How can I insert column comments through a Standard SQL script? - sql

I want a script that inserts table comments and column comments. Said script must be unique and run satisfactorily both on Oracle and MySQL. Furthermore, I prefer it to be written in Standard SQL.
This is how I do it now. But it does not work on MySQL.
comment on table F_Transaction
is 'Fact table for system transactions';
comment on column F_Transaction.Transaction_Date
is 'Date in which the transaction took place';
What SQL construction should I use to achieve my purpose?

The standards do not seem to define any way to define table or column comments (looks like they don't even mention them). So, the syntax for comments on tables/columns can vary from one DBMS to another.
It seems that a number of DBMS agree with Oracle's COMMENT ON syntax (see Oracle create table with column comments).
With MySQL it's necessary to specify the comments along with the table/column definition (in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE sentences). See this related question: Alter MYSQL Table To Add Comments on Columns.


Is it possible to add description for column while creating table in MSSQL QUERY

Is it possible to add description for column while creating table in MSSQL QUERY. I am in need to add description for columns in table while moving data to the table.
It's clunky in SQL Server. For some reason, they've never adopted the COMMENT syntax, and you can't add the comments directly in the CREATE TABLE statement.
After your CREATE statement, run the system stored procedure sp-addextendedproperty
There's an extended conversation on the topic under this question: SQL Comments on Create Table on SQL Server 2008

Oracle create table with column comments

Is there a column comment syntax that allows me to specify a column comment directly where I declare the column in the create table statement (i.e. inline)? The 11g spec does not mention anything, on another page something is mentioned but I could not get it to work. There is a way to specify comments after creating the table, but I think it is annoying that the comment is separated from the field definition. I am looking for something like this (which does not work):
create table whatever (
field number(15,0) primary key comment 'primary key generated from sequence pkseq',
I'm afraid the "annoying" COMMENT ON syntax is the only way of doing this. SQL Server, PostgreSQL and DB2 use the same syntax (even though, as far as I know, there is no ANSI standard syntax for adding comments to database objects).
MySQL supports the way you would like it to work. I agree it would be a nicer mechanism, but in my experience so few people use comments at all that I doubt Oracle will ever change it.
I'm afraid it can only be done after table creation, using the comment on column ... is '' syntax.
A workaround to this annoying syntax is also to view and edit the tables in Oracles SQLExplorer. It contains a wizard that allows you to edit the comments right next to the columns. It even allows easy creation of alter table scripts.
My procedure when editing tables is to enter the changes in the wizard without actually executing them, then go to its DDL tab and retrieve the SQL from there (as update, not full create script) and press cancel on the wizard. Then I put the created SQL into the SQL script I am writing. Only when I am finished with the script I execute everything; I do never make any changes with the wizard itself.
Test on sqlplus (or similar), but the syntax is as follows:
-- assuming you have privileges
IS 'My comment'
-- then you can double check like this
SELECT * FROM all_col_comments WHERE
IN (('SCHEMA1','TABLE1','COL1'));
Note that the comment will now show in SQLDeveloper (or Toad or whatever env you have) until you reopen said table's properties.
Similar syntax can be used to annotate tables, indexes and materialized views. [source:]
I understand similar syntax exists for MySQL and others, but it is not proper ANSI. It's very useful, though.

creating a table only if it's not existing with ANSI sql

I am trying to dynamically create a SQL table only if it's not already existing. I have seen many solutions on the internet but they usually rely on a specific database, while I'm trying to find the most generic solution.
I was thinking of always running the CREATE command and then assuming that if it fails then the table exist and I can start inserting data into it. I can't see any flaw in this reasoning (not counting performance issues), but I might be wrong.
Is this an acceptable method?
Can you suggest other methods which are database independent, or that use ANSI SQL that all RDBMS would accept?
if there is a table - say - EMP, does that really imply that it is the same EMP that you are expecting?
Either query the appropriate data dictionary for the table structure, or fill your code with a ton of error checking and conditional logic...
INFORMATION_SCHEMA is part of the ANSI SQL Standard, so you should be able to:
what about: create table if not exists

How to make a column case sensitive in sql 2005 or 2008

Is it possible to change the default collation based on a column? i want to make 1 column case sensitive but all the others not
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN allows to change collation for a single column:
alter table Foo alter column Bar ntext collate Latin1_General_CS_AS
(collation might be incorrect)
I don't specifically know SQL Server, but the generally accepted DBMS practice (for compatibility) would be to either:
put insert and update triggers on the table so that they're stored in the case you want.
use generated columns to store another copy of the column in the case you want.
There may be a faster way to do it in SQL Server but you should be careful of solutions that push workload into the SELECT statements - they never scale well. It's almost always better doing this as part of inserts and updates since that's the only time data changes - doing it that way minimizes the extra workload.
The answer to your question is yes, already stated above by Anton Gogolev.
Additional Info:
Here is a how you can find list of Collation supported by your SQL Server based on its version.
select name,
COLLATIONPROPERTY(name, 'CodePage') as Code_Page,
from sys.fn_HelpCollations()
what is the meaning of Kanatype Sensitive KS and width sensitive

Creating table in mysql

Is it possible to create more than one table at a time using single create table statement.
For MySQL, you can use multi-query to execute multiple SQL statements in a single call. You'd issue two CREATE TABLE statements separated by a semicolon.
But each CREATE TABLE statement individually can create only one table. The syntax supported by MySQL does not allow multiple tables to be created simultaneously.
#bsdfish suggests using transactions, but DDL statements like CREATE TABLE cause implicit transaction commits. There's no way to execute multiple CREATE TABLE statements in a single transaction in MySQL.
I'm also curious why you would need to create two tables simultaneously. The only idea I could come up with is if the two tables have cyclical dependencies, i.e. they reference each other with foreign keys. The solution to that is to create the first table without that foreign key, then create the second table, then add the foreign key to the first table with ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT. Dropping either table requires a similar process in reverse.
Not with MS SQL Server. Not sure about mysql.
Can you give more info on why you'd want to do this? Perhaps there's an alternative approach.
I don't know, but I don't think you can do that. Why you want to do this?
Not in standard SQL using just the 'CREATE TABLE' statement. However, you can write multiple statements inside a CREATE SCHEMA statement, and some of those statements can be CREATE TABLE statements. Next question - does your DBMS support CREATE SCHEMA? And does it have any untoward side-effects?
Judging from the MySQL manual pages, it does support CREATE SCHEMA as a synonym for CREATE DATABASE. That would be an example of one of the 'untoward side-effects' I was referring to.
(Did you know that standard SQL does not provide a 'CREATE DATABASE' statement?)
I don't think it's possible to create more than one table with a 'CREATE TABLE' command. Everything really depends on what you want to do. If you want the creation to be atomic, transactions are probably the way to go. If you create all your tables inside a transaction, it will act as a single create statement from the perspective of anything going on outside the transaction.