force subquery resolution first - sql

I'm creating a query which uses 2 embedded server functions multiple times.
Problem: the functions search through a decently large table, and they take a long time to execute.
Goal: Use a subquery as if it were a table so that I can reference columns without running the function to generate the column more than once.
Example Pseudocode:
Select general.column1, general.column2, general.column1-general.column2
from (select package.function1('I take a long time') column1,
package.function2('I take even longer') column2,
from bigtable) general;
When I run my code general.column1 will reference the function in the statement of column1, not the data returned by it (which is ultimately what I'm after).
I'm fairly new to SQL, so any help is appreciated and if you need more info, I'll do my best to provide it.

I suggest you tu use the subquery factoring. The first subquery will be executed only once and then used through the rest of he query.
WITH function_result AS
(SELECT package.function1('I take a long time') column1
, package.function2('I take even longer') column2
FROM dual)
SELECT function_result.column1
, function_result.column2
, function_result.column1 - function_result.column2
, bigtable.normal_column
FROM bigtable

In general what you want to do is in this case is take advatage of scalar subquery caching.
i.e. put:
Select general.column1, general.column2, general.column1-general.column2
from (select (select package.function1('I take a long time') from dual) column1,
(select package.function2('I take even longer') from dual) column2,
from bigtable) general;
delcaring the function as deterministic too helps if it is deterministic.
a small example:
SQL> create or replace function testfunc(i varchar2)
2 return varchar2
3 is
4 begin
5 dbms_application_info.set_client_info(userenv('client_info')+1 );
6 return 'hi';
7 end;
8 /
Function created.
now lets test a call to the function like you have:
SQL> exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(0);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> set autotrace traceonly
SQL> select *
2 from (select testfunc(owner) a
3 from all_objects);
57954 rows selected.
SQL> select userenv('client_info') from dual;
the function was called 57954 times (once per row). now lets use scalar caching:
SQL> exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(0);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select *
2 from (select (select testfunc(owner) from dual) a
3 from all_objects);
57954 rows selected.
SQL> select userenv('client_info') from dual;
178 calls instead of 57k!
in your case you've only shown that you have a literal and no input that is varying per row (if this is the case, the number of calls after using scalar caching should be 1).
if we add deterministic:
SQL> create or replace function testfunc(i varchar2)
2 return varchar2 deterministic
3 is
4 begin
5 dbms_application_info.set_client_info(userenv('client_info')+1 );
6 return 'hi';
7 end;
8 /
Function created.
SQL> exec dbms_application_info.set_client_info(0);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select *
2 from (select (select testfunc(owner) from dual) a
3 from all_objects);
57954 rows selected.
SQL> select userenv('client_info') from dual;
now down to 55. in 11g we have result_cache which we can put in place of deterministic, which would reduce the calls on subsequant runs to 0 calls.


DML inside a function call

I have an old client software which has a connected oracle database for persistence. As interface the client software only allows the call of functions and procedures. I have nearly full access to the database, i.e., I can define functions and procedures. Because of the interface, only functions can return values and I cannot use the OUT parameter option of procedures.
Now I simply want to read a value from a table:
SELECT value FROM myTable WHERE id = 42;
And increase the value afterwards:
UPDATE myTable SET value = value + 1 WHERE id = 42;
I could use a function for the select statement and a procedure for the update and call both successively. The problem here is the non-existence of transactions on the client side. Thus, between select and update another thread could get wrong values.
So my question is, how can I use both calls in a transaction without using transactions...
Tried Approaches:
Use anonymous PL/SQL Blocks -> the syntax is not supported by the client.
Put both calls in a single function -> DML is not allowed in a select statement.
PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION -> I heard it is a bad thing and should not be used.
You can do DML inside a function as demonstrated below, but I stress - take heed of the other comments. Look at using a sequence (even multiple sequences), because doing DML inside a function is generally a bad idea, because the number of executions of a function call (if called from SQL) is not deterministic. Also, there are scalability issues if used in a high volume. And in a multi-user environment, you need to handle locking/serialization otherwise you'll multiple sessions getting the same integer value returned.
So...after all that, you still want to head this path :-(
SQL> create table t ( x int );
Table created.
SQL> insert into t values (0);
1 row created.
SQL> create or replace
2 function f return int is
3 pragma autonomous_transaction;
4 retval int;
5 begin
6 update t
7 set x = x + 1
8 returning x into retval;
9 commit;
10 return retval;
11 end;
12 /
Function created.
SQL> select f from dual;
1 row selected.
SQL> select * from t;
1 row selected.
SQL> select f from dual;
1 row selected.
SQL> select * from t;
1 row selected.
SQL> select f from dual;
1 row selected.
SQL> select * from t;
1 row selected.

