"Subsequent parameters" error in SSRS? - sql

I'm getting a strange error in SSRS, in a report (which gets put into a sproc) with many drop-down parameters:
Query execution failed for dataset 'DataSet1'.
Must pass parameter number 3 and subsequent parameters as '#name = value'. After the form '#name = value' has been used, all subsequent parameters must be passed in the form '#name = value'
I'm lost on what's going on here - what is meant by #name = value .
I searched online, someone mentioned that you should alter the stored-procedure?
Here is how the top half of my stored-proc looks:
USE [FederatedSample]
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[prc_RPT_Select_BI_Completes_Data_View_2]
#AccountIDs VARCHAR(max) = null,
#ClientIDs VARCHAR(max) = null,
#SupplierIDs VARCHAR(max) = null,
#CompleteType INT = NULL,
* 0 - Routed
* 1 - Targeted
* 2 - Offerwall
#SourceType BIT = NULL,
* Works if #AccountID is not null
* (should only be used if #AccountID has a single value)
* 0 - Owned by #AccountID
* 1 - External (not owned by #AccountID)
#SurveyStatus INT = NULL,
* NULL - All Surveys
* 0 - Completes Approved Surveys
* 1 - Invoiced Surveys
#IsSupplierUser BIT = 0
* used to decide whether to display FEDSurveyName or SupplierSurveyName
IF #AccountIDs is not null
SET #SQL += N'DECLARE #AccountIDs VARCHAR(MAX) = #pAccountIDs; '
IF #ClientIDs is not null
SET #SQL += N'DECLARE #ClientIDs VARCHAR(MAX) = #pClientIDs; '
IF #SupplierIDs is not null
SET #SQL += N'DECLARE #SupplierIDs VARCHAR(MAX) = #pSupplierIDs; '
SET #SQL += N'
SELECT bi.SupplierID as ''Supplier ID''
,bi.SupplierName as ''Supplier Name''
,bi.PID as ''PID''
,bi.RespondentID as ''Respondent ID''
,lk_slt.Name as ''Entry Link Type''
,ts.SurveyNumber as ''Initial Survey ID'''
And later in the stored proc. it does stuff like this to split strings:
IF #AccountIDs is not null
SET #SQL += CHAR(13) + CHAR(9)
SET #SQL += N' and bi.AccountID in (SELECT CAST(val as INT) FROM dbo.Split(#AccountIDs, '','

When invoking a stored procedure, you either can pass the parameters by position (not a good idea) or by Name (a better approach IMHO).
EXEC dbo.MyStoredProcedure '12/31/2012', 1; -- Not a great way to pass parameters
EXEC dbo.MyStoredProcedure #AsOfDate = '12/31/2012', #AccountID = 1; -- A better way
From the error message you are receiving, I suspect that SSRS is using the second approach and is running into an issue with the third parameter being provided to the stored procedure.
Without more information to go off of it is difficult to provide you with an exact explanation for the error (the stored procedure would perhaps help), an educated guess is that the way the parameters are being provided for Account IDs, Client IDs and Supplier IDs isn't quite correct. Specifically, I think the problem might be that you are providing multiple identifiers delimited by a comma.
You might try passing a single Account ID, Client ID and Supplier ID to see if you still receive the error. I would also try to look at the stored procedure (or talk to the DBA \ Developer who wrote it) to ascertain the intended usage of the stored procedure.

I got a similar message when passing a comma instead of a full stop for a decimal value in one of the parameters of a stored procedure.
Here is a simplified example of what happened.
The following command string was erroneously generated with the value of #param2 with a comma instead of a full stop, causing a misunderstanding of the number of parameters.
EXEC myStoredProc #param1 = 1, #param2 = 0,5 ,#param3 = 'something'


SELECT statement in while loop isn't working

I have created the following Select statement which is working fine:
SELECT #Block = [Blok], #Year = [Aar]
FROM [PT99991_Result].[dbo].[Testheader]
WHERE N = #TestHeaderID
The problem is that this Select statement is used in a While loop where the database can change to another one during the loop. I have tried to modify the statement to the following but it's not working. I have also tried to use EXEC which takes care of my problem but then I'm facing a problem with the local variables #Block and #Year instead.
SET #DataBase = 'PT99991_RESULT' --This is only for test!
SELECT #Block = [Blok], #Year = [Aar]
FROM '[' + #DataBase + '].[dbo].[Testheader]'
WHERE N = #TestHeaderID
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong?
First, generate a T-SQL template like this:
DECLARE #DynamicTSQLStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = N'SELECT #Block = [Blok], #Year = [Aar]
FROM [#DataBase].[dbo].[Testheader]
WHERE N = #TestHeaderID';
Then, let's say that the variale #Datbase holds your current database name. If it is not extracted from sys.database you can perform additional validation to ensure nobody is doing something wrong.
IF NOT EXISTS(SELEFT 1 FROM sys.database WHERE [name] = #Datbase
After the validation, you just replace the database name in the template:
SET #DynamicTSQLStatement = REPLACE(#DynamicTSQLStatement, '#Database', #Database);
Then, execute the code passing the parameters:
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicTSQLStatement
,N'#TestHeaderID INT'
,#Block OUTPUT
,#Year OUTPUT;
of course on every loop iteration, reset the template.
Instead of while loop, You can go for undocumented stored procedure: ms_foreachdb and execute against the databases and finally apply filter for the specific database.
Caveat: Don't use this in production code, because, it uses undocumented stored procedure.
CREATE TABLE #test(dbname sysname, blok int, aar int)
DECLARE #db_list NVARCHAR(max) = 'DB1,DB2'
EXECUTE master.sys.sp_MSforeachdb 'USE [?]; declare #blok int, #aar int; INSERT INTO #test SELECT db_name(), blok, aar from [dbo].[Testheader] WHERE N = TestHeaderId;'
SELECT * FROM #test where dbname in
SELECT value FROM string_split(#db_list,',')

Store the value of a query into a SQL Server variable

The objective of the code is to run a query dynamically and return 0 if there are no rows with data present in the columns and to return 1 if there are rows with data in the columns. This is my code for the stored procedure:
ALTER proc [dbo].[usp_ColumnFieldValidator]
#TblName nvarchar(30),
#ColumnName nvarchar(30),
#RetVal bit output
declare #CountOfRowsQuery as nvarchar(300)
set #CountOfRowsQuery = 'select count('+quotename(#ColumnName)+') from '+quotename(#TblName)+' having count(' +quotename(#ColumnName)+') = nullif(count('+quotename(#ColumnName)+'),0)'
execute sp_executesql #CountOfRowsQuery
select #RetVal = dbo.fn_ColumnValidator(#CountOfRowsQuery)
As you can see, a user-defined function is being called to set the value of #RetVal. This is my code for the user-defined function.
ALTER function [dbo].[fn_ColumnValidator]
#NullChecker as nvarchar(max)
returns bit
declare #returnVar as bit
if #NullChecker is null
set #returnVar = 0
set #returnVar = 1
return #returnVar
The output of #RetVal is always 1 and I have attributed this error to #CountOfRowsQuery storing the entire string rather than the value of the query ie: #CountOfRowsQuery = null if the count of rows is zero else, #CountOfRowsQuery = the number of rows present in the column. To make things clearer I am attaching screenshots of the output when I run the program.
Output of a table that contains rows with data
Output of a table that contains no rows with no data
As you can see in list item.2, the sp returns null but the function_returned_value is being set to 1 instead of 0.
The objective of the code is to run a query dynamically and return 0 if there are no rows with data present in the columns and to return 1 if there are rows with data in the columns.
Man, if this is not an over-complication I don't know what is.
Here's a much simpler (and more efficient) query that does the work:
FROM TableName
), 1, 0) As Bit)
Now, to change that to a procedure using dynamic SQL in a way that will not expose you to SQL Injection threats you can do this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_ColumnFieldValidator]
#TblName sysname,
#ColumnName sysname,
#RetVal bit output
FROM Information_Schema.Columns
WHERE Table_Name = #TblName
AND Column_Name = #ColumnName
DECLARE #Sql nvarchar(1000) =
FROM '+ QUOTENAME(#TblName) + N'
), 1, 0) As Bit)'
EXEC sp_executesql #Sql, N'#RetVal bit output', #RetVal OUTPUT;
Key notes:
I've changed the #TblName and #ColumnName variables to data type sysname instead of your original nvarchar(30) - since that is the data type SQL Server use internally to store identifiers.
Since identifiers can't be parameterized, I've white-listed them.
I'm using sp_executeSql to get back the value of the dynamic query directly into my output parameter.
For more tips and tricks on dynamic SQL, you can read my blog post entitled The do’s and don’ts of dynamic SQL for SQL Server

