg(postgresql) for a back-end database. Now I want to query through rails and get the data. How can I use IN and ORDER(:created_at, :desc) conditions in a query.
In controller,
posts = Post.where("user_id IN (?)", [1,2,3]).order(created_at: :desc)
posts = posts.paginate(params[:page], PAGE_LIMIT)
I am writing a custom method like,
def paginate(page, limit = 5)
page = page ? page.to_i : 1
limit = limit.to_i
offset = (page - 1) * limit
I am new to postgresql. Please help me to solve this issue?
suppose you have User model and you want to get user which has id in [1,2,3]
User.where("id IN (?)", [1,2,3]).order(created_at: :desc)
for more dynamic
x = [1,2,3]
name = "testing123"
User.where("name = ? AND id IN (?)", name, x).order(created_at: :desc)
for more details you can see Active Record Query
to make it working with pagination for array changes to be done here
modified answer
posts_arr = Post.where("user_id IN (?)", [1,2,3]).order(created_at: :desc)
posts = Post.where(id: #here to get active records of posts to make it working for custom pagination
posts = posts.paginate(params[:page], PAGE_LIMIT)

sqlalchemy: paginate does not return the expected number of elements

I am using flask-sqlalchemy together with a sqlite database. I try to get all votes below date1
sub_query = models.VoteList.query.filter(models.VoteList.vote_datetime < date1)
sub_query = sub_query.filter(models.VoteList.group_id ==
sub_query = sub_query.filter(models.VoteList.user_id ==
sub_query = sub_query.subquery()
old_votes = models.Papers.query.join(sub_query, sub_query.c.arxiv_id == models.Papers.arxiv_id).paginate(1, 4, False)
where the database model for VoteList looks like this
class VoteList(db.Model):
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
group_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''))
arxiv_id = db.Column(db.String(1000), db.ForeignKey('papers.arxiv_id'))
vote_datetime = db.Column(db.DateTime)
group = db.relationship("Groups", backref=db.backref('vote_list', lazy='dynamic'))
user = db.relationship("User", backref=db.backref('votes', lazy='dynamic'), foreign_keys=[user_id])
def __repr__(self):
return '<VoteList %r>' % (
I made sure that the 'old_votes' selection above has 20 elements. If I use .all() instead of .paginate() I get the expected 20 result?
Since I used a max results value of 4 in the example above I would expect that old_votes.items has 4 elements. But it has only 2? If I increase the max results value the number of elements also increases, but it is always below the max result value? Paginate seems to mess up something here?
any ideas?
I noticed that it works fine if I apply the paginate() function on add_columns(). So if I add (for no good reason) a column with
old_votes = models.Papers.query.join(sub_query, sub_query.c.arxiv_id == models.Papers.arxiv_id)
old_votes = old_votes.add_columns(sub_query.c.vote_datetime).paginate(page, VOTES_PER_PAGE, False)
it works fine? But since I don't need that column it would still be interesting to know what goes wrong with my example above?
Looks to me that for the 4 rows returned (and filtered) by the query, there are 4 rows representing 4 different rows of the VoteList table, but they refer/link/belong to only 2 different Papers models. When model instances are created, duplicates are filtered out, and therefore you get less rows. When you add a column from a subquery, the results are tuples of (Papers, vote_datetime), and in this case no duplicates are removed.
I encountered the same issue and I applied van's answer but it did not work. However I agree with van's explanation so I added .distinct() to the query like this:
old_votes = models.Papers.query.distinct().join(sub_query, sub_query.c.arxiv_id == models.Papers.arxiv_id).paginate(1, 4, False)
It worked as I expected.

How do I modify this where clause to check if a column has a nil value in SQL?

I have the following query:
user.all_memberships.where("user_id = ? OR invited_id = ?",,
This is what my membership model looks like:
#<Membership id: 4, family_tree_id: 3, user_id: 1, created_at: "2015-10-23 20:33:41", updated_at: "2015-10-23 20:33:41", relation: nil, invited_id: nil>
What I would like the query to also check is if relation != nil....but not sure how to represent that in the SQL passed in to the where clause in quotes.
In other words, I would like for it to check for the presence of in either the user_id or invited_id column. But...relation also has to be NOT nil.
How do I do that?
Edit 1
When I do the following query, as per Blindy's suggestion below:
user.all_memberships.where("relation is not null and user_id = ? OR invited_id = ?",,
It generates this query, that seems to work but based on the SQL it generates I am nervous about it. Notice the second AND and the second part of that statement. It feels like it may return false positives occasionally.
(0.9ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "memberships" WHERE (memberships.user_id = 1 OR memberships.invited_id = 1) AND (relation is not null and user_id = 2 OR invited_id = 2)
How do I customize the AR where query to be more true to what I want to do and not have any hidden gotchas?
This isn't completely clear, but I think you mean something like:
relation is not null and (user_id = ? OR invited_id = ?)

ActiveRecord condition with count less than for association

I have a User that has_many messages.
I need a create a query that will
'Get me all users who's (message.opened == false) count < 3'
Right now, I am using User.all, iterating through all users, and counting manually. I understand that this isn't very efficient and it can be all done in one query, but I am new to SQL/ActiveRecord so need some help here.
Assuming Rails 3 syntax. You can do something like:
User.joins(:messages).where(:messages => {:opened => false}).group(:user_id).having("COUNT( < 3)
This should work:
User.includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
This will create two queries, one for the grouped query, and one for eager loading the resulting users and messages with a join.
Here is solution to your problem
User.includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
but what else you can do is to create a scope for this
scope :not_opened_less_three_count, includes(:messages).group("").where("messages.opened = 0").having("count( < 3")
And then you can use it anywhere you needed as follow
Try this
User.includes(:messages).group('').having('SUM(IFNULL(messages.opened = 0, 1)) < 3')
It works at least on MySQL, AND assuming your boolean true are 1 in database.
EDIT I had reversed the condition
PS IFNULL is there to handle if messages.opened can be NULL

Rails 3.0 One-One Association Using associated model in WHERE clause

When I do:
conditions = {:first_name => 'Chris'}
Patient.joins(:user).find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
It Produces (and fails because the first_name is not in the patients table)
SELECT "patients".* FROM "patients" INNER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "patients"."user_id" WHERE "patients"."first_name" = 'Chris'
I need to be able to query the User model's fields also and get back Patient objects. Is this possible?
Try this:
conditions = ['users.first_name = ?', 'Chris']
Patient.joins(:user).find(:all, :conditions => conditions)
Try changing you conditions hash to:
conditions = {'users.first_name' => 'Chris'}
I've used this style in Rails 2.3, and it worked great for me. Cheers!