How to create proper loops in VB (macro) - vba

I have recorded and polished the following macro which should create an extra sheet with hypertext links pointing on a starting cell of each table within the original sheet called "All_tables". In this sheet, every single table is separated by a hash symbol (#). See a screenshot:
Sub Create_list_of_tables()
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "list of tables"
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
"All_Tables!A22", TextToDisplay:="some variable pointing at the table name"
End Sub
Now I would like to put it into a loop which would repeat itself ten (or more) times. I tried to use the hash symbol as a reference point for a program to find out at which cell he should point the hyperlink. Here is the result:
Sub Create_list_of_tables()
Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "list of tables"
Const cStrDivider As String = "#"
Dim rMyCell As Range
Dim table_number As Long
table_number = 0
Do Until table_number = 10
Set rMyCell = Range("cStrDivider").Select
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
"All_Tables!&rMyCell", TextToDisplay:="some variable pointing at the table name"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
table_number = table_number + 1
End Sub
And it doesn't work. I am totally new to macro and VB programming so I'd be really happy if you could at least show me the direction. Is my approach is completely wrong?
Thank you so much

I'm not sure exactly where you want your hyperlink pointing but this should get you a good start. Things to look out for:
Don't use Select or Selection statements. They are slow and can produce undesirable effects. Instead use very explicit statements that do not depend on cursor position but rater the absolutle position of where you know things are.
Use the Find and FindNext method of a range object to locate strings. When FindNext can't find anything more it returns nothing. Good to check for instead of doing your table_number loop.
Sub Create_list_of_tables()
Const cStrDivider As String = "#"
Dim sht As Worksheet, rMyCell As Range, rSearchRange As Range
Dim testSht As Worksheet, firstMyCell As Range
Set sht = ActiveSheet
On Error Resume Next
Set testSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("All_Tables")
If Err.Number <> 9 Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True 'important to set back to true!
End If
On Error GoTo 0
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = "All_Tables"
Set rSearchRange = sht.Range("A:A")
'do initial "Find"
Set rMyCell = rSearchRange.Find(cStrDivider)
Set firstMyCell = rMyCell
sht.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=rMyCell.Offset(0, 1), Address:="All_Tables!" & rMyCell.Address, _
'get the next "MyCell" to use from the master range to search
Set rMyCell = rSearchRange.FindNext(rMyCell)
'increment your table counter (if you want to do this you can still
table_number = table_number + 1
Debug.Print firstMyCell.Address
Debug.Print rMyCell.Address
Loop While firstMyCell.Address <> rMyCell.Address
End Sub
See how that works an move on from there.


VBA Named Range most efficient way to check if name exists

I have a routine, that fills a calendar with all important events for the commodity markets for each day of the following week. I have a calendar grid laid out on the page and have ten named cells for each day i.e. Monday1, Monday2 and so on (each day only goes up to 10 for now, i.e.Monday10), in each days column. BTW the cells are 2 cells wide and 2 cells deep. Many times there are more than 10 events for a given day. I am trying to test for the named range to see if it exists, if not copy the format of the last named range cell and name that cell the next name in the series.
I am only having two issues with the above, first and foremost is how to test to determine in a name for a named range already exists. I am currently iterating thru the entire list of ThisWorkbook.Names, which has thousands of named ranges in it. Since this iteration could be running over 100 times when the calendar is generating, it is wicked slow (as would be expected). Is there a better, faster way to check if a name already exists as a named range?
The second issue is how to copy the formatting of a 4 cell, merged cell, since the address always comes up as only the top left corner cell so offsetting the range doesn't work appropriately. I hacked around to get this code to at least come up with the right range for the next merged cell group in the column
Set cCell = Range("Thursday" & CStr(y))
'even tho cCell is a 4 cell merged cell, cCell.Address returns the address of top left cell
Set destRange = Range(cCell.Address & ":" & cCell.offset(2, 0).offset(0, 1).Address)
Recording a macro to drag the formatting down, shows this code.
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("G22:H25"), Type:=xlFillFormats
Since Range("G22:H23") is the same as cCell, and Range("G22:H25") is the same as destRange. The following code should work, but doesn't.
Set cCell = Range("Thursday" & CStr(y))
Set destRange = Range(cCell.Address & ":" & cCell.offset(2, 0).offset(0, 1).Address)
cCell.AutoFill Destination:=destRange, Type:=xlFillFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
cCell.offset(1, 0).Name = rangeName
FYI, it doesn't work if I select cCell and use Selection.AutoFill either.
