Causing SSH to Time Out (client side) - ssh

I have a little Raspberry Pi that I'm playing with. I've got it running headless, and I need to make it forward one of its ports to a remote server when certain conditions are satisfied.
However, I don't want the connection to sit indefinitely until the server closes it. Is there a way to close an SSH connection (from the client, I have no root to the server) after a certain amount of time? Ideally I'd do it directly via the ssh command, but I'm writing in Python 3, so if there's a way to do this in Python, then I'm all ears.

In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
ClientAliveInterval <time interval in seconds>
ClientAliveCountMax 0
So using 300 in the first directive will kick the connection after 5 minutes idle. You'll need to restart sshd to make it take effect.

try ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=10

Unless you run ssh with the "-N" option, it normally launches some kind of command or shell on the remote system (the Pi in this case). Ssh disconnects when this remote command exits.
If you're running ssh just to create some port forwards, you may be running with "-N", or you may be letting the ssh session sit at a command prompt. Instead, you could launch a command on the Pi which exits after the desired period of time. You could use the sleep command, for example:
ssh -Lwhatever -Rwhatever user#pi "sleep 3600"


run noninteractive ssh command in background immeidately suspends the job

(1) I can run the following command and get the output successfully
ssh server hostname
(2) If I run it in background (not to background hotname, but to background ssh)
ssh server hostname &
and do nothing other than wait, I can get the output
(3) However, if before it finishes I type any key to the terminal, the job immediately turns into suspended state
[ZSH] suspended (tty input) ssh server hostname
[BASH] Stopped ssh server hostname
What is the reason for this and how to solve it?
I just use hostname as an example. You can try using sleep 5 instead if the program returns too quickly. The actual program I want to run lasts for minutes.
Use ssh -T -f server hostname as the manual page states:
-f requests ssh to go to background just before command execution.
This is useful if ssh is going to ask for passwords or
passphrases, but the user wants it in the background. This
implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a
remote site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.
If the ExitOnForwardFailure configuration option is set to “yes”,
then a client started with -f will wait for all remote port for-
wards to be successfully established before placing itself in the
-T Disable pseudo-tty allocation.

How to do other "stuff" in the same terminal where you establish an SSH tunnel

I often use an ssh tunnel. I open up one terminal to create the tunnel (e.g. ssh -L 1111:servera:2222 user#serverb). Then I open a new terminal to do my work. Is there a way to establish the tunnel in a terminal and somehow put it in the background so I don't need to open up a new terminal? I tried putting "&" at the end, but that didn't do the trick. The tunnel went into the background before I could enter the password. Then I did fg, entered the password and I was stuck in the ssh session.
I know one possible solution would be to use screen or tmux or something like that. Is there a simple solution I'm missing?
There is the -f and -N options exactly for that:
-f Requests ssh to go to background just before command execution. This is useful if
ssh is going to ask for passwords or passphrases, but the user wants it in the
background. This implies -n. The recommended way to start X11 programs at a remote
site is with something like ssh -f host xterm.
If the ExitOnForwardFailure configuration option is set to ``yes'', then a client
started with -f will wait for all remote port forwards to be successfully established
before placing itself in the background.
-N Do not execute a remote command. This is useful for just forwarding ports
(protocol version 2 only).
So the full command would be ssh -fNL 1111:servera:2222 user#serverb.
A way to prevent ssh asking for the password would also be to use SSH public keys for authentication with an agent that either saves the password or prompts it using an external graphical program such as pinentry.
It might also be useful for you to look into autossh, which will reconnect your SSH automatically if the connection drops.

start ssh-agent in remote ssh session

I connect to a server that runs xubuntu and start ssh-agent there. Then I execute ssh-add on the remote server and run rysnc commands that would require to enter the passwort mutliple times.
With my solution I only have to enter it one time. But how can I start the ssh-agent permanentely? I want to reuse it over multiple ssh sessions.
My solution so far:
ssh myhost 'eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add;'
You can use agent-forwarding in ssh: -A switch. Basically, it will create the agent on your host and when you connect to myhost, you will have your agent in all your sessions and you will not be prompted for password again.
Basically agent should be started automatically with your session, so all you need to do is to add your keys locally and then connect to remote hosts with -A switch.
It is impossible to have running ssh-agent permanently, since it is running under your session. Basically if you don't close the first session, there is some way to connect to it, but it is certainly not the thing you want to do