REF CURSOR get a column from a procedure

I have a procedure I am running from SQL developer. It pumps out about 50 columns. Currently I am working on a bug which is updating one of these columns. It is possible to just show column X from the result?
I am running it as
EXEC MY_PROC('-1', '-1', '-1', 225835, :cursorout);
PRINT cursorout;
Ideally I want to print out the 20th column so would like to do something like
PRINT cursorout[20];
It is possible to just show column X from the result?
Not without additional coding, no.
As #OldProgrammer said in the comment to your question you can use dbms_sql package to describe columns and pick one you like.
But, if, as you said, you know column names, the probably easiest way to display contents of that column would be using XML functions, xmlsequence() and extract() in particular.
Unfortunately we cannot pass SQL*PLUS bind variable as a parameter to the xmlsequence() function, so you might consider to wrap your procedure in a function, which returns refcursor:
Test table:
create table t1(col, col2) as
select level
, level
from dual
connect by level <= 5;
SQL> select * from t1;
---------- ----------
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Here is a simple procedure, which opens a refcursor for us:
create or replace procedure p1(
p_cursor out sys_refcursor
) is
open p_cursor for
select * from t1;
Procedure created
Here is the function-wrapper for the p1 procedure, which simply executes the procedure and returns refcursor:
create or replace function p1_wrapper
return sys_refcursor is
l_res sys_refcursor;
return l_res;
Function created
The query. Extract path is ROW/COL2/text(), where COL2 is the name of a column we want to print.
select t.extract('ROW/COL2/text()').getstringval() as res
from table(xmlsequence(p1_wrapper)) t ;
5 rows selected.
In my opinion,you can define a cursor in procedure MY_PROC,and put which column is updated in the cursor(for example 20) and then return then cursor.Or you just create a table to record every execute result of your procedure.

Selecting static values to union into another query

Essentially, my problem is that I need to run a query in Oracle that unions a static list of values ('Static' meaning it's obtained from somewhere else that I cannot get from the database, but is actually an arbitrary list of values I plug into the query) with a dynamic list of values returned from a query.
So, my initial query looks like:
select * from (select ('18776') as instanceid from dual) union (<more complex query>)
I think, hooray! And then try to do it with a longer list of static values. Turns out, I get 'Missing Right Parenthesis' if I try to run:
select ('18776','18775') as instanceid from dual
So, my basic issue is how can I integrate a list of static values into this union?
NOTE: This is a simplified example of the problem. The actual list is generated from an API before I generate a query, and so this list of "static" values is unpredictably and arbitrarily large. I'm not dealing with just 2 static values, it is an arbitrary list.
select '18776' as instanceid from dual union all
select '18775' as instanceid from dual
select column_value from table(sys.odcivarchar2list('18776', '18775'))
or some sort of hierarchical query that could take your comma separated-string and split it into a set of varchars.
Union these to your initial query.
update: "I'm not dealing with just 2 static values, it is an arbitrary list."
Still can pass to a query as a collection (below is just one of many possible approaches)
23:15:36 LKU#sandbox> ed
Wrote file S:\spool\sandbox\BUFFER_LKU_39.sql
1 declare
2 cnt int := 10;
3 coll sys.odcivarchar2list := sys.odcivarchar2list();
4 begin
5 coll.extend(cnt);
6 for i in 1 .. cnt loop
7 coll(i) := dbms_random.string('l', i);
8 end loop;
9 open :result for 'select * from table(:c)' using coll;
10* end;
23:37:03 11 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.50
23:37:04 LKU#sandbox> print result
10 rows selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
I think you want to break it into two subqueries:
select *
from ((select '18776' as instanceid from dual)
(select '18775' as instanceid from dual)
(<more complex query>)
) t;
Note that union all performs better than union. If you know there are no duplicates (or duplicates don't matter) then use union all instead.
If you have the ability/permission to create a table type, you can do this:
And then you can use the TABLE function to select from a instance of that type that you initialize on the fly in your SQL:

oracle call stored procedure inside select

I'm working on a query (a SELECT) and I need to insert the result of this one in a table.
Before doing the insert I have some checking to do, and if all columns are valid, I will do the insert.
The checking is done in a stored procedure. The same procedure is used somewhere else too.
So I'm thinking using the same procedure to do my checks.
The procedure does the checkings and insert the values is all OK.
I tryied to call the procedure inside my SELECT but it does not works.
SELECT field1, field2, myproc(field1, field2)
This kind of code does not works.
I think it can be done using a cursor, but I would like to avoid the cursors.
I'm looking for the easiest solution.
Anybody, any idea ?
use a PL/SQL loop:
FOR c IN (SELECT field1, field2 FROM mytable) LOOP
my_proc(c.field1, c.field2);
SQL can only use functions in the projection: it needs something which returns a value. So you are going to have to write some functions. That's the bad news. The good news is, you can re-use all the investement in your stored procedures.
Here is a procedure which enforces a completely just business rule: only managers can have a high salary.
SQL> create or replace procedure salary_rule
2 ( p_sal in emp.sal%type
3 , p_job in emp.job%type)
4 is
5 x_sal exception;
6 begin
7 if p_sal > 4999 and p_job != 'MANAGER' then
8 raise x_sal;
9 end if;
10 exception
11 when x_sal then
12 raise_application_error(-20000, 'Only managers can earn that much!');
13 end salary_rule;
14 /
Procedure created.
Because it is a procedure we cannot use it in a SELECT statement; we need to wrap it in a function. This function just calls the stored procedure. It returns the input parameter P_SAL. In other words, if the salary is valid (according to the rules) it will be returned. Otherwise the function will re-hurl the stored procedure's exception.
SQL> create or replace function validate_salary
2 ( p_sal in emp.sal%type
3 , p_job in emp.job%type)
4 return emp.sal%type
5 is
6 begin
7 salary_rule(p_sal, p_job);
8 return p_sal;
9 end validate_salary;
10 /
Function created.
The function has to return a value which we want to insert into our table. It cannot return some meaningless phrase like "salary okay". Also, if we want to validate two columns we need a separate function for each, even if there is a relationship between them and we use the same stored procedure to validate them both. Good use for the DETERMINISTIC keyword.
Here's the test: plumbers cannot earn 5000 spondulicks ....
SQL> insert into emp
2 (empno
3 , ename
4 , job
5 , deptno
6 , sal )
7 select
8 emp_seq.nextval
9 , 'HALL'
10 , 'PLUMBER'
11 , 60
12 , validate_salary(5000, 'PLUMBER')
13 from dual
14 /
, validate_salary(5000, 'PLUMBER')
ERROR at line 12:
ORA-20000: Only managers can earn that much!
ORA-06512: at "APC.SALARY_RULE", line 12
ORA-06512: at "APC.VALIDATE_SALARY", line 7
... but managers can (because they deserve it):
SQL> insert into emp
2 (empno
3 , ename
4 , job
5 , deptno
6 , sal )
7 select
8 emp_seq.nextval
9 , 'HALL'
10 , 'MANAGER'
11 , 60
12 , validate_salary(5000, 'MANAGER')
13 from dual
14 /
1 row created.
Note that the hurled exception is crucial to this working. We cannot write some bizarre IF SALARY IS VALID THEN INSERT logic in our SQL statement. So, if the stored procedure doesn't raise an exception but instead returns some wimpy error status the wrapping function will have to interpret the output and hurl its own exception.
You can't use stored procedures in SELECT statement.
You can use functions for that.
As I understand you are calling insert in your SP, so take into consideration that you can's use INSERT/UPDATE in function body. But if you need to do some checks you can use function which will do that checks and use that function in your select statement.

Arrays in Oracle SQL

Here's a simplified pseudo-code version of what I'd like to be able to do in PL-SQL (Oracle):
mylist as ARRAY
mylist (1) := '1'
mylist (2) := '3'
FROM aTable
WHERE aKey IN mylist;
The SELECT should return the matching records for mylist(1), mylist(2) etc. It should be similar to ORing all the values, but of course we don't know in advance how many values we get.
How can I achieve this? I know that PL/SQL has some collection datatypes, but I can't seem to get them to work properly in SQL statements.
Thanks for any ideas.
This is easy to do with the TABLE() function. The one catch is that the array variable must use a type declared in SQL. This is because SELECT uses the SQL engine, so PL/SQL declarations are out of scope.
SQL> create or replace type numbers_nt as table of number
2 /
Type created.
SQL> declare
2 l_array numbers_nt;
3 begin
4 l_array := numbers_nt (7521,7566,7654);
5 for r in ( select ename
6 from emp
7 where empno in ( select *
8 from table (l_array)
9 )
10 )
11 loop
12 dbms_output.put_line ( 'employee name = '||r.ename);
13 end loop;
14 end;
15 /
employee name = PADFIELD
employee name = ROBERTSON
employee name = BILLINGTON
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
A couple of suggestions:
1.) There's a CAST SQL keyword that you can do that might do the job... it makes your collection be treated as if it were a table.
2.) Pipelined functions. Basically a function returns data that looks like a table.
This link summarises the options and has a number of code listings that explain them.