Any thoughts on how to copy that cell formatting down the column one cell at a time when needed?
This now works for copying the formatting down from one merged cell to another of same size. For some reason setting destRange to the whole range (the copy cell and pastecell entire range as the macro recorder showed) didnt work but setting destRange to the cell range that needed formatting, and then doing a union of cCell and destRange worked, and made naming the new range easier.
rangeName = "Friday" & CStr(y + 1)
priorRangeName = "Friday" & CStr(y)
namedRangeExist = CheckForNamedRange(rangeName)
If namedRangeExist = False Then
Set cCell = Range(priorRangeName)
Set destRange = Range(cCell.offset(1, 0).Address & ":" & cCell.offset(2, 0).offset(0, 1).Address)
cCell.AutoFill Destination:=Union(cCell, destRange), Type:=xlFillFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
destRange.Name = rangeName
End If
Update #2
There is an issue with naming ranges in a For loop ( the code below is running inside a For loop). The first time the new rangeName is not found, Setting cCell to the prior range name and running through the code to copy the merged cell format and name the new range works fine. Here is the code
rangeName = "Thursday" & CStr(y + 1)
priorRangeName = "Thursday" & CStr(y)
namedRangeExist = DoesNamedRangeExist(rangeName)
If namedRangeExist = False Then
Set cCell = Range(priorRangeName)
Debug.Print "cCell:" & cCell.Address
Set cCell = cCell.MergeArea
Debug.Print "Merged cCell:" & cCell.Address
Set destRange = Range(cCell.offset(1, 0).Address & ":" & cCell.offset(2, 0).offset(0, 1).Address)
Debug.Print "Dest:" & destRange.Address
Debug.Print "Unioned:" & Union(cCell, destRange).Address
cCell.AutoFill Destination:=Union(cCell, destRange), Type:=xlFillFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False = rangename
End If
results in the following ranges
Merged cCell:$G$22:$H$23
but if more than one new named range needs to be created the second time thru this code produces a range area as evidenced by the output shown below
so why does cCell's address show as only the upper left cells address when run the first time, but the second time thru cCell's address is shown as the whole merged cell range? And because it does, the next code line produces a range object error
Set cCell = cCell.MergeArea
Eliminating that code line and amending the first Set cCell to this;
Set cCell = Range(priorRangeName).MergeArea
produces the same error. I could kludge this by setting a counter, and if more than one, bypass that code line but that is not the preferred solution.
First and foremost, create a function to call the named range. If calling the named range generate an error the function will return False otherwise it will return True.
Function NameExist(StringName As String) As Boolean
Dim errTest As String
On Error Resume Next
errTest = ThisWorkbook.Names(StringName).Value
NameExist = CBool(Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
As for your second question, I had not problem with the autofill.
I would replce Set destRange = Range(cCell.Address & ":" & cCell.offset(2, 0).offset(0, 1).Address) with Set destRange = cCell.Resize(2,1). It has the same effect but the later is much cleaner.
Application.Evaluate and Worksheet.Evaluate can be used to get error value instead of error :
If Not IsError(Evaluate("Monday1")) Then ' if name Monday1 exists
The error can be ignored or jumped over (but that can result in hard to detect errors) :
On Error GoTo label1
' code that can result in error here
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Description ' optional if you want to check the error
On Error GoTo 0 ' to reset the error handling
Range.MergeArea can be used to get the Range of merged cell.
I created a function to extend the name ranges and fill in the formatting. The first named range in the series will have to be setup. The Name itself needs to be set to the top left cell in the merged area.
ExtendFillNamedRanges will calculate the positions of the named ranges. If a cell in one of the positions isn't part of a MergedArea it will fill the formatting down from the last named range. It will name that cell. The scope of the names is Workbook.
Sub ExtendFillNamedRanges(BaseName As String, MaxCount As Integer)
Dim x As Integer, RowCount As Integer, ColumnCount As Integer
Dim LastNamedRange As Range, NamedRange As Range
Set NamedRange = Range(BaseName & 1)
RowCount = NamedRange.MergeArea.Rows.Count
ColumnCount = NamedRange.MergeArea.Columns.Count
For x = 2 To MaxCount
Set NamedRange = NamedRange.Offset(RowCount - 1)
If Not NamedRange.MergeCells Then
Set LastNamedRange = Range(BaseName & x - 1).MergeArea
LastNamedRange.AutoFill Destination:=LastNamedRange.Resize(RowCount * 2, ColumnCount), Type:=xlFillDefault
NamedRange.Name = BaseName & x
End If
'NamedRange.Value = NamedRange.Name.Name
End Sub
Here is the test that I ran.
