NHibernate QueryOver with JoinQueryOver select all columns - nhibernate

I have some QueryOver with several joins and the result I get is OK in terms of the returned objects. This is the code>
var l = session.QueryOver<Discount>(() => discount)
.JoinQueryOver<ConPrdGrp>(r => r.ConPrdGrps)
.JoinQueryOver<PrdGroupTree>(k => k.PrdGroupTree)
.JoinQueryOver<Product>(g => g.Products)
.Where(p => p.ProductID == Product.ProductID)
.And(() => discount.FomDato <= DateTime.Now && discount.TomDato >= DateTime.Now).List();
But if I look at the SQL statement, I can see that the generated query selects ALL columns from all joined tables although the result only returns a list of Discount objects. I can get some properties of Discount using projections and the query will be much smaller. But how I can instruct NHibernate to get just columns from the Discount table and not from all joined tables?

As far as I know there is NOT a simple way like: .Select(Projections.Properties<Discount>()). Check this a bit outdated question (NHIbernate: Shortcut for projecting all properties?)
What you can do is explicitly name the columns you would like to see:
... // the QueryOver you have
.SelectList (l => l
.Select(() => discount.ID).WithAlias(() => discount.ID)
.Select(() => discount.Code).WithAlias(() => discount.Code)
The second approach could be to create the Subquery, and then just QueryOver<Discount>() 16.8. Subqueries
QueryOver<Discount> subQuery =
QueryOver.Of<Discount>(() => innerDiscount)
.JoinQueryOver<ConPrdGrp>(r => r.ConPrdGrps)
.JoinQueryOver<PrdGroupTree>(k => k.PrdGroupTree)
.JoinQueryOver<Product>(g => g.Products)
.Where(p => p.ProductID == Product.ProductID)
.And(() => innerDiscount.FomDato <= DateTime.Now
&& innerDiscount.TomDato >= DateTime.Now).List()
.Select( Projections.Property(() => innerDiscount.ID))
var query = session.QueryOver<Discount>(() => discount)
.Where(Subqueries.PropertyIn("ID", subQuery.DetachedCriteria))


How to convert my partial In Memory LINQ GroupBy query to complete Database Query or should I use raw sql?

I tried different ways to solve this but either it wont let me include or it gives error for the GroupBy statement.
In the above code, I am trying to Group the MedicineEquipments by FOREIGN KEY i.e LocationId, and take the latest record with that LocationId and also include Location and MedicineEquipmentNavigation along with the record.
var medicineEquipmentShops = await dbContext.MedicineEquipments
.Where(x => x.CityId == cityId && x.MedicineEquipmentId == medicineEquippmentId)
.Include(x => x.Location)
.Include(x =>x.MedicineEquipmentNavigation)
medicineEquipmentShops = medicineEquipmentShops.GroupBy(x => x.LocationId)
.Select(x => x.OrderByDescending(y => y.UpdatedOn).FirstOrDefault())
.OrderByDescending(x => x.IsVerified)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.Stock)
.ThenByDescending(x => x.Votes)

Can't build 2 tables JOIN with only certain fields to select in Nhb 4

I try to run query like this with Nhibernate v.4:
Select o.Number, c.Address
From Order o join Client c on o.ClientId = c.Id
Where c.Name = "John"
Tried many ways to do that with JoinQueryOver and JoinAlias but nothing helps, endup with error "could not resolve property: Address of Order"
.JoinQueryOver(s => s.Client)
.Where(() => c.Name == "John")
.SelectList(x => .Select(Projections.Property<Order>(o => o.Number)
.SelectList(x => .Select(Projections.Property<Order>(o => o.Client.Address))
or like this
.SelectList(x => .Select(Projections.Property<Order>(o => o.Number)
.SelectList(x => .Select(Projections.Property<Client>(c => c.Address))
What is the right way to build the query or something very similar? Problem with 'Select' operator, 'Where' part works fine. I can also build non-join queries by this 2 entities separate from each other and it works well, but no idea how to join them
Finally I've figured out how to make it work:
Client client = null;
OrderClientDto dto = null;
var result = Session.QueryOver<Order>()
.JoinAlias(o => o.Client, () => client)
.Where(() => c.Name == "John")
.SelectList(x => x
.Select(o => o.Number).WithAlias(() => dto.Number)
.Select(() => o.Client.Address).WithAlias(() => dto.Address))
Nhb is far from being intuitive and convenient. Same query is much easier to write in EF.

QueryOver, GroupBy and Subselect

how can I do this with queryover and a subquery?
FakturaObjektGutschrift fog = null;
int[] idS = Session.QueryOver(() => fog)
.SelectList( list => list
.SelectMax(() => fog.Id)
.SelectGroup(() => fog.SammelKontierung)
).List<object[]>().Select(x => (int)x[0]).ToArray();
And using the ids in another query
IQueryOver<Beleg, Beleg> sdfsd = Session.QueryOver(() => bGut)
.AndRestrictionOn(() => fog.Id).IsIn(idS); //iDs is a list of int.
I would like do this with a subquery because there is a limitation on the number of parameters for a SQL query. How do I do this?
How do I write the first query, but without selecting the SelectGroup()? This is exactly where I got stuck.
Group by without projection in QueryOver API is currently not supported link.
You can use LINQ to create the projection in a subquery:
var subquery = Session.Query<FakturaObjektGutschrift>()
.GroupBy(x => x.SammelKontierung)
.Select(x => x.Max(y => y.Id));
var query = Session.Query<Beleg>()
.Where(x => subquery.Contains(x.Id));
If you really needs QueryOver to create more complex queries check this solution link.

NHibernate QueryOver Where with internal select

I have a problem with translating this SQL into QueryOver notation. Can you help me?
SELECT * FROM Alerts a
WHERE a.CreatedOn = (
SELECT MAX(b.CreatedOn) FROM Alerts b WHERE b.UserFk=a.UserFk);
I try to select last alert for every user. I use CreatedOn and cannot use Id.
I have so far:
session.QueryOver(() => alertAlias)
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(() => alertAlias.User.Id)
.Where(x => x.User.Id == alertAlias.User.Id)
.OrderBy(x => x.CreatedOn).Desc
.Select(x => x.CreatedOn)
I know it adds user's last alert date to every user's alert row. But I want to have only last alerts.
Your attempt is using subquery inside of a SELECT statement. But we need to move it into WHERE. This should be the way:
// this is a subquery (SELECT ....
var subquery = QueryOver.Of<Alerts>()
.Where(x => x.User.Id == alertAlias.User.Id)
.OrderBy(x => x.CreatedOn).Desc
.Select(x => x.CreatedOn)
// main Query could now have or do not have that subquery selected
var query = session.QueryOver(() => alertAlias)
.SelectList(list => list
.Select(() => alertAlias.User.Id)
// could be there
// but mostly here we do use WHERE clause
.WhereProperty(() => alertAlias.CreatedOn)
// such a query could be returned as a list of arrays
var results = query.List<object[]>();
We can also use some Result Transformer, but this is another story...

