Testing ServiceStack Basic authentication - authentication

ServiceStack provides an example where the different methods of authentication are tested in code. I was trying to build a simple browser test, just to see how it works.
I basically used this: ServiceStack Web Service with Basic Authentication and SetCredentials as a base template.
When I go to the metadata page, I see that Auth is listed as one of the available operations.
What do I need to enter as URL, to test whether Auth is working? For example localhost/ServiceStack.Hello/hello/suraj is what I typed in to test the hello world app. How do I test for authentication?
P.s: This is probably a Noob Question, so my apologies in advance.

See ServiceStack's AuthTests.cs for examples on how to test BasicAuth with a C# client.
If you want to do it manually you'll have to use something like Fiddler that will let you manually specify the BasicAuth Authorization: Basic ... HTTP Header. See the wikipedia reference on HTTP BasicAuth for an example.


ASP.NET OData / Web API Authentication and documentation

I am implementing an OData endpoint on an ASP.NET application, and am working right now on the authentication part. I looked at the example at http://odata.github.io/WebApi/05-01-basic-auth/ for implementing HTTP Basic authentication. However, the example looks very weird to me, even though it the article gives an impression that this is how you implement generic custom authentication on a RESTful API.
It implements authentication on the stage of a pipeline where you are supposed to implement authorization. My understanding is that when OnAuthorization is called, you are supposed to already have the principal set and the only thing left to do is checking if the principal has enough access to perform the requested action.
What is the deal with that call to IsAuthorized? Isn't that supposed to be a side-effect free method?
So I basically would like to check from somebody who is more familiar with ASP.NET Web API to confirm if this is a) the correct way to do things b) a hackish but safe way to do things or c) something dangerous that should never be present in production code.
You are right, authentication should be implemented in separate AuthenticationFilter or even in HttpModule. You can find example here: authentication filter, http module.

Protect Swagger Endpoint with Basic Auth

I use Swagger in my web api project:
.EnableSwagger(c =>...
an so on. We also use SwaggerUI. Works like a charm.
For production we don't like the swagger UI to be available and we would like to protect it with basic auth. Afaik there is no such functionality available out of the box. Is there a way to do it with some kind of 'hack' in the web api? Can i register a dedicated filter only for a specific route or something like this?
Thank you for your help
The web server that you use may support enabling HTTP basic authentication for URL matching certain pattern (e.g. starting with /swagger-ui).

Windows Live Writer Authorization with custom AtomPub service

I've been working lately on my own WCF AtomPub service (based on the example in the "WCF REST Starter Kit") for using WLW with my custom written blog. All basic actions such as adding, updating, retrieving and deleting an entry are working "fine".
Although, right now I'm a little stuck when trying to implement the authentication. I can't seem to understand how WLW manages the authentication with AtomPub services.
I've tried to implement it on my side by checking the Authorization header. If not present sending the Unauthorized header etc... but their fails WLW on me.
I also checked all headers send by WLW (for exemple when adding an entry) but I can't seem to find anything related to authentication.
I must say that the WCF service currently is hosted in the same site as my website. And the IIS authentication is set to Unauthorized and Forms. All others are disabled.
Can anyone help me into the right direction? Some interesting websites for example explaining this? (something I have missed in my searches on the web).
I had to write an atompub service for the Live Writer about an year ago. These blog posts helped me a lot at that time: http://jcheng.wordpress.com/2007/10/15/how-wlw-speaks-atompub-introduction/. For your case you may look at part 2. In short - "Use Basic, Digest, or X-WSSE over HTTP or HTTPS". I used the basic authentication and had to use this library MADAM http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa479391.aspx to get forms and basic authentication work together. I hope this helps.

REST WCF 4 Service with Custom Basic Authentication over SSL in IIS

I'm looking for a complete step-by-step guide or a sample project about implementing a RESTful Service using .NET 4.0 using Custom Basic Authentication over HTTPS hosted in IIS.
I've been googling about it for 3 days and I could only find either an implementation with WCF 3.5 which is very different, or without Custom Basic Authentication, or without SSL.
Basically I implemented my REST service on WCF 4, and added SSL, but I can't use a custom authentication using my custom users database.
Any references would be really appreciated.
It's not currently possible using the available WCF extension points.
It is possible with custom HTTP module allowing basic authentication against custom credential store. Built-in module in IIS supports only windows accounts.
I wrestled with this for a while and ended up just implementing basic auth in my service. Check WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.Headers for an 'Authorization' header. If it's missing or the credentials don't match set the challenge header and return a 401 status:
WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Headers.Add("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"myrealm\"");
throw new WebFaultException<string>("Username and password needed", HttpStatus.Unauthorized);
That's enough to trigger a browser to prompt the user for credentials. See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2617 for more on basic auth, http://ithoughthecamewithyou.com/post/Basic-HTTP-auth-for-an-IIS-hosted-WCF-4-RESTful-service.aspx for more on this frustrating missing capability.

Basic Authentication with WCF REST service to something other than windows accounts?

Is there a clean way to expose a WCF REST service that requires basic authentication, but where we handle the actual validation of the username/password ourselves? It seems that when you tell WCF in config that you want to use basic authentication, it forces you to turn on basic authentication in IIS and IIS can only do basic authentication against window accounts.
The only hack we have found is to lie to WCF and tell it there is no security on the service and then do authentication outside of the WCF stack using a generic IHttpModule (which has a proprietary config file to indicate which URLs have which authentication/authorization requirements).
It seems like there should be a better way. Anyone have one?
The WCF REST Contrib library enables this functionality:
It also allows you to secure individual operations.
is the username and password set on the client like:
cc.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = ReturnUsername();
cc.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = ReturnPassword();
Or are they embedded in the body of the REST message?
If the former, you can use a custom UserNamePasswordValidator:
If the latter, you can set the service to no security, and use a custom ServiceAuthorizationManager to validate the contents of the message:
Hope one or the other helps! I'd try to post sample code & config, but I'm # home and dont have access to code, which is all # work.
See Custom Basic Authentication for RESTful services. Pablo's approach uses the interceptor functionality that is provided via the REST starter kit to solve the problem. If you do not want to depend on the REST starter kit, then you can create your own service host and use the inteceptor functionality provided.
If you host it on IIS, using custom http module is the way to go. You can bring over the principal over to WCF side to do code access security. See HTTP Basic Authentication against Non-Windows Accounts in IIS/ASP.NET (Part 3 - Adding WCF Support). Also see Custom HTTP Basic Authentication for ASP.NET Web Services on .NET 3.5/VS 2008.
If you are not using IIS, you should be able to implement userNameAuthentication. See Finally! Usernames over Transport Authentication in WCF.
Yes absolutely there is a way. You need to configuring a custom userNamePasswordValidationMode value for your service and point it to a class with an overridden method that can inspect and validate the credentials provided. When making a RESTful call, these credentials when using Basic authentication in its proper form should be in the request header. With this custom method you can inspect the credentials and then authenticate the client to your service. No Windows accounts or domain even needed.
The nice thing is you can then take that security context to the next level and provide fine-grained authrization at the method level. You might have instances where a large pool of clients are able to access the service, but not all methods within (i.e. paid clients vs. unpaid). In this case you can also provide authorization at the method level as well if needed.
Below is a step-by-step solution (with too many steps to embed) by me that contains both the needed configuration and security required to have a complete solution. The problem is often Basic authentication is used without securing the Transport with a SSL certificate and this is bad. Make sure to follow all the steps and you will implement Basic authentication without the need of any type of Windows accounts or configuration on your WCF RESTful based service.
RESTful Services: Authenticating Clients Using Basic Authentication