In the chrome developer tools you can switch between different contexts in the javascript console and individually query the and APIs. Is there a way to view the totality of what is stored there for all of chrome?
If you look at source code of API
bool StorageGetFunction::RunWithStorage(ValueStore* storage) {
Value* input = NULL;
switch (input->GetType()) {
case Value::TYPE_NULL:
return UseReadResult(storage->Get());
case Value::TYPE_STRING: {
std::string as_string;
return UseReadResult(storage->Get(as_string));
case Value::TYPE_LIST: {
std::vector<std::string> as_string_list;
AddAllStringValues(*static_cast<ListValue*>(input), &as_string_list);
return UseReadResult(storage->Get(as_string_list));
case Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY: {
DictionaryValue* as_dict = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(input);
ValueStore::ReadResult result = storage->Get(GetKeys(*as_dict));
if (result->HasError()) {
return UseReadResult(result.Pass());
DictionaryValue* with_default_values = as_dict->DeepCopy();
return UseReadResult(
return UseReadResult(
storage type is used as an argument for querying results. So, till date it is not possible to view the totality of what is stored there for all of chrome, you have to use two different queries ( and APIs).
Have you tried this?
I'm using spring reactor. The code below is :
public Mono<ResponseEntity<SignUpResponse>> createSignUpForUser(SignUpRequest signUpRequest) {
return Mono.just(signUpRequest)
.map(sign -> {
Mono<UserDetailsEntity> userDetailsEntityMono = userDetailsRepository.findByPhoneNumber(sign.getMobileNumber());
userDetailsEntityMono.handle((user, sink) -> {
if (user != null) {
sink.error(new RuntimeException("Phone number already registered"));
return functionUserDetails.apply(sign);
.map(usr -> ResponseEntity.ok(functionSignUpRes.apply(usr)))
Here the findByPhoneNumber(sign.getMobileNumber()) DB call is not working (the error is not throwing). The Rest of the operations are working and returning the response. Am i doing anything wrongly ? help me to fix this issue.
I think you need to rewrite your code a bit
public Mono<ResponseEntity<SignUpResponse>> createSignUpForUser(SignUpRequest signUpRequest) {
return userDetailsRepository.findByPhoneNumber(sign.getMobileNumber())
.flatMap(__ -> Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Phone number already registered")))
.map(usr -> ResponseEntity.ok(functionSignUpRes.apply(usr)))
Idea is that if you find that number then it should error, if result is empty then you would need to insert it so we need to use switch if empty
I am facing a difficulty to bind a conditional parameters to SQL query using Spring Data R2DBC DatabaseClient. Two parameters can be null. Since the DatabaseClient requires to specify explicitly that the parameter is null, I have tried the following syntax but the conditional parameters were not appended to existing ones:
public Mono<Void> createAddress(Address address) {
DatabaseClient.GenericExecuteSpec bindings = databaseClient.execute(addressesQueries.getProperty("addresses.insert"))
.bind("line1", address.getLine1())
.bind("zipCode", address.getZipCode())
.bind("city", address.getCity())
.bind("countryId", address.getCountry())
.bind("id", address.getId()); // UUID
if(address.getLine2() == null) {
bindings.bindNull("line2", String.class);
} else {
bindings.bind("line2", address.getLine2());
if(address.getState() == null) {
bindings.bindNull("state", String.class);
} else {
bindings.bind("state", address.getState());
return bindings.fetch().rowsUpdated().then();
SQL query:
INSERT INTO addresses(id,line1,line2,zip_code,city,state,country) VALUES(:id,:line1,:line2,:zipCode,:city,:state,:countryId)
I know that I can split the SQL query to handle cases with/without null parameters but it will be a little bit complicated if I have more that one conditional parameter.
Do you know a solution that can help me to keep one SQL query and handle conditional parameters in Java code?
As commented, the bindings object is not changing with conditionals since you call bind and bindNull methods without saving such changed states back to object. Therefore line2 and state parameters are never populated with values. To fix, consider re-assigning bindings to update the object before its return:
if(address.getLine2() == null) {
bindings = bindings.bindNull("line2", String.class);
} else {
bindings = bindings.bind("line2", address.getLine2());
if(address.getState() == null) {
bindings = bindings.bindNull("state", String.class);
} else {
bindings = bindings.bind("state", address.getState());
How do I do an or test with chai.should?
e.g. something like
What's the right syntax? I couldn't find anything in the documentation.
Asserts that the target is a member of the given array list. However, it’s often best to assert that the target is equal to its expected value.
expect(1)[1, 2, 3]);
expect(1)[2, 3, 4]);
Viewing the Chai expect / should documentation, there are several ways to do this test.
Note that you can chain using "and" but apparently not "or" - wish they had this functionality.
