Issue with nested resources in routing in Rails - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to set up a nested resource in my routes config but I just can't work out where the problem lies.
Here is the relevant code from my routes config
resources :positions, :only => [:new,:create,:edit,:update,:destroy]
resources :etkh_profiles, :path => "members", :only => [:new,:create,:show,:index] do
resources :positions
collection do
post 'search'
It works when I try '/positions/new' but when I try 'members/positions/new' I get this error
No route matches [GET] "/members/positions/new"
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.

The URL you need to use is more like /members/:memberid/positions/new since you've specified that positions are contained inside an etkh_profile. You can check this by running rake routes.


Routing error rails 3

I have a Rails 2.3.5 app with many controllers, models etc. which I'm trying to upgrade to Rails 3.2.21. I'm having some troubles with my routes. I tried to follow the Rails 3 new routing format but it doesn't seem to work. I'm getting two problems (which I guess all indicate one fundamental issue with my routing):
In the root ('/') I'm getting the generic "Welcome abroad" Rails
page. My routes (see below) have defined routing for root.
For some controllers I get No route matches [GET] "/study" message. My route shows this route, but for some reason doesn't define the GET method.
Here's my config/routes.rb code:
Myapp::Application.routes.draw do
root :to => 'study#index'
match 'login' => 'login', :protocol => 'https://'
resources :study_maps do
get :clone, :on => :member
# Route report create actions to the report controller
match 'report/create', :as => 'report'
match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
If I'm running rake routes I'm getting:
root / study#index
login /login(.:format) login#login {:protocol=>"https://"}
clone_study_map GET /study_maps/:id/clone(.:format) study_maps#clone
study_maps GET /study_maps(.:format) study_maps#index
POST /study_maps(.:format) study_maps#create
new_study_map GET /study_maps/new(.:format) study_maps#new
edit_study_map GET /study_maps/:id/edit(.:format) study_maps#edit
study_map GET /study_maps/:id(.:format) study_maps#show
PUT /study_maps/:id(.:format) study_maps#update
DELETE /study_maps/:id(.:format) study_maps#destroy
report /report/create(.:format) report#create
/:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format) :controller#:action
Here's my StudyController#index code:
require 'myapp/studymgr'
require 'project_user'
require_dependency 'myapp/controller_extensions/report_manager'
class StudyController < ApplicationController
include PaginatorController
before_filter(:authenticate, :except => [:todo])
:only => [:update, :destroy, :edit, :prune, :select_experiments ])
def index
#tags = Stag.find(:all).collect { |stag| stag.tag }
#include_ext = true
Can someone advise on what I'm missing?
Finally found a solution - my views had .rhtml extension. I found that this format is no longer supported under Rails 3 (What is the difference Between .erb , .rhtml and .html.erb?), so I changed all views extensions to .html.erb and then the routes worked with no need to specify explicit resource for each controller, just using the generic route: match ':controller(/:action(/:id))'.
As for the issue in the root route (#1 above), where I always got the Rails "Welcome abroad" page, despite having explicit route in my routes.rb, turns out I had to remove public/index.html which is loaded for root by Rails, and then my view was loaded.

Singular route serving parameter :object_id instead of :id

Say I have an object called invoice. In routes.rb I have
resources :invoices do
get "pay"
When I run rake routes, the route is generated as
invoice_pay GET /invoices/:invoice_id/pay(.:format) invoices#pay
and the parameter is :invoices_id instead of :id
If I use a match statement:
match "invoices/:id/pay" => "invoices#pay", :via => :get
I get:
GET /invoices/:id/pay(.:format) invoices#pay
It seems to me that the route should be pay_invoice_path(#invoice), however, I have not found suitable documentation on this. Any suggestions?
i think what you are trying to do is
resources :invoices do
get "pay", :on => :member
have a look at the guides:

rails adding "static_content" on routes

I have routes that work perfectly on one machine, but on another machine they are failing and I've had a hard time to figure out what is wrong. On the failing machine it return the following errors for get /groups/my and groups/ respectively
No route matches {:controller=>"groups/owner/static_content", :topic=>"general"}
No route matches {:controller=>"groups/static_content", :topic=>"general"}
I have no idea where
come from since they don't appear anywhere in my routes file. Basically I have a route like
namespace :groups , :as => nil do
root :to => 'groups#index'
resources :groups, :only => [:show, :new, :create], :path => '' do
collection do
get :search
get 'my' => 'owner/groups#my', :as => :my
member do
post :subscribe
... other resources within a group
Any idea what I have done wrong or I'm missing? I'm using rails 3.2.2 and ruby 1.9.3 on rvm
A route is usually called from the views, so always check your view for action_controller_name_path if Controller::Action can not be found!

How can I add a test-environment route dynamically?

i would like to add a route that is only available in test environment, so i would prefer not to pollute routes.rb file. i cannot seem to find a working way to add a route dynamically after original routes were drawn. i tried this but that didn't quite work
How can I add a new route after routes.rb has already loaded and processed all the routes?
The with_routing test helper redefines routes within a block.
with_routing do |map|
map.draw do
resources :test, only: [:show]
get :show
assert assigns(:test)
After some tries and errors, I found that:
Rails.application.routes.eval_block( do
get "/backdoor", :to => "backdoors#backdoor"

How to do this with routing in Rails?

Say we have a simple resource called news:
resources :news
The generated paths are in this form /news/:id. I would like to provide a shortcut for this by dropping the /news/, so that /1/ goes to news#show with id 1 and the same for all the other resourceful actions of news.
I figured it's probably something along the lines of
match '/:id(/:action)', :controller => 'news'
but this isn't working.
To change the path to a resource use :path =>
resources :news, :path => "/"
Try this at the very bottom of your routes file:
match ':id', :to => "news#show"
Placing a custom route at the bottom of your routes.rb should work, that will give it lowest priority and allow valid routes to work first:
match '/:id', :to => 'news#show'
It's important to note that this will basically route anything that wasn't previously caught, and does not exist as an actual static file, to that controller/action. You will want to make sure you render your 404 error page if the news record does not exist.