cocos3d create mesh programmatically - mesh

I am struggling with creating mesh objects programmatically.
This is perfectly working:
CC3MeshNode *pMeshBox = [[CC3MeshNode alloc] init];
[pMeshBox populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize:CGSizeMake(3, 3) andTessellation:ccg(5, 0)]; // AsSphereWithRadius:1 andTessellation:ccg(5, 0)]; // edges, rounded-corners
[self addChild:pMeshBox];
[pMeshBox release];
But this does not show anything (I expect a flat square of height 0 which and spawns in x/z direction).
float fPolygonVertices[] = {
-3, 0, 3,
3, 0, 3,
3, 0, -3,
-3, 0, -3
CC3VertexLocations* pvlPolygon = [CC3VertexLocations vertexArrayWithName: #"PolygonVL"];
pvlPolygon.vertexCount = 4;
pvlPolygon.vertices = fPolygonVertices;
CC3VertexArrayMesh* pvamPolygon = [CC3VertexArrayMesh meshWithName:#"PolygonM"];
pvamPolygon.vertexLocations = pvlPolygon;
CC3MeshNode *pMeshNode = [[CC3MeshNode alloc] init];
pMeshNode.mesh = pvamPolygon;
ccColor3B color = { 50, 0, 200 };
pMeshNode.color = color;
[self addChild:pMeshNode];
[pMeshNode release];
I assume camera setting and everything else is correct as the scene shows the populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize created object...
I tried various color and material settings but without luck.

Try this:
GLuint totalVertexCount = 4;
GLuint triangleCount = 2;
CC3MeshNode *pMeshNode = [[CC3MeshNode alloc] init];
//[pMeshNode setPureColor:color];
//[pMeshNode setIsTouchEnabled:YES];
CC3VertexArrayMesh* theArrayMesh = [pMeshNode prepareParametricMesh];
// Prepare the vertex content and allocate space for vertices and indices.
[theArrayMesh ensureVertexContent];
theArrayMesh.allocatedVertexCapacity = totalVertexCount;
theArrayMesh.allocatedVertexIndexCapacity = (triangleCount * 3);
GLushort* indices = theArrayMesh.vertexIndices.vertices;
* 1-------0
* | /| -z
* | / | ⥣
* | / | =>+x
* | / |
* | / |
* | / |
* |/ |
* 2-------3
[theArrayMesh setVertexLocation: cc3v(3, 0, -3) at: 0];
[theArrayMesh setVertexLocation: cc3v(-3, 0, -3) at: 1];
[theArrayMesh setVertexLocation: cc3v(-3, 0, 3) at: 2];
[theArrayMesh setVertexLocation: cc3v(3, 0, 3) at: 3];
GLubyte indxIndx = 0;
GLubyte vtxIndx = 0;
for (int side = 0; side < 1; side++) {
// First trangle of side - CCW from bottom left
indices[indxIndx++] = vtxIndx++; // vertex 0
indices[indxIndx++] = vtxIndx++; // vertex 1
indices[indxIndx++] = vtxIndx; // vertex 2
// Second triangle of side - CCW from bottom left
indices[indxIndx++] = vtxIndx++; // vertex 2
indices[indxIndx++] = vtxIndx++; // vertex 3
indices[indxIndx++] = (vtxIndx - 4); // vertex 0
[self addChild:pMeshNode];


Convolution matrix sharpen filter

i trying to implement sharpen convolution matrix filter for image.For this i create matrix 3x3. Maybe i did something wrong with formula?Also i tried other sharpen matrix but it didnt help. Color value could be larger then 255 or smaller then zero so i decide to give some limits on this(0 255).Is it correct solution?
static const int filterSmallMatrixSize = 3;
static const int sharpMatrix[3][3] = {{-1, -1, -1},{-1, 9, -1},{-1, -1, -1}};
some define
#define Mask8(x) ( (x) & 0xFF )
#define R(x) ( Mask8(x) )
#define G(x) ( Mask8(x >> 8 ) )
#define B(x) ( Mask8(x >> 16) )
#define A(x) ( Mask8(x >> 24) )
#define RGBAMake(r, g, b, a) ( Mask8(r) | Mask8(g) << 8 | Mask8(b) << 16 | Mask8(a) << 24 )
and algorithm
- (UIImage *)processSharpFilterUsingPixels:(UIImage *)inputImage
UInt32 *inputPixels;
CGImageRef inputCGImage = [inputImage CGImage];
NSUInteger inputWidth = CGImageGetWidth(inputCGImage);
NSUInteger inputHeight = CGImageGetHeight(inputCGImage);
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
NSUInteger bytesPerPixel = 4;
NSUInteger bitsPerComponent = 8;
NSUInteger inputBytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * inputWidth;
inputPixels = (UInt32 *)calloc(inputHeight * inputWidth, sizeof(UInt32));
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(inputPixels, inputWidth, inputHeight,
bitsPerComponent, inputBytesPerRow, colorSpace,
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big);
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, inputWidth, inputHeight), inputCGImage);
for (NSUInteger j = 1; j < inputHeight - 1; j++)
for (NSUInteger i = 1; i < inputWidth - 1; i++)
Float32 newRedColor = 0;
Float32 newGreenColor = 0;
Float32 newBlueColor = 0;
Float32 newA = 0;
for (int filterMatrixI = 0 ; filterMatrixI < filterSmallMatrixSize ; filterMatrixI ++)
for (int filterMatrixJ = 0; filterMatrixJ < filterSmallMatrixSize; filterMatrixJ ++)
UInt32 * currentPixel = inputPixels + ((j + filterMatrixJ - 1) * inputWidth) + i + filterMatrixI - 1;
int color = *currentPixel;
newRedColor += (R(color) * sharpMatrix[filterMatrixI][filterMatrixJ]);