Duplicated and unnecessary joins when using Linq in NHibernate

Basically I crossed the same problem of Linq provider in this linq-to-nhibernate-produces-unnecessary-joins
List<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = (from compset in session.Query<FWBCompetitionSet>()
where compset.HeadLine == true
&& compset.A.B.CurrentSeason == true
select (new Competitions
CompetitionSetID = compset.CompetitionSetID,
Name = compset.Name,
Description = compset.Description,
Area = compset.Area,
Type = compset.Type,
CurrentSeason = compset.A.B.CurrentSeason,
StartDate = compset.StartDate
Which leads to duplicated join in its generated SQL
SELECT fwbcompeti0_.competitionsetid AS col_0_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.name AS col_1_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.DESCRIPTION AS col_2_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.area AS col_3_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.TYPE AS col_4_0_,
fwbseason3_.currentseason AS col_5_0_,
fwbcompeti0_.startdate AS col_6_0_
FROM fwbcompetitionset fwbcompeti0_
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti1_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti1_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti2_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti2_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN B fwbseason3_
ON fwbcompeti2_.seasonid = fwbseason3_.seasonid
WHERE fwbcompeti0_.headline = #p0
AND fwbseason3_.currentseason = #p1
Notice these joins, which are totally duplicated and also affect my SQL Server's performence.
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti1_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti1_.competitionseasonid
INNER JOIN A fwbcompeti2_
ON fwbcompeti0_.competitionseasonid = fwbcompeti2_.competitionseasonid
In the NHibernate 3.2, this LiNQ bug is still valid, and I could not find a simple and reasonable Linq solution.
So I used QueryOver + JoinAlias + TransformUsing finishing the job, workds perfect to me.
FWBCompetitionSet compset = null;
FWBCompetitionSeason compseason = null;
FWBSeason season = null;
IList<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = session.QueryOver<FWBCompetitionSet>(() => compset)
.JoinAlias(() => compset.FWBCompetitionSeason, () => compseason)
.JoinAlias(() => compseason.FWBSeason, () => season)
.Where(() => compset.HeadLine == true)
.And(() => season.CurrentSeason == true)
list => list
.Select(c => c.CompetitionSetID).WithAlias(() => compset.CompetitionSetID)
.Select(c => c.Name).WithAlias(() => compset.Name)
.Select(c => c.Description).WithAlias(() => compset.Description)
.Select(c => c.Area).WithAlias(() => compset.Area)
.Select(c => c.Type).WithAlias(() => compset.Type)
.Select(c => season.CurrentSeason).WithAlias(() => season.CurrentSeason)
.Select(c => c.StartDate).WithAlias(() => compset.StartDate)
Yet Another Edit:
I think I finally found out what's going on. It seems that the LINQ to NHibernate provider has trouble navigating associations from the target to the source table and generates a separate join each time it encounters such an association.
Since you don't provide your mapping, I used the mapping from linq-to-nhibernate-produces-unnecessary-joins. This model has a Document with one Job and many TranslationUnits. Each TranslationUnit has many Translation entities.
When you try to find a Translation based on a Job, you are traversing the associations in the reverse order and the LINQ provider generates multiple joins: one for Translation -> TranslationUnit and one for TranslationUnit to Document.
This query will generate redundant joins:
.Where(x => x.TranslationUnit.Document.Job == job)
.OrderBy(x => x.Id)
If you reverse the navigation order to Document -> TranslationUnit -> Translation, you get a query that doesn't produce any redundant joins:
var items=(from doc in session.Query<Document>()
from tu in doc.TranslationUnits
from translation in tu.Translations
where doc.Job ==job
orderby translation.Id
select translation).ToList();
Given this quirkiness, QueryOver seems like a better option.
Previous Edit:
I suspect the culprit is compset.A.B.CurrentSeason. The first joined table (fwbcompeti1_) returns A.B while the next two (fwbcompeti2_ and fwbseason3_) are used to return A.B. The LINQ to NHibernate provider doesn't seem to guess that A is not used anywhere else and fails to remove it from the generated statement.
Try to help the optimizer a little by replacing CurrentSeason = compset.A.B.CurrentSeason with CurrentSeason = true from the select, since your where statement returns only items with CurrentSeason == true.
EDIT: What I mean is to change the query like this:
List<Competitions> dtoCompetitions;
dtoCompetitions = (from compset in session.Query<FWBCompetitionSet>()
where compset.HeadLine == true
&& compset.A.B.CurrentSeason == true
select (new Competitions
CompetitionSetID = compset.CompetitionSetID,
Name = compset.Name,
Description = compset.Description,
Area = compset.Area,
Type = compset.Type,
CurrentSeason = true,
StartDate = compset.StartDate
I simply replace the value compset.A.B.CurrentSeason with true