Normalizing an extremely big table - sql

I face the following issue. I have an extremely big table. This table is a heritage from the people who previously worked on the project. The table is in MS SQL Server.
The table has the following properties:
it has about 300 columns. All of them have "text" type but some of them eventually should represent other types (for example, integer or datetime). So one has to convert this text values in appropriate types before using them
the table has more than 100 milliom rows. The space for the table would soon reach 1 terabyte
the table does not have any indices
the table does not have any implemented mechanisms of partitioning.
As you may guess, it is impossible to run any reasonable query to this table. Now people only insert new records into the table but nobody uses it. So I need to restructure it. I plan to create a new structure and refill the new structure with the data from the old table. Obviously, I will implement partioning, but it is not the only thing to be done.
One of the most important features of the table is that those fields that are purely textual (i.e. they don't have to be converted into another type) usually have frequently repeated values. So the actual variety of values in a given column is in the range of 5-30 different values. This induces the idea to make normalization: for every such a textual column I will create an additional table with the list of all the different values that may appear in this column, then I will create a (tinyint) primary key in this additional table and then will use an appropriate foreign key in the original table instead of keeping those text values in the original table. Then I will put an index on this foreign key column. The number of the columns to be processed this way is about 100.
It raises the following questions:
would this normalization really increase the speed of the queires imposing conditions on some of those 100 fields? If we forget about the size needed to keep those columns, whether would there be any increase in the performance due to the substition of the initial text-columns with tinyint-columns? If I do not do any normalization and simply put an index on those initial text columns, whether the performace will be the same as for the index on the planned tinyint-column?
If I do the described normalization, then building a view showing the text values will require joining my main table with some 100 additional tables. A positive moment is that I'll do those joins for pairs "primary key"="foreign key". But still quite a big amount of tables should be joined. Here is the question: whether the performance of the queryes made to this view compare to the performance of the queries to the initial non-normalized table will be not worse? Whether the SQL Server Optimizer will really be able to optimize the query the way that allows taking the benefits of the normalization?
Sorry for such a long text.
Thanks for every comment!
I created a related question regarding joining 100 tables;
Joining 100 tables

You'll find other benefits to normalizing the data besides the speed of queries running against it... such as size and maintainability, which alone should justify normalizing it...
However, it will also likely improve the speed of queries; currently having a single row containing 300 text columns is massive, and is almost certainly past the 8,060 byte limit for storing the row data page... and is instead being stored in the ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA or LOB_DATA Allocation Units.
By reducing the size of each row through normalization, such as replacing redundant text data with a TINYINT foreign key, and by also removing columns that aren't dependent on this large table's primary key into another table, the data should no longer overflow, and you'll also be able to store more rows per page.
As far as the overhead added by performing JOIN to get the normalized data... if you properly index your tables, this shouldn't add a substantial amount of overhead. However, if it does add an unacceptable overhead, you can then selectively de-normalize the data as necessary.

Whether this is worth the effort depends on how long the values are. If the values are, say, state abbreviations (2 characters) or country codes (3 characters), the resulting table would be even larger than the existing one. Remember, you need to include the primary key of the reference table. That would typically be an integer and occupy four bytes.
There are other good reasons to do this. Having reference tables with valid lists of values maintains database consistency. The reference tables can be used both to validate inputs and for reporting purposes. Additional information can be included, such as a "long name" or something like that.
Also, SQL Server will spill varchar columns over onto additional pages. It does not spill other types. You only have 300 columns but eventually your record data might get close to the 8k limit for data on a single page.
And, if you decide to go ahead, I would suggest that you look for "themes" in the columns. There may be groups of columns that can be grouped together . . . detailed stop code and stop category, short business name and full business name. You are going down the path of modelling the data (a good thing). But be cautious about doing things at a very low level (managing 100 reference tables) versus identifying a reasonable set of entities and relationships.