newGreenColor += (G(color) * sharpMatrix[filterMatrixI][filterMatrixJ]);
newBlueColor += (B(color)* sharpMatrix[filterMatrixI][filterMatrixJ]);
newA += (A(color) * sharpMatrix[filterMatrixI][filterMatrixJ]);
int r = MAX( MIN((int)newRedColor,255), 0);
int g = MAX( MIN((int)newGreenColor,255), 0);
int b = MAX( MIN((int)newBlueColor,255), 0);
int a = MAX( MIN((int)newA,255), 0);
UInt32 *currentMainImagePixel = inputPixels + (j * inputWidth) + i;
*currentMainImagePixel = RGBAMake(r,g,b,a);
CGImageRef newCGImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
UIImage * processedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:newCGImage];
return processedImage;
As result i have this
Consider these are pixels in the middle of image:
Since you are updating image in place, this is how it looks somewhere in the middle of sharpen cycle:
Where u stands for updated pixel, c for current. So his new color depends on color of surround pixels, half of which are from already sharpened image, half from origin. To fix it we need a copy of original image's pixels:
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, inputWidth, inputHeight), inputCGImage);
UInt32 *origPixels = calloc(inputHeight * inputWidth, sizeof(UInt32));
memcpy(origPixels, inputPixels, inputHeight * inputWidth * sizeof(UInt32));
for (NSUInteger j = 1; j < inputHeight - 1; j++) {
And now we only need to change one line to get our current pixels from original image
//changed inputPixels -> origPixels
UInt32 * currentPixel = origPixels + ((j + filterMatrixJ - 1) * inputWidth) + i + filterMatrixI - 1;
Here are some examples of how it works compared to not updated filter (link is dropbox, sorry about that). I've tried different matrices, and as for me the best was somewhere around
const float sharpMatrix[3][3] = {{-0.3, -0.3, -0.3},{-0.3, 3.4, -0.3},{-0.3, -0.3, -0.3}}
Also, I need to notice that this way of keeping original image is not optimal. My fix basically doubles amount of memory consumed. It could be easily done via holding only two lines of pixels, and I'm sure there are even better ways.

OpenGL VBO Sphere Texture loading not working

I need to draw and texture a sphere. The project I am working on will involve a considerable amount of graphics which led me down the route of using VBO's.
I'm currently experiencing trouble trying to texture the sphere and all attempts have led me to a solid shaded sphere each time - with no visible texture. I am most likely doing something silly - but after many attempts, I am no further into understanding whether the problem is because of the texture loading, bad U/V Texture coordinates or using the wrong shaders..
Below is a copy of all of the source code.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Andy Ward. All rights reserved.
#import "SphereRenderer.h"
#import "shaderUtil.h"
#import "fileUtil.h"
#import "debug.h"
//#import <GLKit/GLKit.h>
// Shaders
enum {
enum {
enum {
typedef struct {
char *vert, *frag;
GLint uniform[NUM_UNIFORMS];
GLuint id;
} programInfo_t;
programInfo_t program[NUM_PROGRAMS] = {
{ "lighting.vsh", "color.fsh" }, // PROGRAM_LIGHTING
{ "color.vsh", "color.fsh" }, // PROGRAM_PASSTHRU
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
float z;
float nx;
float ny;
float nz;
float u;
float v;
float r;
float g;
float b;
float a;
GLbyte padding[16];
} Vertex;
static float lightDir[3] = { 0.8, 4.0, 1.0 };
static float ambient[4] = { 0.35, 0.35, 0.35, 0.35 };
static float diffuse[4] = { 1.0-0.35, 1.0-0.35, 1.0-0.35, 1.0 };
static float specular[4] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 };
static float shininess = 8;
#implementation SphereRenderer
- (id)init
if (self = [super init])
angleDelta = -0.05f;
scaleFactor = 7; //max = 1025
r = 350; //scaleFactor * 48.0f;
//maxValue = 1025 * 48.0f;
xVelocity = 1.5f;
yVelocity = 0.0f;
xPos = r*2.0f;
yPos = r*3.0f;
// normalize light dir
lightDirNormalized = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3MakeWithArray(lightDir));
projectionMatrix = GLKMatrix4Identity;
[self LoadTexture];
[self generateSphereData];
[self setupShaders];
return self;
- (void)makeOrthographicForWidth:(CGFloat)width height:(CGFloat)height
projectionMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakeOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -50000.0f, 2000.0f);
#define PI 3.141592654
#define TWOPI 6.283185308
int x;
int index = 0;
float v1x, v1y, v1z;
float v2x, v2y, v2z;
float d;
int theta, phi;
float theta0, theta1;
float phi0, phi1;
Vertex quad[4];
Vertex *sphereData = malloc( 128 * 256* 6 * sizeof( Vertex ) );
float delta = M_PI / 128;
// 32 vertical segments
for(theta = 0; theta < 128; theta++)
theta0 = theta*delta;
theta1 = (theta+1)*delta;
// 64 horizontal segments
for(phi = 0; phi < 256; phi++)
