Group By Questions - sql

Here is a table of profile answers:
profile_id | answer_id
1 1
1 4
1 10
Here is a table which contains a list of responses by poll respondents:
user_id | answer_id
1 1
1 9
2 1
2 4
2 10
3 14
3 29
I want to return a list of users whose answer was in (6,9) but also in(1,10), basically all of the answers that match profile 1.
How can I write this select query?
I tried the following, but apparently I don't quite understand how group by works:
FROM [user_question_answers] a
GROUP BY a.[user_id]
HAVING a.[answer_id] IN (6,9)
AND a.[answer_id] IN (1,10)
EDIT: Return user_id 1 only

Your query is close . . .
SELECT [user_id]
FROM [user_question_answers] a
GROUP BY a.[user_id]
HAVING max(case when a.[answer_id] IN (6,9) then 1 else 0 end) = 1
AND max(case when a.[answer_id] IN (1,10) then 1 else 0 end) = 1


How to check the count of each values repeating in a row

I have two tables. Data in the first table is:
ID Username
1 Dan
2 Eli
3 Sean
4 John
Second Table Data:
user_id Status_id
1 2
1 3
4 1
3 2
2 3
1 1
3 3
3 3
3 3
. .
goes on goes on
These are my both tables.
I want to find the frequency of individual users doing 'status_id'
My expected result is:
username status_id(1) status_id(2) status_id(3)
Dan 1 1 1
Eli 0 0 1
Sean 0 1 2
John 1 0 0
My current code is:
SELECT b.username , COUNT(a.status_id)
FROM masterdb.auth_user b
left outer join masterdb.xmlform_joblist a
on a.user1_id =
GROUP BY b.username,, a.status_id
This gives me the separate count but in a single row without mentioning which status_id each column represents
This is called pivot and it works in two steps:
extracts the data for the specific field using a CASE statement
aggregates the data on users, to make every field value lie on the same record for each user
SELECT Username,
SUM(CASE WHEN status_id = 1 THEN 1 END) AS status_id_1,
SUM(CASE WHEN status_id = 2 THEN 1 END) AS status_id_2,
SUM(CASE WHEN status_id = 3 THEN 1 END) AS status_id_3
ON t2.user_id = t1._ID
GROUP BY Username
ORDER BY Username
Check the demo here.
Note: This solution assumes that there are 3 status_id values. If you need to generalize on the amount of status ids, you would require a dynamic query. In any case, it's better to avoid dynamic queries if you can.

SQL Query to get multiple resultant on single column

I have a table that looks something like this:
id name status
2 a 1
2 a 2
2 a 3
2 a 2
2 a 1
3 b 2
3 b 1
3 b 2
3 b 1
and the resultant i want is:
id name total count count(status3) count(status2) count(status1)
2 a 5 1 2 2
3 b 4 0 2 2
please help me get this result somehow, i can just get id, name or one of them at a time, don't know how to put a clause to get this table at once.
Here's a simple solution using group by and case when.
select id
,count(*) as 'total count'
,count(case status when 3 then 1 end) as 'count(status1)'
,count(case status when 2 then 1 end) as 'count(status3)'
,count(case status when 1 then 1 end) as 'count(status2)'
from t
group by id
total count
Here's a way to solve it using pivot.
select *
from (select status,id, count(*) over (partition by id) as "total count" from t) tmp
pivot (count(status) for status in ([1],[2],[3])) pvt
total count

Select groups given a condition in a variable sql

I must do a query where I select those groups, given by de concatenation between sample and serial that could be defined as household, where at least one in the variable bplcountry = 1
sample serial bplcountry
1 1 2
1 1 1
1 3 2
2 1 2
2 2 2
2 3 2
3 1 2
3 3 2
3 3 1
I have made some research but I'm very amateur on SQL. I get some hint like this:
FROM latinCensus
GROUP BY sample AND serial
HAVING COUNT(bplcountry NOT IN ('1') OR NULL) = 0
Also I got some idea in this way
FROM latinCensus
GROUP BY CONCAT(sample,serial)
HAVING COUNT(bplcountry NOT IN ('1') OR NULL) = 0
I would expect something like this:
sample serial bplcountry
1 1 2
1 1 1
3 3 2
3 3 1
I will appreciate your help!
You want the pairs where bplcountry is 1. You can use window functions:
select lc.*
from (select lc.*,
sum(case when bplcountry = 1 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by sample, serial) as cnt_1
from latincensus lc
) lc
where cnt_1 > 0;
Or use exists:
select lc.*
from latincensus lc
where exists (select 1
from latincensus lc2
where lc2.sample = lc.sample and lc2.serial = lc.serial and
lc2.bplcountry = 1
You haven't tagged your db, but something along these lines should work (can also be expressed using joins)
select sample, serial, bplcountry
from t
where (sample,serial) in (select sample,serial
from t
where bplcountry=1);

SQL Search for missing record, then insert value

Below is a very oversimplified problem I am trying to solve
I have the following tables:
id title
1 first
2 second
3 third
4 fourth
5 fifth
id status user_id quiz_id
1 0 1 1
2 0 1 2
3 0 1 3
if a I run the following:
select *
from quiz as q
left join quiz_status as qs
ON = qs.quiz_id
where qs.user_id=1
I'd get:
id title id status user_id quiz_id
1 first 1 0 1 1
2 second 2 0 1 2
3 third 3 0 1 3
4 fourth null null null null
5 fifth null null null null
I would like to be able to insert values where missing/null in the quiz_status table.
so the final outcome would be:
id title id status user_id quiz_id
1 first 1 0 1 1
2 second 2 0 1 2
3 third 3 0 1 3
4 fourth 4 0 1 4
5 fifth 5 0 1 5
What would be the insert statement for that?
Consider the insert ... select syntax:
insert into quiz_status(status, user_id, quiz_id)
select 0, u.user_id,
from (select distinct user_id from quiz_status) u
cross join quiz q
left join quiz_status qz on = qz.quiz_id and u.user_id = qz.user_id
where qz.quiz_id is null
This works by generating all combinations of users and quizs, and then left joining the status table to filter on missing records. In the real life, you would likely have a users table that you can use in place of the select distinct subquery.
If you need just one user it's simpler:
insert into quiz_status(status, user_id, quiz_id)
select 0, 1,
from quiz q
left join quiz_status qz on = qz.quiz_id and qz.user_id = 1
where qz.quiz_id is null
Note: presumably, id is a serial column so I left it apart in the inserts.


Suppose My Database is like this :
MemberName MemberID ResultsEligibilityID
Thuso 2 1
Thuso 2 1
Maubane 3 2
Maubane 3 1
CDeveloper 5 2
CDeveloper 5 2
Now is it possible to write a query to display (The Below output) based on this:
if both ResultsEligibilityID for a single Member is 1 then Eligibile,
Otherwise Non-Eligible.
MemberName MemberID ResultsEligibilityID Results
Thuso 2 1 Eligible
Maubane 3 2 Non-Eligible
CDeveloper 5 2 Non-Eligible
Thanks in advance for the help.
Please try:
MAX(ResultsEligibilityID) ResultsEligibilityID ,
(case when sum(case when ResultsEligibilityID=1 then 1 else 0 end)= COUNT(*)
then 'Eligible' else 'Non-Eligible' end) Results
group by MemberName,MemberID