sencha touch 2 dataview breaded between checkboxfield at top and button at bottom - sencha-touch

I've this requirement of giving user provision of subscribing to certain categories. The layout which is to be designed is having -
checkbox => at top toggling automatic subscription setting.
dataview => at middle, having list of subscriptions and checkbox field.
button => allowing user to update the subscription list.
I've setup the dataview correctly. Dataview is added as fallows -
xtype: 'dataview',
itemTpl:'<div style="color:#fff;margin-left: 20px;background: transparent;" class="x-field-checkbox x-field">' +
'<span style="float:left">{name}</span>' +
'<span style="float:right">' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="x-input-el x-input-checkbox" style="display: inline;top:10px">'+
name :'A'
name :'B'
name :'C'
When I try to add component no 1 and 3 ( specified above in question ) , dataview is not getting displayed. I'm getting checkbox and button only. When I inspect the rendered html, I realize that dataview is not even populating with data config. The code I used to add these three components is as fallows -
Ext.define("PApp.view.home.Subscription", {
config: {
items: [
name : 'subscriber-setting',
label: 'Subscriber',
value: 'yes',
checked: true
xtype: 'dataview',
itemTpl:'<div style="color:#fff;margin-left: 20px;background: transparent;" class="x-field-checkbox x-field">' +
'<span style="float:left">{name}</span>' +
'<span style="float:right">' +
'<input type="checkbox" class="x-input-el x-input-checkbox" style="display: inline;top:10px">'+
name :'A'
name :'B'
name :'C'
I can't figure out why dataview is not getting displayed ( not even populated with data ). When dataview is not breaded between the checkbox and button, it gets rendered as expected.
and when dataview is breaded ,it looks like this -

Please try giving some height in css of template or dataview config with hbox layout of container

Tried few things and managed to solve this problem. Mostly, list or dataview are used to display fullscreen content. But in my case, I needed it between two other components.
To make this work, I added following config to parent container -
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align : 'stretch'
This was not sufficient though. Need to add flex config in each component. Without this config, dataview was not being seen. And I was wrong about data not populating indeed it was ( missed it first time since html is deeply nested ). Here's the preview how it looks.


Make DGrid selector shown or hidden based on row content

I'm using the Dgrid Selection grid for a grid that uses check boxes for selecting the content. However, only child node of the tree should show the checkbox as the parents are just categories and can't be selected. Previously I used the editor plugin for this, but it created difficulty with clearing selections (specifically, the "clearSelection" method of the grid did nothing). I switched to the selector plugin, so now selecting and deselecting rows works fine, but now I can't seem to figure out a way to hide the check box on some rows and not others.
Original code
var columns = [
label: " ",
field: "itemSelected",
sortable: false,
width: 33,
canEdit: function(object) {
// only add checkboxes for child objects
return object.type === "child";
}, "checkbox"),
label: "Item",
field: "shortItemId",
width: 150,
shouldExpand: function() {
return 1;
label: "Grouping Name",
field: "groupingName"
var itemGrid = new SelectionGrid({
store: itemStore,
style: {
width: '99%',
height: '99%'
columns: columns,
sort: [{attribute: "shortItemId", descending: false}]
I used the "editOn" parameter of the editor to hide the check box, but the selector plugin only has the "disabled" parameter, which doesn't hide the field at all.
Is there a way I can get the check box hidden using the selector like I did with the editor?
Looking at the dgrid/selector source, it seems that the input is always created and added to the DOM, regardless of whether it has been disabled. Presumably this is to allow it to be flexible enough to enable and disable checkboxes on the fly without the need to constantly re-create DOM nodes. While it is not possible to prevent these nodes from being rendered, it is possible to hide them with CSS, since the cell node is given a class with the format field-{fieldName} (or in this particular case, field-itemSelected):
// JavaScript
var columns = [
label: " ",
field: "itemSelected",
sortable: false,
width: 33,
// Disable any checkbox that is not of type "child"
disabled: function (item) {
return item.type !== 'child';
/* CSS */
.field-itemSelected input[disabled] {
display: none;

How can I display all items in Ext.List that are nested in a Ex.Panel dynamically

How can I display all items in Ext.List that are nested in Ex.Panel dynamically,
that means the height of nested Ext.List must be dynamic, and how to add a scrollbar for parent, that is Ex.Panel?
Ext.define('framework.view.ShoppingCart', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
alias : 'widget.ShoppingCart',
id: 'ShoppingCart',
requires: [
config: {
autoDestroy: true,
fullscreen : true,
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
id: 'shoppingCartItemsTitle',
title: Util.getMessageInner('mstore_item_list',null,0),
height : 27,
border: 0,
margin: "10 10 6 10",
cls: 'items_hided'
xtype : 'list',
itemId : 'itemList2',
id: 'itemList2',
autoDestroy: true,
selectedCls: 'x-item',
scrollable: 'vertical',
height : '100%',
itemTpl: new Ext.XTemplate(
'<div class="as_icon_list as_icon_list_bg height_68">',
' <div style="margin:7px 0 0 10px; float:left">',
'<div style="display:block;">{gName}</div>',
'<div style="display:block;">',
ASVari.appInfo.currencyName + ' {[Util.formatMoney(values.gPrice)]} × ',
I am not sure what it is that you are trying to accomplish...
As far as dynamically setting the data dynamically, you can use the getData() and setData(), getHeight() and setHeight() method for Ext.Panel() and
Based on some event you can listen for in a controller you could get all the properties from one view and set them into another view.
For 'how to add a scrollbar for parent, that is Ex.Panel?' I'm really unsure about what you are asking but I think you are looking for something like a scrollable container with items next to a static container that contains a details view.
If that is the case check out the hbox layout. You would do something drop a list with flex : 1 next to a container with details and flex : 5 (or whatever). You would then listen for itemTap on the list and load the container view with the desired data.
Sorry that this was brief but with such a vague question I didn't want to spend the time answering a question you weren't asking.
Please let me know how I might get you some better information.
Good Luck,

Is it possible to insert EXT Components into an XTemplate?