phi0 = phi*delta;
phi1 = (phi+1)*delta;
// Generate 4 points per quad
quad[0].x = r * sin(theta0) * cos(phi0);
quad[0].y = r * cos(theta0);
quad[0].z = r * sin(theta0) * sin(phi0);
quad[0].u = (float)theta / (float)128;
quad[0].v = (float)phi / (float)256;
quad[1].x = r * sin(theta0) * cos(phi1);
quad[1].y = r * cos(theta0);
quad[1].z = r * sin(theta0) * sin(phi1);
quad[1].u = (float)theta / (float)128;
quad[1].v = (float)(phi + 1) / (float)256;
quad[2].x = r * sin(theta1) * cos(phi1);
quad[2].y = r * cos(theta1);
quad[2].z = r * sin(theta1) * sin(phi1);
quad[2].u = (float)(theta + 1)/ (float)128;
quad[2].v = (float)(phi + 1) / (float)256;
quad[3].x = r * sin(theta1) * cos(phi0);
quad[3].y = r * cos(theta1);
quad[3].z = r * sin(theta1) * sin(phi0);
quad[3].u = (float)(theta + 1) / (float)128;
quad[3].v = (float)phi / (float)256;
// Generate the normal
if(theta >= 4)
v1x = quad[1].x - quad[0].x;
v1y = quad[1].y - quad[0].y;
v1z = quad[1].z - quad[0].z;
v2x = quad[3].x - quad[0].x;
v2y = quad[3].y - quad[0].y;
v2z = quad[3].z - quad[0].z;
v1x = quad[0].x - quad[3].x;
v1y = quad[0].y - quad[3].y;
v1z = quad[0].z - quad[3].z;
v2x = quad[2].x - quad[3].x;
v2y = quad[2].y - quad[3].y;
v2z = quad[2].z - quad[3].z;
quad[0].nx = ( v1y * v2z ) - ( v2y * v1z );
quad[0].ny = ( v1z * v2x ) - ( v2z * v1x );
quad[0].nz = ( v1x * v2y ) - ( v2x * v1y );
d = 1.0f/sqrt(quad[0].nx*quad[0].nx +
quad[0].ny*quad[0].ny +
quad[0].nx *= d;
quad[0].ny *= d;
quad[0].nz *= d;
// Generate the color - This was for testing until I have the textures loading...
if((theta ^ phi) & 1)
quad[0].r = 0.0f;
quad[0].g = 0.0f;
quad[0].b = 0.0f;
quad[0].a = 0.0f;
quad[0].r = 0.0f;
quad[0].g = 0.0f;
quad[0].b = 0.0f;
quad[0].a = 0.0f;
// Replicate vertex info.
for(x = 1; x < 4; x++)
quad[x].nx = quad[0].nx;
quad[x].ny = quad[0].ny;
quad[x].nz = quad[0].nz;
quad[x].r = quad[0].r;
quad[x].g = quad[0].g;
quad[x].b = quad[0].b;
quad[x].a = quad[0].a;
// Store the vertices in two triangles. We are drawing everything as triangles.
sphereData[index++] = quad[0];
sphereData[index++] = quad[1];
sphereData[index++] = quad[2];
sphereData[index++] = quad[0];
sphereData[index++] = quad[3];
sphereData[index++] = quad[2];
// Create the VAO
glGenVertexArrays(1, &vaoId);
// Create a VBO buffer
glGenBuffers(1, &vboId);
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vboId);
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 128 * 256 * 6 * sizeof(Vertex), NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, 128 * 256 * 6 * sizeof(Vertex), sphereData);
// set the colors - left as it's great for debugging
glVertexAttribPointer(ATTRIB_COLOR, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_TRUE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLubyte *)(uintptr_t)offsetof(Vertex,r));
// set the normals
glVertexAttribPointer(ATTRIB_NORMAL, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLubyte *)(uintptr_t)offsetof(Vertex,nx));
// set the texture
glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLubyte *)(uintptr_t)offsetof(Vertex,u));
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// set the positions
glVertexAttribPointer(ATTRIB_VERTEX, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Vertex), (GLubyte *)(uintptr_t)offsetof(Vertex,x));
//We need to free as we used malloc
NSURL *url = nil;
CGImageSourceRef src;
CGImageRef image;
CGContextRef context = nil;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
GLubyte *data;
GLsizei width, height;
// NSImage* image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"World-satellite-map.png"];
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier: #"Award.WeatherEye3D"];
NSString *bundleRoot = [bundle pathForImageResource:#"World-satellite-map.png"];
url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: bundleRoot];
src = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((CFURLRef)url, NULL);
if (!src) {
NSLog(#"No image");
// free(data);
image = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(src, 0, NULL);
width = CGImageGetWidth(image);
height = CGImageGetHeight(image);
data = (GLubyte*) calloc(width * height * 4, sizeof(GLubyte));
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
context = CGBitmapContextCreate(data, width, height, 8, 4 * width, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host);
// Core Graphics referential is upside-down compared to OpenGL referential
// Flip the Core Graphics context here
// An alternative is to use flipped OpenGL texture coordinates when drawing textures
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0.0, height);
CGContextScaleCTM(context, 1.0, -1.0);
// Set the blend mode to copy before drawing since the previous contents of memory aren't used. This avoids unnecessary blending.