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Integer, DayName As String
For i = 1 To 7
DayName = WeekDayName(i)
Range(DayName & 1).Value = DayName & 1
ExtendFillNamedRanges DayName, 10
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I found this on ozgrid and made a little function out of it:
Option Explicit
Function DoesNamedRangeExist(VarS_Name As String) As Boolean
Dim NameRng As Name
For Each NameRng In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If NameRng.Name = VarS_Name Then
DoesNamedRangeExist = True
Exit Function
End If
Next NameRng
DoesNamedRangeExist = False
End Function
You can put this line in your code to check:
It will return a Boolean value (True / False) so it's easy to use with an IF() statement
As to your question on merged cells, I did a quick macro record on a 2*2 merged cell and it gave me this (made smaller and added comments):
Sub Macro1()
Range("D2:E3").Copy 'Orignal Merged Cell
Range("G2").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll 'Top left of destination
End Sub

How to avoid need to activate worksheet every loop

I've set up some VBA code in Excel that asks the user to select a second worksheet, then searches it for a value (a shared key linking the two sets of data, found 6 columns after Rng, where I want to add the retrieved value) in the second table and adds a value from that row to a column in the original table. The part of the program that I would like to adjust is the loop below.
It works fine if when I leave in the line to activate the CurFile workbook. But it means my screen is flashing a lot back and forth between the two workbooks. And once I start getting into hundreds or thousands of lines of data it will be ridiculously slow.
When I comment out that line, the value for FindCID doesn't change and it seems to just keep on refilling the same line, even though the value for r is updating. If after a few loops I add the activate line back in, it resumes properly filling in the results several lines down.
How can I streamline this? I originally was using ThisWorkbook references but even with explicitly defining CurFile (CurFile = ActiveWorkbook.Name) earlier it doesn't seem to go back to that workbook to look up the next value to search for, unless I reactivate the sheet.
Do While r <= maxRows
With Workbooks(CurFile).Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Rng = .Range(Cells(r, c), Cells(r, c))
End With
FindCID = Rng.Offset(0, 6).Value
If Trim(FindCID) <> "" Then
With Workbooks(FN) ' found earlier by a function
End With
With Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D:D")
Set FoundCell = .Find(What:=FindCID)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
PathLen = FoundCell.Offset(0, 2).Value
Workbooks(CurFile).Sheets("Sheet1").Activate 'If I comment out this line it doesn't work
Rng.Value = PathLen
MsgBox "CID found in " & FoundCell.Address & " Its value is " & PathLen
MsgBox "Nothing found"
End If
End With
End If
On Error Resume Next
r = r + 1
Actually when working with objects, in most of the cases, there is no need to activate the workbooks\worksheets.
This is your code with some modifications in this regard:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '(as suggested by CBRF23)
'begining of your code
Do While r <= maxRows
With Workbooks(CurFile).Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Rng = .Cells(r, c) '(1)
End With
FindCID = Rng.Offset(0, 6).Value2
If Trim(FindCID) <> "" Then
Set FoundCell = Workbooks(FN).Sheets("Sheet1").Range("D:D").Find(What:=FindCID)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then Rng.Value = FoundCell.Offset(0, 2).Value2
End If
r = r + 1
'rest of your code
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
(1) Notice that way the Range is defined as it’s made of only once Cell; but if the range has more than one Cell i.e. from Cell(r,c) to Cell(r,c+5) then you need to use the form:
Set Rng = Range(.Cells(r, c), .Cells(r, c+5))
There is no need to add a period . before Range as the range is defined by the Cells within the Range command. By using the period . before the Cell command they are referred as part of the
With Workbooks(CurFile).Worksheets("Sheet1")
However if the Range is defined as A1:F1 then the period . has to be added before the Range as in:
Set Rng = .Range(“A1:F1”)
I removed the MsgBox commands as I believe they were just for testing purposes. Not really showing these messages for hundreds or thousands lines of data. Isn’t it?

