sql minimum from one column, unique for another column group by a third - sql

I have this query where I'm selecting from three tables
min(t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt',
m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber
ACE_AccsLevelTran t, ACE_AccsLevelMaster m
t.MasterAccNumber = m.AccountNumber
group by
m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber;
This results in:
rem dt | Group_Id| AccountNumber
2/8/2013 | 3 | 4216985
2/22/2013 | 4 | 4274863
2/7/2013 | 3 | 4366383
2/28/2013 | 4 | 7151712
How do I get the rows for only the minimum dates for 3 and 4 like the result -
2/7/2013 | 3 | 4366383
2/22/2013 | 4 | 4274863

Just remove the account_number from the group by and surround it with min() or max() on the select line:
select min(t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt', m.Group_Id, min(m.AccountNumber)
from ACE_AccsLevelTran t, ACE_AccsLevelMaster m
where t.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber
group by m.Group_Id
That returns an arbitrary account number. To get the row with the minimum value, the best way is to use row_number():
select *
from (select t.ReminderDt) as 'rem dt', m.Group_Id, m.AccountNumber,
row_number() over (partition by group_id order by reminderdt desc) as seqnum
from ACE_AccsLevelTran t join ACE_AccsLevelMaster m
on t.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber
) t
where seqnum = 1
Also, you should learn ANSI standard JOIN syntax, as used in this query.

If your accountNumber is Unique too you can do it in this way:
Select m.Group_Id ,X.MinReminderDT,m.AccountNumber
from ACE_AccsLevelMaster m join(
select min(t.ReminderDt) as MinReminderDT,t.MasterAccNumber
from ACE_AccsLevelTran t
Group By t.MasterAccNumber) X on X.MasterAccNumber=m.AccountNumber


Select first rows where condition [duplicate]

Here's what I'm trying to do. Let's say I have this table t:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
2 | 18 | 2012-05-19 | y
3 | 18 | 2012-08-09 | z
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
5 | 19 | 2011-04-03 | b
6 | 19 | 2011-10-25 | c
7 | 19 | 2012-08-09 | d
For each id, I want to select the row containing the minimum record_date. So I'd get:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
The only solutions I've seen to this problem assume that all record_date entries are distinct, but that is not this case in my data. Using a subquery and an inner join with two conditions would give me duplicate rows for some ids, which I don't want:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
5 | 19 | 2011-04-03 | b
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
How about something like:
SELECT id, MIN(record_date) AS MinDate
FROM MyTable
) t ON mt.id = t.id AND mt.record_date = t.MinDate
This gets the minimum date per ID, and then gets the values based on those values. The only time you would have duplicates is if there are duplicate minimum record_dates for the same ID.
I could get to your expected result just by doing this in mysql:
SELECT id, min(record_date), other_cols
FROM mytable
Does this work for you?
To get the cheapest product in each category, you use the MIN() function in a correlated subquery as follows:
SELECT categoryid,
FROM products a WHERE unitprice = (
SELECT MIN(unitprice)
FROM products b
WHERE b.categoryid = a.categoryid)
The outer query scans all rows in the products table and returns the products that have unit prices match with the lowest price in each category returned by the correlated subquery.
I would like to add to some of the other answers here, if you don't need the first item but say the second number for example you can use rownumber in a subquery and base your result set off of that.
ROW_NUM() OVER (PARTITION BY Id ORDER BY record_date, other_cols) as rownum,
FROM products P
WHERE rownum = 2
This also allows you to order off multiple columns in the subquery which may help if two record_dates have identical values. You can also partition off of multiple columns if needed by delimiting them with a comma
This does it simply:
select t2.id,t2.record_date,t2.other_cols
from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by id order by record_date)as rownum,id,record_date,other_cols from MyTable)t2
where t2.rownum = 1
If record_date has no duplicates within a group:
think of it as of filtering. Simpliy get (WHERE) one (MIN(record_date)) row from the current group:
SELECT * FROM t t1 WHERE record_date = (
select MIN(record_date)
from t t2 where t2.group_id = t1.group_id)
If there could be 2+ min record_date within a group:
filter out non-min rows (see above)
then (AND) pick only one from the 2+ min record_date rows, within the given group_id. E.g. pick the one with the min unique key:
AND key_id = (select MIN(key_id)
from t t3 where t3.record_date = t1.record_date
and t3.group_id = t1.group_id)
key_id | group_id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
8 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | e
will select key_ids: #1 and #4
SELECT p.* FROM tbl p
SELECT t.id, MIN(record_date) AS MinDate
FROM tbl t
) t ON p.id = t.id AND p.record_date = t.MinDate
This code eliminates duplicate record_date in case there are same ids with same record_date.
If you want duplicates, remove the last line GROUP BY p.id.
This a old question, but this can useful for someone
In my case i can't using a sub query because i have a big query and i need using min() on my result, if i use sub query the db need reexecute my big query. i'm using Mysql
select t.*
from (select m.*, #g := 0
from MyTable m --here i have a big query
order by id, record_date) t
where (1 = case when #g = 0 or #g <> id then 1 else 0 end )
and (#g := id) IS NOT NULL
Basically I ordered the result and then put a variable in order to get only the first record in each group.
The below query takes the first date for each work order (in a table of showing all status changes):
DATE >= to_date('2015-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
(select s1.last_name from staff s1 where s1.salary=s3.min_salary ) lastname
(select department, min (salary) min_salary from staff s2 group by s2.department) s3