1) The system is currently having to do a full table scan on very significant amounts of data, leading to the performance issues. There are many aspects of optimisation which could improve this performance. The conversion of columns to the correct data types would not only significantly improve performance by reducing the size of each record, but would allow data to be made correct. If querying on a column, you're currently looking at the text being compared to the text in the field. With just indexing, this could be improved, but changing to a lookup would allow the ID value to be looked up from a table small enough to keep in memory and then use this to scan just integer values, which is a much quicker process.
2) If data is normalised to 3rd normal form or the like, then you can see instances where performance suffers in the name of data integrity. This is most a problem if the engine cannot work out how to restrict the rows without projecting the data first. If this does occur, though, the execution plan can identify this and the query can be amended to reduce the likelihood of this.
Another point to note is that it sounds like if the database was properly structured it may be able to be cached in memory because the amount of data would be greatly reduced. If this is the case, then the performance would be greatly improved.
The quick way to improve performance would probably be to add indexes. However, this would further increase the overall database size, and doesn't address the issue of storing duplicate data and possible data integrity issues.
There are some other changes which can be made - if a lot of the data is not always needed, then this can be separated off into a related table and only looked up as needed. Fields that are not used for lookups to other tables are particular candidates for this, as the joins can then be on a much smaller table, while preserving a fairly simple structure that just looks up the additional data when you've identified the data you actually need. This is obviously not a properly normalised structure, but may be a quick and dirty way to improve performance (after adding indexing).

Construct in your head and onto paper a normalized database structure
Construct the database (with indexes)
De-construct that monolith. Things will not look so bad. I would guess that A LOT (I MEAN A LOT) of data is repeated
Create SQL insert statements to insert the data into the database
Go to the persons that constructed that nightmare in the first place with a shotgun. Have fun.


PostgreSQL - What should I put inside a JSON column

The data I want to store data that has this characteristics:
There are a finite number of fields (I don't expect to add new fields);
There are some columns that are common to all sets of data (a category field, for instance);
There are some columns that are specific to individual sets of data (each category needs it's own fields);
Here's how it would look like in a regular table:
I'm having trouble figuring out which would be the better way to store this data in a database for this situation.
Bellow are the ideas I already had:
Do exactly as the tabular table (I would have many NULL values);
Divide the categories into tables (I would use joins when needed);
Use JSON type for storing the values (no NULL values and having it all in same table).
So my questions are:
Is one of these solutions (or one that I have not thought about it) that is better for this case?
Are there other factors, other than the ones presented here, that I should consider to make this decision?
Unless you have very many columns (~ 100), it is usually better to use normal columns. NULL values don't take any storage space in PostgreSQL.
On the other hand, if you have queries that can use any of these columns in the WHERE condition, and you compare with =, a single GIN index on a jsonb might be better than having many B-tree indexes, because the index maintenance costs would be higher.
The definitive answer depends on the SQL statements that you plan to run on that table.
You have laid out the three options pretty well. Things to consider are:
Data size
Each of maintenance
Note that you don't even allude to security considerations. But security at the table level is usually a tad simpler than at the column level and might be important for regulated data such as PII (personally identifiable information).
The primary strength of the JSON solution is flexibility. It is easy to add new columns. But you don't need that. JSON has a cost in data size and data type flexibility (notably JSON doesn't support date/times explicitly).
A multiple table solution requires duplicating the primary key but may result in much less storage overall if the columns really are sparse. The "may" may also depend on the data type. A NULL string for instance occupies less space than a NULL float in a table record.
The joins on multiple tables will be 1-1 on primary keys. These should be pretty fast.
What would I do? Unless the answer is obvious, I would dump the data into a single table with a bunch of columns. If that table starts to get unwieldy, then I would think about splitting it into separate tables -- but still have one table for the common columns. The details of one or multiple tables can be hidden behind a view.
Depends on how much data you want to store, but as long as it is finite it shouldn't make a big difference if it contains a lot of null's or not