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeCopy);
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), image);
glGenTextures(1, &texture);
glGenBuffers(1, &pboId);
// Bind the texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Bind the PBO
glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, pboId);
// Upload the texture data to the PBO
glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, width * height * 4 * sizeof(GLubyte), data, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
// Setup texture parameters
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
// OpenGL likes the GL_BGRA + GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV combination
// Use offset instead of pointer to indictate that we want to use data copied from a PBO
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0,
// We can delete the application copy of the texture data now
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);
- (void)setupShaders
//This code has been lifted from an example.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PROGRAMS; i++)
char *vsrc = readFile(pathForResource(program[i].vert));
char *fsrc = readFile(pathForResource(program[i].frag));
GLsizei attribCt = 0;
GLchar *attribUsed[NUM_ATTRIBS];
GLint attrib[NUM_ATTRIBS];
GLchar *attribName[NUM_ATTRIBS] = {
"inVertex", "inColor", "inNormal",
const GLchar *uniformName[NUM_UNIFORMS] = {
"MVP", "ModelView", "ModelViewIT", "lightDir", "ambient", "diffuse", "specular", "shininess", "constantColor",
// auto-assign known attribs
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_ATTRIBS; j++)
if (strstr(vsrc, attribName[j]))
attrib[attribCt] = j;
attribUsed[attribCt++] = attribName[j];
glueCreateProgram(vsrc, fsrc,
attribCt, (const GLchar **)&attribUsed[0], attrib,
NUM_UNIFORMS, &uniformName[0], program[i].uniform,
// set constant uniforms
// Set up lighting stuff used by the shaders
glUniform3fv(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_LIGHTDIR], 1, lightDirNormalized.v);
glUniform4fv(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_AMBIENT], 1, ambient);
glUniform4fv(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_DIFFUSE], 1, diffuse);
glUniform4fv(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_SPECULAR], 1, specular);
glUniform1f(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_SHININESS], shininess);
else if (i == PROGRAM_PASSTHRU)
glUniform4f(program[i].uniform[UNIFORM_CONSTANT_COLOR], 0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,0.4f);
- (void)update
yPos = 400;
xPos = 375;
- (void)render
GLKMatrix4 modelViewMatrix, MVPMatrix, modelViewMatrixIT;
GLKMatrix3 normalMatrix;
// glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE, texture);
// Draw "shadow"
/* glUseProgram(program[PROGRAM_PASSTHRU].id);
/*// Make the "shadow" move around a bit. This is not a real shadow projection.
GLKVector3 pos = GLKVector3Normalize(GLKVector3Make(xPos, yPos, -100.0f));
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakeTranslation(xPos + (pos.v[0]-lightDirNormalized.v[0])*20.0,
yPos + (pos.v[1]-lightDirNormalized.v[1])*10.0,
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Rotate(modelViewMatrix, -16.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Rotate(modelViewMatrix, angle, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Scale(modelViewMatrix, 1.05f, 1.05f, 1.05f);
MVPMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(projectionMatrix, modelViewMatrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(program[PROGRAM_PASSTHRU].uniform[UNIFORM_MVP], 1, GL_FALSE, MVPMatrix.m);
//Draw the shadow arrays
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 32*64*6);
// Draw Sphere
// ModelView
modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4MakeTranslation(xPos, yPos, -200.0f); // was -100
//modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Rotate(modelViewMatrix, -0.01f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.01f);
// modelViewMatrix = GLKMatrix4Rotate(modelViewMatrix, angle, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
glUniformMatrix4fv(program[PROGRAM_LIGHTING].uniform[UNIFORM_MODELVIEW], 1, GL_FALSE, modelViewMatrix.m);
// MVP
MVPMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(projectionMatrix, modelViewMatrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(program[PROGRAM_LIGHTING].uniform[UNIFORM_MVP], 1, GL_FALSE, MVPMatrix.m);
// ModelViewIT (normal matrix)
bool success;
modelViewMatrixIT = GLKMatrix4InvertAndTranspose(modelViewMatrix, &success);
if (success) {
normalMatrix = GLKMatrix4GetMatrix3(modelViewMatrixIT);
glUniformMatrix3fv(program[PROGRAM_LIGHTING].uniform[UNIFORM_MODELVIEWIT], 1, GL_FALSE, normalMatrix.m);
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 128*256*6 ); // Value needs changing for number of triangles...