Exclude first record associated with each parent record in Postgres

There are 2 tables, users and job_experiences.
I want to return a list of all job_experiences except the first associated with each user.
id | start_date | user_id
1 | 201001 | 1
2 | 201201 | 1
3 | 201506 | 1
4 | 200901 | 2
5 | 201005 | 2
Desired result
id | start_date | user_id
2 | 201201 | 1
3 | 201506 | 1
5 | 201005 | 2
Current query
from job_experiences
order by start_date asc
offset 1
But this doesn't work as it would need to apply the offset to each user individually.
You can do this with a lateral join:
select je.*
from users u cross join lateral
(select je.*
from job_experiences je
where u.id = je.user_id
order by id
offset 1 -- all except the first
) je;
For performance, an index on job_experiences(user_id, id) is recommended.
use row_number() window function
with cte as
select e.*,
row_number()over(partition by user_id order by start_date desc) rn,
count(*) over(partition by user_id) cnt
from users u join job_experiences e on u.id=e.user_id
, cte2 as
select * from cte
) select * from cte2 t1
where rn<=(select max(cnt)-1 from cte2 t2 where t1.user_id=t2.user_id)
You could use an intermediate CTE to get the first (MIN) jobs for each user, and then use that to determine which records to exclude:
WITH user_first_je("user_id", "job_id") AS
SELECT "user_id", MIN("id")
FROM job_experiences
GROUP BY "user_id"
SELECT job_experiences.*
FROM job_experiences
LEFT JOIN user_first_je ON
user_first_je.job_id = job_experiences.id
WHERE user_first_je.job_id IS NULL;

SQL, choosing max date and if two results have a max date, choose the one with the max weight

ID | DATE_I | Weight
1 | 10/04/2014 08:13:05 | 10
2 | 02/04/2014 08:13:05 | 15
3 | 08/04/2014 08:13:05 | 10
4 | 13/04/2014 08:13:05 | 12
5 | 13/04/2014 08:13:05 | 10
My SQL request request should give me row 4.
select id, max(DATE_I)
from MyTable m
where m.Weight > (select m2.Weight from MyTable m2 having max(DATE_I));
Try this:
select y.ID, x.maxdate, x.maxweight
select a.maxdate, Max(b.Weight) as maxweight
select max(date_I) as maxdate
from mytable
inner join mytable b on a.maxdate = b.date_I
group By a.maxdate
) x inner join mytable y on x.maxweight = y.weight
Demo Here
Order your rows on DATE_I and Weight descending and get the first row.
Sample code for SQL Server.
select top (1) ID, DATE_I, Weight
from mytable
order by DATE_I desc, Weight desc;