Check whether an object passes a truth test:
#param{ Function }matcher
#param{ String }message_optional_
Asserts that the target passes a given truth test.
expect(1).to.satisfy(function(num) { return num > 0; });
In your case, to test an "or" condition:
yourVariable.should.satisfy(function (num) {
if ((num === 4) || (num === 5)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Check whether a number is within a range:
.within(start, finish)
#param{ Number }startlowerbound inclusive
#param{ Number }finishupperbound inclusive
#param{ String }message_optional_
Asserts that the target is within a range.
I have a similar problem to write tests to postman. I solved using the following script:
// delete all products, need token with admin role to complete this operation
pm.test("response is ok and should delete all products", function() {
pm.expect(pm.response.code).to.satisfy((status) => status === 204 || status === 404);
Here, I shared exactly what you need to check.
expect(true).to.satisfy(() => {
if (total == 4 || total == 5) return true;
else return false;
Because chai assertions throw error you could use try/catch construction:
try {
} catch (e) {
example of more difficult case:
try {
expect(result)'data.' + options.path, null)
} catch (e) {
expect(result)'data', null)
I am working on a backend edit page for my custom entity. I have almost everything working, including saving a bunch of different text fields. I have a problem, though, when trying to set the value of a boolean field.
I have tried:
None seem to persist a change to my database.
How are you supposed to set a boolean field using magento ORM?
Looking at my database, mysql is storing the field as a tinyint(1), so magento may be seeing this as an int not a bool. Still can't get it to set though.
This topic has bring curiosity to me. Although it has been answered, I'd like to share what I've found though I didn't do intense tracing.
It doesn't matter whether the cache is enabled / disabled, the table schema will be cached.
It will be cached during save process.
Mage_Core_Model_Abstract -> save()
Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Db_Abstract -> save(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
public function save(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
//any conditional will eventually call for:
protected function _prepareDataForSave(Mage_Core_Model_Abstract $object)
return $this->_prepareDataForTable($object, $this->getMainTable());
protected function _prepareDataForTable(Varien_Object $object, $table)
$data = array();
$fields = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->describeTable($table);
foreach (array_keys($fields) as $field) {
if ($object->hasData($field)) {
$fieldValue = $object->getData($field);
if ($fieldValue instanceof Zend_Db_Expr) {
$data[$field] = $fieldValue;
} else {
if (null !== $fieldValue) {
$fieldValue = $this->_prepareTableValueForSave($fieldValue, $fields[$field]['DATA_TYPE']);
$data[$field] = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->prepareColumnValue($fields[$field], $fieldValue);
} else if (!empty($fields[$field]['NULLABLE'])) {
$data[$field] = null;
return $data;
See the line: $fields = $this->_getWriteAdapter()->describeTable($table);
public function describeTable($tableName, $schemaName = null)
$cacheKey = $this->_getTableName($tableName, $schemaName);
$ddl = $this->loadDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE);
if ($ddl === false) {
$ddl = parent::describeTable($tableName, $schemaName);
* Remove bug in some MySQL versions, when int-column without default value is described as:
* having default empty string value
$affected = array('tinyint', 'smallint', 'mediumint', 'int', 'bigint');
foreach ($ddl as $key => $columnData) {
if (($columnData['DEFAULT'] === '') && (array_search($columnData['DATA_TYPE'], $affected) !== FALSE)) {
$ddl[$key]['DEFAULT'] = null;
$this->saveDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE, $ddl);
return $ddl;
As we can see:
$ddl = $this->loadDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE);
will try to load the schema from cache.
If the value is not exists: if ($ddl === false)
it will create one: $this->saveDdlCache($cacheKey, self::DDL_DESCRIBE, $ddl);
So the problem that occurred in this question will be happened if we ever save the model that is going to be altered (add column, etc).
Because it has ever been $model->save(), the schema will be cached.
Later after he add new column and "do saving", it will load the schema from cache (which is not containing the new column) and resulting as: the data for new column is failed to be saved in database
Delete var/cache/* - your DB schema is cached by Magento even though the new column is already added to the MySQL table.
i'm using the following method for all data inserting and updating
processes in my application.i just need to pass array of sql quires to
the method.are there any disadvantages of using one common method.does
it cause any performance reduction in the application
public int ExecuteCommand(string[] sqls)
numberOfRecordsAffected = 0;
IngresConnection ingresConnection = new IngresConnection(ConnStr);
IngresTransaction ingresTransaction = null;
ingresTransaction = ingresConnection.BeginTransaction();
foreach (string sql in sqls)
IngresCommand ingresCommand = new IngresCommand(sql, ingresConnection, ingresTransaction);
ingresCommand.CommandTimeout = 0;
numberOfRecordsAffected += ingresCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (ingresTransaction != null)
if (ingresConnection != null)
return numberOfRecordsAffected;
See this opinionated article about dynamic sql. You ask specifically about performance which indeed is hurt a lot because your queries can't be cached by the database and each of them need to be parsed. The real worry should be about security though. It's so easy to do it wrong/incomplete at one point or the other and it's even harder to test if it has been messed up somewhere or not.