Where is the Template menu choice in CloudBees Jenkins? - cloudbees

I followed the instructions here: http://www.cloudbees.com/jenkins-enterprise-by-cloudbees-download.cb for RH6 installation, and I see the Template Project Plugin installed in the Manage Jenkins->Manage Plugins->Installed page in Jenkins. How come I don't see the Template choice in left pane? What am I missing?
I can't follow the tutorial here http://jenkins-enterprise.cloudbees.com/docs/user-guide-bundle/template.html# for example.

Resolution: you were not running Jenkins Enterprise after all.


Where to find Quarkus run configuration in Intellij IDEA?

Some time ago I used to run Quarkus projects in Linux as any other proyect, this means by clicking "Edit Configurations" and selecting "Quarkus (Maven)" as you can see in this picture:
But now I´m using Windows and those menus have disapeared:
As an alternative currently I´m running my Quarkus projects from Maven tab, which isn´t a fashion way:
So at the begining I thought this was due to a bug in Quarkus Tools plugin that I created a new issue, however that plugin does not offer such feature. Could anybody give a hand on how to run Quarkus projects as any other project? Thanks in advance.
Run configurations are offered by this plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/14242-quarkus-integration
Looks like it is discontinued though, marked as "deprecated" and it's not showing in the Plugin marketplace (within IntelliJ) for me, so I had to install it via the website.
AFAIK there are plans for the official JetBrains bundled plugin to support it (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228507), but it's not done yet.

Idea intelliJ for chef development

I am trying to using Idea IntelliJ 2016.3 for chef developmemt but can't see any plugin which can help me get started. Is there any plugin I can use to start with chef development?
I tried https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/1293-ruby and then https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7548-chef-integration . Downloaded the zips and tried to install from the local repo but it says Plugin is not compatible with the installation . I used the latest downloadables.
No need to download from external links. Can be done from IDE interface
Go to Add plugins in setting or press Ctrl+Alt+S
Search Chef Integration
If not found search in the repositories
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 1

How to write an IntelliJ IDEA Plugin?

IDEA has many plugins to use. I.e. IDEtalk is one of them which I use. How can I code a simple plugin that just connects to Internet and shows a web page? (no need for an address bar but it is not a problem to be). I want my plugin's shortcut's button locate at my IDE as like IDEtalk, Commander, Maven Projects etc.
Any ideas?
Check the documentation and the source code of the other plug-ins available in the public git repository of the Community Edition.
There is a Creating Your First Plugin guide on JetBrains web site. It covers all the needed steps from plugin creation to deployment to the plugin repository.
You might also want take a look in the source code of a simple plugin like Twitter Integration Plugin which I recently implemented. Or check a more complex one like this one.

Google Plugin for Eclipse

i am trying to install Plugin for Eclipse from site
http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/download.html using this site
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/download.html i have choose this one
http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.6-Eclipse 3.6 (Helios) according to these rules
http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/install-eclipse-3.6.html but when i put link
in the given location or new-install new software there is two choices sdk and plugin i chooses first both but i does not work then each other but neither of this two works it says does not find one or more given item please help
You install the Google Plugin for Eclipse using the Eclipse Install New Software process.
Here are the instructions, provided by Google, for adding the Google download link to Eclipse.

Force.com IDE - Eclipse Plugin doesn't work?

I'm new to Apex and have just downloaded Eclipse to get to work
Eclipse SDK 3.3.2
I've followed the instructions on
and have added the Remote site:
but i get a dialog telling me
"No features found on the selected site(s). Choose a different site or site category"
Any ideas what i've done wrong??
Try that process from a clean eclipse install, and repeat the installation steps, making sure that before clicking on "Finish" you unselect the checkbox at the lower left: "Ignore features not applicable to this environment".
Also, check if http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/ is accessible from your workstation.
Please check your proxy setting by accessing "http://www.adnsandbox.com/tools/ide/install/" URL in any of browser and update proxy setting in eclipse.
Force.com now has a standalone development environment that you don't need to download Eclipse for. Just putting it out there for people who stumble across this post.
Install the latest Eclipse Ganymede and try that.
Another good news for you is, force.com is coming with Eclipse galileo plugin in coming release.