For loop to change a specific cell in a formula

I have a formula that shows which rows in a specific column meet a set of criteria. When the formula is executed and applied to all rows, I run a loop to check which rows returned a value as a text, and then copy-pastes this cells to another worksheet:
Sub loop1()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set r = Range(.Range("AF2"), .Range("AF2").End(xlDown))
For Each c In r
If WorksheetFunction.IsText(c) Then
Range(.Cells(c.Row, "AF"), .Cells(c.Row, "AF")).Copy
GoTo nextc
End If
With Worksheets("Sheet2")
.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With
Next c
End With
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
What I want to do now is to run the formula for 631 different names, copy-paste every name as a headline and then run loop1. I cant figure out though how to make the for loop work inside the formula.
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To 632
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[-3]=""district1"",(IF(RC[2]=R2C33 ,(IF(RC[-18]>=1,0,(IF(RC[-16]>=1,0,IF(RC[-14]>=1,0,IF(RC[-12]>=1,0,IF(RC[-10]>=1,1,IF(RC[-8]>=1,1,IF(RC[-6]>=1,1,0))))))))),0)),0)"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("AC2:AC20753")
Selection.Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
End Sub
The cells that need to be changed for every loop are, R2C33 to something like RiC33 (which doesn't work) and the "headline" Range("AG2").Select to something like Range("AGi").Select.
Anyone who could help?
The following code will do the trick:
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 2 To 632
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AC2:AC20753").FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(RC[-3]=""district1"",(IF(RC[2]=R" & i & "C33 ,(IF(RC[-18]>=1,0,(IF(RC[-16]>=1,0,IF(RC[-14]>=1,0,IF(RC[-12]>=1,0,IF(RC[-10]>=1,1,IF(RC[-8]>=1,1,IF(RC[-6]>=1,1,0))))))))),0)),0)"
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("AG" & i).Copy Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
End Sub
In order to let i be used within your String formula you have to stop the String " use & i & and continue the String ".
I have also changed your code to prevent the use of .Select, which is a no no in VBA.
This way it fills in your Formula copy's and changes the Font without selecting anything or changing sheets.
As Jeep noted you do however need to change Sheets(""Sheet2").Range("A1") as I don't know which cell you want to paste into.
Your first sub procedure might be better like this.
Sub loop1()
Dim r As Range, c As Range
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set r = Range(.Range("AF2"), .Range("AF2").End(xlDown))
For Each c In r
If WorksheetFunction.IsText(c) Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = _
.Cells(c.Row, "AF").Value2
End If
Next c
End With
End Sub
Direct value transfer is preferred over a Copy, Paste Special, Values.
In the second sub procedure, you don't have to do anything but remove the 2 from R2C33; e.g. RC33. In xlR1C1 formula construction a lone R simply means the row that the formula is on and you are starting at row 2. You can also put all of the formulas in at once. Once they are in you can looop through the G2:G632 cells.
Sub loop2()
Dim i As Integer
With Sheets("Sheet1")
.Range("AC2:AC20753").FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(OR(AND(RC[-3]=""district1"", RC[2]=R2C33, RC[-18]>=1), SUM(RC[-16], RC[-14], RC[-12])>=1), 0, IF(SUM(RC[-10], RC[-8], RC[-6])>=1, 1, 0))"
For i = 2 To 632
.Range("AG" & i).Copy _
Sheets("Sheet2").Somewhere.Font.Bold = True
Application.Run "'Customers.xlsb'!loop1"
Next i
Next i
End Sub
I also tightened up your formula by grouping some of the conditions that would result in zero together with OR and AND functions.
The only thing remaining would be defining the Destination:=Sheets("Sheet2").Somewhere I left hanging.

Excel data not displaying

I have data that doesnt seem to be merging all the rows! I need it to merge even with empty columns.
For example:
On Sheet CPW, Column W is blank. So when merged all the entries for CPW should show blank in Column W and the information from Sheet CCI would only show.
That's just one example. There are many more on these two sheets.
This is my code for the merge. How can it be edited to do what I require?