- (void)dealloc
if (vboId) {
glDeleteBuffers(1, &vboId);
vboId = 0;
if (vaoId) {
glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &vaoId);
vaoId = 0;
if (vertexShader) {
vertexShader = 0;
if (fragmentShader) {
fragmentShader = 0;
if (shaderProgram) {
shaderProgram = 0;
[super dealloc];
Lighting.vsh : -
#version 150
in vec4 inVertex, inColor;
in vec3 inNormal;
out vec4 color;
uniform mat4 MVP, ModelView;
uniform mat3 ModelViewIT;
uniform vec3 lightDir;
uniform vec4 ambient, diffuse, specular;
uniform float shininess;
void main()
// transform position to clip space
gl_Position = MVP * inVertex;
// transform position to eye space
vec3 eyePosition = vec3(ModelView * inVertex);
// transform normal to eye space (normalization skipped here: inNormal already normalized, matrix not scaled)
vec3 eyeNormal = ModelViewIT * inNormal;
// directional light ambient and diffuse contribution (lightDir alreay normalized)
float NdotL = max(dot(eyeNormal, lightDir), 0.0);
vec4 lightColor = ambient + diffuse * NdotL;
if (NdotL > 0.0)
// half angle
vec3 H = normalize(lightDir - normalize(eyePosition));
// specular contribution
float NdotH = max(dot(eyeNormal, H), 0.0);
lightColor += specular * pow(NdotH, shininess);
// apply directional light color and saturate result
// to match fixed function behavior
color = min(inColor * lightColor, 1.0);
color.vsh : -
#version 150
in vec4 inVertex;
out vec4 color;
uniform mat4 MVP;
uniform vec4 constantColor;
void main()
gl_Position = MVP * inVertex;
color = constantColor;
Color.fsh: -
#version 150
in vec4 color;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main()
fragColor = color;
For texture loading I always double check the modes I'm using.
For your shaders I would check the #version of vertex and fragment shaders and make sure it plays nicely with whatever version of OpenGL you have installed or whatever your video card supports. I used to do a lot with JOGL and whenever I used #version 330 instead of #version 400 it was because my video card wasn't one of the newest models at the time and didn't support any shader beyond 330. There is actually quite some difference between versions 150 and 400 so if you are doing anything more advanced in your GL code than what your shaders can support, your textures won't load. (i.e. there was a major change in OpenGL around there where it was no longer fixed function pipeline, it was then all programmable pipeline and therefore you had much more control at the cost of having to do more write your own VBO, heh)
There are also certain functions in GLSL that are different from version to version and when you are going that far back to 150, many of the newer ones won't be recognized.
Here is a good reference for shader language and what versions of OpenGL they are compatible with I know it's just wiki, but all the version mappings on there look correct.
Also, I always had to check the direction of my normals. If they are upside down or in the opposite direction they're supposed to be (like pointing inward instead of outward) then your lighting and textures also won't work.
Here's an example of a shader I wrote a while back before I started using the newer shader versions:
#version 130
in vec4 vPosition;
in vec4 vColor;
in vec3 vNormal;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec4 color;
out vec3 E,L,N;
out vec2 texCoord;
uniform vec4 LightPosition;
uniform vec4 Projection, Model, View;
void main() {
vec3 pos = (Model * vPosition).xyz;
E = normalize((View * vec4(0,0,0,1)).xyz-pos);
//camera eye
L = normalize( - pos);
N = normalize(Model * vec4(vNormal, 0.0)).xyz; //set normal vector
gl_Position = Projection * View * Model * vPosition; //view mode: Projection
texCoord = vTextCoord; //output vector of texture coordinates
color = vColor; //output vector that tells you the color of each vertex
#version 130
in vec4 color;
in vec2 texCoord;
in vec3 N,L,E;
out vec4 fColor;
uniform sampler2D texture;
uniform vec4 GlobalAmbient, AmbientProduct, DiffuseProduct, SpecularProduct;
uniform vec3 LightDirection;
uniform float Shininess, CutoffAngle, LightIntensity;
void main() {
vec3 D, H;
//process the spotlight
D = normalize(LightDirection);
H = normalize(L+E); //normalize the sum of the Light and Camera (Eye) vectors
vec4 ambient = vec4(0,0,0,0);
vec4 diffuse = vec4(0,0,0,1);
vec4 specular = vec4(0,0,0,1);
vec4 color = vec4(0,0,0,0);
//spot coefficient
float Kc = LightIntensity * max(dot(D,-L)-CutoffAngle,0.0);
//ambient coefficient
ambient = (Kc*AmbientProduct) + ambient + GlobalAmbient;
//diffuse coefficient
float Kd = max(dot(L,N), 0.0);
//diffuse component
diffuse = Kc * Kd * DiffuseProduct + diffuse;
//specular coefficient
float Ks = pow(max(dot(E,H), 0.0), Shininess);
//specular component
if(dot(L,N) >= 0.0) {
specular = Kc * Ks * SpecularProduct + specular;
fColor = (color + ambient + diffuse + specular) * texture2D(texture, texCoord);
fColor.a = 1.0; //fully opaque
I'll take a look at this some more when I get home because I love graphics. Now again, this shader code talks to Java code (using JOGL libs) so it will be done differently in Objective C, but the ideas are all the same.
Also check the order of your gl function calls - that can make a difference in many cases.