Query saved in table to run in different query's where clause

I have a table that have a list of "Reports" or "Correspondence Letters" (html files). This list will appear in a dropdown in a website. Some of these items will need a "check" to see if they are allowed to be added to the dropdown.
An example of how this table (I removed columns that was not necessary to display):
In this table there is a column "Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow". This value links to a different table where the query for that file is stored.
From here I need to create a query that will build the actual list that will be displayed. But in order to do that I need to run the query that is in the second table to perform the check. I've created the following query to do this and it brings back the expected results:
DECLARE #retvalue INT
DECLARE #Paramater NVARCHAR(20) = '241215'
DECLARE #Cor_GroupCde NVARCHAR(10) = 248
DECLARE #Statement NVARCHAR(500);
SELECT #Statement = (SELECT Lookup_Query + #Paramater FROM [dbo].[Ref_Lookup]
WHERE Lookup_ID = (Select Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow FROM dbo.Ref_Correspondence WHERE Cor_Group_Cde = #Cor_GroupCde));
EXEC #retvalue = sp_executesql #Statement;
PRINT #retvalue
This value needs to be passed into a query again to verify each record to show or not to show. This is the query that will run to show the items (I have added the #retvalue of the above in the query just to show what it needs to do). This query is in a stored proc where the #Paramater will be passed (above) from the application and then to be used as needed for the below (as above query needs to fit into this one).
SELECT Cor_Group_Cde, Cor_Desc
FROM Ref_Correspondence
WHERE Cor_Show = 'Y' AND Cor_Prod_List Like '%#' + #ProdID + '#%'
AND (Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow IS NULL OR --#retValue > 0)
The problem I'm facing is that I need to get the #retValue into the where clause.
I have though of a stored proc, but a stored proc cannot be called in a where clause. I then though of a user defined function, but the problem there is that you cannot call a stored proc ("sp_executesql") in a function.
Due to company standards I cannot do this within the application either. Is there a way around this or is there a way to do this that I maybe missed with the above?
-------------------- EDIT ---------------------
The function I created looks like this:
USE [DBName]
/****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[ufn_CorrespondenceCheckResult] Script Date: 4/11/2019 5:35:04 PM ******/
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_CorrespondenceCheckResult]
#Paramater nvarchar(20),
#Cor_GroupCde nvarchar(10)
DECLARE #Statement nvarchar(MAX);
DECLARE #Return int;
set #Return = 0;
SELECT #Statement = (SELECT Lookup_Query + #Paramater FROM [dbo].[Ref_Lookup]
WHERE Lookup_ID = (Select Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow FROM dbo.Ref_Correspondence WHERE Cor_Group_Cde = #Cor_GroupCde));
EXEC #Return = sp_executesql #Statement;
return #Return;
Running the above function in my script gives me an error of "Only functions and some extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function.":
SELECT Cor_Group_Cde, Cor_Desc
FROM Ref_Correspondence
WHERE Cor_Show = 'Y' AND Cor_Prod_List Like '%#' + #ProdID + '#%'
AND (Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow IS NULL OR ((SELECT [dbo].[ufn_CorrespondenceCheckResult] (#Paramater,#Cor_GroupCde)) > 0))
It would be better to convert your Stored Procedure into a Function, if possible. Then you can use function in WHERE clause.
If you can't convert it into the function then better to execute the SP and store the full result in a Variable. Now you can use This table in WHERE clause.
You should store the result of the Stored Procedure in a variable in then use that in your next statement's condition. You can use an OUTPUT parameter to return the value of from the Stored Procedure.
EXEC FindProductByModel --CREATE a stored procedure FindProductByModel instead of a function
#Paramater = '241215',
#Cor_GroupCde = '248',
#retvalue= #count OUTPUT --#retval is an output paramater of your stored procedure
SELECT Cor_Group_Cde, Cor_Desc
FROM Ref_Correspondence
WHERE Cor_Show = 'Y' AND Cor_Prod_List Like '%#' + #ProdID + '#%'
AND (Cor_PolNeedCheck_ToShow IS NULL OR #count>0)