Sub Combine()
Dim J As Integer
Dim wrk As Workbook 'Workbook object - Always good to work with object variables
Dim r1, r2, r3, r4, ra, rb, rc, rd, re, rf, rg As Range
Set r1 = Range("A:C")
Set r2 = Range("E:X")
Set r3 = Range("Y:AW")
Set r4 = Range("AX:BK")
Set ra = Range("A:A")
Set rb = Range("C:C")
Set rc = Range("B:B")
Set rd = Range("D:G")
Set re = Range("I:AL")
Set rf = Range("AM:AP")
Set rg = Range("AQ:BK")
Set wrk = Workbooks.Add
Sheets(2).Name = "CPW"
r1.Copy Range("A1")
r2.Copy Range("D1")
r3.Copy Range("Y1")
r4.Copy Range("AY1")
Range("A1:BK100").Font.ColorIndex = 3
Sheets(3).Name = "CCI"
ra.Copy Range("A1")
rb.Copy Range("B1")
rc.Copy Range("C1")
rd.Copy Range("D1")
re.Copy Range("H1")
rf.Copy Range("AM1")
rg.Copy Range("AQ1")
On Error Resume Next
Sheets(1).Name = "Combined"
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A1")
For J = 2 To Sheets.Count
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Select
Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2)
Range("A1:BK1000").Sort _
Key1:=Range("E1"), Key2:=Range("J1"), Header:=xlYes
End Sub
Use of Select and Activate is not recommended (unless essential to the code’s objectives) because they are slow commands and are confusing.
You have blank columns because your copies do not line up. With the creation of the source ranges so far from their use, this is not obvious.
My macro achieves the same result as yours. I have bought all the code for copying together so it is much more obvious where you have left gaps. I have included questions where I suspect your code does not do what you want. I have included comments explaining aspects of your code I do not like.
Work through my code and study how I have achieved the same effects as yours. Come back with questions as necessary but the more you can understand on your own, the faster you will develop your skills.
Option Explicit
Sub Combine()
' Here it does not really matter since J is only used in a small block of
' code but avoid names like J. When you return to update this macro in
' 12 months will you remember what J is? I have a system of names that I
' have used for years. I can look at a macro I wrote 5 years ago and
' immediately know what all the variables. This speeds the work of
' remembering what the macro did. If you do not like my naming system,
' design your own but have a system.
' "Integer" defines a 16-bit integer which requires special processing on
' a post-16-bit computer. Use Long which defines a 32-bit integer
'Dim J As Integer
Dim InxWsht As Long
Dim WbkThis As Workbook
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Row1Next As Long
Dim WbkNew As Workbook
Dim WshtNew2 As Worksheet
Dim WshtNew3 As Worksheet
Dim WshtThis2 As Worksheet
Dim WshtThis3 As Worksheet
' ThisWorkbook is the workbook containing the macro. It is not
' necessarily the active workbook
Set WbkThis = ThisWorkbook
Set WshtThis2 = WbkThis.Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set WshtThis3 = WbkThis.Worksheets("Sheet3")
Set WbkNew = Workbooks.Add
Set WshtNew2 = WbkNew.Worksheets(2)
Set WshtNew3 = WbkNew.Worksheets(3)
WshtNew2.Name = "CPW"
WshtThis2.Range("A:C").Copy Destination:=WshtNew2.Range("A1")
' Note columns E:X are written to columns D:W. X is left blank
WshtThis2.Range("E:X").Copy Destination:=WshtNew2.Range("D1")
WshtThis2.Range("Y:AW").Copy Destination:=WshtNew2.Range("Y1")
' Note the previous destination end in column AW while the next
' starts with AY. Column AX is left blank.
WshtThis2.Range("AX:BK").Copy Destination:=WshtNew2.Range("AY1")
' Why are only the first hundred rows coloured red?
' Why don't you colour column BL?
WshtNew2.Range("A1:BK100").Font.ColorIndex = 3
WshtNew3.Name = "CCI"
WshtThis3.Range("A:A").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("A1")
' Did you mean to reverse columns B and C?
WshtThis3.Range("B:B").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("C1")
WshtThis3.Range("C:C").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("B1")
WshtThis3.Range("D:G").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("D1")
WshtThis3.Range("I:AL").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("H1")
WshtThis3.Range("AM:AP").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("AM1")
WshtThis3.Range("AQ:BK").Copy Destination:=WshtNew3.Range("AQ1")
'On Error Resume Next
' This statement means ignore all errors which you should never do.
' Use this statement so:
'On Error Resume Next
'Statement that may fail for reasons you cannot control or stop
'On Error GoTo 0
'If Err.Number = 0 Then
' No error
' Display Err.Description or take corrective action according
' to value of Err.Number
'End If
' Since you have just created the worksheet it is probably safe to
' use "CurrentRegion". However, Excel's definition of CurrentRegion
' is not always what you might expect.
With WbkNew
With .Worksheets(1)
.Name = "Combined"
' Did you mean to copy row 2?