Group by minimum value in one field while selecting distinct rows

Here's what I'm trying to do. Let's say I have this table t:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
2 | 18 | 2012-05-19 | y
3 | 18 | 2012-08-09 | z
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
5 | 19 | 2011-04-03 | b
6 | 19 | 2011-10-25 | c
7 | 19 | 2012-08-09 | d
For each id, I want to select the row containing the minimum record_date. So I'd get:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
The only solutions I've seen to this problem assume that all record_date entries are distinct, but that is not this case in my data. Using a subquery and an inner join with two conditions would give me duplicate rows for some ids, which I don't want:
key_id | id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
5 | 19 | 2011-04-03 | b
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
How about something like:
SELECT id, MIN(record_date) AS MinDate
FROM MyTable
) t ON mt.id = t.id AND mt.record_date = t.MinDate
This gets the minimum date per ID, and then gets the values based on those values. The only time you would have duplicates is if there are duplicate minimum record_dates for the same ID.
I could get to your expected result just by doing this in mysql:
SELECT id, min(record_date), other_cols
FROM mytable
Does this work for you?
To get the cheapest product in each category, you use the MIN() function in a correlated subquery as follows:
SELECT categoryid,
FROM products a WHERE unitprice = (
SELECT MIN(unitprice)
FROM products b
WHERE b.categoryid = a.categoryid)
The outer query scans all rows in the products table and returns the products that have unit prices match with the lowest price in each category returned by the correlated subquery.
I would like to add to some of the other answers here, if you don't need the first item but say the second number for example you can use rownumber in a subquery and base your result set off of that.
ROW_NUM() OVER (PARTITION BY Id ORDER BY record_date, other_cols) as rownum,
FROM products P
WHERE rownum = 2
This also allows you to order off multiple columns in the subquery which may help if two record_dates have identical values. You can also partition off of multiple columns if needed by delimiting them with a comma
This does it simply:
select t2.id,t2.record_date,t2.other_cols
from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by id order by record_date)as rownum,id,record_date,other_cols from MyTable)t2
where t2.rownum = 1
If record_date has no duplicates within a group:
think of it as of filtering. Simpliy get (WHERE) one (MIN(record_date)) row from the current group:
SELECT * FROM t t1 WHERE record_date = (
select MIN(record_date)
from t t2 where t2.group_id = t1.group_id)
If there could be 2+ min record_date within a group:
filter out non-min rows (see above)
then (AND) pick only one from the 2+ min record_date rows, within the given group_id. E.g. pick the one with the min unique key:
AND key_id = (select MIN(key_id)
from t t3 where t3.record_date = t1.record_date
and t3.group_id = t1.group_id)
key_id | group_id | record_date | other_cols
1 | 18 | 2011-04-03 | x
4 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | a
8 | 19 | 2009-06-01 | e
will select key_ids: #1 and #4
SELECT p.* FROM tbl p
SELECT t.id, MIN(record_date) AS MinDate
FROM tbl t
) t ON p.id = t.id AND p.record_date = t.MinDate
This code eliminates duplicate record_date in case there are same ids with same record_date.
If you want duplicates, remove the last line GROUP BY p.id.
This a old question, but this can useful for someone
In my case i can't using a sub query because i have a big query and i need using min() on my result, if i use sub query the db need reexecute my big query. i'm using Mysql
select t.*
from (select m.*, #g := 0
from MyTable m --here i have a big query
order by id, record_date) t
where (1 = case when #g = 0 or #g <> id then 1 else 0 end )
and (#g := id) IS NOT NULL
Basically I ordered the result and then put a variable in order to get only the first record in each group.
The below query takes the first date for each work order (in a table of showing all status changes):
DATE >= to_date('2015-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
(select s1.last_name from staff s1 where s1.salary=s3.min_salary ) lastname
(select department, min (salary) min_salary from staff s2 group by s2.department) s3

Select from results of query?

I have a query like this:
SELECT Weighings.Member, MIN(Sessions.DateTime) AS FirstDate, MAX(Sessions.DateTime) AS LastDate
FROM Weighings AS Weighings INNER JOIN
Sessions ON Sessions.SessionGUID = Weighings.Session
WHERE (Sessions.DateTime >= '01/01/2011')
GROUP BY Weighings.Member
ORDER BY Weighings.Member
It returns this:
Member | FirstDate | LastDate
Blah | 01/01/11 | 06/07/11
Blah2 | 02/03/11 | 05/07/11
I need to get the value of a cell Weight_kg in table Weighings for the returned values FirstDate and LastDate to give results like so:
Member | FirstWeight | LastWeight
Blah | 150Kg | 60KG
Blah2 | 70Kg | 72KG
I have tried all combinations of things but just can't work it out, any ideas?
SessionGUID | DateTime
12432524325 | 01/01/11
12432524324 | 01/08/11
12432524323 | 01/15/11
34257473563 | 03/05/11
43634574545 | 06/07/11
Member | Session | Weight_kg
vffd8fdg87f | 12432524325 | 150
vffd8fdg87f | 12432524324 | 120
vffd8fdg87f | 12432524323 | 110
ddffv89sdv8 | 34257473563 | 124
32878vfdsv8 | 43634574545 | 75
;with C as
select W.Member,
row_number() over(partition by W.Member order by S.datetime desc) as rnLast,
row_number() over(partition by W.Member order by S.datetime asc) as rnFirst
from Weighings as W
inner join Sessions as S
on S.sessionguid = W.Session and
S.DateTime >= '20110101'
select CF.Member,
CF.Weight_kg as FirstWeight,
CL.Weight_kg as LastWeigth
from C as CF
inner join C as CL
on CF.Member = CL.Member
where CF.rnFirst = 1 and
CL.rnLast = 1
Try here: https://data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/q/118518/
You can use the RANK..OVER stmt (works only on SQL 2k5+)
select fw.Member, st.Weight, en.Weight
select Member, Weight, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY Member ORDER BY Weight) rnk
from Weighings
) st
inner join
select Member, Weight, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY Member ORDER BY WeightDESC) rnk
from Weighings
) en on en.Member= st.Member and st.rnk = 1 and en.rnk = 1
You have two possibilities.
If you want to reuse the first SELECT more times, I'd suggest to sreate temporary table
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `tmpTable` AS SELECT /*the first select*/ ;
/*and then*/
SELECT * FROM `tmpTable` /*the second select from the first select*/
If you require the first select only once
SELECT first.*
FROM (SELECT /*the first select*/) AS first