keep server running on EC2 instance after ssh is terminated

Currently, I have two servers running on an EC2 instance (MongoDB and bottlepy). Everything works when I SSHed to the instance and started those two servers. However, when I closed the SSH session (the instance is still running), I lost those two servers. Is there a way to keep the server running after logging out? I am using Bitvise Tunnelier on Windows 7.
The instance I am using is Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 LTS.
For those landing here from a google search, I would like to add tmux as another option. tmux is widely used for this purpose, and is preinstalled on new Ubuntu EC2 instances.
Managing a single session
Here is a great answer by Hamish Downer given to a similar question over at
I would use a terminal multiplexer - screen being the best known, and tmux being a more recent implementation of the idea. I use tmux, and would recommend you do to.
Basically tmux will run a terminal (or set of terminals) on a computer. If you run it on a remote server, you can disconnect from it without the terminal dying. Then when you login in again later you can reconnect, and see all the output you missed.
To start it the first time, just type
Then, when you want to disconnect, you do Ctrl+B, D (ie press Ctrl+B, then release both keys, and then press d)
When you login again, you can run
tmux attach
and you will reconnect to tmux and see all the output that happened. Note that if you accidentally lose the ssh connection (say your network goes down), tmux will still be running, though it may think it is still attached to a connection. You can tell tmux to detach from the last connection and attach to your new connection by running
tmux attach -d
In fact, you can use the -d option all the time. On servers, I have this in my >.bashrc
alias tt='tmux attach -d'
So when I login I can just type tt and reattach. You can go one step further >if you want and integrate the command into an alias for ssh. I run a mail client >inside tmux on a server, and I have a local alias:
alias maileo='ssh -t tmux attach -d'
This does ssh to the server and runs the command at the end - tmux attach -d The -t option ensures that a terminal is started - if a command is supplied then it is not run in a terminal by default. So now I can run maileo on a local command line and connect to the server, and the tmux session. When I disconnect from tmux, the ssh connection is also killed.
This shows how to use tmux for your specific use case, but tmux can do much more than this. This tmux tutorial will teach you a bit more, and there is plenty more out there.
Managing multiple sessions
This can be useful if you need to run several processes in the background simultaneously. To do this effectively, each session will be given a name.
Start (and connect to) a new named session:
tmux new-session -s session_name
Detach from any session as described above: Ctrl+B, D.
List all active sessions:
tmux list-sessions
Connect to a named session:
tmux attach-session -t session_name
To kill/stop a session, you have two options. One option is to enter the exit command while connected to the session you want to kill. Another option is by using the command:
tmux kill-session -t session_name
If you don't want to run some process as a service (or via an apache module) you can (like I do for using IRC) use gnome-screen Install screen
screen keeps running on your server even if you close the connection - and thus every process you started within will keep running too.
It would be nice if you provided more info about your environment but assuming it's Ubuntu Linux you can start the services in the background or as daemons.
sudo service mongodb start
nohup python &
(Use nohup if you want are in a ssh session and want to prevent it from closing file descriptors)
You can also run your app using Apache mod_wsgi. (Running under the apache service) More info here:
Hope this helps.
Addition: (your process still runs after you exit the ssh session)
Take this example
import time
Then run:
$ python3 &
[1] 3027
$ ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep
ubuntu 3027 2986 0 18:50 pts/3 00:00:00 python3
$ exit
Then ssh back to the server
$ ps -Af | grep -v grep | grep
ubuntu 3027 1 0 18:50 ? 00:00:00 python3
Process still running (notice with no tty)
You will want the started services to disconnect from the controlling terminal. I would suggest you use nohup to do that, e.g.
ssh my.server "/bin/sh -c nohup /path/to/service"
you may need to put an & in there (in the quotes) to run it in the background.
As others have commented, if you run proper init scripts to start/stop services (or ubuntu's service command), you should not see this issue.
If on Linux based instances putting the job in the background followed by disown seems to do the job.
$ ./script &
$ disown

Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 52698

I'm using SSH to access my university's afs system. I like to use rmate (remote TextMate), which requires SSH tunneling, so I included this alias in my .bashrc.
alias sshr=ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698
It has always worked until now.
I had the same problem. In order to find the port that is already open, you have to issue this command on the '' computer:
sudo netstat -plant | grep 52698
And then kill all of the processes that come up with this (replace xxxx with the process ids)
sudo kill -9 xxxx
(UPDATED: changed the option to be -plant as it is a nice mnemonic)
I had another SSH connection open. I just needed to close that connection before I opened my SSH tunnel.
Further Explanation:
Once one ssh connection has been established, subsequent connections will produce a message:
Warning: remote port forwarding failed for listen port 52698
This message is harmless, as the forward can only be set up once and one forward will work for all ssh connections to the same machine. The original ssh session that opened the forward will stay open when you exit the shell until all remote editing sessions are finished.
I experienced this problem, but it was while connecting to a server on which I don't have sudo priviliges, so the top response suggesting runing sudo netstat ... wasn't feasible for me.
I eventually figured out it was because there were still instances of rmate running, so I used ps to list the running processes and then kill -9 pid (where pid is the process ID for rmate).
This solved my problem reported here as well. To avoid this notification "AllowTcpForwarding" should be enabled in SSH config.
In my case, the problem was that the remote system didn't have DNS properly set up, and it couldn't even resolve its own hostname. Make sure you have a working DNS in /etc/resolv.conf at the remote system.