WshtNew2.Rows(2).Copy Destination:=.Rows(1)
End With
Row1Next = 3 ' Next free row in worksheets(1)
For InxWsht = 2 To Worksheets.Count
' This Find searches backwards from A1 by row for the first cell
' containing a value. This will give you what you expect more
' often that CurrentRegion
With Worksheets(InxWsht)
Set Rng = .Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=.Range("A1"), _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
If Rng Is Nothing Then
' Probably not necessary here but best to be safe. If a worksheet
' is empty Find will return Nothing
.Rows("2:" & Rng.Row).Copy Destination:=WbkNew.Worksheets(1).Cells(Row1Next, 1)
' Unless I absolutely know that column A will be the last column with
' a value, I prefer to caluclate the next free row.
Row1Next = Row1Next + Rng.Row - 1
End If
End With
' I do not see the point of having the Sort within the or Loop
With .Worksheets(1)
.Cells.Sort Key1:=.Range("E1"), Key2:=Range("J1"), Header:=xlYes
End With
End With
End Sub

Consolitate data from multible sheets ,re-arrange the data as per the column name

i want a macro to consolidate the data form multiple sheets to one sheet.. here i given the example ..
Sheet 1
a1:Name b1:Age
a2:sathish b2:22
a3:sarathi b3:24
sheet 2
a1:Age b1:Name c1:Dept
a2:60 b2:saran c2:Comp sce
a3:31 b3:rajan
the result should be like this
consolidate sheet
a1:Name b1:Age c1:Dept
a2:sathish b2:22
a3:sarathi b3:24
a4:saran b4:60 c4:Comp sce
a5:rajan b5:31
Here is the code which i used for consolidate data-
Sub consolidate()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim DestSh As Worksheet
Dim Last As Long
Dim shLast As Long
Dim CopyRng As Range
Dim StartRow As Long
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "RDBMergeSheet"
StartRow = 1
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If sh.Name <> DestSh.Name Then
Last = LastRow(DestSh)
shLast = LastRow(sh)
If shLast > 0 And shLast >= StartRow Then
Set CopyRng = sh.Range(sh.Rows(StartRow), sh.Rows(shLast))
If Last + CopyRng.Rows.Count > DestSh.Rows.Count Then
MsgBox "There are not enough rows in the " & _
"summary worksheet to place the data."
GoTo ExitTheSub
End If
With DestSh.Cells(Last + 1, "A")
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
End If
End If
Application.Goto DestSh.Cells(1)
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.EnableEvents = True
End With
End Sub
Function LastRow(sh As Worksheet)
On Error Resume Next
LastRow = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=sh.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function LastCol(sh As Worksheet)
On Error Resume Next
LastCol = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _
After:=sh.Range("A1"), _
Lookat:=xlPart, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
I can able consolidate the data but can't re-arrange as per the column title..
Please help me in this ..THanks in advance
First I identify some mistakes and bad practices in your code then I consider how to redesign your macro to achieve your objectives.
Issue 1
The primary purpose of On Error is to allow you to terminate tidily if an unexpected error occurs. You should not use it to avoid errors you expect and you should not ignore errors.
Consider the functions LastRow and LastCol. In both cases, if the Find fails, you ignore the error and carry on. But that means these functions return an incorrect value, so you get another error in the calling routine. If the Find fails you should investigate not ignore. This is true of any other error.
Issue 2
Find returns Nothing if the sheet is empty. You call functions LastRow and LastCol for worksheet "RDBMergeSheet" when it is empty. The code should be:
Set Rng = sh.Cells.Find( ...)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
' Sheet sh is empty
LastRow = 0
LastRow = Rng.Row
End If
Here I have set LastRow to 0 if the worksheet is empty. This ceases to be a side effect of an error but a documented feature of the function: "Return value = 0 means the worksheet is empty." The calling routine must check for this value and skip any empty worksheets. There are other approaches but the key point is: provide code to handle expected or possible errors in a tidy manner. For function LastCol you need LastCol = Rng.Column.
Issue 3
The minimum syntax for a function statement is:
Function Name( ... parameters ...) As ReturnType
The two function statements should end: As Long.
Issue 4
Consider: "ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RDBMergeSheet")"
If you are working on multiple workbooks, ActiveWorkbook is not enough. If you are only working on one workbook, ActiveWorkbook is unnecessary. Please do not work with multiple workbooks until your understanding of Excel VBA is better.
Issue 5
You delete worksheet "RDBMergeSheet" and then recreate it which hurts my soul. More importantly, you have lost the column headings. I will discuss this matter further under Redesign.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Set DestSh = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
DestSh.Name = "RDBMergeSheet"
Set DestSh = Worksheets("RDBMergeSheet")
With DestSh
.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(Rows.Count, Columns.Count)).EntireRow.Delete
End With
You use Rows.Count, With and Cells in your code so I will not explain them.
.Range(.Cells(RowTop, ColLeft), .Cells(RowBottom, ColRight)) is an easy method of specifying a range with the top left and bottom right cells.
I have used .EntireRow so I do not need the column numbers. The following gives the same effect:
.Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).EntireRow.Delete
As far as I know ClearContents (which some people favour) has the same effect as Delete. It certainly takes the same number of micro-seconds. For the usages above, both remove any values or formatting from the second row to the last row of the worksheet.
The above change means that row 1 is unchanged and the column widths are not lost. I do not need AutoFit which you have used.
Issue 6
Please be systematic in the naming of your variables. You use StartRow as the first row and shLast as the last row of the source worksheet and Last as the last row of the destination worksheet. Will a colleague who takes over maintenance of your macro find this easy to understand? Will you remember it in six months when this macro needs some maintenance?
Develop a naming system that works for you. Better still, get together with colleagues and agree a single system so all your employer's macros look the same. Document this system for the benefit of future staff. I would name these variables: RowNumDestLast, RowNumSrcStart and RowNumSrcLast. That is: <purpose of variable> <worksheet> <purpose within worksheet>. This system works for me but your system could be completely different. The key feature of a good system is that you can look at your code in a year and immediately know what each statement is doing.
Issue 7
If shLast > 0 And shLast >= StartRow Then
You set StartRow to 1 and never change it so if shLast >= StartRow then shLast > 0. The following is enough:
If shLast >= StartRow Then
Issue 8
If Last + CopyRng.Rows.Count > DestSh.Rows.Count Then
MsgBox "There are not enough rows in the " & _
"summary worksheet to place the data."
GoTo ExitTheSub
End If
It is good that you are checking for conditions that will result in fatal errors but is this the most likely error? Even if you are using Excel 2003, you have room for 65,535 people and a heading line. You will break the size limit on a workbook before you exceed the maximum number of rows.
Issue 9
Set CopyRng = sh.Range(sh.Rows(StartRow), sh.Rows(shLast))
This includes the heading row in the range to be copied. Since I will suggest a totally different method later, I will not suggest a correction.
Issue 10
With DestSh.Cells(Last + 1, "A")
.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
Why are you pasting the values and formats separately?
With the corrections above, the code sort of works. With your source data, it sets the destination sheet to:
Age Name Dept
Name Age
Sathish 22
Sarathi 24
Age Name Dept
60 Saran Comp sce
31 Rajan
This is not what you seek. So the rest of this answer is about design: how do you achieve the appearance you seek? There are many approaches but I offer one and explain why I have picked it without discussing alternatives.
Key issues:
How do you determine which columns to consolidate and in which sequence?
If there is a column in a source worksheet that you are not expecting, what do you do? Is someone collecting information for which there is no central interest or is the column name misspelt?
I have decided to use the existing column names within worksheet "RDBMergeSheet" to determine the sequence. To prepare the macro for a new column name, just add that name to "RDBMergeSheet". If I discover a column name in a source sheet that is not in "RDBMergeSheet", I add it on the right. This second decision will highlight the error if a column name is misspelt but will not be a benefit if someone is collecting extra information in a source worksheet.
I do not copy formats to worksheet "RDBMergeSheet" since, if the source worksheets are formatted differently, each part of worksheet "RDBMergeSheet" would be different.
New statements and explanations
Const RowFirstData As Long = 2
Const WShtDestName As String = "RDBMergeSheet"
A constant means I use the name in the code and can change the value by changing the Const statement.
I assume the first row of every worksheet contains column names and the first data row is 2. I use a constant to make this assumption clear. It would be possible to use this to write code that would handle a different number of heading rows but I have not done so because it would complicate the code for little advantage.
ColNumDestLast = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
.Cells(1, Columns.Count) identifies the last column of row 1 which I assume is blank. .End(xlToLeft) is the VBA equivalent of the keyboard Ctrl+Left. If .Cells(1, Columns.Count) is blank, .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) returns the first cell to the left which is not blank. .Column gives the column number of that cell. That is, this statement sets ColNumDestStart to the column number of the last cell in row 1 with a value.
