Unable to run RC commands under Selenium Grid 2 - selenium

I've tried this on multiple versions of selenium 2 (from 2.24-2.28) and on two different systems. It's a very simple scenario. I want to run RC commands via Selenium Grid and I don't want to port my 1000+ test scripts to WebDriver, so hopefully that's not the only solution.
Test case:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role hub
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.28.0.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
(I've tried every variation of this I could think of, including -role rc)
Communications seem fine between the two. The console status is up and shows the connection between the two.
Output is always:
Problem accessing /selenium-server/driver/. Reason:
If I revert to non-grid mode, the request returns as expected.
Am I missing something or is RC simply not supported under Grid 2?

This seems to be fixed for *firefox as a browser in 2.30 however I still observe the same behaviour for *googlechrome


Host header or origin header is specified and is not localhost for selenium grid

I am trying to set up a selenium grid using the latest chrome and chromedriver. I get the following error when trying to run a test
Message: OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverException : Unexpected error. Host header or origin header is specified and is not localhost.
On the node machine, I see the chrome browser open, but then it immediately closes and I get this error:
[1557513678.682][SEVERE]: Rejecting request with host: <hub_IP_address>:4444
Has anyone had this issue using the selenium grid? I am using:
selenium-server-standalone-4.0.0-alpha-1.jar and
Chromedriver 74.0.3729.6 for windows
My Chrome browser was running v.74.0.3729.108
Here is my command for starting the hub:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-4.0.0-alpha-1.jar -role hub -hubConfig config.json
Here is my command to start a node:
java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver="C:\...\Browsers\ChromeDirectory\chromedriver.exe" -Dwebdriver.ie.driver="C:\...\Browsers\IEDirectory\x86\IEDriverServer.exe" -jar -Dwebdriver.edge.driver="C:\...\Browsers\Edge\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe" -jar "C:\...\selenium-server-standalone-4.0.0-alpha-1.jar" -role node -hub "http://<hub_IP_address>:4444/grid/register/" -nodeConfig "C:\...\config.json"
I tried using a "host" property in the config.jsons. I tried putting the actual IP address and just localhost. But the hub and the node are obviously different machines, so putting localhost makes it so they can't connect. But when I dont have localhost, it says it needs to be specified as localhost? I'm so confused!! What is supposed to go in the host property?
I have seen people talk about a loopback property for protractor but I am not using protractor. I tried putting "loopback":true into both my node and hub config.json files but it doesn't seem to make a difference.
I was able to get the grid to run successfully using the 4.0 alpha jar for the hub, and the old 3.8 jars for the nodes. All Still on Java 8. Kind of interesting.
You can try to add these switches: --whitelisted-ips --allowed-origins=''*
Try to run your node with command:
java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver="C:\...\Browsers\ChromeDirectory\chromedriver.exe --whitelisted-ips --allowed-origins='*'" -Dwebdriver.ie.driver="C:\...\Browsers\IEDirectory\x86\IEDriverServer.exe" -jar -Dwebdriver.edge.driver="C:\...\Browsers\Edge\MicrosoftWebDriver.exe" -jar "C:\...\selenium-server-standalone-4.0.0-alpha-1.jar" -role node -hub "http://<hub_IP_address>:4444/grid/register/" -nodeConfig "C:\...\config.json"
I was able to get the selenium grid working by downgrading to 3.8.1 selenium grid jar and installing JDK 8 instead of 12. The reason I needed to get java 8 is answered in this other question. I used the same chrome driver and start up commands