In ObjC I'd imagine you'd hand over your pixel data like this:
- (GLuint)setupTexture:(NSString *)fileName {
CGImageRef spriteImage = [UIImage imageNamed:fileName].CGImage;
if (!spriteImage) {
NSLog(#"Failed to load image %#", fileName);
size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(spriteImage);
size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(spriteImage);
GLubyte * spriteData = (GLubyte *) calloc(width*height*4, sizeof(GLubyte));
CGContextRef spriteContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(spriteData, width, height, 8, width*4,
CGImageGetColorSpace(spriteImage), kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast);
CGContextDrawImage(spriteContext, CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height), spriteImage);
GLuint texName;
glGenTextures(1, &texName);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texName);
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, spriteData);
return texName;

Highlight highscore using draw function

I've implemented a highscore layer and now I want to highlight a new entry in the highscore. This is my current draw function but it doesn't work and gives this error multiple times:
OpenGL error 0x0501 in -[CCSprite draw] 530
Draw function:
- (void)draw {
[super draw];
if(currentScorePosition < 0) return;
ccDrawColor4F(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.2f);
float w = 320.0f;
float h = 27.0f;
float x = (320.0f - w) / 2.0f;
float y = 359.0f - currentScorePosition * h;
GLfloat vertices[4][2];
GLubyte indices[4] = { 0, 1, 3, 2 };
vertices[0][0] = x; vertices[0][1] = y;
vertices[1][0] = x+w; vertices[1][1] = y;
vertices[2][0] = x+w; vertices[2][1] = y+h;
vertices[3][0] = x; vertices[3][1] = y+h;
ccGLEnableVertexAttribs( kCCVertexAttribFlag_Position );
glVertexAttribPointer( currentScorePosition, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, vertices, 0 );
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, indices);
ccDrawColor4F(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
Instead of manual openGL call to draw primitive, use Cocos2d calls.
void ccDrawSolidPoly( const CGPoint *poli, NSUInteger numberOfPoints, ccColor4F color );
For example, Here is my custom draw:
-(void) draw {
CGPoint vertices[16];
vertices[0] = ccp(0,radius);
vertices[1] = ccp(0,radius*(1-kappa));
vertices[2] = ccp(radius*(1-kappa),0);
vertices[3] = ccp(radius,0);
vertices[4] = ccp(size.width-radius,0);
vertices[5] = ccp(size.width-radius*(1-kappa),0);
vertices[6] = ccp(size.width,radius*(1-kappa));
vertices[7] = ccp(size.width,radius);
vertices[8] = ccp(size.width,size.height - radius);
vertices[9] = ccp(size.width,size.height - radius*(1-kappa));
vertices[10] = ccp(size.width-radius*(1-kappa),size.height);
vertices[11] = ccp(size.width-radius,size.height);
vertices[12] = ccp(radius,size.height);
vertices[13] = ccp(radius*(1-kappa),size.height);
vertices[14] = ccp(0,size.height-radius*(1-kappa));
vertices[15] = ccp(0,size.height-radius);
CGPoint polyVertices[4*cornerSegments+1];
appendCubicBezier(0*cornerSegments,polyVertices,vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2], vertices[3], cornerSegments);
appendCubicBezier(1*cornerSegments,polyVertices,vertices[4], vertices[5], vertices[6], vertices[7], cornerSegments);
appendCubicBezier(2*cornerSegments,polyVertices,vertices[8], vertices[9], vertices[10], vertices[11], cornerSegments);
appendCubicBezier(3*cornerSegments,polyVertices,vertices[12], vertices[13], vertices[14], vertices[15], cornerSegments);
polyVertices[4*cornerSegments] = vertices[0];
CCNode *node=[self getChildByTag:13435];
CCDrawNode *draw = [[[CCDrawNode alloc] init] autorelease];
[draw drawPolyWithVerts:polyVertices count:4*cornerSegments fillColor:ccc4f(fillColor.r, fillColor.g, fillColor.b, fillColor.a) borderWidth:2.0 borderColor:ccc4f(1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8)];
[self addChild:draw z:0 tag:13435];

Reading PVRTC image color information for each pixel

How do I read the image color information for each pixel of PVRTC image?
Here is my code extracting the integer arrays
NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSMutableArray *_imageData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
BOOL success = FALSE;
PVRTexHeader *header = NULL;
uint32_t flags, pvrTag;
uint32_t dataLength = 0, dataOffset = 0, dataSize = 0;
uint32_t blockSize = 0, widthBlocks = 0, heightBlocks = 0;
uint32_t width = 0, height = 0, bpp = 4;
uint8_t *bytes = NULL;
uint32_t formatFlags;
header = (PVRTexHeader *)[data bytes];
pvrTag = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->pvrTag);
if (gPVRTexIdentifier[0] != ((pvrTag >> 0) & 0xff) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[1] != ((pvrTag >> 8) & 0xff) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[2] != ((pvrTag >> 16) & 0xff) ||
gPVRTexIdentifier[3] != ((pvrTag >> 24) & 0xff))
return FALSE;
flags = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->flags);
formatFlags = flags & PVR_TEXTURE_FLAG_TYPE_MASK;
if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4 || formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
[_imageData removeAllObjects];
if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4)
else if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_2)
_width = width = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->width);
_height = height = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->height);
if (CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->bitmaskAlpha))
_hasAlpha = TRUE;
_hasAlpha = FALSE;
dataLength = CFSwapInt32LittleToHost(header->dataLength);
bytes = ((uint8_t *)[data bytes]) + sizeof(PVRTexHeader);
// Calculate the data size for each texture level and respect the minimum number of blocks
while (dataOffset < dataLength)
if (formatFlags == kPVRTextureFlagTypePVRTC_4)
blockSize = 4 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 4bpp
widthBlocks = width / 4;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
bpp = 4;
blockSize = 8 * 4; // Pixel by pixel block size for 2bpp
widthBlocks = width / 8;
heightBlocks = height / 4;
bpp = 2;
// Clamp to minimum number of blocks
if (widthBlocks < 2)
widthBlocks = 2;
if (heightBlocks < 2)
heightBlocks = 2;
dataSize = widthBlocks * heightBlocks * ((blockSize * bpp) / 8);
[_imageData addObject:[NSData dataWithBytes:bytes+dataOffset length:dataSize]];
for (int i=0; i < mipmapCount; i++)
NSLog(#"width:%d, height:%d",width,height);
data = [[NSData alloc] initWithData:[_imageData objectAtIndex:i]];
NSLog(#"data length:%d",[data length]);
//extracted 20 sample data, but all u could see are large integer number
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++){
PVRTC is a 4x4 (or 8x4) texel, block-based compression system that takes into account surrounding blocks to represent two low frequency images with which higher frequency modulation data is combined in order to produce the actual texel output. A better explanation is available here:
So the values you're extracting are actually parts of the encoded blocks and these need to be decoded correctly in order to get sensible values.