SQL Server stored procedure passing parameters into variables

I have a big query which works and I want to write a stored procedure for it.
I'm getting this error:
the OLE DB provider SQLNCLI11" for linked server "theServer" does not contain the table ""#dbName"."dbo"."tableName"
What I am trying to do:
create PROCEDURE [sys.sp_myProcedure]
#dbName varchar(30) output,
#rid varchar (10) output,
#mdate output
declare #prt varchar(12)
declare #pid int
declare #cid int
--declare #rid int
declare #aid int
set #cid= (select CID from theServer.[#dbName].dbo.tableName where RID= #rid)
set #pid= (select PID from theServer.[#dbName].dbo.tableName where RID= #rid)
set #aid= (select aid from theServer.[#dbName].dbo.tableName where RID= #rid)
--then my query begins
theServer.[#dbName].dbo.tablename is a linked server.
What I want to do is:
execute [sys.sp_myProcedure] 'someDbname', '123', '2012-03-03'
and the parameters passed here would set/update the variables #dbName, #rid, #mdate at runtime. ( #mdate I have it further away in the query, it's too big to adapt it with myTable and to change all the sensitive data).
How can I do this ?? (using SQL Server 2012)
edit (based on the comments and answers):
so, it's #thatString = '--insert the query here ' . Then, in my case how can i set those variables according to the parameters inside the query? Should i do it with replace? like this: set #thatString= replace(#thatString, dbName, #dbname) ?
edit 2
set #sql = '
use [someDbName];
use [123];
use [2012-03-03];
select ... '
set #sql = replace (#sql, 'someDbName', #dbName)
set #sql = replace (#sql, '123', #rid)
set #sql = replace (#sql, '2012-03-03', #mdate)
execute #sql
Did i get it right? is the execute #sql in the right place?
I'm asking cause it doesnt work. i'm getting the name ' --part of my query here' is not a valid identifier
Names of databases or other objects cannot be specified dynamically from variables. The workaround is to compose a dynamic SQL query in a string, into which you concatenate the required names, and then execute (#thatString).
(You might think you can employ use, but it is scoped such that you would have to include the rest of your query within the same executed string.)
Edit with more info as requested. You can compose the string however you like. If you need any more guidance, there are plenty of pages that discuss dynamic T-SQL. But hey, two ideas:
set #myDynamicQuery =
use [' + #myDynamicDatabase + '];
select BLAH from WHOM where DATA = ''what'';
or if you will be using the name a lot, you could reduce the hassle caused by breaking in and out of single quotes as follows - though I personally never use this as I don't like how it looks:
set #myDynamicQuery =
select BLAH from WHOM where DATA = ''what'';
-- lots more uses of A_RARE_PLACEHOLDER
set #myDynamicQuery = replace(
Then execute (#myDynamicQuery);

Stored procedure get parameter list and current values

Not sure how to implement this, but I need a way to get the current list of parameters for a stored procedure as well as their passed in values (this code will be executed in the stored procedure itself).
I know I can use sys.parameters to get the parameter names, but how to get the actual values?
What I need to do with this is to make a char string of the form
I have tried to use dynamic sql, but not having much joy with that.
Any ideas??
Currently I am just going through all the parameters one-by-one to build the string. However I want a "better" way to do it, since there are quite a few parameters. And incase parameters are added later on (but the code to generate the string is not updated).
I tried using dynamic sql but gave up, since the sp_executesql sp requires parameters be passed into it...
You state '(this code will be executed in the stored procedure itself).' so assuming you are in the procedure you will already know the parameter names as you have to declare them when creating your procedure. Just do a select and put the names inside text fields
#param1 NVARCHAR(255)
,#param2 INT
SELECT [Parameters] = '#param1=' + #param1
+ ',#param2=' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),#param2)...
The CONVERT is there as an example for non-char datatypes.
You will need to create a linked server that points to itself to use the OPENQUERY function.
USE [master]
/****** Object: LinkedServer [.] Script Date: 04/03/2013 16:22:13 ******/
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'.', #srvproduct=N'', #provider=N'SQLNCLI', #datasrc=N'.', #provstr=N'Integrated Security=SSPI'
/* For security reasons the linked server remote logins password is changed with ######## */
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'.',#useself=N'True',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=NULL,#rmtpassword=NULL
Now you can do something like this cursor to get each parameter name and then use dynamic sql in OPENQUERY to get the value:
FROM sys.parameters
WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID('schema.procedurename')
ORDER BY parameter_id
OPEN curParms
FETCH curParms INTO #parmName
SELECT #parmName + '=' + (SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY('linkedservername','SELECT ' + #parmName))
FETCH curParms INTO #parmName
CLOSE curParms
Since SQL Server 2014 we have sys.dm_exec_input_buffer, it is a table valued function with an output column event_info that gives the full execution statement (including parameters).
We can parse the param values from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer and get the param names from sys.parameters and join them together to get the string you want.
For example:
create procedure [dbo].[get_proc_params_demo]
#number1 int,
#string1 varchar(50),
#calendar datetime,
#number2 int,
#string2 nvarchar(max)
-- get the full execution statement
declare #statement nvarchar(max)
select #statement = event_info
from sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(##spid, current_request_id())
-- parse param values from the statement
declare #proc_name varchar(128) = object_name(##procid)
declare #param_idx int = charindex(#proc_name, #statement) + len(#proc_name)
declare #param_len int = len(#statement) - #param_idx
declare #params nvarchar(max) = right(#statement, #param_len)
-- create param values table
select value, row_number() over (order by current_timestamp) seq
into #params
from string_split(#params, ',')
-- get final string
declare #final nvarchar(max)
select #final = isnull(#final + ',','') + p1.name + '=' + ltrim(p2.value)
from sys.parameters p1
left join #params p2 on p2.seq = parameter_id
where object_id = ##procid
select #final params
To test it:
exec get_proc_params_demo 42, 'is the answer', '2019-06-19', 123456789, 'another string'
Returns the string you want:
#number1=42,#string1='is the answer',#calendar='2019-06-19',#number2=123456789,#string2='another string'
I have something similar wrapped as a UDF. I use it for error logging in catch blocks.