Apache download files with specific extension - apache

I have download directory on apache webserver. Files in this directory have specific extensions. For example *.yyy and *.zzz. But all these files are renamed .zip or .tar.gz
I've tested in different brawsers and havn't got any problems.
But some users tell that they get source of packages, not download.
I've created.htaccess
AddType application/zip .zzz
AddType application/x-gzip .yyy
But when I try to download aaa.yyy in MS Internet Explorer it try to save not aaa.yyy but aaa.gz
How to force browsers download files and not to change extensions?

<FilesMatch "\.(zzz|yyy)$">
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
Force type tell browsers that you dont know file type. So they are not going to do any thing stupid. Second line will tell them to download this file.


XAMPP .htaccess AddEncoding br brotli

I install no my MacOs HighSierra fresh XAMPP (osx-7.4.6-0-vm) and start it - server runs on IP . Then I mount /opt/lampp and click to Explore. The Finder window open and I go to directory htdocs/. Then inside htdocs I create folder assets and inside it I copy file alice.wasm (this file is compressed using brotli (br)). You can download this test (brotli compressed) file using this jsfiddle generator. Inside htdocs I create following .htaccess file
<IfModule mod_mime.c>
AddType application/wasm .wasm
AddEncoding br .wasm
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/wasm
When I go to browser not download file and in chrome>networks tab I see (here are more details)
However, when I change AddEncoding br .wasm to AddEncoding rar .wasm (or instead 'br' I use zip, or none) then browser download file (details) but the problem is that browser automatically NOT decompress file (so it save compressed file).
When I put this .htacces file and alice.wasm file to some AZURE apache-like server (but I don't have access to it configuration files) then browser download file and decompress it on the fly (details) - so this is POSSIBLE.
Question: What I should do to make XAMPP working as expected?
brotli module works only on HTTPS mod. See it here: why does not brotli work on http?. If you have ssl certificate, it will work there.
It is very strange, but when I enable port forwarding
And go to http://localhost:8080/assets/alice.wasm then Chrome download file and automatically decompress it (exactly what I want). AZURE works on HTTPS and file was downloaded properly probably because brotli compression is support only for HTTPS - however probably on Chrome localhost is 'special' and allows it too.

Forcing download using <filesMatch> in .htaccess not working just for one filetype

Internet Explorer is displaying contents of some files instead of downloading them. I was able to fix this by adding
<FilesMatch "\.(asapt|ob2|cub)$">
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
to .htaccess. It works for .asapt and .cub files, but strangely not for .ob2 (they are still being displayed in-browser). Why?

Make file downloadable without any file extension

I know we can make file downloadable using
AddType application/octect-stream .png
But if I have a file that dont have any extension (FileName) then how I will make that downloadable? or is there anyway to make all file downloadable within a directory?
You can try this directive on your site configuration (apache2):
DefaultType application/octet-stream
And this for nginx:
default_type application/octet-stream;
Use this in .htaccess is recommended:
<filesMatch "^([^.]+)$">
Header set Content-Disposition "attachment"
(This won't work with Chrome, it will append ".txt" to the filename, and it's a known bug)
This will prevent browser from showing the file content inline and let browser download it instead.
Executable file extension like .php (if you've installed), your browser will download the execution result(not the source code), is that what you want?

How to create direct download link for pdf

I have uploaded a pdf file in ftp server. The following link opens pdf file in the browser.
How to create a link for pdf file so that it is downloaded directly instead of opening in the browser?
Locate the .htaccess-file on your FTP server. This is usually hidden, so you might have to make sure you can view and edit hidden files. You can then modify it to force downloads instead of showing up in the browser.
Include the following in the file:
AddType application/octet-stream .pdf
I am unsure whether this will work in any browser; if not, try the following in the .htaccess-file:
<FilesMatch "\.(?i:pdf)$">
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment
Method 2:
<FilesMatch "\.(pdf)$" >
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header add Content-Disposition "attachment"
This is something you can't really control, it's based on browser/user settings.
If you're able to, you can try sending the header Content-disposition: attachment; filename="Appointment_static.pdf" with the file contents, which might trigger a download dialog rather than the file being shown in the browser, but you can't really rely on that.

how to change mime types in MAMP

I'm developing a website that has a HTML5 video. It looks like when ogg files are served with other mime types than video/ogg firefox flips. I've updated the mime.types file inside the mamp/apache/config folder and have restarted the MAMP server multiple times, but ogg files are still served with plain/text context-type.
Can someone point out what I need to do?
The only time I'm able to change the mime type is if I change the DefaultType text/plain to DefaultType video/ogg which is stupid.
The mime.types file is in Applications/MAMP/conf/apache
There you can alter your mime types.
Reset server after changing the file for it to take effect.
Do you have mod_mime_magic installed and enabled? Is your mime magic working correctly? When you do file -m on one of your OGG files, does it say it is a plain text file? Are the file extensions correct?
Adding mime-type is the same for all, it's just you need to understand how the types will be applied and what's the mime-type point is. In this answer I'll how I tried to add WebAssembly mime-type application/wasm in MAMP.
Here it goes:
I recently tried WebAssembly in MAMP and configured out the below mime-type that works for me.
First, we need to navigate the folder of MAMP in MacOS's Applications/MAMP/conf/apache, And then open the file mime.types in any editor.
After opening the file, add the following line anywhere in the mime.types file:
application/wasm wasm
Here is the example wasm mime type in my mime.types file:
application/wasm wasm
In MAMP Pro these days you can add <VirtualHost> parameters using the gui. Here's a screenshot showing how I add MIME types for .mjs and .wasm as:
AddType application/javascript .mjs
AddType application/wasm wasm
Don't forget to restart the server after adding.