There are two ways to get to the colour information: decode/decompress the PVR texture information using a software decompressor or render the texture using a POWERVR graphics core and then read the result back. I'll only discuss the first option here.
It's rather tricky to assemble a decompressor from only the information there, but fortunately there's C++ decompression source code in the POWERVR SDK which you can get here - download one of the iPhone SDKs for instance:
It's in the Tools/PVRTDecompress.cpp file.
Hope that helps.

How to get the on-screen location of an NSStatusItem

I have a question about the NSStatusItem for cocoa in mac osx. If you look at the mac app called snippets (see the movie at you will see that once you clicked your statusbar icon that a perfectly aligned view / panel or maybe even windows appears just below the icon.
My question is ... How to calculate the position to where to place your NSWindow just like this app does?
I have tried the following:
Subclass NSMenu
Set the view popery for the first item of the menu (Worked but enough)
Using addSubview instead of icon to NSStatusItem this worked but could not get higher then 20px
Give the NSStatusItem a view, then get the frame of that view's window. This technically counts as UndocumentedGoodness, so don't be surprised if it breaks someday (e.g., if they start keeping the window offscreen instead).
I don't know what you mean by “could not get heigher then 20px”.
To do this without the hassle of a custom view, I tried the following (that works). In the method that is set as the action for the status item i.e. the method that is called when the user clicks the status item, the frame of the status item can be retrieved by:
[[[NSApp currentEvent] window] frame]
Works a treat for me
Given an NSMenuItem and an NSWindow, you can get the point that centers your window right below the menu item like this:
fileprivate var centerBelowMenuItem: CGPoint {
guard let window = window, let barButton = statusItem.button else { return .zero }
let rectInWindow = barButton.convert(barButton.bounds, to: nil)
let screenRect = barButton.window?.convertToScreen(rectInWindow) ?? .zero
// We now have the menu item rect on the screen.
// Let's do some basic math to center our window to this point.
let centerX = screenRect.origin.x-(window.frame.size.width-barButton.bounds.width)/2
return CGPoint(x: centerX, y: screenRect.origin.y)
No need for undocumented API's.
Maybe another solution which works for me (swift 4.1) :
let yourStatusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
let frameOrigin = yourStatusItem.button?.window?.frame.origin
let yourPoint = CGPoint(x: (frameOrigin?.x)!, y: (frameOrigin?.y)! - 22)
It seems that this app uses Matt's MAAttachedWindow. There's an sample application with the same layout & position.
NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS, at least not for the purpose of locating an NSStatusItem.
Back when I posted this, this crazy image matching technique was the only way to solve this problem without undocumented API. Now, you should use Oskar's solution.
If you're willing to use image analysis to find the status item on a menu bar, here's a category for NSScreen which does exactly that.
It might seem crazy to do it this way, but it's fast, relatively small, and it's the only way of finding a status item without undocumented API.
If you pass in the current image for the status item, this method should find it.
#implementation NSScreen (LTStatusItemLocator)
// Find the location of IMG on the screen's status bar.
// If the image is not found, returns NSZeroPoint
- (NSPoint)originOfStatusItemWithImage:(NSImage *)IMG
CGColorSpaceRef csK = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
NSPoint ret = NSZeroPoint;
CGDirectDisplayID screenID = 0;
CGImageRef displayImg = NULL;
CGImageRef compareImg = NULL;
CGRect screenRect = CGRectZero;
CGRect barRect = CGRectZero;
uint8_t *bm_bar = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_bar_ptr;
uint8_t *bm_compare = NULL;
uint8_t *bm_compare_ptr;
size_t bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h;
BOOL inverted = NO;
int numberOfScanLines = 0;
CGFloat *meanValues = NULL;
int presumptiveMatchIdx = -1;
CGFloat presumptiveMatchMeanVal = 999;
// If the computer is set to Dark Mode, set the "inverted" flag
NSDictionary *globalPrefs = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] persistentDomainForName:NSGlobalDomain];
id style = globalPrefs[#"AppleInterfaceStyle"];
if ([style isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
inverted = (NSOrderedSame == [style caseInsensitiveCompare:#"dark"]);
screenID = (CGDirectDisplayID)[self.deviceDescription[#"NSScreenNumber"] integerValue];
screenRect = CGDisplayBounds(screenID);
// Get the menubar rect
barRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, screenRect.size.width, 22);
displayImg = CGDisplayCreateImageForRect(screenID, barRect);
if (!displayImg) {
NSLog(#"Unable to create image from display");
return ret; // I would normally use goto(bail) here, but this is public code so let's not ruffle any feathers
size_t bar_w = CGImageGetWidth(displayImg);
size_t bar_h = CGImageGetHeight(displayImg);
// Determine scale factor based on the CGImageRef we got back from the display
