Date range handling logic in Access - sql

I've got a bit of a weird logic problem that I can't seem to wrap my head around (perhaps from studying it for too long).
Where I work we have a very old piece of software that we're required to use to track the status of equipment that we use. This software provides very little functionality to manipulate these statuses to try and provide a good analysis of downtime. I've been working on a database application in Access (since it's the only tool they make available to me) to import status data from the old system into a format that is more easily manipulated.
The way status data is spit out from the old program is fairly straight-forward:
It's easy enough to read that text and insert it into the table in Access. The problem I'm having comes from trying to find how many hours a piece of equipment spent in different statuses over different date ranges.
The start/end date/time can be any length of time. Finding which rows contain the dates is difficult. I've been using BETWEEN statements in SQL to try and find them which, for the most part, works out well:
(StartDateTime BETWEEN [StartDT] AND [EndDT])
(EndDateTime BETWEEN [StartDT] AND [EndDT])
The real issue is when StartDateTime is BEFORE StartDT and EndDateTime is AFTER EndDT (ie the entire range I'm looking for is INSIDE this status's start/end dates). It simply doesn't find it, which makes sense.
I can't seem to come up with an elegant solution to this. I need to be able to select all rows which contain a status that contains or is contained within the supplied date range. I wouldn't normally come here for such a simple problem, but my brain and Google-fu are failing me.
A little bit of sample data:
A123 OPER 01/30/2013 21:30 12/31/1999 00:00
A123 DFM 01/26/2013 10:42 01/30/2013 21:29
A123 OPER 01/01/2013 00:00 01/26/2013 10:41
B123 OPER 01/01/2013 00:00 12/31/1999 00:00
C123 DFU 01/29/2013 12:31 12/31/1999 00:00
C123 OPER 01/01/2013 00:00 01/29/2013 12:30

Any kind of booking collusion occurs when:
RequestStartDate <= EndDate
RequestEndDate >= StartDate
The above will ALSO return overlaps. So if I query today + tomorrow, and a range starts at the being of the year to the end of the year, the query WILL be included in the range.
Select * from tblEQUIP
#01/31/2013# <= ENDDATETIME
#02/01/2013# >= StartDateTime
At that point you can "process" each record. You likely have to use something like:
Do while RecordDate.eof = false
For datePtr = RequestStartDateTime to RequestendDateTime
If datePtr >= RecordData!StartDateTime and DatePtr <= RecordData!EndDateTime then
DaysTotal = DaysTotal + 1
End if
Next DatePtr
The above is air code, but shows the basic processing loop you need to first grab the overlapping records, and then a processing loop to add up days/time for each record in your date range that does fall withing the given date range.

Interesting question ! Sorry not to have much time now to eleborate, but I would advise to explore the Partition function for that, or and/or doing a crosstab query with the date as column heading. More on msoffice site and here.


CAST and CONVERT both failing when attempting to convert string to date

I'm dealing with a table containing records from questionnaires administered to people after completing an activity. There are several questions on the questionnaire, so each person has multiple records with the same collection date, like so.
PersonID Question Result CollectedDate
1001 First activity? Yes 10/23/2022
1001 Activity date 10/20/2022 10/23/2022
1001 Activity type Painting 10/23/2022
1002 First activity? No 10/24/2022
1002 Activity date 10/23/2022 10/24/2022
1002 Activity type Writing 10/24/2022
Since my end goal is to compare the activity date with the questionnaire collection date and see how much time elapsed between them, I've altered my query a bit so I'm focusing only on each person's question regarding the activity date. It's a super simple query:
FROM Questionnaire
WHERE Question LIKE '%date%'
PersonID Question Result CollectedDate
1001 Activity date 10/20/2022 10/23/2022
1002 Activity date 10/23/2022 10/24/2022
My main issue is that the Result field is varchar(50) in order to accommodate text answers, so any dates seen there are actually from free text fields in the front-end interface. I've tried using both CAST() and CONVERT() to turn it into an actual date format so the difference between the dates can be calculated. I've seen both of the following errors depending on which function I'm using or which date/time style I'm attempting to apply:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value
I've tried:
CAST(Result as date),
FROM Questionnaire
WHERE Question LIKE '%date%'
CONVERT(DATETIME,Result,101) as Result,
FROM Questionnaire
WHERE Question LIKE '%date%'
...and have tried several different styles. Does anyone have any further suggestions? Is the date itself likely the problem, or is if the fact that the Result field contains a bunch of other stuff too, even though it's currently omitted from the query results?
UPDATE: There are some kind of wonky date formats in this Result field even when I have the other question types filtered out (I hate free text). For example, there are some formatted like 05/01/2022 and others like 5/1/2022. Some others have something like 5/19/2022 - 5/20/2022, like maybe the person couldn't remember the exact date of their activity. What's the best way to deal with all of this?
You should be able to get past the error by making sure you reject any value that can't be converted to a date. Largely, that is this:
Result = CASE
WHEN ISDATE(Result) = 1 THEN CONVERT(date, Result, 101) END
You'd think it would be enough to say WHERE Question = 'Activity Date' AND ISDATE(Result) = 1, but:
Someone still might have entered bad data on that row.
SQL Server might try to perform the CONVERT() operation before the filter.
You can identify the ones that have bad data using:
WHERE Question = 'Activity Date' AND ISDATE(Result) = 0
But until you've fixed the structure and stored dates in an independent column, fixing that data just means it's a matter of time before it happens again.
You might consider, in the meantime, just displaying what the user entered as a string, instead of trying to force it to be converted to a date. Especially since 101 might be a bad guess - what if the user is from the UK or Canada? They may have entered 05/12 and meant December 5th, not May 12th.

Amount of overlaps per minute

I would like to make an SQL-Statement in order to find the amount of users that are using a channel by date and time. Let me give you an example:
Let's call this table Data:
Date Start End
01.01.2020 17:00 17:30
01.01.2020 17:01 17:03
01.01.2020 17:29 18:30
Data is a table that shows when an user started the connection on a channel and the time the connection was closed. A connection can be made any time, which means from 00:00 until the next day.
What I am trying to achieve is to count the maximum number of connections that were made over a big period if time. Let's say 1st February to 1st April.
My idea was to make another table with timestamps in Excel. The table would display a Timestamp for every Minute in a specific date.
Then I tried to make a statement like:
FROM Data,Timestamps
WHERE Timestamps.Time BETWEEN Data.Start AND Data.End.
Now logically this statement does what is supposed to do. The only problem is that it is not really performant and therefore not finishing. With the amount of timestamps and the amount of data I have to check it is not able to finish.
Could anybody help me with this problem? Any other ideas I can try or how to improve my statement?
So why dou you create another table in Excel and not directly in MS Access and then why won't you set up the indexes of the timestamps right. That will speed it up by factors.
By the way I think that your statement will print repeat every user that happened to match your Start .. End period, so the amount of rows produced will be enormous. You shall rather try
SELECT Timestamps.Time, COUNT(*)
FROM Data,Timestamps
WHERE Timestamps.Time BETWEEN Data.Start AND Data.End
GROUP BY Timestamps.Time;
But sorry if the syntax in MS Access is different.

How to merge data in SQL

I run a query every day to place in a file. It is regarding effective date and term dates of coverage. occasionally have a group that will actually term and become effective again the next day. I need help with SQL code that will pick up the original effective date and the latest expiration date. The example that I am giving is a very small part of the table.. due to hippa regulations. The SQL code that I currently am using is super easy query code and I have supplied just the lines of data within the will see where this member has 2 effect dates and 2 term dates I need to display it as one..with 01/01/2018 as effect and 12/31/9999 as term. cannot figure out how to add an attachment.. so I am just going to copy the two rows.
meme_altid meme_eff meme_trm
S409666X1E 2018-01-01 2018-12-31
S409666X1E 2019-01-01 9999-12-31
Earliest eff and latest term?
Select meme_altid, Min(meme_eff) As eff, Max(meme_trm) As term From #tbl
Group By meme_altid

How do I reconstruct a historical view?

I am currently exploring Change Data Capture as an option to store temporal databases. It is great because it stores only the deltas and seems like it may solve my problem. When I enabled CDC, a bunch of tables appeared under System Tables.
When querying cdc.dbo_MyTable, I am able to see all the changes that took place on the table. Now, how would I construct a historical view? For instance, if I wanted to see the state of my table as of a particular date, how would I go about doing that? Is that even possible?
It looks I need to take the log and start applying it over my original table but I was wondering if there is a built-in way of doing this. Any suggestions?
Some of the use cases I am looking at:
Know the state of the graph at a particular point in time
Given two graphs at different times, know the set of links that are different (this can probably be obtained using an EXCEPT clause after constructing the tables)
it's possible, but not with a built-in way i'm a afraid. You would have to reconstruct the timeline by hand.
Given that the change-tracking tables offer the tran_end_time, which is the time that the value of the property should be perceived as persisted, you would have to make a query that fetches all the distinct periods of table states, join on the tracked property changes and then pivot (to have a presentation in the same form as the table). Don't forget to union with the table state itself to obtain the values that have not been changed/tracked for completeness.
The final result, simplified, should look like
RN PK PropA PropB FromDate ToDate
1 1 'Ver1' 'Ver1' 2012-01-01 09:00 2012-01-02 08:00
2 1 'Ver1' 'Ver2' 2012-01-02 08:00 2012-01-03 07:00
3 1 'Ver2' 'Ver2' 2012-01-03 07:00 *getdate()*
4 2 'Ver1' 'Ver1' 2012-01-01 05:00 2012-01-02 06:00
5 2 'Ver1' 'Ver2' 2012-01-02 06:00 2012-01-03 01:00
6 2 'Ver2' 'Ver2' 2012-01-03 01:00 *getdate()*
note that the getdate() is valid if the row wasn't deleted in which case it should be substituted with the deletion date
EDIT, for the 2 use cases.
The first point is easily addressed it's a matter of constructing the temporal object graph and then filtering:
declare #pointInTime datetime = '20120102 10:00';
select * from Reconstructed_TG where FromDate <= #pointInTime and #pointInTime < ToDate
the second point, can be generated easily with the EXCEPT clause, as you point out.
given the above query:
declare #pointInTimeA datetime = '20120102 10:00';
declare #pointInTimeB datetime = '20120103 01:00';
select * from Reconstructed_TG where FromDate <= #pointInTimeA and #pointInTimeA < ToDate
select * from Reconstructed_TG where FromDate <= #pointInTimeB and #pointInTimeB < ToDate
yet the except clause only presents the rows that have at least one different column value; i don't know if that information is really meaningful to the human eye. Depending on your needs a query that works directly on the cdc data may be more appropriate.
You may want to check out Snapshots, which have been built in to SQL Server since 2005.
These will be most useful to you if you only need a few timepoints, but they can help you track all of the tables in a complex database.
These are deltas, so Compared to a full copy of a database, however, snapshots are highly space efficient. A snapshot requires only enough storage for the pages that change during its lifetime. Generally, snapshots are kept for a limited time, so their size is not a major concern.
I'm not sure about this, never done anything like that, but maybe you can add a column "changeset" to the table that can keep track of the changes you have on the table, every time there's a transaction get the max(changeset) and save the new cahnges with the next value... Or if you have a timestamp and want to know the status of your table at certain time do querys to filter changes previous to the date you want to check...
(Not sure if I should write this is as an answer or a comment... I'm new here)
Anyway, hope it helps...

SQL finding overlapping of times pass midnight (across 2 days)

I know there are lots of these types of questions, but i didn't see one that was similar enough to my criteria. So i'd like to ask for your help please. The fields i have are just start and end which are of time types. I cannot involve any specific dates in this. If the time ranges don't go pass midnight across day, i'd just compare two tuples as such:
end1 > start2 AND start1 < end2
(end points touching are not considered overlapped here.)
But when I involve time range that pass (or at) midnight, this obviously doesn't work. For example, given:
start | end
06:00PM | 01:00AM
03:00PM | 09:00PM
Without involving dates, how can i achieve this, please. My assumption is, if end is less than start, then we're involving 2 days.
I'm trying to do this in plain standard SQL, so just a simple and concise logic in the WHERE clause.
Thank you everyone!
Also, how would I test if one time range completely envelopes another? thanks again!
If your SQL supports time differences:
(end1 - start1) > (start2 - start1) AND (end2 - start2) > (start1 - start2)
Unfortunately, "plain" SQL will be too general to use against an actual database. The reason is that the various database products have different levels of support for calculating the duration between two times. For example, in SQL Server 2008, it would be substantially simpler to convert the time values to DateTime and then do the comparison since many comparison operators are not supported on the Time data type.
Select ...
From (
Select Cast(T.Start1 As DateTime) As Start1
, Case
When Cast(T.Start1 As DateTime) > Cast(T.End1 As DateTime) Then DateAdd(d,1,Cast(T.End1 As DateTime))
Else Cast(T.End1 As DateTime)
End As End1
From ...
) As T
Where T.End1 > T2.Start2 And T1.Start2 < T2.End2
use start time and duration (in minutes or whatever unit is appropriate)
The program Transtar had this problem. The time data was not associated with any date, nor was the time data in a date time field. The program initially was designed to issue transit itinaries from about 4AM to midnight which worked fine as long as the transit wasn't around the clock. I built a function which did a sliding test for the times so that if you asked for 5AM it would look at times from 1AM to 12:59AM. I wrote it in FORTRAN, but the algorythm would be the same regardless of language.