DB Architecture: One table using WHERE vs multiple

I wonder what is the difference between having one table with 6 millions row (aka with a huge DB) and 100k active users:
id serial primary key,
color text,
is_left_one boolean,
stock int
With also 6 index like:
CREATE INDEX blue_left_shoes ON shoes(color,is_left_one) WHERE color=blue AND is_left_one=true;
Versus: 6 tables with 1 million rows:
CREATE TABLE blue_left_shoes(
id serial primary key,
stock int
The latter one seems more efficient because users don't have to ask for the condition since the table IS the condition, but perhaps creating the indexes mitigate this?
This table is used to query either left, right, "blue", "green" or "red" shoes and to check the number of remaining items, but it is a simplified example but you can think of Amazon (or any digital selling platform) tooltip "only 3 items left in stock" for the workload and the usecase. It is the users (100k active daily) who will make the query.
NB: The question is mostly for PostgreSQL but differences with other DB is still relevant and interesting.
In the latter case, where you use a table called blue_left_shoes
Your code needs to first work out which table to look at (as opposed to parameterising a value in the where clause)
As permutations and options increase, you need to increase the number of tables, and increase the logic in your app that works out which table to use
Anything that needs to use this database (i.e. a reporting tool or an API) now needs to re implement all of these rules
You are imposing logic at a high layer to improve performance.
If you were to partition and/or index your table appropriately, you get the same effect - SQL queries only look through the records that matter. The difference is that you don't need to implement this logic in higher layers
As long as you can get the indexing right, keeping this is one table is almost always the right thing to do.
Database partitioning is where you select one or more columns to decide how to "split up" your table. In your case you could choose (color, is_left_one).
Now your table is logically split and ordered in this way and when you search for blue,true it automatically knows which partition to look in. It doesn't look in any other partitions (this is called partition pruning)
Note that this occurs automatically from the search criteria. You don't need to manually work out a particular table to look at.
Partitioning doesn't require any extra storage (beyond various metadata that has to be saved)
You can't apply multiple partitions to a table. Only one
Creating an index also provides performance improvements. However indexes take up space and can impact insert and update performance (as they need to be maintained). Practically speaking, the select trade off almost always far outweighs any insert/update negatives
You should always look at indexes before partitioning
Non selective indexes
In your particular case, there's an extra thing to consider: a boolean field is not "selective". I won't go into details but suffice to say you shouldn't create an index on this field alone, as it won't be used because it only halves the number of records you have to look through. You'd need to include some other fields in any index (i.e. colour) to make it useful
In general, you want to keep all "like" data in a single table, not split among multiples. There are good reasons for this:
Adding new combinations is easier.
Maintaining the tables is easier.
You an easily do queries "across" entities.
Overall, the database is more efficient, because it is more likely that pages will be filled.
And there are other reasons as well. In your case, you might have an argument for breaking the data into 6 separate tables. The gain here comes from not having the color and is_left_one in the data. That means that this data is not repeated 6 million times. And that could save many tens of megabytes of data storage.
I say the last a bit tongue-in-cheek (meaning I'm not that serious). Computers nowadays have so much member that 100 Mbytes is just not significant in general. However, if you have a severely memory limited environment (I'm thinking "watch" here, not even "smart phone") then it might be useful.
Otherwise, partitioning is a fine solution that pretty much meets your needs.
For this:
WHERE color=blue AND is_left_one=true
The optimal index is
INDEX(color, is_left_one) -- in either order
Having id first makes it useless for that WHERE.
It is generally bad to have multiple identical tables instead of one.

