itunesconnect login - Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect [closed] - itunes

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am a beginner iPhone developer. I have an apple ID and password. This apple ID and password work on but not on It's not working on itunes connect. I get the error: Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect. please give any solution and suggestion for this.

This happened to me on my second iTunes account after I had just signed up as a corporate account... I just had to wait for them to verify my DUNS number. If this isn't the case I'm sure they are still verifying other things... it took me 14 days until I could access iTunes connect... on my first iTunes account (4-5 years ago) it took 30 days before I could upload apps after accessing iTunesConnect (bank verification) ... (Now a-days this takes less than 1 day)


I need help locating Paypal ClientID and ClientSecret ID [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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complete noob here.Any help is really appreciated because we are under the cosh.
My team is building out a bespoke donation form for a charity client and are trying to integrate Paypal.
The problem is that the api we are working with is requesting a Paypal ClientID and ClientSecret ID.
What is the best practice for getting these values? I've read that you have to set up a developer account via Paypal and then set up an app, however, does that mean we require access to their paypal account.
Can they grant limited access to their paypal account so we can create values?
Thanks in advance :)
You'll need to use a sandbox account:
This will create a dummy version with no real transactions that you'll have full access to, alongside a production version that only your client will see.
You can determine which of these accounts is used through env vars, switching out the client ID as needed depending on which environment you're performing the transactions on.
But at the end of the day, yeah, you will have access to their production client ID and client secret ID. There's no way to get these onto your server unless your client is able to do it themselves.

Should a website storage Airbnb users' passwords? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I just entered a company which is developing a website supporting hosts in Airbnb. Basically, this website will give the recommending price for hosts after they login in the Airbnb.
I noticed that the website have stored the hosts' passwords of Airbnb in database. The passwords are stored in secret code, but it can be encrypted by a key. When a host wants to update the price on this site, the site will send a request to Airbnb to get the token with the password stored in database.
Websites such as Beyondpricing have similar function. I am wondering how they realised it. Should a website storage Airbnb users' passwords?
The general rule is passwords should always be hashed to protect from improper use.
In this case your company (and likely others) are encouraging AirBnB customers to break AirBnB's Terms of Service, from their website:
You are responsible for safeguarding your password. You agree that you will not disclose your password to any third party.

What is the best role grouping for my project? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am at the beginning of my website project and now for requirements step I want to grouping the roles of website users,there is three roles for the users:
Users who visit the website an use it's free services.
Users who have an account and uses it's more free services.
Users who have an account and monthly pay for using paid services.
Admin user of the website.
What is the best roles for these users?
You seem to have two roles:
The User role seems to be separated into three tiers or types:
Unregistered users
Registered Users
Paid/Subscription Users
That's how you need to be thinking about your groups of users. Admins don't really count unless you have special privileges. How you treat your different levels of users is very important however since I assume your goal is to "land and expand". i.e. Lure in users with free services, get them to register with further offerings and then get them to pay for even more advanced levels of service.

Login using Facebook or google+ [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a web app which requires user to register and login to use it. In the database, i have a serial number for every user that is auto generated. The buisness logic uses these serial number to identify users and not their username or email id. Now if i login using Facebook or google +, how to proceed? without a serial number, the buisness logic fails.
You can auto register the user while making them log into the system by google or fb. Then you can easily auto generate the serial numbers as per your business logic.
You will get more insight by checking this link

Does the Skype for Business App SDK support direct communication between two users? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can I use the Skype for Business App SDK to develop an app that enables two end users to communicate directly with each other via instant messaging, voice or video?
this isn't currently possible. The precise answer depends on whether your end users have Skype for Business accounts:
The current SDK only supports users that are "guests": i.e. not signed in as Skype for Business users. It is not designed to allow two guests to talk to each other. Instead, it enables the guest to join a meeting with a licensed Skype for Business user who is attending the meeting via the official Skype for Business application installed on their desktop or mobile device. Example: a patient using your healthcare app joins a video meeting with their doctor who is using the Skype for Business app. For more details on this scenario, see .
In future, the SDK may support users that are signed in as Skype for Business users. This would enable these two licensed users to talk directly to each other from within your app.