I have an XTemplate and I would like to add some actual EXT widgets inside the template so that I have template code rendered above and below the widgets. Let's say I have a "dataview" with the following itemTpl defined:
itemTpl: [
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="song-page-header">',
' <div class="artwork"><img src="{artwork}"/></div>',
' <h1>{title}</h1>',
' <h2>{artist}</h2>',
' <h3>Genre: {genre}</h3>',
' <p>{copyright}</p>',
/* Ext.Button should go here */
'<tpl for="offers">',
' <p>{offer_id}: {offer_type}, {price}</p>',
Is it possible to define a real Ext.Button there (and not just some HTML approximating the behavior of an Ext.Button)? I don't care if it has to be applied after the fact, but I can't seem to find the correct event handler to use to be able to insert a button there. The Sencha documentation sucks so any help would be greater appreciated.
Actually you can do this, you just have to be a little bit creative.
Check out my blog post here:
Essentially, you put some dynamic div element in your template
'<div id="box-holder">' +
'<div id="box-{schoolpersonid}"></div>'+
Then you use the use "renderTo" within your button config, calling it in a refresh funciton:
listeners: {
'refresh': function(records) {
var storeRecords = records._store._data.items;
for(var i = 0; i < storeRecords.length; i++){
var data = storeRecords[i].data;
var renderTo ='#box-' + data.schoolpersonid).elements[0];
var button1 = new Ext.Button({
action: 'doPresent',
xtype: 'button',
align: 'right',
text: 'Present',
ui: 'present',
renderTo: renderTo,
schoolpersonid: data.schoolpersonid
I think XTemplate does not support this feature due to managment and performance of Sencha Touch framework.
Secondly, you cannot do like that because basically you're trying to merge between HTML and javascript inside your itemTpl when sencha template only allow html structure.
In order to address this scenario, you may take a look at Component Dataview

How to add panel as list item in Sencha touch 2.1?

I am trying to dynamically add list(with its items) to my container.
Instead of simple HTML template, I need list items to contain panel with a title bar, image & few more things.
To do this I am loading store data and within its callback creating List & array of items. Then I add items to the list and list to the container but end result is just last panel visible instead of sliding list of all panels.
Here is my code:
var vLists = [];
callback: function(records, operation, success) {
var hccontainer = Ext.getCmp('hccontainer');
var sid = 'styleStore'+record.get('id');
var styleTemplate = eval('tpls.styleTemplate_' + record.get('id'));
xtype: 'panel',
scrollable: 'false',
layout: 'fit',
cid : record.get('id'),
ctype : record.get('type'),
cname : record.get('name'),
stid : sid,
tp : styleTemplate,
items: [
xtype : 'titlebar',
title : record.get('name'),
docked : 'top',
cls : 'x-toolbar-transparent-top'
xtype : 'image',
src : record.get('image'),
//hccontainer.remove(Ext.getCmp('hc'), true);
var hc1 = Ext.create('Ext.dataview.List', {
layout : 'fit',
config: {
direction: 'horizontal',
id : 'hc'
scope: this
Is this right way to add items or I am missing something.
PS Instead of List if I use Carousel, this works fine
Carousel is more of a layout component than List is. It doesn't look like you need to use a list, I don't see any handler for item taps for example. If you want to avoid using templates than you should not use a List. Instead just make a component with a list-like layout. I would use a container with a vbox layout, scretched horizontally and with a static height. You can then put whatever item configuration you want into this.

Grid Panel Scrollbars in Extjs 4 not working

var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
columns: [{
header: 'User Login',
dataIndex: 'user_login',
header: 'User Name',
dataIndex: 'user_nicename',
autoScroll: true,
selModel: gusersSel,
store: gusersStore
Hi I am using above code for the grid Panel in Extjs4.0.2a When I populate data dynamically in the store the scrollbars are not working .
I have also tried using doLayout() for grid Panel but dosent work too .
The grid Panel is in a Window .
Anything that can solve this problem ?
Actually it works for some time but dosen't work all the time .
I've had the same problem. They use custom scrollbar and it's pretty buggy (especialy in chrome). If you are not going to use infinite scroll the possible solution could be to remove custom scrollbar and use native one. To do that just add the following to the grid's config:
var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
scroll : false,
viewConfig : {
style : { overflow: 'auto', overflowX: 'hidden' }
// ...
I did gusersPanel.determineScrollbars() when i am adding and removing data from store and it is working fine .
The problem with this is the scroll listener is attached to the div element on the afterrender event, but then if the scrollbar is not needed after a layout operation the div element is removed from the dom. Then, when it's needed again it's added back, but only if enough time has passed the garbage collection makes extjs recreate the div node and this time it's added to the dom without attaching the scroll listener again. The following code solves the problem:
Ext.override(Ext.grid.Scroller, {
onAdded: function() {
var me = this;
if (me.scrollEl) {
me.mun(me.scrollEl, 'scroll', me.onElScroll, me);
me.mon(me.scrollEl, 'scroll', me.onElScroll, me);
You written code to layout: 'fit'. It did not work autoScroll.
Change the code to some height and remove layout: 'fit' code.
Like this.
var gusersPanel = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
columns: [{
autoScroll: true,
height: 130,
selModel: gusersSel,
store: gusersStore
It is help you. Cheers.