Setting maximum instances and maximum sessions for Selenium Standalone Server

I am trying to set the maximum instances and maximum sessions for Selenium Standalone Server, as there is a good chance I will need quite a few instances/browsers.
I have tried the following command:
xvfb-run java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=/usr/local/bin/chromedriver -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone.jar -maxSession 100 -maxInstances 100
However I receive the following error:
Exception in thread "main" com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException:
Unknown option: -maxSession at
com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parseValues(JCommander.java:742) at
com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(JCommander.java:282) at
com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.parse(JCommander.java:265) at
com.beust.jcommander.JCommander.(JCommander.java:210) at
Similar thing happens when I try running it only with maxInstance.
How can I set up a large/infinite amount of instances/browsers? what is the default amount? (also can't find anywhere) Thanks in advance.
According to Selenium Grid docs, maxSession and maxInstances are parameters for the node but not for the hub.
-maxSession 5 (5 is default) The maximum number of browsers that can run in parallel on the node. This is different from the maxInstance of supported browsers (Example: For a node that supports Firefox 3.6, Firefox 4.0 and Internet Explorer 8, maxSession=1 will ensure that you never have more than 1 browser running. With maxSession=2 you can have 2 Firefox tests at the same time, or 1 Internet Explorer and 1 Firefox test).
(source: https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/Grid2#optional-parameters)
So in your case, you most likely should manage a number of parallel threads by setting up one or multiple (recommended as safer, because if 1 of 100 nodes break other will still be able do the job) nodes.
run the hub with: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-.jar -role hub
run node 1: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role node -port 4001 -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
run node 2: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role node -port 4002 -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
run node 20: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-<version>.jar -role node -port 420 -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register
will give you a grid with 100 browsers (as 5 is a default value for a node and you set up 20 nodes)
Note: make sure your hardware can hold up 100 browser instances, as most likely it will not and you will want to run nodes in multiple VMs.
Another note: Selenium grid has a known weakness when there are a lot of nodes. For the future if you are fine with running browsers on linux you might want to look at some docker-based solutions like selenoid (https://github.com/aerokube/selenoid)

NUnit Tests failing on Selenium Grid

Im using Selenium Grid. When I run a test against my test site, I will hit the following error.
System.InvalidOperationException : Session [(null externalkey)] not available and is not among the last 1000 terminated sessions. Active sessions are[]
The test does not fail immediately, but will navigate around the site and to different pages before failing.
My Hub set up is batch file as follows:
cd C:\Automated Tests\Selenium
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1.jar -role hub -hubhost my.hub..ip.address -port 4445
My Node set up is batch file as follows:
cd c:\Automated Tests\Selenium\
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.43.1.jar -port 5560 -role node -nodehost my.node.ip.address -hub http://my.hub.ip.address:4445/grid/register -browser"browserName=firefox,version=33.0,maxInstances=2,platform=WINDOWS" -nodeTimeout 600 -maxSession 10
Theres not a lot of information on this issue, so any help would be appreciated
I was facing the same issue and I found the solution.
This might be occurring because of using old objects.
Try instantiating new objects of your web elements when you close and start new driver session.
In this case, it does not throw stale element exception but it niether finds the web element in DOM with old object reference and hence throws the error.

Selenium grid2: how to run multiple tests against a single node?

I fear this is a very trivial question. But I'm having some trouble getting selenium Grid2 to run multiple test against a single node, from my understanding this should be possible by setting maxSessions.
This is my setup:
-Hub runs completly standard
-Node runs firefox with 5instances and 5 sessions enabled.
I've created 6 dummy tests using MBUNIT and added [Paralizable] to make them run side by side.
This is what I've done to test:
1: Start 2 nodes and run all tests (they run in parallel one on each node)
2: Turn off nodeA and run all tests
In step 2 is where i get stuck, i expected the last node would run 2 tests at once since the maxSessions is set to 5 but this doesn't happen, it only runs 1.
I suspect I've used a wrong parameter when starting the hub or node somewhere but right now i can't figure it out. anybody who want to help a newbie at Grid2? :)
This is roughly my code, very basic just for playing around:
public class RemoteTest
public void StartClose()
DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.Firefox();
IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"), cap);
Commands used:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role node -hub
no question is trivial :)
To start a server (use the following command)
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub
To start a Node (use the following command)
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role node -hub
Incase if u had tried to start a node with browsers as well (check the following command)
-browser browserName=firefox,version=3.6,maxInstances=5,platform=LINUX
maxInstances --> Signify the Max instances of same browser that can run on a Grid node
Selenium Grid: MaxSessions vs MaxInstances
If you specify capabilities in your test case that do not exist on your grid then there will be no match and the test will fail to run.
Please avoid running the tests from the Nodes and instead run tests from hub. I tried the same experiment where I ran the tests from the server (HUB) and I registered a node for running parallel test cases and everything worked perfect.

How to run Selenium tests in Grid in one browser window?

When using only Selenium server it was possible to run the tests in the single browser window with the setting
-java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.2.0.jar -singleWindow
When switched to grid 2, -singleWindow parameter is not working anymore.
Help is really appreciated.
Made it happen by running the following line:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.2.0.jar -role webdriver -singleWindow -hub -port 5557
Seems like the order of the parameters is important.