Add New Combo Value -

I am building cascading country, state and city list cascading combo. I need the below functionalities
Need to provide search functionality with dropdown and i am using this for that functionality.
Next, I need to provide user either to choose from existing dropdown values or enter new one. This can be done for both country and state when entering new city.
So my actual question is, is there any free plugin available for this functionality.
If not i have this implementation idea. I will add a option called NEW to dropdown and when user choose that, the text box will be shown for user input. And on submit i can take the value from dropdown if the textbox value is empty.
Any ideas for this implementation with MVC4

you can use this. This provides both the search and add new option functionality


restricting a combobox to list values and outdated list values

I am creating a program that for simplicity's sake records the name of a staff member that receives a phone call. This program is designed to show old entries along with creating new ones.
The problem is that I want a user to only be able to select a listed name from the drop box when creating a new entry. But this list will only show current employees. Yet, when viewing older calls this combobox field also needs to display former employees that took a call that may no longer be in this list.
As far as I can tell with the Microsoft control and properties there is only 2 options that relate to this matter.
DropDownStyle as DropDown or DropDownList.
When using DropDown the user can submit any name (which is not wanted).
With DropDownList the user can only submit names on the list, but when browsing through old entries any names that are no longer on that list will not appear on their respective calls (which is also not wanted).
I'm aware I could end up having to implement my own combobox class but I wanted to see if anyone knew of a more elegant fix that combined both of these functionalities. Thanks!
It seems to me you have two modes. Add mode adds a new call record, while view mode displays old records.
Use the drop down list to restrict the user to what you load. When in Add mode, load the control with only current employees. When the form is in view mode, load with all employees.
Use DropDown. In the Validating event, set e.Cancel = True and instruct an ErrorProvider control to put up a warning with its SetError method if SelectedItem Is Nothing, but clear the error (by passing Nothing to SetError) otherwise. Then, in the combo box's SelectionChangeCommitted event, call the form's Validate method.

phpbb3 how to modify the profile fields?

Somebody knows how could I add a label underneath the profile information ? what files have I to modify?
I want something like this :
To add custom fields, log in to the administration control panel of your phpBB3 board, click on the Users and Groups tab, and then on the Custom profile fields link on the left. On the Custom profile fields page you'll see a drop-down menu from which you can select the type of field. There are several options: numbers, single text field, textarea, boolean (yes/no), dropdown box, date. After you select the type of field click on the Create new field button that's right next to the drop-down menu.
You'll be taken to a page with some options. The options are divided into three sections: Add profile field, Visibility options, and Language specific options. You don't have to configure everything. In the Add profile field section type a name in the field for Field identification. This is the name with which the field will be identified in the database. In the section labeled Visibility options you can choose where you want the field to be displayed (e.g. user control panel, registration screen, viewtopic screen). You can also make the field a required one; you can do this if, for example, you want to make the particular field a necessary part of the registration form.
In the section Language specific options type a name in the field for Field name. This is the name that will be visible to users. In the textarea for Field description you can also add a short explanation or description. Depending on the type of field, in this section there may also be some other options specific to the field type.
After you configure all the necessary settings click on the button Profile type specific options in the lower right corner of the screen. You'll be shown some options that are specific to the particular field type. After you're done with these options click on the Save button. If there are other language packs installed on your board, you'll be offered the chance to translate the field name, description, etc., into the particular language.
Once the custom field is created you can edit or delete it at any time from Users and Groups tab>Custom profile fields. Done!

Multi-select from dropdown on custom field on User Story

Currently I have a custom field on User Stories and Defects for our developer to tag what system was affected with their code change. Currently I only see a drop down, which is a single selection. Is there any way to give them the chance to multi-select options in the drop down? Or is there another object that would work better? Thanks in advance for all the great help I always get on here :-)
Your best bet to emulate a multi-select custom field is to use Tags. If you are managing these stories and defects with a custom App you could restrict which Tags you show or allow them to choose from in that App.
As Charles indicated, you probably want to try to use the MultiObjectPicker or the TagPicker, that extends it. If you want to stick with the ComboBox, then you can enable multi-selection by setting the "multiSelect" config field to "true".

Change contents of "assign to"

I activated restrict_owner to change the textfield to a dropdown when creating a new ticket. Is there a way to change the contents of that dropdown from user id's to user names?
The reason is, that all user id's that we use to log in are somewhat cryptic (something like xyz01, xyz02 and so on). If that list could show the associated user names, that you can enter in the prefs, that would be perfect.
To get around that, I installed the Auto-Complete Users Plugin. This will allow you to more easily select a user by account name, real name, or email address, plus it seems to have better performance than using restrict_owner.
I'm not sure if the plugin covers all of the same form fields as the restrict_owner option. If there's one that it misses, it shouldn't be too difficult to modify the code and add another field.

Indicating a user default value - flex

This was just what I was thinking for this solution and I would like to know if there's a better approach I could take?
I'm creating a simple desktop contacts application.
Users have the ability to enter in peoples contact information. I've add a combo box containing city name. The user has the ability to add city to this list and then when entering in a new contact they are able to just select the city form the drop down.
Now I'm trying to add a default city feature so if someone is constantly adding contacts from the same city when they add a new contact the combo box would show the default city automatically. In the settings mode user can view the all cities via a datagrid.
I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. I was think I could add a default_city field to the database when user selects a city and indicates it as the desired default city it would add the info to the database. Then i could just run a separate query to input the default city into the combo box's prompt.
I know I could indicate the default city by just adding another column to the dg but I was wondering if there's a way to indicate it as being the default with a icon, or bold text instead?
Thanks for the advice!
You'll want to use item renderers to display custom info in your data grid. There's a good tutorial here: