MVC4 Mailgun delivered webhook -

I'm having an issue making use of the Mailgun delivered webhook, it can be found here:, look for "Delivered Event Webhook"
I am unable to reference Request.Params["Message-Id"] unless I modify the app's requestValidationMode to 2.0
I do get the potentially unsafe error when trying to reference this field without requestValidationMode = 2.0. The contents of the field are: <>. I've also tried to declare a model to take advantage of auto model binding. My model looks like this:
public class MailgunDeliveredEvent
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Event { get; set; }
public string Recipient { get; set; }
public string Domain { get; set; }
public object MessageId { get; set; }
public int Timestamp { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Signature { get; set; }
When I attempt to reference the MessageId field it returns null. I've tried to add
As I'm not interested in that field.
In the Controller, I've set
I can't seem to get the Message-Id field back. Any help?

I seem to have got it working, in case anyone runs into the same issue...
I added a new model binder as referenced here:
Asp.Net MVC 2 - Bind a model's property to a different named value
I then changed my model like so:
public class MailgunDeliveredEvent
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Event { get; set; }
public string Recipient { get; set; }
public string Domain { get; set; }
public string MessageId { get; set; }
public int Timestamp { get; set; }
public string Token { get; set; }
public string Signature { get; set; }
And all seems to work, I didn't need to call
on the controller either.
Hope that helps someone.


Podio API - Groupings are missing from Views in C#

I am working with the Podio api in C# and "Groupings" is missing from the View and ViewCreateUpdateRequest model.
When I use the sandbox call the result includes the groupings. So I'm thinking it is missing in the C# nuget package. Is there another way to access groupings for both Get View and Update View?
Sadly they are not maintaining the SDK for C#, but you can download their code from and update the code yourself.
That's what I did, I change the following
ItemId data type from Integer to Long
Added Groupings in View (Below is my View looks like)
public class View
public string ViewId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }
public string SortBy { get; set; }
public string SortDesc { get; set; }
public JArray Filters { get; set; }
public JObject Fields { get; set; }
public JObject Groupings { get; set; }
public ByLine CreatedBy { get; set; }
public string Layout { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string[] Rights { get; set; }
public string FilterId { get; set; }
public int Items { get; set; }
Search for NuGet Package: Podio.Async by acl2

The new ASP.NET Core 3.0 Json serializer is leaving out data

I'm porting a web application to ASP.NET Core 3, and after a bit of a battle, I'm almost at the finish line. Everything seems to work, but all of a sudden my JSON data returned from the api is missing some levels.
It seems the options.JsonSerializerOptions.MaxDepth is default at 64 levels, so it can be that. Some other places where an option can be playing tricks on me?
This is the code (and a quickview of the value):
And this is the JSON I get in the browser:
So the ParticipantGroups property/collection is completely missing in the generated output.
Any ideas where this happens?
I've added a repo on Github that showcases the issue. Standard ASP.NET Core 3.0 solution, created from the template, with a change to the result returned from the Weatherforecast controller:
For now I've gone back to using Newtonsoft.Json, with the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson package. Then when I have some time, I'll try finding out what the solution is, without Newtonsoft.Json.
The problem seems to be an error in the new version 3.0. At least it seems like an error to me.
It seems System.Text.Json will convert the class mentioned in the hierarchy, not the actual class. So if you are using an abstract class in the hierarchy, you're in trouble. The second I removed the base class, and used the actual class I'm returning, the problem goes away it seems.
So this doesn't work:
public class SurveyReportResult {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<OrganisationalUnit> OrganisationalUnits { get; set; }
public abstract class OrganisationalUnit {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }
public class OrganisationalUnitWithParticipantGroups : OrganisationalUnit {
public IEnumerable<ParticipantGroup> ParticipantGroups { get; set; }
public class ParticipantGroup {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }
This will only return the properties of the OrganisationalUnit class, not the additional property of the OrganisationalUnitWithParticipantGroups.
This works:
public class SurveyReportResult {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<OrganisationalUnitWithParticipantGroups> OrganisationalUnits { get; set; }
public class OrganisationalUnitWithParticipantGroups /*: OrganisationalUnit*/ {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ParticipantGroup> ParticipantGroups { get; set; }
public class ParticipantGroup {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public String Name { get; set; }
public Int32 MemberCount { get; set; }

Change state of a property automaticly

Hi guys im kinda new on mvc and im trying to do something that is kinda confusing me, i have a model called desafio(challenge) and that challenge has a avaliation property that should change after 24 hours my doubts is how can i do that where should i do that, should i create a new controller? i need something to control i already searched a lot and didnt find a proper way to do that i need some lights.
Do i need to create a function where i can change the state, but when should i call the function im a little bit confused.
Here is my challenge model
public class Desafio
public int DesafioId { get; set; }
public string TipoTrabalho { get; set; }
public virtual ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
public string ApplicationUserId { get; set; }
public string Descricao { get; set; }
public int TipoAvaliacaoId { get; set; }
public virtual TipoAvaliacao TipoAvaliacao { get; set; }
public decimal valor { get; set; }
public int Visualizacoes { get; set; }
public DateTime DataCriacao { get; set; }
public double lat { get; set; }
public double lon { get; set; }
public int IdSolucaoVencedora { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Tag> Tags { get; set; }
because my question is kinda confused i will explain it better, what i need here is to change my property value on my challenge(Desafio) depending on my system timer. For exemple when pass 4 hours it changes automaticly from "inAvaluation" to "Closed" there should be a way to implemente this but i didnt find anything yet

CodeFirst - Update single property

We are using EF5, Code First approach to an MVC4 app that we're building. We are trying to update 1 property on an entity but keep getting errors. Here's what the class looks like which the context created:
public partial class Room
public Room()
this.Address = new HashSet<Address>();
public int RoomID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> AddressID { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> ProductVersionID { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string AltPhone { get; set; }
public string RoomName { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Comments { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Address> Address { get; set; }
Here's our ViewModel for the view:
public class RoomDetailsViewModel
//public int RoomID { get; set; }
public string RoomName { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public string AltPhone { get; set; }
public string Notes { get; set; }
public string StateCode { get; set; }
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public string ProductVersion { get; set; }
public int PVersionID { get; set; }
public List<SelectListItem> ProductVersions { get; set; }
public Room Room { get; set; }
Here's the Controller Action being called on "Save":
public virtual ActionResult UpdateRoom(RoomDetailsViewModel model)
var db = new DBContext();
bool b = ModelState.IsValid;
var rooms = db.Rooms;
var rm = rooms.Where(r => r.RoomID == model.Room.RoomID).Single();
//List<Address> address = db.Addresses.Where(a => a.AddressID == rm.AddressID).ToList<Address>();
rm.ProductVersionID = model.PVersionID;
//rm.Address = address;
db.Entry(rm).Property(r => r.ProductVersionID).IsModified = true;
//db.Entry(rm).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
return View("RoomSaved", model);
All this view does is display data and allow the user to change the Product Version (from a SelectList), so, in the Room Entity, all we are updating is the ProductVersionID property, nothing else. We can get the data to display properly but when we click "save", we get this error:
An object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Models.Address,
Web.Mobile.TestSite, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=null]]' cannot be set or removed from the Value
property of an EntityReference of type 'Models.Address'.
As you can see by the Controller Action, we've tried several different things but all seem to produce this error. I've tried to populate the model.Room.Address collection with an Address, without, but still get this error.
I read this StackOverflow article and this article as well but neither have solved my problem.
ANY help with this would be greatly appreciated!
After hours and hours of digging, turns out that EF did not import some of the PK's for my DB tables. What tipped me off to this was on the Room class, the PK RoomID did not have the [Key] attribute on it. I tried to reimport the table through the edmx but it never came through as a key (even though it's clearly marked PK in the DB). So, to get around it, I created a partial class of my DBContext and override the OnModelCreating event and included the key, like so:
public partial class DBContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Models.Room>().HasKey(r => r.RoomID);
Once this was done, the Action saved the record as hoped.
I hope this helps someone else!

Validation of elements in a collection of a WCF data contract

We have a WCF service that uses Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Validation and receives an object like so (simplified):
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList<Appointment> Appointments { get; set; }
The Appointment DataContract could look like:
public string Description { get; set; }
Now the problem is that the validation of the Name property seems to work, but the Description isn't validated. So you can't pass a request with an empty Name, but you can pass a request with a Name and a list of Appointments with empty Descriptions.
Is it normal that WCF doesn't validate the elements of a collection in a DataContract?
Well, we solved it by adding SelfValidation:
public class Client
public string Name { get; set; }
public IList<Appointment> Appointments { get; set; }
foreach (var appointment in Appointments)