SSMS 2008 Connecting to SQL Server 2012 - Intellisense? - intellisense

Has anyone had any luck getting intellisense in SSMS 2008 to work when connecting to a SQL Server 2012 (SP1) instance?
For me, it appears that this is not working.
Whilst I would consider upgrading to SSMS 2008 R2 (if intellisense works there against a 2012 instance), unfortunately I can't upgrade to SSMS 2012 at the moment.

I'm using SSMS 2008R2, and when I connect to my 2012 instance, I have intellisense working (as SSMS 2008R2 replaces SSMS 2008, I can't test the other way!)
In options -> Text editor -> All languages -> "Auto list members" is ticked.
Screenshot showing intellisense working (you can see in the object explorer this is a 2012 instance) :
Help -> About on SSMS:
Perhaps this MSDN page might help you solve this problem.


Migrate from Windows 2008 SQL Server to SQL CE (for WebMatrix)

I have some stuff in my remote SQL Server 2008 DB. I want to put it inside my SDF database (the WebMatrix one). But I can't just copy the rows from Navicat (while viewing table for SQL Server 08) into the SDF database because some rows don't let you manually insert stuff.
So I need a way to "Migrate" from Windows SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server CE (.sdf).
I think I have the right tools to accomplish this, but would appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction.
I have:
Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate RC
Web Matrix
Navicat Premium
Well, after hours of searching, I've managed to solve this issue.
How to Migrate/Downsize a SQL Server database to SQL Server Compact 4.0 (and 3.5) has an extremely straightforward approach to doing this.
Like myself, you may need to download the following tools (and place them in the same directory as your CMD.exe file:
SQL Compact Command Line Tool
SQL Compact data and schema script utility

Issue in sql server 2005 installing

I tried to install sql server 2005.After the installation i want to open sql server 2005.So i just click stat -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 but only sub menu(Configuration Tools) is there which is highlighted in below figure.So I can't open the sql server 2005.
the above screen sort is taken from another system.
the above screen sort is taken from my ssytem.
select Sql Server Management Studio from the menu it is last there in the menu in first selection
Take a look at this link.It will help you well.

LINQPAD, user instance and SQL Server 2012

I've never liked the User instance when attaching a database in linqpad. It only seemed to work for the SQLExpress edition not the full one. Now it's being depreciated in SQL Server 2012 (which is now released), do you intend to use the new localdb feature instead or in addition to the user instance?
LINQPad unticks the 'User Instance' checkbox by default if your server name doesn't contain "SQLEXPRESS". However, it does not disable the checkbox because it cannot be certain that that instance is not a SQL Express instance simply by the name.
LINQPad will still need to support user instances because it must still support SQL Express 2008 and SQL Express 2005.
Does it let you connect to a SQL 2012 localdb if you enter "(localdb)\v11.0" into the Server box?

SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Serve 2008 Express not playing ball

I have a database created on a box using SQL Server 2008 Express and am developing a website between that and another box (set up by a friend a while back) using 2008 R2. Unfortunately, I've hit two problems.
The first is that on the R2 box, while it will load in the database from 2008, it won't allow me to add tables (it gives the well worn and completely useless Specified module cannot be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E) - I can do everything else but add tables.
The second is that when the file is accessed and updated to SVN, the other box cannot use it as the version numbers differ (655 [2008 Express] on one 661 on the other with no downgrade path). Grrr!
My plan is to do this - copy the SQL file on the 2008 R2 box to an SQL script. Remove R2 from the machine completely and just do a default install of 2008 and reimport the script. Only problem is that I'm clueless on how to do it.
Can anyone recommend a piece of kit that will do this or point me in the direction of a website that may help? Google produces masses of hits, but doesn't always help on this one.
From your description, it appears that you've got SQL Express 2008, not SQL Express 2008 R2;
Have you considered upgrading the SQL Express to SQL Express 2008 R2
SQL Express isn't a version, but is just an Edition. It might be easier to upgrade the SQL Express 2008 to SQL Express 2008 R2.
But... this is probably what you are looking for if you are set on exporting the database to a script.

Is there any way to view whitespace in the query editor for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005?

I have it enabled in Visual Studio 2008, but I'd really like to enable this feature in SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express. Does anyone know if its possible? Maybe in a later version?
EDIT: Sorry, I meant specifically in the text/query editor.
In case you still need to know how to do this.
Edit the Registry Key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER:
Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\xx\Tools\Shell\Text Editor\Visible Whitespace
Where xx is the version you have (90 is 2005, 100 is 2008)
And set it to 1 to show. Or for SQL Server 2012 and up client tools it is also in HKCU:
Software\Microsoft\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\v\Text Editor\Visible Whitespace
where v in SQL Server 2012 is 11.0 and in SQL Server 2014 is 12.0.
Try doing Ctrl R, Ctrl W (or activate from menu Edit > Advanced > View White Space).
This is Edit.ViewWhiteSpace command (you can see this in Tools>Options>Keyboard) and should be assigned to that keyboard combination. You can in fact also type this command in Command Window (Ctrl+Alt+A).
This worked for me with Server Management Studio 11.0.2100.60.
Starting in SSMS 2012 this is available in Edit > Advanced > View White Space
SSMS (2005, I don't know about 2008) does not provide this functionality.
However, you could use a font that uses visible glyphs for spaces and tabs, like this:
I used a free font editor called Type Light to make a copy of an existing font, with a visible space glyph.
I know it's a hack, but where there's a will there's usually a way...