Query on varchar vs foreign key performance

This is for SQL Server.
I have a table that will contain a lot of rows and that table will be queried multiple times so I need to make sure my design is optimized.
Just for the question let say that table contains 2 columns. Name and Type.
Name is a varchar and it will be unique.
Type can be 5 different value (type1... type5). (It possible can contains more values in the future)
Should I make type a varchar (and create an index) or would be it better to create a table of types that will contains 5 rows with only a column for the name and make type a foreign key?
Is there a performance difference between both approach? The queries will not always have the same condition. Sometime it will query the name, type, or both with different values.
EDIT: Consider that in my application if type would be a table, the IDs would be cached so I wouldn't have to query the Type table everytime.
Strictly speaking, you'll probably get better query performance if you keep all the data in one table. However doing this is known as "denormalization" and comes with a number of pretty significant drawbacks.
If your table has "a lot of rows", storing an extra varchar field for every row as opposed to say, a small, or even tinyint, can add a non-trivial amount of size to your table
If any of that data needs to change, you'll have to perform lots of updates against that table. This means transaction log growth and potential blocking on the table during modification locks. If you store it as a separate table with 5-ish rows, if you need to update the data associated with that data, you just update one of the 5 rows you need.
Denormalizing data means that the definition of that data is no longer stored in one place, but in multiple places (actually its stored across every single row that contains those values).
For all the reasons listed above, managing that data (inserts, updates, deletes, and simply defining the data) can quickly become far more overhead than simply normalizing the data correctly in the first place, and for little to no benefit beyond what can be done with proper indexing.
If you find the need to return both the "big" table and some other information from the type table and you're worried about join performance, truthfully, wouldn't be. That's a generalization, but If your big table has, say, 500M rows in it, I can't see many use cases where you'd want all those rows returned; you're probably going to get a subset. In which case, that join might be more manageable. Provided you index type, the join should be pretty snappy.
If you do go the route of denormalizing your data, I'd recommend still having the lookup table as the "master definition" of what a "type" is, so it's not a conglomeration of millions of rows of data.
If you STILL want to denormalize the data WITHOUT a lookup table, at least put a CHECK constraint on the column to limit which values are allowable or not.
How much is "a lot of rows"?.
If it is hundreds of thousands or more, then a Columnstore Index may be a good fit.
It depends on your needs, but usually you would want the type column to be of a numerical value (in your case tinyint).

MySQL Table with TEXT column

I've been working on a database and I have to deal with a TEXT field.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
Some research revealed this, suggesting that
Separate text/blobs from metadata, don't put text/blobs in results if you don't need them.
However, I am not familiar with the definition of "metadata" being used here.
So I wonder if there are any relevant advantages in putting a TEXT column in a table of its own. What are the potential problems of having it with the rest of the fields? And potential problems of keeping it in a separated table?
This table(without the TEXT field) is supposed to be searched(SELECTed) rather frequently. Is "premature optimization considered evil" important here? (If there really is a penalty in TEXT columns, how relevant is it, considering it is fairly easy to change this later if needed).
Besides, are there any good links on this topic? (Perhaps stackoverflow questions&answers? I've tried to search this topic but I only found TEXT vs VARCHAR discussions)
Yep, it seems you've misinterpreted the meaning of the sentence. What it says is that you should only do a SELECT including a TEXT field if you really need the contents of that field. This is because TEXT/BLOB columns can contain huge amounts of data which would need to be delivered to your application - this takes time and of course resources.
Best wishes,
This is probably premature optimisation. Performance tuning MySQL is really tricky and can only be done with real performance data for your application. I've seen plenty of attempts to second guess what makes MySQL slow without real data and the result each time has been a messy schema and complex code which will actually make performance tuning harder later on.
Start with a normalised simple schema, then when something proves too slow add a complexity only where/if needed.
As others have pointed out the quote you mentioned is more applicable to query results than the schema definition, in any case your choice of storage engine would affect the validity of the advice anyway.
If you do find yourself needing to add the complexity of moving TEXT/BLOB columns to a separate table, then it's probably worth considering the option of moving them out of the database altogether. Often file storage has advantages over database storage especially if you don't do any relational queries on the contents of the TEXT/BLOB column.
Basically, get some data before taking any MySQL tuning advice you get on the Internet, including this!
The data for a TEXT column is already stored separately. Whenever you SELECT * from a table with text column(s), each row in the result-set requires a lookup into the text storage area. This coupled with the very real possibility of huge amounts of data would be a big overhead to your system.
Moving the column to another table simply requires an additional lookup, one into the secondary table, and the normal one into the text storage area.
The only time that moving TEXT columns into another table will offer any benefit is if there it a tendency to usually select all columns from tables. This is merely introducing a second bad practice to compensate for the first. It should go without saying the two wrongs is not the same as three lefts.
The concern is that a large text field—like way over 8,192 bytes—will cause excessive paging and/or file i/o during complex queries on unindexed fields. In such cases, it's better to migrate the large field to another table and replace it with the new table's row id or index (which would then be metadata since it doesn't actually contain data).
The disadvantages are:
a) More complicated schema
b) If the large field is using inspected or retrieved, there is no advantage
c) Ensuring data consistency is more complicated and a potential source of database malaise.
There might be some good reasons to separate a text field out of your table definition. For instance, if you are using an ORM that loads the complete record no matter what, you might want to create a properties table to hold the text field so it doesn't load all the time. However if you are controlling the code 100%, for simplicity, leave the field on the table, then only select it when you need it to cut down on data trasfer and reading time.
Now, I believe I've seen some place mentioning it would be best to isolate the TEXT column from the rest of the table(putting it in a table of its own).
However, now I can't find this reference anywhere and since it was quite a while ago, I'm starting to think that maybe I misinterpreted this information.
You probably saw this, from the MySQL manual
If a table contains string columns such as name and address, but many queries do not retrieve those columns, consider splitting the string columns into a separate table and using join queries with a foreign key when necessary. When MySQL retrieves any value from a row, it reads a data block containing all the columns of that row (and possibly other adjacent rows). Keeping each row small, with only the most frequently used columns, allows more rows to fit in each data block. Such compact tables reduce disk I/O and memory usage for common queries.
Which indeed is telling you that in MySQL you are discouraged from keeping TEXT data (and BLOB, as written elsewhere) in tables frequently searched