ColHeadDest = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(1, ColNumDestLast)).Value
This copies the values from row 1 to the variant array ColHeadDest. ColHeadDest will be redimensioned by this statement to (1 to 1, 1 to ColNumDestLast). The first dimension is for the rows, of which there is only one, and the second dimension is for the columns.
Replacement consolidate
I hope I have added enought comments for the code to make sense. You still need the corrected LastRow and LastCol. I could have replaced LastRow and LastCol but I think I have provided enough new code to be getting on with.
Option Explicit
Sub consolidate()
Dim ColHeadCrnt As String
Dim ColHeadDest() As Variant
Dim ColNumDestCrnt As Long
Dim ColNumDestLast As Long
Dim ColNumSrcCrnt As Long
Dim ColNumSrcLast As Long
Dim Found As Boolean
Dim RowNumDestCrnt As Long
Dim RowNumDestStart As Long
Dim RowNumSrcCrnt As Long
Dim RowNumSrcLast As Long
Dim WShtDest As Worksheet
Dim WShtSrc As Worksheet
Dim WShtSrcData() As Variant
Const RowNumFirstData As Long = 2
Const WShtDestName As String = "RDBMergeSheet"
'With Application
' .ScreenUpdating = False ' Don't use these
' .EnableEvents = False ' during development
'End With
Set WShtDest = Worksheets(WShtDestName)
With WShtDest
' Clear existing data and load column headings to ColHeadDest
.Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).EntireRow.Delete
ColNumDestLast = .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
ColHeadDest = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), _
.Cells(1, ColNumDestLast)).Value
End With
' Used during development to check array loaded correctly
'For ColNumDestCrnt = 1 To ColNumDestLast
' Debug.Print ColHeadDest(1, ColNumDestCrnt)
RowNumDestStart = RowNumFirstData ' Start for first source worksheet
For Each WShtSrc In Worksheets
ColNumSrcLast = LastCol(WShtSrc)
RowNumSrcLast = LastRow(WShtSrc)
If WShtSrc.Name <> WShtDestName And _
RowNumSrcLast <> 0 Then
' Source sheet is not destination sheet and it is not empty.
With WShtSrc
' Load entire worksheet to array
WShtSrcData = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), _
.Cells(RowNumSrcLast, ColNumSrcLast)).Value
End With
With WShtDest
For ColNumSrcCrnt = 1 To ColNumSrcLast
' For each column in source worksheet
Found = False
ColHeadCrnt = WShtSrcData(1, ColNumSrcCrnt)
' Find matching column in destination worksheet
For ColNumDestCrnt = 1 To ColNumDestLast
If ColHeadCrnt = ColHeadDest(1, ColNumDestCrnt) Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
Next ColNumDestCrnt
If Not Found Then
' Current source column's name is not present in the
' destination sheet Add new column name to array and
' destination worksheet
ColNumDestLast = ColNumDestLast + 1
ReDim Preserve ColHeadDest(1 To 1, 1 To ColNumDestLast)
ColNumDestCrnt = ColNumDestLast
With .Cells(1, ColNumDestCrnt)
.Value = ColHeadCrnt
.Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End With
ColHeadDest(1, ColNumDestCrnt) = ColHeadCrnt
End If
' I could extract data from WShtSrcData to another array
' suitable for downloading to a column of a worksheet but
' it is easier to move the data directly to the worksheet.
' Also, athought downloading via an array is marginally
' faster than direct access, loading the array will reduce,
' and perhaps eliminate, the time benefit of using an array.
RowNumDestCrnt = RowNumDestStart
For RowNumSrcCrnt = RowNumFirstData To RowNumSrcLast
' Copy value from array of source data to destination sheet
.Cells(RowNumDestCrnt, ColNumDestCrnt) = _
WShtSrcData(RowNumSrcCrnt, ColNumSrcCrnt)
RowNumDestCrnt = RowNumDestCrnt + 1
Next ColNumSrcCrnt
End With ' WShtDest
' Adjust RowNumDestStart ready for next source worksheet
RowNumDestStart = RowNumDestStart + RowNumSrcLast - RowNumFirstData + 1
End If ' Not destination sheet and not empty source sheet
Next WShtSrc
With WShtDest
' Leave workbook with destination worksheet visible
End With
'With Application
' .ScreenUpdating = True
' .EnableEvents = True
'End With
End Sub