CGFloat scaleFactor = (CGFloat)bar_h / (CGFloat)22;
// Greyscale bitmap for menu bar
bm_bar = malloc(1 * bar_w * bar_h);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_bar, bar_w, bar_h, 8, 1 * bar_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
// Draw the menu bar in grey
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0, 0, bar_w, bar_h), displayImg);
uint8_t minVal = 0xff;
uint8_t maxVal = 0x00;
// Walk the bitmap
uint64_t running = 0;
for (int yi = bar_h / 2; yi == bar_h / 2; yi++)
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar + (bar_w * yi);
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
uint8_t v = *bm_bar_ptr++;
if (v < minVal) minVal = v;
if (v > maxVal) maxVal = v;
running += v;
running /= bar_w;
uint8_t threshold = minVal + ((maxVal - minVal) / 2);
//threshold = running;
// Walk the bitmap
bm_bar_ptr = bm_bar;
for (int yi = 0; yi < bar_h; yi++)
for (int xi = 0; xi < bar_w; xi++)
// Threshold all the pixels. Values > 50% go white, values <= 50% go black
// (opposite if Dark Mode)
// Could unroll this loop as an optimization, but probably not worthwhile
*bm_bar_ptr = (*bm_bar_ptr > threshold) ? (inverted?0x00:0xff) : (inverted?0xff:0x00);
displayImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
CGContextRef bmCxt = NULL;
CGImageRef img_cg = NULL;
bm_compare_w = scaleFactor * IMG.size.width;
bm_compare_h = scaleFactor * 22;
// Create out comparison bitmap - the image that was passed in
bmCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(bmCxt, kCGBlendModeNormal);
NSRect imgRect_og = NSMakeRect(0,0,IMG.size.width,IMG.size.height);
NSRect imgRect = imgRect_og;
img_cg = [IMG CGImageForProposedRect:&imgRect context:nil hints:nil];
CGContextClearRect(bmCxt, imgRect);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor whiteColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(bmCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,9999,9999));
CGContextScaleCTM(bmCxt, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
CGContextTranslateCTM(bmCxt, 0, (22. - IMG.size.height) / 2.);
// Draw the image in grey
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(bmCxt, [NSColor blackColor].CGColor);
CGContextDrawImage(bmCxt, imgRect, img_cg);
compareImg = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(bmCxt);
// We start at the right of the menu bar, and scan left until we find a good match
int numberOfScanLines = barRect.size.width - IMG.size.width;
bm_compare = malloc(1 * bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h);
// We use the meanValues buffer to keep track of how well the image matched for each point in the scan
meanValues = calloc(sizeof(CGFloat), numberOfScanLines);
// Walk the menubar image from right to left, pixel by pixel
for (int scanx = 0; scanx < numberOfScanLines; scanx++)
// Optimization, if we recently found a really good match, bail on the loop and return it
if ((presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) && (scanx > (presumptiveMatchIdx + 5))) {
CGFloat xOffset = numberOfScanLines - scanx;
CGRect displayRect = CGRectMake(xOffset * scaleFactor, 0, IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor);
CGImageRef displayCrop = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(displayImg, displayRect);
CGContextRef compareCxt = CGBitmapContextCreate(bm_compare, bm_compare_w, bm_compare_h, 8, 1 * bm_compare_w, csK, kCGBitmapAlphaInfoMask&kCGImageAlphaNone);
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeCopy);
// Draw the image from our menubar
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), displayCrop);
// Blend mode difference is like an XOR
CGContextSetBlendMode(compareCxt, kCGBlendModeDifference);
// Draw the test image. Because of blend mode, if we end up with a black image we matched perfectly
CGContextDrawImage(compareCxt, CGRectMake(0,0,IMG.size.width * scaleFactor, 22. * scaleFactor), compareImg);
// Walk through the result image, to determine overall blackness
bm_compare_ptr = bm_compare;
for (int i = 0; i < bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h; i++)
meanValues[scanx] += (CGFloat)(*bm_compare_ptr);
meanValues[scanx] /= (255. * (CGFloat)(bm_compare_w * bm_compare_h));
// If the image is very dark, it matched well. If the average pixel value is < 0.07, we consider this
// a presumptive match. Mark it as such, but continue looking to see if there's an even better match.
if (meanValues[scanx] < 0.07) {
if (meanValues[scanx] < presumptiveMatchMeanVal) {
presumptiveMatchMeanVal = meanValues[scanx];
presumptiveMatchIdx = scanx;
// After we're done scanning the whole menubar (or we bailed because we found a good match),
// return the origin point.
// If we didn't match well enough, return NSZeroPoint
if (presumptiveMatchIdx >= 0) {
ret = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMaxX(self.frame), CGRectGetMaxY(self.frame));
ret.x -= (IMG.size.width + presumptiveMatchIdx);
ret.y -= 22;
if (bm_bar) free(bm_bar);
if (bm_compare) free(bm_compare);
if (meanValues) free(meanValues);
return ret;
From the Apple NSStatusItem Class Reference:
Setting a custom view overrides all the other appearance and behavior settings defined by NSStatusItem. The custom view is responsible for drawing itself and providing its own behaviors, such as processing mouse clicks and sending action messages.