mysql - how many columns is too many?

I'm setting up a table that might have upwards of 70 columns. I'm now thinking about splitting it up as some of the data in the columns won't be needed every time the table is accessed. Then again, if I do this I'm left with having to use joins.
At what point, if any, is it considered too many columns?
It's considered too many once it's above the maximum limit supported by the database.
The fact that you don't need every column to be returned by every query is perfectly normal; that's why SELECT statement lets you explicitly name the columns you need.
As a general rule, your table structure should reflect your domain model; if you really do have 70 (100, what have you) attributes that belong to the same entity there's no reason to separate them into multiple tables.
There are some benefits to splitting up the table into several with fewer columns, which is also called Vertical Partitioning. Here are a few:
If you have tables with many rows, modifying the indexes can take a very long time, as MySQL needs to rebuild all of the indexes in the table. Having the indexes split over several table could make that faster.
Depending on your queries and column types, MySQL could be writing temporary tables (used in more complex select queries) to disk. This is bad, as disk i/o can be a big bottle-neck. This occurs if you have binary data (text or blob) in the query.
Wider table can lead to slower query performance.
Don't prematurely optimize, but in some cases, you can get improvements from narrower tables.
It is too many when it violates the rules of normalization. It is pretty hard to get that many columns if you are normalizing your database. Design your database to model the problem, not around any artificial rules or ideas about optimizing for a specific db platform.
Apply the following rules to the wide table and you will likely have far fewer columns in a single table.
No repeating elements or groups of elements
No partial dependencies on a concatenated key
No dependencies on non-key attributes
Here is a link to help you along.
That's not a problem unless all attributes belong to the same entity and do not depend on each other.
To make life easier you can have one text column with JSON array stored in it. Obviously, if you don't have a problem with getting all the attributes every time. Although this would entirely defeat the purpose of storing it in an RDBMS and would greatly complicate every database transaction. So its not recommended approach to be followed throughout the database.
Having too many columns in the same table can cause huge problems in the replication as well. You should know that the changes that happen in the master will replicate to the slave.. for example, if you update one field in the table, the whole row will be w